Romeo (Blood Brothers) (4 page)

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“How can you tell for sure?”

Nya shrugged. “When you’ve been around them enough, there are subtle nuances and signs you pick up like their abilities. And when those are evident, you can always tell in the eyes. There just seems to be a touch of weariness present the older a vampire gets.”

Christine was fascinated by this lesson. It wasn’t often Nya shared any information on her kind. She fluffed her hair as she examined herself in the mirror. “I wonder if they want to drink all of our blood.”

Nya rolled her eyes. “I’m sure it has crossed their minds but I think they have something a little more carnal in mind.”

Christine giggled. “Here’s hoping.” She glanced at Nya in the mirror and noticed her face remained expressionless. “You don’t seem very happy about that.”

Nya’s expression remained unreadable. “Even if I were in the mood for what they have in mind, which I’m not, I’m not free to partake.”

Christine paused and turned to face her friend. Was this another clue into Nya’s mysterious life? “What do you mean, you’re not free? You’re here with me. You can do what you want. I’ve seen you kick a couple of goons’ asses single-handedly.”

know,” her friend answered simply.

“Who is
?” Christine wondered if Nya was in a dangerous situation she couldn’t get out of. She never thought of her friend not being able to handle herself in any situation but now, she wasn’t so sure. That brief glimpse of vulnerability the vampire just showed only underlined how much Christine didn’t know about Nya.

“It’s not important. Forget I mentioned it.”

“How can I? I respect your privacy but you were the one who brought this up.”

“I said forget it,” the other woman hissed. Her eyes started to glow and Christine took a step backward.

“You’re scaring me, Nya,” Christine whispered.

Slowly, Nya’s eyes went back to their natural brown shade. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Look, I thought I was up for a night out but I think I should get going. As for Romeo and his friend, I sense that they mean no harm, but be careful anyway.”

Christine realized it would be a waste of time trying to convince her friend to stick around judging from the determined gleam in her eyes. “I’m sorry to see you go but now that I’m out, I’d like to stick around. I want the one with the short hair. Romeo. I wonder if that’s his real name.”

“Yes. It is.”

“How do you know? Have you met him before?”

“No. But he and his brothers are well known in immortal circles.”

“What have you heard about him?” Christine wanted to know everything about Romeo. She wasn’t sure why she felt such a strong pull to someone she’d just met but she hoped by the end of the night, she’d learn a lot more.

“Too much.” Nya’s tone left no doubt in Christine’s mind that she had no intention of elaborating.

“That doesn’t sound very reassuring. Is this why you dragged me into the bathroom? To warn me off? Is there something I should know about him?”

“No. I’m just urging you to be cautious. Vampires aren’t to be trusted.”

“But you’re a vampire.”

“That’s why I know.”

“You have such a seeming dislike for your own kind. Don’t you have any vampire friends?”

“One. But there’s an exception to every rule.”

“Is it the
who seems to know what you’re up to even though he’s not here?”

Nya narrowed her eyes and Christine immediately realized she’d made a mistake in bringing this unnamed entity up. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. You share so little about yourself that it’s only natural I’d be curious.”

Nya remained silent.

Christine touched Nya’s arm. “Please don’t be angry with me.”

Nya let out a sound between a grunt and a sigh. “I couldn’t be angry with you. And maybe I should be more open with you but let’s just say that kind of thing isn’t exactly my forte. I’m sorry I can’t be that type of friend to you, Christine.”

“There’s no need for you to apologize. I shouldn’t have brought it back up after you told me to drop it.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“So…should I forget about trying to hook up with Romeo tonight?”

“You’re an adult. I can’t presume to tell you what to do. If I thought you were in real danger, I’d say so, but if I were you, I’d be very careful about getting involved with him beyond a one night stand. He’s more of the love them and leave them type.”

Christine raised a brow. “Do you know more about him than you’re letting on?”

“Like I said, he’s known in many immortal circles. His reputation precedes him.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Only if your heart becomes involved.”

Christine fell silent and tried to digest all that Nya had said... and hadn’t said. “Well, it’s not like I’ll have many more opportunities like this, will I? For just this one night, I want to throw caution to the wind.”

A sad gleam flashed in Nya’s eyes.

“Don’t you dare look at me like that. I couldn’t stand it if you pitied me.”

“I can fix it for you.” The vampire reached out and gripped Christine’s hand, holding onto it as though she didn’t want to let go.

“No. It isn’t meant to be.”

“I... I don’t have many friends. Actually, you’re my only human friend and when I’m with you, I almost feel human again.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way, you know. You don’t have to shut yourself off from the rest of the world.”

“My choice was taken away from me years ago, but you still have a chance, Christine.”

“No. I couldn’t ask you. Besides, I’m not sure I want to be—”

Nya held up her hand. “Say no more. I understand, but your decision still saddens me greatly. Had I been give the same choice, I would have chosen a different path, too.”

“There is redemption in forgiveness, Nya.” Christine reached up and touched the smooth contours on the vampire’s cheek.

Nya released Christine’s hand and stepped away from her touch. “My soul has already been damned. Forgiveness would do it no good.” The expression on her face became unreadable once more. “If you want to be with Romeo tonight, then you have my blessing. But if he hurts you, I will gut him like a fish.”

Christine winced at her friend’s graphic statement. At times it was easy to forget Nya was a vampire, but when Christine was reminded of it, it made her more aware of her own mortality. “Will you at least still be around for a little while? I know you want to leave but could you hang out just a bit longer?”

Nya sighed. “For you, I will. But no more than an hour.”

“Thank you! You’re the best. What are you going to do about Wolf? He seems quite taken with you,” Christine teased.

“He’ll have to find his amusement elsewhere. I’m sure he’ll have no problem finding someone to fuck. The women in this club seem to be in heat.”

“But from the looks of it, he only has eyes for you.”

“Not my problem.”

“Poor guy.”

“Hardly. He’ll forget about me the second I leave the club. Perhaps you might want to give him a tr—”

“But I want Romeo.”

“There’s no reason why you can’t have them both. Vampires, if nothing else, are a kinky bunch.”

“Are you suggesting they’d be interested in a threesome?”

Nya lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Why not?”

“It’s bad enough that I’m contemplating a one-night stand with a complete stranger, and a vampire at that.”

“What happened to throwing caution to the wind?”

“That just seems a bit much.”

“Why? They’re both attractive enough.”

“I don’t know. It seems so... crazy.”

“Well, it’s your call, but whatever you decide, just be safe.”

“I will.”

Nya smiled actually baring teeth. “Good.” She turned around and headed out the door, Christine on her heels. When they made it back to the VIP lounge, the men were talking quietly, sipping their drinks.

The look of desire in Romeo’s cobalt eyes made Christine shiver. The stirrings of lust shot throughout her body. Her pussy tingled and she licked her lips in anticipation. That this sexy man returned her interest thrilled her beyond words.

Christine glanced at Wolf, who seemed only to have eyes for Nya. Although the thought of a threesome with two drop-dead gorgeous men sounded tempting, Christine knew Romeo would be all the man she needed tonight.

Romeo encompassed both women in his smile, but his gaze stayed on her face. She smiled back, glad she’d decided to come out with Nya tonight. “So what would you ladies like to drink tonight?” He slid closer to Christine as he spoke, his smile so deadly, it almost made her pulse stop.

Though he was masculine in every sense of the word, Christine had never seen a more beautiful man. She didn’t realize she’d been staring blankly at him until Nya not so subtly cleared her throat on the other side of the table. “Oh, uh, I’m not a big drinker but a bottled water would be nice.”

Romeo’s smile widened. “I was sure you were a cosmopolitan type of girl. Or perhaps, an appletini.”

Christine giggled. “Kind of sexist of you, don’t you think? In my partying days, I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those girly drinks. I was more of a tequila or vodka with cranberry kind-of-girl. But some nights when I wanted to get straight up wasted, I liked whiskey straight up.”

Romeo’s eyes brows shot up. “I’m impressed, a woman after my own heart.” He signaled over a server who appeared seemingly out of nowhere. And within minutes, Christine had a bottled water in hand. She saw that Nya, who had declined the offer of a drink, wore an extremely bored expression on her face. Wolf, however, seemed determined.

She returned her full attention back to Romeo. Her heart pounded faster as he slid even closer. “So uh, what brings you out here tonight?” She inwardly groaned at how corny that must have sounded.

Romeo seemed unfazed however. “Just wanted to unwind and perhaps find some pleasant company for the night.” His dark blue glazed slid over the length of her body. “I’m hoping that search is over.”

She shivered at the implication of his words. It was now or never. With a shaky hand, she reached over, placed a hand on his thigh and slid it until she found a hard a bulge. She bit the inside of her lip to hold back a gasp at what seemed to be quite a package. “I hope so, too.” She’d never been this bold with anyone in her life and it was scary and exciting at the same time.

He leaned over and grazed his nose against her neck. “You’re playing with fire, sweetness. Don’t start something you can’t finish.” His warm whisper fanned her ear.

Christine tingled all over. She’d never been this eager for anyone. “I rarely tease.”

“Good because I think you’ll make the perfect companion for the night.”

The subtle gleam of appreciation in the gorgeous blond vampire’s eyes let Christine know she would not go home alone tonight.


Chapter Four

Your baby is going to die. You will finally pay for the sins of the past, Grimaldi.

A tall woman with long, dark red hair laughed, holding a swaddled baby in her arms. The baby
cried in
earnest, its little red face scrunched up in frustration. Maggie raced toward them, but by the time she reached the maniacal woman, she was gone.

bloody baby’s blanket that the baby had been wrapped in lay on the floor, empty. Maggie fell to her knees and screamed.

Once she started screaming, she couldn’t stop. Hands gripped her shoulders and she fought against their hold. Maggie scratched and clawed at them, trying to break free when she suddenly felt a sharp sting on her cheek.

Her eyes flew open.

“Maggie, are you okay?” GianMarco’s beloved face held a look of concern. Her heart pounded a thousand beats a minute and her body was drenched with sweat. She placed her hand protectively over the rounded hump of her belly and breathed a sigh of relief. Her baby still rested safely in her womb.

Maggie looked around, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of their bedroom until she could make out everything. She was safe in her bed with her husband. “What... what happened?” She touched her now-aching cheek.

GianMarco took her hand and grazed her knuckles with his lips. “Forgive me,
ciccina mia
. I tried to wake you, but you didn’t respond, so I tapped your cheek. It was much harder than I intended, but you frightened me. I don’t think I have ever heard anything quite like the sound you made. There was a terror in that scream that made me frightened for your life. I had to wake you up somehow.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad you did. I don’t ever want to have a dream like that again.” Tears coursed down her face. It had seemed so real.

GianMarco wrapped his arms around her and Maggie rested her head against his solid chest. She always felt safest whenever he held her like this. They’d been married for four months and soon they would welcome their first child into the world.

Maggie had never known what true happiness was until GianMarco had entered her life. After suffering through a disastrous twenty-some odd years of marriage, her confidence had been shattered. But this sexier than sin vampire had taught her what true love was. Since being with GianMarco, everything in her life was going better than she could have possibly hoped for.

The one thing that had taken some getting used to was becoming a vampire herself. She was just beginning to get the hang of it. The changes in her body didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore. Maggie was learning to handle her newly heightened senses and extra strength, but because she carried a child now, she was very tired, much more tired than she’d been when she’d carried her first two children. Vampire fetuses not only feed from their mother’s food supply, but her blood as well and it was draining. Maggie was constantly in need of feedings and she slept most of her days.

She ran her thumb over the sensual curve of GianMarco’s bottom lip. “I’m sorry I frightened you.”

“What made you scream like that?” Worry etched his handsome face.

“I had that dream again... about the baby, but this time it was much worse.”

“Was it the same woman from before?”

“Yes. It was horrible. She disappeared with the baby, but I think she killed it, because all that was left behind was a bloody blanket. What does this all mean? I never had a nightmare quite like this before. It seemed so real.”

“Do you think your pregnancy had something to do with the nightmares? I don’t remember Bianca having any when she was pregnant with Gio.”

Maggie saw the brief flash of regret in her husband’s eyes when he mentioned his first wife and child; both had been murdered by rogue vampires centuries ago. “Maybe. It could be a vampire thing.”

“I don’t think so. I rarely have nightmares and they’re never the same.”

“There’s something about this woman. She seems... I don’t know... like she has some kind of vendetta against this family. But that’s not all. There’s something familiar about her.”

“I don’t want you to worry about this imaginary woman, Maggie. I’ll keep you and our child safe.”

She gripped his hand in hers. “GianMarco, these dreams almost feel like premonitions. What if someone really does mean our child harm? Why our baby? I realize there are people who are out to get you and your brothers, but to want to hurt an innocent child is beyond my realm of comprehension.”

GianMarco rocked her in his arms, gently swaying back and forth. “Shh. We’ll not speak of this. Know that I would die before I allow anything to happen to this family.”

“I have no doubt you would, but I worry about you, too, and your brothers, especially Dante. He hasn’t come to visit since that incident.”

GianMarco bowed his head and sighed. Maggie could tell he was hurting from the estrangement. “He’s a big boy, I’m sure he’s doing fine. We would have heard if he wasn’t.”

“I blame myself for this rift between the two of you. I’m not sure what I could have done differently but I still feel bad.”

“Don’t say that,
. Dante has issues to work out that have nothing to do with you.”

“But the last time he was here, I think I hurt his pride when I confronted him but I felt it had to be done.”

“And I agree. But there are things about Dante that not many people understand.”

“Like what?”

GianMarco exhaled, brushing away a stray blond lock from his forehead. “I don’t think they’re my tales to tell.”

“I’m your wife. We shouldn’t keep secrets from each other and if in some roundabout way this affects me, too, then I think I have the right to know.”

“You’re absolutely right, but I hardly know where to begin.” GianMarco dropped a kiss on top of her head.

“From the beginning.”

“Dante has made many sacrifices for Romeo, Nico and myself. He’s devoted his life to us and the Underground and there’s nothing else he’s as emotionally vested in as our family. I’m sure you can appreciate his feelings being a mother yourself.”

“I would kill for my children.”

“I know you would,
. In many ways, Dante has been more of a father to us than a brother; he’s certainly old enough to have fathered us. For years, Dante has gone without so that we could have anything and everything. Then, a little over a hundred years ago, he met a woman.”

“Really? I didn’t realize he’d met his bloodmate.”

“He didn’t, but at the time he believed he had. I only met Flora a few times myself, but I had the distinct impression her feelings for Dante weren’t as involved as his were for her.”

“What was she like?”

“She was very beautiful, almost too beautiful. She had long brown hair, dark soulful eyes. She had an angelic appearance about her. It wasn’t hard to see why Dante was so besotted with her.”

“Was she human?”

“No. She was a vampire, a young one, maybe fifty if that. She had a helpless air, which always appealed to Dante because he was so used to taking care of people and she was definitely the type who enjoyed being taken care of. She was nice enough, I suppose, but what mattered was how Dante felt about her. He resided in Venice then and he’d just asked Flora to live with him when I came for a visit.” He paused, frowning.

“What happened?” Maggie prompted when he didn’t immediately speak again.

“I went to see him and Romeo joined me. When we arrived, Flora was dead. The amount of blood— there was so much of it. It was smeared all over the walls and Dante was drenched in it. It kind of made me wonder how so much blood could come out of one person.”

Maggie gasped. “Oh, my God. Poor Dante. Who did that to her? Was it rogues?”

“Dante did it.”

“Wait…what? Why?”

“That’s the very question we tried to figure out at the time but couldn’t guess the answer. It’s only recently that we’ve learned there was much more to it than we previously thought.”

“What did you originally think it was?”

“We assumed it was
la morte dolci
. Why else would he kill his blood mate? We believed it had driven him crazy, but now it seems there were powerful forces working, against them. Flora was used as an instrument of revenge to bring Dante to his knees.”

“But why? Was he also bewitched like Niccolo had been?”

“That’s not important right now. We’re discussing where you come into the picture. The night when I was suffering from
la morte dolci

“Yeah, the night you nearly killed me,” she teased, then instantly regretted it. The flash of pain that crossed GianMarco’s face tore at Maggie’s heart. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think before I spoke. I don’t hold that night against you. You weren’t yourself.”

“I know. It just hurts me to know that I caused you pain. I love you so much. You are everything to me and if I could take that night back, I would. If anything were to happen to you or our child, I don’t think I could survive.” GianMarco cupped her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.

Maggie’s pulse raced and she could feel a familiar stirring in her pussy. As she pulled away from him, she smiled. “As much as I want to make love to you right now, you were going to tell me how I fit into the equation.”

“That’s right. I was telling you about that night when
la morte dolci
had me in its grip. Dante came to my rescue, expecting only to help me, but your vulnerability that night touched something deep in him. It brought out his protectiveness, in addition to the fact that he was very attracted to you. But who could blame him. You’re a sexy little thing.”

“Sexy I may be, but I’ve never been little and since this pregnancy, I feel like a big, fat, gross balloon.”

“You’re beautiful to me. Nothing pleases me more than to look at your naked body and to see your belly swollen with our child. My dick stays hard whenever I’m with you.”

She gave him a light tap on the shoulder. “You always have sex on your mind.”

“Can you blame me when I’m married to the most gorgeous woman in the world?”

“You’re full of it.”

“Never that, my dear.” He lifted her hand to his mouth again and planted another wet kiss on it.

“What about Dante?”

“What about him?”

“Aren’t you concerned about his feelings?”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t, but I also know he wouldn’t act on them. That’s probably why he’s kept his distance. Maggie, Dante does have feelings for you but it’s not the kind that mates share. He’s in love with the idea of you. He’ll soon realize his feelings for you aren’t what he thinks they are.”

“I hope you’re right. I miss him.” Maggie hoped this rift between the two brothers would be settled soon so their family could be whole again.

“I do, too.”

A sudden idea came to Maggie. “Montana!”

GianMarco gave her a bewildered look. “What?”

“Montana would be perfect for Dante. What better way to forget about someone than introducing them to somebody new. I think Montana and Dante would be perfect for each other. Besides, she’s got an appetite for men that would more than match a vampire’s lust.”

Her husband chuckled as if that were the most absurd idea he’d ever heard. “Are you serious?”


GianMarco stopped laughing. “Oh. Uh, she’s a bit much for him don’t you think?”

Maggie was aware that though GianMarco didn’t dislike Montana, he thought she was a bit too rough around the edges and much too blunt for her own good. He had once told Maggie that he thought Montana was a bad influence on her, which she thought was ridiculous.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. I realize you’re not a huge Montana fan, but don’t let her big personality fool you. She’s got a heart of gold and she’s been through a lot.”

“I don’t doubt that. But I wouldn’t advise you to go meddling in Dante’s affairs.”

“How is it meddling if I just happen to introduce the two of them and let the chips fall where they may?”

“Just be careful, Maggie. When emotions get involved, people can get hurt.”

“I hear you. But you’re worrying over nothing. Besides, Montana is like a sister to me. It would be awesome if we were sisters for real.”

GianMarco rolled his eyes skyward. “Please tell me you’re not trying to set your friend up with my brother because you want to be sisters with her.”

“That’s not it at all. I just think they would be good together.”

“If you say so.”

A sharp thump pounded at the base of her belly, making Maggie jump. “Oh!”

“What is it?”

“She kicked!” Although GianMarco had told her that the likelihood of a female-born vampire was slim, Maggie stubbornly believed she carried a girl.

GianMarco placed his hand over her stomach, not quite touching as though he was scared to make contact.

“Go ahead.” She took his hand, guiding it to her belly. As though sensing her father’s touch, the baby kicked again. The look of utter wonder on GianMarco’s face tugged at her heartstrings.

Maggie swore she saw tears in his eyes even though she knew he’d deny it if she brought it up. “She knows her papa.”

“I don’t know what to say,” he whispered.

“Say you love me.”

“I do love you, more than life itself.
you’re lovely. I think I could stare at you all day.”

She didn’t think she’d ever tire of his compliments. There was no feeling like being loved and cherished the way GianMarco did her. “I think you’re pretty damn good to look at yourself... and you’re delicious, too.” Maggie ran her tongue over her lips in anticipation.


He lifted one dark brow with a lazy smile on his sensual mouth. “Is that your subtle way of telling me you’re hungry?”

She gave him a big smile. “Now that you mention it...” Maggie felt her incisors descend before she leaned over and gently sank her teeth into the flesh just above his collarbone. She realized, of course, that he had effectively changed the subject regarding Dante, but there would be more time for discussion later. Right now, all she could think about was her driving hunger and how hot she suddenly felt.

GianMarco threw his head back and released what sounded like a moan of pure ecstasy. His coppery-sweet, life-giving fluid flooded her mouth and slid down her throat. If someone had told Maggie several months ago that she would enjoy sucking blood, she’d have laughed her ass off, but here she was savoring every drop that touched her tongue.

When she had enough, Maggie lifted her head and pushed him back on the bed, thankful that they slept in the nude, making it easier for her middle-of-the-night feedings. She pushed the blanket aside to reveal his long rock-hard cock.

GianMarco always seemed ready at the mere touch of her fingertips. She encircled his thick shaft in her hands and ran her tongue on its satiny head, reveling in his unique flavor. He sighed in obvious delight and Maggie’s heart warmed, knowing that he was turned on by her ministrations.

He was so large; she tested the weight of his manhood within the palm of her hand, loving the sensation. Maggie lowered her mouth, careful not to rub her teeth against his sensitive flesh. With her free hand, she cupped his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze.

“Oh, God, Maggie,” GianMarco groaned.

She tightened her fist and lips around his dick as her mouth moved up and down the length of him. If she could have smiled, she would have. She was just happy that she could please him this way. As she grew large with his child, they had had to be increasingly inventive in their lovemaking.

His hands dug into her hair while he elevated his hips in an upward thrust, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. After months of practice, Maggie could nearly take his entire length into her mouth, but she wasn’t all the way there yet.

Her fingers continued to fondle his sac while she increased the speed of her movements over his rod to match his thrusts. Her pussy became moist, her juices dripping out to dampen her inner thighs.

GianMarco must have smelled it. “Turn that sexy ass of yours around so I can taste some of that delicious pussy.”

Maggie maneuvered the lower part of her body around until her hips straddled her husband’s face. She lowered her wet cunt over his mouth and his lips immediately fastened over her labia, sucking on them with a voraciousness that sent bolts of delight through her body.

Maggie nearly lost her train of thought when his tongue delved between her pussy lips and speared her hot channel. “Oh, dear Lord,” she moaned, lifting her head from his cock. She mashed her pussy against his face, feeling his fingers shift, his sharp nails digging into her flesh. The pleasure far outweighed the pain.

She lapped at the precum glistening on the head of his cock, knowing that GianMarco was close to his peak. Maggie lowered her head and sucked the heated skin of his balls. His flesh was incredibly hot beneath her mouth. No matter how many times she did this to him, it was never enough.

Maggie groaned at the exquisite sensation of his tongue fucking her, taking her, branding her. It was almost too hard to concentrate when he did such toe-curling things to her with his talented mouth. She returned her attention back to his shaft, stuffing as much of it as she could between her lips.

Suddenly, the tongue in her pussy ceased its thrusts and GianMarco’s fingernails broke her skin. He pushed his hips up and a stream of his essence trickled down the back of her throat. She licked and slurped, making sure she didn’t spill a single drop.

She lifted her head only when she’d sucked GianMarco dry, his sexual secretions satisfying her hunger as much as his blood had. Maggie lifted her hips up and away from his face, but GianMarco didn’t seem prepared to let her go. He pulled her back and parted her damp folds before his lips latched onto her clit.

“Oh, GianMarco, that feels wonderful!” She sighed with pleasure. He always made sure she was fulfilled and Maggie loved him for that. When he slid two fingers inside her wet channel, it took every ounce of her willpower not to collapse on top of him like a quivering mass of gelatin.

GianMarco took his time licking, stroking, and sucking on her pussy until Maggie felt an explosion within her. Her juices gushed from her cunt, which the eager vampire below her lapped greedily. His tongue licked her with long, broad strokes, making her shiver uncontrollably.

He placed a gentle kiss on her outer labia. “Come here,” he growled.

Maggie moved until she rested at his side.

“Turn on your side. I want to fuck you so bad it hurts.”

The missionary position had become difficult for them, so most times when they had intercourse it was either on their sides or doggy style. When GianMarco positioned Maggie the way he wanted, he lifted her thigh and slid his cock inside her hot box. “Damn, this is some tight pussy.”

“And this is some extra special cock,” she whispered back. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

“Nor I you.” GianMarco’s hot breath fanned the side of her face. He planted kisses all over her neck while moving inside of her with gentle thrusts.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,
ciccina mia
. I will never let you go.”

















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