Romeo (Blood Brothers)

BOOK: Romeo (Blood Brothers)
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Eve Vaughn


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.


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Copyright © 2014
Eve Vaughn

lectronic book publication April 2014


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Eve Vaughn


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To my readers, thank you so much for supporting me, and keeping me going. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this book as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.





“He’s been like this for hours. How long do you think he’ll remain like this, Marco?” Romeo gestured toward his older brother, Dante, who sat in the corner of the living room with an empty expression in his eyes. The concern on his younger brother Marco’s face seemed to mirror Romeo’s own feelings of concern. Romeo hated being in any situation he wasn’t sure how to handle. He’d bested many an opponent in his lifetime and could charm the panties off a nun but this was a totally new territory for him.

Marco raked his fingers through his long blond hair. “I really don’t know, Ro. I’ve never seen him like this but I think he’s entitled to his misery after what he’s suffered. Flora was everything to him—his mate. I don’t know exactly what’s going through his head but having experienced something similar myself, I can imagine his pain. It’s taken me a long time to get over what happened to Bianca and Gio. It still hurts to even mention their names.”

Romeo raised a brow surprised by his brother’s assertion. He didn’t think Marco had recovered from the murder of his wife and child but knew better than to say so. It was one of those subjects everyone tip-toed around. He shot another glance in Dante’s direction.

“I’m not sure what else we can do for him. At least, we’ve managed to clean up most of the blood.”

“There is that. But at the moment, all we can do is keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t do anything to harm anyone else or himself.”

“I hate seeing him this way. I wish I could understand what he’s suffering through. If he loved her so much, then why did he kill her?” Since they’d found Dante amongst the bloody scene, that question had been plaguing Romeo’s mind.

Marco answered solemnly, “It’s because he loved her so much that he did it.”

“Perhaps, I’m missing something here because that makes absolutely no sense.
I wish Nico were here, instead of on a mission. Better yet, I wish I were in Spain right now with him. At least then I would be doing something useful.” Going on missions for the Underground, fighting, and fucking were things he did well. But trying to figure out how to console an inconsolable man was beyond his realm of capabilities.

Marco glared in Romeo’s direction. “Have a little compassion, Ro. Dante has just lost the woman he’d planned to spend eternity with. The least you can do is stop thinking about yourself for a minute.”

Romeo glanced at Dante again. His brother still sat in the corner, dark head now tucked between his knees. Romeo ached for Dante. He could even feel the pain emanating from his brother, but it was hard to fully sympathize when he didn’t understand what had happened and why. “I’m doing the best I can. Look, I need to get some air. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Marco closed the distance between them and grabbed a fistful of Romeo’s shirt. “So you’re going to walk away? Just like that? Our brother needs you!”

Romeo bared his incisors as he grabbed Marco’s hands and yanked them off his person. “In case you haven’t noticed, Marco, our brother doesn’t even know we’re here. Exactly what would you have me do for him right now?”

“He might not acknowledge us, but I’m sure he feels our presence.”

“Not by the looks of it and don’t ever grab me like that again.”

He and Marco stared each other down, neither wavering until Marco hissed in what sounded like disgust. “Fine. Go. Do what you want. You always do anyway.”

“Don’t try to pull that shit on me, Marco. Just because I can’t relate, it doesn’t mean I love him less than you.”

“I didn’t say you did.”

“Then what the hell are you trying to say? I’ve been here all day, same as you, and Dante has barely twitched a muscle. When we try to move him, he won’t budge. I just want to go out for some damn air. All I’ve been doing is pacing around this room doing absolutely nothing. I don’t need your fucking guilt trips right now.”

Marco snorted. “There’s the door. I’m not stopping you. And if you feel guilty, that’s your conscience which has absolutely nothing to do with me. I sincerely hope you never feel this kind of pain.”

“I won’t because I’ll never let a woman rule my heart. It’s not worth it.” Romeo pointed in Dante’s direction. “Take a good look at him. He’s just a shell of himself. Excuse me for not wanting to turn into that.”

At that moment, Dante lifted his dark head, revealing red-rimmed eyes. “Go, then. I don’t need you here.”

Once Romeo got over the initial shock of hearing Dante speak for the first time that day, guilt surged through Romeo’s body. He hadn’t meant to sound so offhanded about the situation when it was obvious he’d simply been frustrated that Marco equated him wanting to take a brief respite for not caring. “Dante—”

“Go. I said, ‘I don’t need you here.’ I understand you have more important things to do. Don’t let me stop you.” Dante turned his head away from Romeo as though the sight of him disturbed him.

“Please, I didn’t mean—”

“No! Nothing ever means anything to you. You didn’t like Flora anyway. I’m sure you’re happy to see her gone.” Dante’s accusations were like a dagger to his heart. Sure he could be offhand at times but being accused of not caring, stung.

“I’d be lying to you if I said she and I were the best of friends, but you are my brother, and I care about you. I apologize that I sounded as though I don’t feel any sympathy about her death.”

Dante stood up for the first time in nearly twenty-four hours, then slowly walked over to Romeo, not stopping until they were nose to nose. “That’s your problem,
fratello mio
. You’re nonchalant about everything. I only have myself to blame for allowing you run wild when you were younger. I’ll pray you never suffer as I have and will continue to until I cease to draw breath. Leave. I don’t want you near me.” He turned his back to Romeo who felt a mixture of pain, anger and bewilderment.

His older brother had never looked upon him with such disappointment, and it hurt. It hurt like hell. Romeo reached out to touch Dante’s shoulder in a comforting gesture, only to have his hand shrugged off.

“Don’t.” Marco looked at him, a compassionate gleam in his amber eyes. “He’s not ready for your apology right now. Why don’t you go for your walk?”

Romeo snorted. “So now it’s okay that I go?”

“It’s for the best, at least for as long as it takes for things to cool down.”

“I spoke without thinking. I’d like to remain here.”

“I know, and I was out of line for implying you didn’t care. We’re both stressed. I know your heart is in the right place, Ro, but there are times when you shouldn’t say what’s on your mind just because you can. As for Dante, it was his grief talking. Deep down, Dante is aware that you love him, but he’s not prepared to listen to what you have to say yet.”

“I never meant—”

“I know, Ro. It wasn’t fair of me to expect you to understand the magnitude of his loss. Go for a walk. I’ll stay with him.” Marco patted his shoulder.

Dante continued to present his back to Romeo. More than anything, Romeo wanted to beg for his brother’s forgiveness, but realized Dante wouldn’t welcome anything from him right now. “For whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

Dante remained silent.

Marco clasped Romeo’s shoulders and squeezed it reassuringly before letting go. Romeo turned to leave, wishing he’d handled the situation better. In a few moments, he was outside of Dante’s palatial Venetian house.

The warm breeze hit his face as he stepped down onto one of the narrow
of Venice and began walking. A cacophony of noise and a multitude of smells assaulted his nostrils, the foods, the litter, and the beginning of booming industry. It wasn’t the cleanest city, but its charm and ambiance made it one of his favorite places to be.

Romeo had never thought that when he came to visit his brother there would be such a mess. Dante had killed his blood mate—literally ripping her heart from her chest and crushing it to a bloody pulp. Marco had said it was
la morte dolci
, but Romeo was still confused. He understood the mechanics of the illness, but he didn’t know what would have made Dante snap the way he had.
La morte dolci
was only triggered when a vampire was denied what he most desired or needed. Had Flora denied herself to him?

Something about the situation didn’t feel right, no matter what his brothers blamed it on. One day the truth would come out, but judging from the state Dante was in, Romeo was certain it wouldn’t be any time some. It was best for him to drop the subject. For now.

Romeo admitted to himself that while he personally had nothing against Flora, there had been something about her he didn’t care for. She’d done and said all the right things where Dante had been concerned but he could never shake the feeling that there was something off about her.

Though he would never say it out loud, Romeo believed his brothers, Dante and Marco were fools. He also secretly thought they gave the idea of a bloodmate too much power. Women caused more problems than they were worth. The only purpose they served were for sucking, fucking, then leaving—not for giving one’s heart to. That’s why he intended to never have a bloodmate.


Chapter One

Romeo took a healthy swig of his beer. He grunted as the cool refreshing beverage slid down his throat. Then, he pushed the nearly full bottle away from him. He’d had better— much better.

“Americans know nothing about beer.” Wolf chuckled as though he’d sensed his friend’s disgust before he took a sample from his own bottle. “Bah! What is this
?” He slammed the container on the bar with a loud thud.

“You got a problem?” The large bartender walked over to them, dark eyes and mouth turned into a frown. Romeo could tell they’d offended him because the beer in question was this particular tavern’s special brew. He and Wolf couldn’t be faulted for not liking the stale-tasting garbage.

He gave the burly bartender an assessing look. The man standing on the other side of the counter had to be at least six-foot-seven and three hundred plus pounds—more fat than muscle. Romeo could tell this giant of a man was probably used to intimidating people with his size and quite possibly the fierce scowl he now sported. He seriously doubted this man would be so aggressive if he knew Romeo and Wolf were vampires, both over five hundred years old and both able to destroy him in mere seconds.

Romeo hadn’t been in a good bar fight in ages. His scuffles of late had all been Underground mission related. This guy didn’t look like he’d be much of a challenge. Pity. He had heard this roadside bar just outside of Boston had a reputation of hosting a tough clientele but judging from the crowd, it looked like a bunch of little boys playing dress up in expensive biker gear.

Contrary to what his brothers thought of him, he didn’t actively seek out trouble but he didn’t go out of his way to avoid it. If a situation came his way, Romeo dealt with it. The bartender had no clue who he was dealing with so he decided to give him a chance to walk away.

Swerving his bar chair around, he turned away from the man prepared to ignore him. But the guy couldn’t seem to take a hint. He gripped Romeo by the shoulder. “I asked if there was a problem buddy.”

Romeo whirled around so quickly it knocked the man’s hand off him. “I’m not your buddy. And my only problem besides you touching me is this skunk water you call beer.” He raised his bottle and eyed it with disgust. “This is supposed to be your best brew, but it tastes like goat’s piss.”

Wolf didn’t bother to muffle the loud guffaw that seemed to ring throughout the bar.

The bartender narrowed his already impossibly squinty eyes and placed his meat-like fists on the bar. “If you don’t like it, that’s too damned bad. You ain’t getting your money back if that’s what you’re after. Who the hell are you assholes to criticize our product? You wouldn’t know good beer if it rained on you.” The large man leaned forward until his face was nearly pressed against Romeo’s. His breath reeked of alcohol and onions.

Romeo chuckled, not in the least intimidated. “I know enough to realize when something sucks. Now, how about getting out of my face? You really should practice better oral hygiene if you plan on getting so close to people.” Romeo gave the bartender a big smile, knowing he was seriously riling the man. “As for us being assholes... is that the best insult you could come up with? Did you sit up last night thinking of witty things to say to people?”

The big man pulled back slightly, brows raised in apparent surprise. It was obvious he wasn’t used to anyone standing up to him. Typical bully behavior.

“Look, pretty boy. You and your lover have ten seconds to get the hell out of this bar before I knock your teeth down your throat. You got it?” The bartender’s breath seemed to get hotter with each passing second.

“Are these punks giving you trouble, Reg?” A tall, bald man, dressed completely in black leather stepped forward. From what Romeo could tell, the newcomer worked out, possibly too much. His bulky muscular frame was so large that he was practically swaggering when he walked.

“Yes, Reg, is there a problem?” Romeo mimicked, feeling the anticipation of the coming confrontation.

The bouncer’s nostrils flared like an angry bull’s. A large vein throbbed in his temple that looked like it would pop at any second. “So you’re a wiseass, huh? Get the fuck outta here!” He jerked his thumb, motioning toward the door.

Romeo looked over at his friend. “I thought America was a free country. Are we not allowed to express our opinions here?”

Wolf’s eyes gleamed with mischief. “Apparently not. It seems we’ve insulted Reg’s delicate feelings.”

“Get rid of these two jokers before I kill them, Jace.” Reg glared at them.

Jace grabbed Romeo’s collar in one hand and Wolf’s in the other.

The two vampires grinned at each other, not budging an inch as the bouncer attempted to lift them.

“Did you feel something, Wolf?” Romeo winked at his companion.

“No. Wait a minute. Maybe I did. Nope. I think it was just the wind.” Wolf choked on a laugh.

Jace clearly didn’t have a sense of humor. Romeo turned around just in time to see a fist headed straight for his nose. He reached up easily, catching Jace’s palm in his hand and applied enough pressure to cause a lot of discomfort. The bouncer tried to pull away, but to no avail. “Let go, damn it!”

But Romeo felt like teaching him a lesson; after all, Jace had swung at him first. The bouncer threw his free fist toward Romeo’s head, which the vampire caught in his other hand. “Don’t make this harder on yourself, Jace. As much as I enjoy a good bar brawl, I’ll give you fair warning. Leave me and my friend alone and I won’t beat the shit out of you.”

Jace’s eyes widened as he struggled to free himself from Romeo’s tight grip. “Let me go, motherfucker.” Jace lunged forward and head-butted Romeo.

Romeo didn’t flinch as their heads connected. Instead, to Jace’s apparent surprise, he laughed and tightened his hold on the bouncer’s fists, squeezing until he felt the crunching of bones.

“Augh! You son of a bitch!” Jace screamed, his face turning bright red.

Romeo felt a blunt object strike his head before it shattered to pieces. He let go of the bouncer, who immediately fell to the floor. In a swift movement that he was sure surprised the bartender, Romeo turned around, grabbed Reg by his shirt and hauled him bodily across the bar counter to dangle in front of him. “I warned you, didn’t I? But you had to do things the hard way, didn’t you?” He was close enough to the shaking man that he could count his nose hairs.

“Look, buddy, we don’t want any trouble. You’re going to have to leave before someone calls the cops.” Fear glistened in Reg’s beady eyes.

This was certainly a change of tune from the cocky barkeeper. Romeo was disappointed.

“I think we have trouble, my friend.” Wolf pointed to a few overgrown patrons, and Romeo briefly turned his attention away from Reg.

By now, the bar had gone silent. The jukebox music no longer played and a group of men began to gather around them. One man in particular who was just as tall as Reg but definitely more muscular slowly advanced toward them. He gripped a pool cue in his hand while two other thick-necked, long-haired goons held their fists up in fighting stances.

Romeo threw his head back, laughing. He wasn’t sure if he sure if he should feel sorry for what these unsuspecting men were in for or be angry that they planned to jump him and Wolf. He looked over to Wolf. “Our first bar fight in months and this is all we get? I believe there were at least twenty guys last time.”

Wolf projected his thoughts to Romeo.
Uh uh, Romeo. These guys are mine. Remember, you took out that entire bar in San Antonio while I was in the john.

No way. This is the first good fight in a while that doesn’t have anything to do with Underground work.
His eyes locked with his friend’s pale blue ones.
Let me have this round and I swear the next set of rednecks is yours.

Wolf released a mental sigh.
You’re lucky I’m more in the mood for pussy tonight than fighting. Go ahead. You deserve it.

Thank you, Wolf. I owe you big time.

You’re damn right you do.

Romeo wasn’t sure if he deserved it but he certainly needed it. It almost felt like couldn’t breathe these last several weeks as he focused on his current mission for the Underground. Though this would be a short sabbatical, he planned on making the most out of it. Normally, he relished the hustle, challenges, and fight involved in his work. His last assignment, however, had taken a lot out of him and for the first time in his long life, he felt like something was missing, but he didn’t know what. Romeo had everything a man could want. He traveled the world, had enough money in the bank to work only when he wanted to, a best friend who was like another brother to him, a close-knit family, and plenty of pussy wherever he went.

The Underground, his older brother Dante’s organization, was created with the purpose to take out rogue vampires and other out-of-control immortals. Dante was especially passionate about the cause because rogues had killed their parents. Though they’d both been dead for over six hundred years, and Romeo was very young when it had happened, Romeo could still remember their images clearly. He had memories of his tall, dark-haired papa and his beautiful mama, blonde and petite.

Although there were many agents in the Underground all over the world, Romeo knew he and his other two brothers, Niccolo and GianMarco, were Dante’s most trusted agents. But circumstances had changed the brothers’ dynamics and priorities.

Marco had remarried and his new wife was expecting their first child in a few months. Niccolo, the brother closest to his heart, was now reunited with his child and the mother of his son, and the three of them had become a strong family unit. That kind of life wasn’t for him, but in a way, he envied them all their closeness. Nico and Marco were so disgustingly happy he felt left out.

Romeo would never admit any of that to anyone, of course.

He shook off his morose thoughts. Dante normally wanted him to exercise a little restraint, but this time things were different. Someone was threatening their family, so it was personal. The killing rampage of the past several weeks should have pleased Romeo, but it didn’t.

He gripped the bartender even more tightly. “I’m going to go easy on you tonight because I’m in a good mood.”

“Go to hell!” Reg glared at him, a malevolent look on his bloated face.

“Hmm, it will probably be a long time before I see hell.”

“Isn’t it a little cruel of you to toy with him?” Wolf’s tone was amused.

“You know I’m never cruel.” Romeo pushed Reg away so forcefully that the other man stumbled halfway across the tavern before crashing into a table.”

The big, hairy man with the pool cue finally stepped forward. “You’ve been asking for it, buddy. Now, you’re going to get the ass-kicking of your life.”

“Bring it on, loser.” Romeo motioned him forward.

Romeo’s nonchalance seemed to further incense the other man. His face turned bright red before he lunged at Romeo with the pool stick. Following suit, his companions rushed Wolf, who easily sidestepped them. From the corner of his eyes, Romeo saw Wolf flash to the other side of the bar, much to the obvious amazement of the would-be attackers. That was one good thing about fighting with Wolf; the German vampire more than knew how to handle himself.

Romeo grabbed his adversary’s pool stick in one hand and punched him in the face with the other. He felt bones crack beneath his fist. His attacker released an agonized howl as blood gushed freely from a now cracked nose. From what Romeo could tell, the man probably had him by a good one hundred pounds, but he was still able to lift him without breaking a sweat. He threw the screaming man along the length of the bar.

The two goons who’d tried to attack Wolf hesitated. Romeo smirked. “Hey guys. Come get some.”

When they still didn’t move, he took the choice from them and flashed in front of them. Romeo grabbed them both by the hair and knocked their heads together. They crumpled to the ground. The small crowd that had gathered in the room looked on with stunned expressions.

“He just took out Big Mike and the boys,” someone muttered as if such a thing was beyond the realm of possibility.

“Does anyone else want to go the way of Big Mike and his boys?” Romeo challenged, scanning the room. No one so much as moved a muscle. “Good.”

Romeo walked over to Reg, who was still huddled on the floor writhing in pain. Romeo dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills. “Hopefully, this will cover any damage and medical expenses.”

“You psycho!” Someone yelled from the crowd. He didn’t bother to see who the voice belonged to. He’d been called worse.

“Let’s go, Wolf.” Romeo glanced at his companion before walking out the bar, leaving behind the customers who had now gathered around the injured men.

Wolf jogged to catch up with him. Once their strides matched, he asked, “What’s wrong? You seem a little distracted tonight.”

Romeo raised his left brow. “What do you mean?”

Wolf paused for a moment before answering. “You usually string the fight out a little longer. You know, have fun with it. Tonight, you just didn’t seem totally into it.”

Romeo opened his mouth to refute his friend’s statement but then closed it again. As he played back the scene in his head, he came to the realization that perhaps Wolf was on to something. The usual thrill he got whenever he was involved in a physical altercation had been missing. Something had seemed different. He released a heavy sigh. “You’re right. And I think the problem is this mission is starting to get to me.”

Surprise registered in Wolf’s pale blue eyes and a frown appeared on his face. “Is that so?”


“I’ve never heard you complain about an assignment before.”

“I’m not complaining. I just said it’s getting to me—two totally different things.”

“Then tell me how it’s getting to you, as you put it. Granted, we’ve never had to do anything on such a grand scale before, but in this line of work it’s to be expected.”

“I know. I guess I’m not explaining myself eloquently enough.”

“Then make me understand.”

“Usually when I’m on these missions, I’m focused and they’re all I think about.”

“But not this time around?”

Romeo nodded in agreement. “Exactly. My brothers have been on my mind a lot. Nico and Marco have families now and they’re no longer the same.”

“Do you not like their mates?”

“That’s not it at all. I would protect Maggie, Sasha, and Jagger as fiercely as I would my brothers. But I can’t imagine giving up the life we had for what they have now.”

“Perhaps they can’t see why you wouldn’t want to settle down after what they’ve found. From the sound of it, you may be thinking of settling down. As they say in the States, the green-eyed monster may be rearing its head.”

Romeo turned to glare at his friend. “Hell, no! I’m not the family guy type. Besides, if anyone should be jealous, it should be them of me. I have no encumbrances.”

A half smile curved Wolf’s lips. “Have you ever read Hamlet?”

“I seem to recall it. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Doesn’t Gertrude utter something about protesting too much?”

“Fuck you,” Romeo growled at a chuckling Wolf, who didn’t look the least bit concerned. Probably because he knew Romeo would never raise a hand to him, his friend of over two hundred years. Wolf had been attacked by six rogues when Romeo had stumbled upon the scene and helped him. As a team, they’d taken out the vicious vampires and thus began their friendship. It was Romeo who’d suggested Wolf join the Underground.

Romeo had found that he had a lot in common with the German-born vampire, Wolfgang Wagner, including the fact that his friend enjoyed the adrenaline rush of weaving in and out of dangerous situations as much as he did. When Romeo wasn’t on an Underground mission with one of his brothers, he partnered with Wolf because he knew the other immortal had his back and he Wolf’s.

Some had even noted they resembled one another because of their similar coloring and height. But where Romeo wore his hair short and spiky, Wolf’s hung down his back when worn loose. Romeo’s eyes were a much darker blue than the German’s pale, sky-colored gaze. They could often finish each other’s thoughts which attested to their closeness.

And yet, his friend was an enigma whom Romeo sometimes had a hard time figuring out. He was aware Wolf was vampire-born like himself and a little over five hundred years old. Wolf never talked about his family and Romeo never asked, respecting the other man’s privacy. It was generally believed that Wolf never mentioned his family because they were dead.”

“Well, what am I supposed to think when Marco and Nico’s new mates are all you talk about lately? You keep saying how much you don’t understand why they’d want to give up their freedom and how you’ll never give up yours. But then, you turn around and speak fondly of the impending birth of your nephew or something clever the witch has done. Maybe you’re ready to trade in this lifestyle for a mate of your own.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely not. Just because I get along with my brother’s mates doesn’t mean I’m looking to trade places with them. Nico used to enjoy the missions or a good bar fight as much as I do. And Marco used to get more pussy than he could keep track of. Granted, I do understand that their main loyalty lies with their mates but I miss the old them.”

“It almost sounds like you resent Nico and Marco’s happiness.”

“I’d never begrudge them that.”


Romeo’s eyes narrowed. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything. I think maybe you miss how things used to be. Your brothers mean a lot to you. I doubt they love you any less because they have new families.”

What the hell did Wolf know? He was not jealous. Romeo didn’t care that his brothers preferred the staid, boring family life to adventure and globe-trotting. “Let’s drop the subject, okay?”

Wolf gave him a long, assessing look, his pale blue eyes searching Romeo’s face. “Sure. I believe I know just what we should do to get your mind off things.”


“Let’s go get some pussy.”

Romeo grinned. “Now that’s a plan.”




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