ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (53 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 4

“You’re crazy,” he said. “I can’t do this.”

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my breast and when I let go, he didn’t. He couldn’t hide how much he wanted me and I groped his burgeoning cock through his pants to bring it fully erect.

“Close the door,” I repeated.

There were no protests from Conrad now and he moved quickly to do as I asked. As soon as he swung the door shut he walked back and I could see the hunger to be with me in his eyes. It matched my own and I knew that he could make me do crazy things. Just the day before, I wouldn’t have answered his phone call and now I was on the verge of giving myself to him yet again.

I was on the move before he got to me and led the way to the very rear of the building. Stepping behind a wall of hay bales meant that we couldn’t be spotted even if someone came in the building. The fact that we were about to indulge in some outdoor sex was apparently as much of an aphrodisiac for Conrad as it was for me. I was almost knocked over by the force of his kiss when our bodies came together and his hands were all over me.

“You missed me then,” I said and laughed when our lips parted.

“How can you tell?” he joked.

“Something came up that gave me a clue,” I replied and worked to rub my belly on the hardness pressed against it.

“Is that all you missed about me?” he asked. “And here I was thinking it was me that was the pervert.”

“What?” I went on with a smirk. “Did you think it was your brain I was after?”

“Well, I…”

His teasing ended as I dropped to my knees to reacquaint myself with his solid erection.

“Still getting it up for big girls I see,” I said and looked up as I stroked my fingertips along the stiff outline of his erection.

“Are you going to let me see?” he asked.

His voice was hoarse and I could hear the pent up longing in it. The encounter in the hotel wasn’t that long ago, but it seemed that Conrad was more than desperate to get intimate with me once more. I reached for the bottom of my t-shirt to lift it up over my head and liked the way he helped me drag it off. His hands groped at my bra-covered tits, while I continued to stroke my fingertips along the bulge that revealed a fully erect cock.

The desire to see it built in my mind until I couldn’t stop myself. I grabbed at the zipper of his pants to slide it all the way down and held my breath as I slid my hand through the gap. His boxer shorts provided another gap that was easy for me to get my fingers through and I shuddered when they brushed on his rock hard flesh.

“Oh yeah,” I let out under my breath. “You’ve got it so fucking bad for me.”

I wasn’t sure if he even heard what I said and all I got in response was a groan as I eased my fingers around his erection then gripped tightly. The way it twitched in response excited me and I squeezed harder to keep getting the same involuntary response that Conrad was unable to control. His hot blood was really pumping for my touch and I was breathing heavily as I dragged his stiff shaft out of his pants.

I wanted to kiss it straight away, but was distracted by his fingers slipping under the material covering my breasts and I enjoyed the way they were sliding towards my nipple. My bra was tight and constrained his hand, so I decided to help and let go of his cock for a brief second to drag the silky material down. My tits spilled free for him to play with and I shuddered as he immediately pinched a nipple between finger and thumb. The dark pink bud stiffened under the rough attention it was getting, but the pain and pleasure mixed to make the arousal flood my body.

I grabbed hold of his cock as my big, rounded breasts were teased and tormented. Gripping tightly again, I rolled the foreskin down until it was completely off the head to reveal glistening red skin and now there was nothing that was going to stop me kissing. Conrad’s fingers clamped around my breast as my soft lips nuzzled the tip of his erection to give him a surge of exhilaration. I could sense the tension growing in his body as I opened my mouth slightly and let the warmth of my breath caress over his slick skin.

“Fuck yes,” he let out in a hushed voice that showed he was trying to keep the noise down.

We were both aware of just where we were, but it wasn’t going to stop us and there was a certain allure to the surroundings that was adding to our excitement. It wasn’t what I was concentrating on though as I slid my mouth lower on Conrad’s swollen shaft. I clamped my lips together just below the head and worked my tongue on his hot flesh as I stroked my hand up and down his shaft.

His groans got louder until he choked them off, but I could still tell just how much he was enjoying what I was giving him by the way his cock was jerking and twitching in my mouth. The tip slid against the wet skin of my inner cheek to make it bulge out as I sucked in more of the hardness until I was nearly making myself gag on his raging cock. It was only then that I lifted my head to nuzzle my lips on the tip. My breath spilled out in ragged gasps as I tried to recover, but I kept my hand working along his erect length to continue building the pressure.

I looked up to see his head rock back as the surging lust ripped through his body and wrapped my lips around his cock immediately. Sliding my hand right down to his balls, I gripped gently as I bobbed my head and it left me shuddering as my lips rasped over bulging veins. The wetness of my desire was soaking my panties as I enjoyed the fun of teasing and tormenting an older man that was obsessed with my luscious curves.

Conrad eventually made me stop before I pushed him too far and grabbed my arm to pull me to my feet. He leaned in to a kiss, but it quickly became clear that it wasn’t my mouth he wanted his lips on. I dragged my bra off completely as he ducked down to my breasts and shivered uncontrollably as the tip of his tongue played around and over my nipples. In seconds they were bullet hard and he took them in his mouth one by one as his hands stroked on the denim covering my butt.

“Turn around,” he told me when he eventually straightened up.

I did as he asked immediately and he spanked a hand on my ass.

“Are you going to punish me daddy,” I joked.

“Have you been a bad girl?” he asked.

“I went out last night drinking and spoke to some boys,” I answered.

His hand cracked on my buttocks again and there was a pleasure to the ribbon of pain that erupted.

“Loosen your jeans,” Conrad told me.

My hands were shaking and I fumbled with the buttons at my crotch when my ass was spanked again. The denim was being dragged over my curvy hips before my jeans were properly loosened and my panties came down as well to expose smooth, bare skin. In seconds my ass was completely bare and I screwed up my face as I waited for more of the erotic punishment that was exciting me.

“Bend over,” he ordered.

I held my breath as I leaned forward, but it wasn’t his hand that smacked on my naked skin. The touch of his erect length spanking on my ass made my breath rush out. There was no doubt he was enjoying the game we were playing and it got even sexier when he moved forward to trap his swollen shaft in the crease of my ass. He gripped my hips to pull me back and I closed my eyes as the throb of his hard flesh pulsed against my puckered skin. The dirty delight of it wasn’t lost on me and I slipped a hand between my thighs to stroke on my clit. I expected Conrad to take me from behind straight away when he gave himself some space to work and worked his cock between my thighs.

“Close your legs,” he told me.

His hands came around my body to grope my tits as I gave him what he wanted, with my chubby thighs engulfing his engorged manhood and squeezing around it. He clamped his fingers on my pretty curves to dig his finger in soft flesh and my erect nipples were crushed by his palms. He began to hump against me and I could feel his cock moving around as he leaned in to kiss on my neck. His mouth moved to my ear to nuzzle it.

“Did you kiss any boys?” he whispered.

“No,” I replied in a strained voice. “I don’t think any of them liked big girls.”

“More fool them then,” he said and let out a quiet laugh. “They’re the best.”

He let go of his grip on my breasts and moved back to pull his erection from between my thighs. I wasn’t sure quite what to expect next, but I was spun around and our bodies were locked together in a passionate embrace. I could feel Conrad’s naked erection pressing on my curvy belly, but he was taking control and I was doing what he wanted.

“Sit down,” he told me when the kiss ended.

I leaned down to grab my t-shirt and placed it on the nearest bale. The prickle of the hay still played on the back of my thighs to make me squirm, but the way Conrad dropped to his knees in front of me showed what was about to happen. I was spreading my knees apart before his hands even touched on them and the craving for his touch between my thighs grew stronger by the second. He grabbed my jeans and underwear to drag them off and it left me completely naked.

My legs were spread wider still when Conrad ducked down to kiss on first one knee then the other and I knew it was going to be a delicious torture waiting for what I desperately wanted. He moved his head from thigh to thigh as he slowly kissed higher and I slid a hand down and used fingers to spread my pussy open in the hope that it would get him to it quicker.

“Please,” I said in a hushed voice when he continued the slow tease up my legs.

I was showing him the glistening pink skin that was all for him, but he was enjoying the game of getting me wetter with soft kisses grazing across the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. My chest was heaving as my breath spilled out heavily and I bit my lip to hold in the squeal of delight when he got to where I wanted him. My muscles tensed in anticipation of the kiss and a strong shudder rippled through my body when it touched on my slick skin.

I used my free hand to bring my clitoris out of its hood and was rewarded by a lick that swept across it. A glance down showed the glisten of my pussy wetness on Conrad’s mouth and the taste seemed to spur him on to more. His tongue rasped across my clit to make me groan then teased in circles around the erect bud.

The swell of heat was something special and I kept it burning hotter by stroking on my clit when Conrad kissed down to my wet opening. My head rocked back as his tongue slipped inside and suddenly his head was right between my thighs. I knew he wanted my plump flesh wrapped around him and the prickle of his stubble made me squirm as I closed my legs. He grabbed hold of my hips and sank his fingers deep in my flesh to hold on as he worked to swirl his tongue around inside my wet cunt as hard as he could, with the surge of hot delight quickly driving me to distraction.

I squirmed forward to get my ass perched right on the edge of the bale to get everything I could from the oral sex being lavished on me. The circling stroking of my fingertips punished my exposed clit as Conrad’s tongue ravaged my pussy until the rising tension was almost too much to take. It was only then that I parted my thighs to let him move away and pushed myself to my feet.

“Sit down,” I said.

He didn’t need to be told twice and scrambled up to sit on the bale of hay then parted his knees. I backed in between them and gasped as he grabbed hold of my ass cheeks to spread them apart. My body was shaking as I lowered myself towards him and gasped when he grabbed his cock to guide the tip to my slick opening. As soon as it was in place, I sat down on his lap and the burning delight erupted.

I settled my hands down on his thighs and felt his grip tighten on my succulent, rounded cheeks as I squirmed around excitedly on him. The pulsing throb of his erection inside me was driving me crazy, but I needed more to take me to what I wanted. My palms pressed down on his legs as I began to ride his cock and his grip on my ass helped me. I shook my head to sweep my hair over one shoulder and Conrad took the bait. Hot kisses played on my neck and I was unable to contain my hunger for an orgasm.

Our actions became ever more frantic as we closed in on a high and the sweat rolled down my forehead as the passion climbed towards breaking point. I dropped down on his cock and feverishly rocked my body as the overwhelming swell of erotic heat erupted to a climax. Conrad let go of my ass cheeks and wrapped his arms around my thick waist to hold me down on his swollen shaft as I was engulfed in writhing shudders. My buttocks clenched to tighten my pussy around the hardness as I completely lost control and it let the searing pleasure wash over me.

“Get down on all fours,” Conrad gasped when my shudders died down.

I managed to lift myself up on trembling legs and dropped to my hands and knees. He followed my down and his cock was fucked inside my cunt before my orgasm was over. I groaned as he pumped his hips frantically to smack his body on my ass and it drove his rampant erection deep inside me over and over again until it was too much for him. The rush of cum burst to life inside me and the powerful spurts splashed my pussy walls as my lover gave me everything. His body bucked and convulsed against my plump cheeks as he was overwhelmed by the strong release and his firm grip on my hips only loosened when it was all over.

I liked that he seemed reluctant to pull out and it let me relish the fading throbs of his erection as the power died away. We collapsed down on the hay-covered floor afterwards and stared up at the wooden ceiling in silence.

Chapter 5

“This was my fantasy when I was younger,” I eventually said and giggled.

“Did you read many westerns?” Conrad said and laughed.

“Yeah, you need to find a saloon for the next time,” I joked.

We lay in silence for a while longer before we both got up. I was quick to drag my panties on to hold his cum inside me and we picked the hay from each other’s hair and clothes when we were dressed.

“Will you stay for the rest of the day?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied and pulled me close.

The kiss was soft and tender now that our passion for each other was spent and we enjoyed being together as I showed him around the farm then got him involved in some of the work. It was eight o’clock that evening when he needed to make a move to return to the city and after he said goodbye to my parents, the two of us walked out to his car.

“Thanks for the nice day,” he said then leaned in to a kiss.

“No problem,” I said when it ended. “I’ll be here for another week or so then I return to college for my final semester.”

He nodded his head and reached out to hold my hand.

“I have work commitments for the next week, but I’ll see you when you get back to the city.”

I nodded my head and watched as he got in his car. It was another parting with a familiar theme and I wondered when I actually would see him again as I watched the lights of the vehicle disappear into the darkness. There was happiness and doubts in my mind about Conrad and as I walked inside my parent’s home, I wondered just where things were going to end up.


The End of Book Four


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The Billionaire’s Crush

Book One



Lexi Summers

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
13.87Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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