ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (51 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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“Bad girl,” he said and laughed.

“You got some relief,” I replied. “What about me?”

He got up then reached down to help me to my feet and pulled me under the jets of water. I used the shower cream to wash myself before we got out of the cubicle. It was only then that I took my panties off and was about to do the same with the stockings, but Conrad told me to leave them on. He grabbed a towel to dry me first then himself before seizing my wrist to take me through to the bedroom.

I was still highly aroused from the action in the bathroom when I was thrown down on the bed and my breathing became heavier as Conrad got over me on all fours. His head was right above mine to look down at me and I closed my eyes when our lips came together. The way his tongue darted in and out of my mouth added to the mounting excitement pervading my body and I let out a quiet gasp when he began to kiss lower. I knew he would be thinking about what we just did in the shower cubicle when he trailed his tongue across my chest. The soap I used to clean myself would have washed away his taste from my skin, but I was sure that images of his cum splashing across my tits would be filling his head.

There was no stopping the arching of my body as his tongue explored my curves. My nipples tingled as he licked around and over them, but he quickly moved on. It was something else that he wanted now and I wriggled around under the attention of his mouth as he kissed across my belly. My breath drew in sharply as my legs were spread apart and I then let out a squeal as Conrad worked his head between my fleshy thighs. His tongue swept gently along my wet, swollen lips to make my body buck up, but the licking quickly grew stronger to spread my pussy open and my hands balled to fists as I gripped the bedcovers even tighter.

I was struggling to catch my breath as I was engulfed in the rush of hot, burning pleasure. Conrad moved his head away to give himself some room to get his hands on my inner thighs and I spread my legs even wider for him. His fingers quickly slid higher to delve into slick folds of skin and spread my cunt wide open. It revealed glistening pink skin and I gasped as his touch brushed across it. I still wanted more and placed a hand on the flesh just above my pussy and pulled up to make my clit appear out of its hood. It got me what I wanted and I let out a loud groan as a rasping lick grazed across the dark nub.

My taste drove Conrad on to more and his tongue punished my clit again and again. The swell of pleasure was taking me higher and I knew what was coming as his fingertips played around my slick pussy entrance. It got me wriggling down the bed and the tension gripped hold of me as a touch dipped inside my wet hole.

“More,” I begged him.

My cry turned to a gasping breath when Conrad plunged his fingers deeper in my cunt. His tongue continued to sweep across my clit as the stiff penetration fucked knuckle deep inside me. I heard him sucking in air as he tried to catch his breath, but it was only a brief respite from the growing ecstasy. His mouth came down on me again as he began to pump his fingers in and out. I grabbed my breasts to grope them then rubbed my fingers over my stiff nipples as the climb towards an orgasm started to become my whole world.

Conrad increased the pace of the finger fuck as he continued licking my clit and the small of my back slowly lifted up from the bed as the tension grew towards breaking point. It eventually left me arched up and on the cusp of losing control. My mind went blank as the final few strokes of the fingers I was impaled on sent me over the edge. The loud cry spilled from between my lips as the orgasm burst to life and ripped through me in a flash. I crashed down to the mattress as I was engulfed in the blistering heat that erupted from my very center to burn through me.

My body shook and convulsed as I climbed to a shattering high that was prolonged by the attention still being lavished between my thighs. The touch of Conrad’s tongue was a delicious agony as it continued lashing across my clit and my pussy tightened and rippled around stiff fingers that carried on jabbing inside me.

It was impossible to stop the shaking even when the pleasure began to recede and I knew the sex still wasn’t over when Conrad got up to his knees. The oral sex he just gave brought the arousal back to his body and he grabbed hold of his stiffening cock and stroked frantically to get it fully erect. His hard muscles crushed my limp curves as he threw himself on top of me and his lips were on mine when he drove his hips forward.

His lust for my body was insatiable as he lifted himself up on straight arms and began to fuck me. I was his and wanted nothing else as his stiff shaft ravaged my quivering cunt with pounding thrusts that shook my body. Our eyes met as Conrad took himself all the way in a frantic effort that revealed his true lust for big, beautiful girls. I could see the second he started to lose control, so wrapped my hands around his waist to dig my nails in his taut buttocks and it made him hold his full, hard length inside me.

His body bucked as he let loose with his seed for the second time that evening and I gripped his ass cheeks tighter to keep his cock buried inside me, so I could get every last drop. Conrad collapsed down on top of me as the shudders faded away and we lay together as the passion slowly drained from us. He eventually rolled to the side to lie beside me and I liked the way he still held me close. It was as if he couldn’t keep his hands off me and I closed my eyes to relax.

“I love you,” I eventually said, but turned to see that Conrad was already asleep. “Bloody men,” I muttered, but the smile spread across my face as I gently kissed him then rested my head on the pillow.

Chapter 6

I was alone in the bed when I woke the following morning and looked to see Conrad already wearing his suit.

“Come on sleepyhead,” he urged me. “You need to get home for college classes and I need to get to work.”

“Can’t we just stay here?” I said and laughed when he dragged the covers off me.

“You just want to see my body,” I teased him.

“It is pretty,” he replied as he leaned down to kiss me. “Now get up if you don’t want to get spanked,” he went on when our lips parted.

“Promises, promises,” I said and laughed, but was quick to get up and move across the room when he raised his hand.

After I got showered and dressed, we made our way down to reception to check out. It was just as we finished doing it that we heard Conrad’s name being spoken.

“Mr. Carlisle,” he said in a surprised voice when he turned around.

I watched as the older man greeted Conrad and they exchanged pleasantries. Mr. Carlisle eventually turned his attention to me.

“And this must be the fiancée your father has been telling me about,” he said.

My mouth almost dropped open at the comment.

“I’m not his fiancée.”

“Oh…, sorry,” Mr. Carlisle said. “Have I put my foot in it?”

I looked at Conrad and suddenly he couldn’t meet my gaze.

“What does he mean?” I asked.

I was expecting an explanation of a mistake, but it didn’t come and his silence told a story.

“You’re engaged to be married?” I let out in a desperate voice.

“It’s not what you think,” he said and reached out to me.

The embarrassed anger welled up at the thought I’d been lied to and used. It ripped the world out from under me in an instant and I didn’t want to hear any more. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gave one last look at Conrad before hurrying across the lobby.

“Melissa,” he called after me, but my mind was in turmoil and I was in no mood to listen.

All I wanted was to leave the hotel and I ran out the exit to get away from the man I was falling in love with, but now knew I could no longer have.


The End of Book Three


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The Intern

Book Four



Lexi Summers

The Intern

Book Four


Chapter 1

The sound of the ringing startled me as I lay resting in the quiet of the afternoon and it was impossible to stop the apprehension that welled up. I relaxed somewhat when I saw the number on the screen and connected the call.

“Hi Bella,” I said. “How’s life at college?”

“Quiet without you here,” she said and laughed. “But I’ll be heading home at the end of this week. My last class is on Friday morning and I’m planning to leave right after it’s finished.”

Her comments made me glance around the room I was in. Escaping to my parent’s farm before the end of a semester was something I never imagined myself doing and especially in my final year, but here I was in the bedroom I grew up in.

“Has it been noticed that I disappeared a week early?” I asked.

“Not really,” Bella replied. “A couple of people have asked where you are, but I just said you were needed at home and took the last week off.”

“Thanks,” I replied.

“You did get one gentleman caller though,” she went on after a moment’s hesitation.

“Shit,” I let out. “It was Conrad Reed I take it.”

“Yup,” Bella confirmed.

“What did you say to him?”

“Just what you told me to,” Bella answered.

I cringed as the instructions I gave my friend filled my mind.

“And how did he take the news that I didn’t want to see him ever again?” I asked.

“To be honest, he didn’t seem all that surprised by it,” Bella told me. “I got the impression he was a bit down, but he didn’t make any effort to question me and just left when I told him you’d already gone.”

“He didn’t try to find out where I was?” I asked.

“You sound like you want him to know,” Bella commented.

“No!” I exclaimed, but the confusion that had been clouding my brain since the night in the hotel returned. “Oh…, I don’t know,” I let out.

“What exactly happened between the two of you?” Bella asked. “Everything seemed to be going so well then you ran out of here so quickly that you didn’t tell me the full story.”

I remembered my hasty departure from the college and let out a sigh. After fleeing from Conrad at the hotel, I ended up just blindly wandering around for a couple of hours. The news that he was engaged stung and I berated myself over being such a fool. It was obvious I was just the plaything of an older man and I hated the fact that I didn’t see it coming.

The niggling doubt of why a handsome billionaire would want to be with a chubby, twenty year old student never quite left mind in all the time we were together and I wished I’d taken heed and listened to it. There was no doubt in my mind now that all he wanted was his fantasy and he was prepared to use me to get it. I let out a sigh before going on talking.

“The full story is that Conrad Reed is engaged to be married.”

“Oh...,” Bella let out. “How did you find that out?”

“The last evening we were together, I booked a hotel room for us,” I went on. “We met one of his parent’s friends the following morning when we were checking out. The man asked if I was the bride-to-be, which came as something of a surprise to me.”

“I bet,” Bella sympathized. “And what did Conrad say to that?”

“I didn’t give him the chance to say anything,” I went on. “I just got out of the place and you pretty much know the rest. I came to the college and told my course leader that I was needed at home. Mr. Carter at the coffee shop was a bit pissed when I told him I was leaving immediately, but I guess he could see I wasn’t exactly happy and didn’t make a fuss. I went to the bus station and got out of town.”

“I thought Conrad Reed was a nice guy,” Bella commented.

“Yeah, you and me both,” I said in a resigned tone. “I guess we were wrong.”

“So…, what will you do now?”

“Stay here for the break then come back, complete my final year and get on with my life,” I told her.

“I meant about you and Conrad,” Bella went on.

“There is no me and Conrad now,” I answered firmly, but just saying it brought a slight depression over me and I guessed my friend could sense it.

“Well, try and enjoy your break and I’ll see you after it,” she said.

“Yeah, you too,” I replied.

It brought the conversation to an end and I pulled the phone away from my ear to look at it. The compulsion to bring Conrad’s number up on the screen was too much to resist. He tried to call me on a few occasions in the days after I ran out on him at the hotel, but I’d refused to answer and he eventually gave up. The news that he visited the dorm room didn’t come as a complete surprise to me, but it only got him the news I didn’t want to see him and I wondered if he’d taken it to heart.

“Forget him,” I told myself and considered deleting his number from my phone.

In the end I just cleared it from the screen and got to my feet. Resting in my room was just going to end up with me mulling over the situation and it was the last thing I needed. I walked down the stairs to find my mother in the kitchen.

“Anything I can do to help?” I asked.

“Didn’t you want to rest,” she replied with a question of her own.

I shrugged my shoulders as I moved to sit at the table beside her.

“I couldn’t settle down,” I told her.

“Well, there’s nothing for you to do in here,” she went on. “But your father just brought in some bales of hay from the fields. They need to be taken in to the hayshed.”

“I can do that,” I said and got up straight away.

“Be careful,” she told me.

“I can cope,” I told her. “I’m a strapping girl.”

“So I can see,” she teased me and grinned.

I stuck my tongue out at her before walking out of the kitchen, but the brief exchange of cheeky comments just reminded me of my size and more pertinently how much Conrad liked it.

“Got to go on a diet,” I told myself as I walked out of the house.

The work I carried out over the next forty minutes or so certainly burned off a few calories. The trailer with the bales of hay loaded on it was parked right next to the shed and getting them down to the ground then inside the building was work I hadn’t done since I left the farm to start college. The sweat was pouring down my forehead within ten minutes of starting and I collapsed down to sit on the last bale of hale I dragged in the shed.

“Getting soft Melissa,” I told myself as I tried to catch my breath.

I wiped away the sticky strands of hair plastered to my forehead and waited until I recovered before getting to my feet. Walking out of the shed got me the sight of a tractor arriving with another trailer full of hay.

“Did mum kick you out of the house or something?” my older brother, Sam, joked when he brought the vehicle to a stop.

“It was my idea to help out,” I replied.

“Well, I’ve brought your next job,” he said with a grin as he jumped down to unhook the trailer. “You’ll be glad to know this is the last one.”

“Great,” I said with no enthusiasm whatever and watched as he got up on the tractor to drive off.

Visions of soaking in a nice hot bathtub disappeared from my mind as I stared at the bales of hay. There was no doubt I would never hear the end of it from Sam if I didn’t unload the trailer and I let out a sigh as I got to work. Forty-five minutes later I was trying to catch my breath as I lay on the ground. There was no sign of my father or brother this time when I walked out of the shed and I immediately headed for the house.

“Is that you Melissa?” my mother shouted when she heard the sound of the door closing.

“It’s me,” I said when I stepped in the kitchen.

“And you look so pretty,” she teased me.

I lifted a hand to wipe the sweat from my brow.

“I’m out of practice,” I replied with a grin. “And I need a bath.”

She nodded her head.

“Give me a shout when you finish and I’ll put a plate of soup out for you.”

“Thanks,” I replied and walked away to go upstairs.

My body was protesting because of the heavy lifting work it wasn’t used to any more and I searched through the toiletries on the shelf in my bathroom for something that would provide a little relief from the ache. There was still a jar of bath soak crystals for sore muscles and I sprinkled some under the running water when I started to fill the tub.

Walking through to my bedroom, I stripped my sweat-soaked jeans, t-shirt and underwear off then secured a large towel in place around my body before returning to the bathroom. The water was almost burning hot when I stepped over the side of the tub and it needed a few seconds for me to ease myself down into it until I was settled with my legs stretched out straight. I closed my eyes and just tried to relax, with the hot water and bath soak working its magic on my tired body.

As the water cooled, I kept topping it up with more hot and I wiped a hand across my sweaty forehead when I eventually sat up. I reached for the bottle of shower cream at the end of the tub and popped it open to squeeze some in my hands. The image flashed in my head straight away and suddenly I was back in the hotel shower with Conrad.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
10.64Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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