ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (48 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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I bit my lip fiercely when the searing bliss of the orgasm erupted to life and ripped through my chubby curves. A brief moment of tension gave way to shimmering heat that lit up my body and wracked it with convulsing shudders. The strong spasms on my inner thighs made my pussy clench around the throbbing penetration of Conrad’s erection and I let out a loud groan that was impossible to hold in. His hand went across my mouth to muffle the sound and our eyes locked together as I wriggled and squirmed on his cock until my raging fervor reached its peak. My shudders died down to trembling as the ecstasy faded, but I was given no time to enjoy the afterglow of the climax.

Conrad grabbed my hips to lift my weight up from his lap and my quivering legs gave out under me. I sank to my knees and the stroking on my hair turned to something more as fingers gripped in my dark tresses. I was in no position to resist as my head was eased forward and I could taste myself on my lover’s erection as I kissed it. A glance up showed the excitement on his face and I gave him what he wanted. Somehow scrambling to my knees, I ducked my head down in his lap and sucked his sticky cock in my mouth straight away.

The grip on my hair tightened as Conrad’s muscles went rigid and he leaned back to lift his ass up from the seat as I slid my lips down his shaft. I was breathing heavily as I bucked my head up and down. The taste of my pussy filled my mouth as the tip of his cock fucked to the back of my throat and the limpness of my body slowly gave way to another bout of exhilaration as I threw myself to a frantic blowjob. It was all about giving the man I was becoming addicted to what he desired now and he kept thrusting his hips up to fuck his thick shaft between my lips as I continued to pleasure him. I could tell that his lust for me was starting to burn out of control and knew that he would want more than just my mouth.

Suddenly he dragged my head from his lap and rose to his feet. His fingers clamped around my upper arm and he hauled me up then bent me forward over his desk. The thrill of being his plaything made me shudder and he grasped at the hem of my skirt to hitch it up around my waist. It left me exposed and at his mercy as he moved right behind me.

“Get your panties out of the way,” he ordered.

I eased my legs away from the edge of the desk and let out a groan as Conrad fondled my ass. The way his fingers groped at my fleshy, rounded cheeks made me shudder and I slid a hand between my thighs to grip the edge of the silky material covering my pussy then yanked it to the side. My eyes went to the door of the room and I knew the risk we were taking, but there was no stopping now as the tip of his engorged shaft touched on my naked skin.

“You should wear stockings,” he said in a hoarse voice as he stroked the head of his cock along my swollen slit.

All I wanted was him inside me and I said nothing as I held my panties out of the way and waited for the moment. It came with a forceful thrust and I dragged my hand from between my thighs as my legs smacked against the desk. I stretched my arms out to the edge of the wooden surface in front of me and gripped tightly as Conrad circled his hips to enjoy the soft wetness of my cunt engulfing his cock. The surge of delight flooded my body and my knuckles went white as my grip tightened even more.

The groping of strong hands of my ass cheeks made me squirm, but Conrad eventually slid his touch to my chubby hips. His fingers drummed on them as he prepared himself and suddenly he sank them in my flesh to hold on. The grinding of his body against mine stopped as he eased his hips back slowly, but there was nothing gentle about what came after. He hammered his body forward to fuck his stiff, swollen length inside me and I heard his grunt.

“Don’t stop,” I encouraged him to let him know he could use me as he wanted.

I winced as his fingers dug deeper in my flesh and he clung on as he started to throw himself at me. The pounding thrusts made my thighs crack against the edge of the desk and it was agony and ecstasy mixed as his lust for me heightened to overwhelm him. I pressed my face down on the wooden surface as the passion of his frantic onslaught was unleashed on my big, beautiful body and my ass cheeks wobbled as his body crashed against them. It plunged his cock between my pussy lips over and over to ravage my body until the pressure in his balls was too much to contain.

The burst of streaming cum erupted when he threw himself forward one final time to bury every inch of his pulsing length inside me. I pushed myself up to arch my body and clenched my pussy muscles around his jerking cock as the rush of thick white continued to spurt inside me. Conrad’s body bucked fiercely to slap on my buttocks as he emptied his balls and he only dropped his weight down to trap me on the desk when there was nothing left to give.

It didn’t stop the twitching of his cock and I could feel it moving inside me as his power drained to leave him gasping for breath. When he moved away to drop in his seat, I pushed myself up and turned to perch on the edge of the desk. My panties slid back in place to hold his cum inside me as I looked down at my disheveled clothes.

“You ruined my nylons,” I said and smirked as I stared at the gaping hole.

“You told me to do it,” he countered. “But I’ll buy you a new pair.”

We stared at each other when he got to his feet and our bodies crushed together as we shared another kiss.

“We should go,” he said when it ended. “I’ll give you a ride home.”

I was quick to straighten my clothes and make myself presentable then left his office first and met him down at the basement parking lot as I was told. He led the way to his car and I dropped in the passenger seat when he unlocked the doors. I gave him the directions to get to the college dorm building and we chatted comfortably on the journey. There was no awkwardness after the kinky sex we just shared and we kissed once more before I got out of the car and watched Conrad drive away.

Chapter 4

The following morning, I got to my desk to find a pink bag sitting on it. My brow furrowed as I sat down and looked around. It was early enough that there weren’t many people around me, so I opened the bag to look inside.

“Oh shit,” I let out under my breath.

I slipped my hand inside the bag and positioned one of the packages inside to see that it was a pair of tights for a larger woman. A smile spread across my face when I grabbed the other one to see the picture of a sexy pair of stockings on the front of the packaging. It was too much to resist. I looked around to make sure no one was watching then brought out the second package and hid it under my jacket when I got to my feet.

Walking hurriedly to the bathroom, I locked myself in a cubicle and removed the tights I was wearing. I shivered as I pulled the stockings on and it was a thrill to know that Conrad bought them for me. More to the point, I suspected that he wanted to see and fuck me in them. I put the tights in my jacket pocket then stood to pull my skirt down into place. I was on a high for the rest of the day, but never got the chance to go and find the man I really wanted to see.

I waited until late that evening before going down to the twentieth floor in the hope that Conrad might be around. There was no sign of him, however, and it was the same for the final week of my internship at Reed Commerce. I was desperate to see him and show him the pretty stockings, but there was never any sign of him. It seemed that work came first for him and his personal life didn’t get in the way of that. I briefly saw him on my very last day of work, but he was about to leave for a meeting with a client when Mrs. Samuels took me along to his office and I was in and out in a matter of a less than a minute.

It was with regret that I left the offices of Reed Commerce to end my internship, with no way of knowing whether Conrad and I would get together again. I stuck with my plans to go home to my parent’s farm the very next day and my mind was on the man I wanted to be with for the entire journey. We hadn’t even exchanged phone numbers and I wondered if that was deliberate on his part. In truth, the idea of phoning him scared me and the concern that he might just brush me off would have stopped me from calling anyway.

When the long journey to my home town ended, I got off the bus and walked out to the parking lot. I recognized the old, rusty station wagon right away and saw my mother getting out as I walked towards it.

“It’s so good to see you,” she said as we hugged then moved apart. “Is everything OK with you?”

“It’s fine,” I said and forced a smile onto my face, but the image of Conrad flashed through my head when I said the words.

We’d only spent two evenings together, but the fact that I missed him so badly was a sure sign that everything was as far from being fine in my life as it possibly could be.


The End


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The Intern

Book Three



Lexi Summers

The Intern

Book Three


Chapter 1

I turned around at the sound of the door opening and let out a squeal when I saw Bella entering the dorm room.

“I’m usually first to get here,” she said and laughed as I ran across to hug her.

I took one of the bags she was carrying to help get her luggage to her bed.

“I’ve been here for five days already,” I admitted. “I wanted to get settled in and ready to start my final year.”

“You’re keen,” she teased me when she dropped the bags she was carrying and threw herself down on a chair.

“I got a job too,” I told her.

“Doing what?”she asked.

“A new coffee shop not far from the campus was advertising for waitresses and I thought why not. It’s a couple of hours in the evening and also Saturday afternoon. It still leaves plenty of free hours for the studying I need to do. I’ll probably keep it up for sure until the mid-term vacation and see how things go after that. If it gets too much to cope with as my final exams loom, I’ll give it up. The owner knows I’m a student, but I promised him if I do quit that I’ll keep working long enough for him to find someone to take over.”

“Sweet,” Bella said and smirked. “I’ll know who to come to for a loan when I need some money.”

“You wish,” I replied.

“Talking of work,” she went on. “How did you get on with your internship at Reed Commerce?”

“Yeah, it was good,” I replied.

“And said with such enthusiasm,” Bella teased me.

“It was hard work,” I went on. “I was put with one of the advertising teams, so learned a lot about the industry and the requirements of putting adverts together from the original idea to the finished article.”

“And were there any cute guys?” Bella went on.

“There were some,” I replied. “The people I worked with were nice, but I was only with them for four weeks. It was so busy that there wasn’t much chance for anything other than work.”

“That’s a shame,” Bella told me and let out a wicked laugh. “A good looking guy in a sharp suit and crisp, white shirt is something special, don’t you think? I wouldn’t say no to that.”

“Pervert,” I joked, but was all too aware of the hot flush that spread across my face.

I turned away to make sure it wasn’t seen and pretended I needed to go to the bathroom. A glance in the mirror showed just how red my cheeks were glowing and memories of the encounter with Conrad Reed in his office only made it worse. I turned on the water to splash some on my face as I thought about him. Our second time making love ended pretty much like our first, with no contact between us after it.

The first couple of weeks of my summer vacation at my parent’s farm were spent missing Conrad like hell and wondering every day whether I should try to get in touch with him. The only real option for that was to call his office and I didn’t even know if he would be there…, or what to say to him if he was. We were hundreds of miles apart anyway, with no real prospect of meeting and I chickened out of making the call. The hope that he might find a way to get in touch with me slowly faded as the days and weeks of the vacation passed and I eventually came to the decision just to put our relationship, if I could even call it that, and our lovemaking down to experience.

I went over and over if that was the right thing to do, but with the internship finished and no prospect of returning to Reed Commerce, it seemed there was little choice. I didn’t want to turn up at the company’s offices or his home like some desperate, love-struck fool and find out that he wasn’t really interested. My reaction to the memories of the lovemaking that Bella sparked with her comment about men in suits showed that I wasn’t really over my addiction to Conrad though.

“Just give it time and you’ll be fine,” I said quietly as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, but wasn’t quite sure I believed what I was telling myself.

I let out a sigh as I waited for the redness to fade completely then flushed the toilet just for effect before walking out of the bathroom. Bella was unpacking her bags and I walked across to my bed to sit down then turned the subject to her when I spoke.

“So, what did you get up to on your vacation?”

“Not much,” she replied. “There’s not a great deal to do at my sister’s home to be honest. I just relaxed and enjoyed being away from lessons, coursework and studying.”

“You didn’t meet any nice boys then?”

Bella made a face as she shook her head.

“No such luck,” she let out and laughed. “Hopefully some cute college boy will fall at my feet soon and show his full appreciation for my delicious curves.”

It was another comment that reminded me of Conrad. He certainly worshipped me when he got me alone and I wondered how many college boys there were that shared his fetish for bigger girls. I put the idea out of my head as our conversation went on, but I eventually needed to leave for my five thirty starting time at the coffee shop.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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