ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (45 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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“Sure,” I said in a hushed voice. “I’d like that.”

We left our half finished drinks on the bar and got up straight away. I couldn’t stop trembling when we walked out of the bar and stepped across to the elevators. We waited in silence and my nerves spiked when the doors of the one that arrived opened to show it was empty. I held my breath as we walked in and the tension rose as the door closed.

Chapter 5

The soft touch of a hand brushing my hair behind my ear made me look up. I was wide eyed and felt almost innocent in the presence of such a confident, older man. The moment stretched out as our eyes met and I shuddered as a gentle kiss pressed on my lips. It seemed that Conrad Reed wasn’t about to waste any time in going after what he wanted and I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

“You really are gorgeous,” he said.

It was me that tucked my hair nervously behind my ear now. His hand caressed on my cheek, but the ping of the elevator made him take it away. I could still almost feel his touch on my skin and knew that when I walked through the door of his room I was going to give him whatever he wanted. If it helped get me an internship then so be it, but that wasn’t why I was doing it.

The doors of the elevator opened to an empty hallway and we stepped out to it. Conrad led the way along to a door and used a keycard to open it. I walked inside to the largest hotel room I’d ever seen in my life. It was more like a small apartment and I looked around with an amazed expression on my face. It disappeared in an instant when I heard the sound of the door closing.

I turned to see I was being watched and I instinctively backed away as Conrad approached. His gaze roamed over my large figure and it was all too obvious now that it was something he wanted. The flicker of excitement and trepidation lit up in my mind and I let out a soft gasp when I was stopped from going any further by a wall behind me.

“So…, here we are,” Conrad said as he quickly moved right in front of me.

“Yes,” I let out quietly as I looked up into dark brown eyes.

I knew I was lost the minute I stared in them and my breath was already coming out in heavier gasps when our lips met again. His muscular body pressed against mine and there was nothing gentle about the kiss now. Conrad’s mouth crushed on mine and it was obviously turning him on. The hardness of his growing erection pressed on my chubby belly and there was no stopping the rush of arousal. It brought a tingle of heat between my thighs that make me squirm and my breath rushed out when the kiss ended.

“You look perfect in that dress,” Conrad told me and lifted a hand to brush his fingers through my hair.

“It’s too short,” I said.

“That’s why it’s perfect,” he went on and let out a quiet laugh. “It shows off your gorgeous legs when you sit down and the hem hitches up.”

“I noticed that you like that.”

“Then sit down on the bed,” he told me.

I glanced down as he moved away from me and could see the outline of his erection straining against the front of his black pants. Hot arousal flooded my veins and my legs trembled as I walked across to the bed to give him what he wanted. I sat down and let the hem of the dress ride high on my thighs. Conrad moved right in front of me.

“Hitch it higher,” he said.

The thrill of giving in to him wasn’t lost on me and my hands were shaking as I obeyed. He dropped to his knees and leaned in to press a kiss on my leg. It sent shivers racing through my body and my thighs rubbed together as I squirmed. Ragged breaths began to spill from between my lips and I didn’t stop things when he touched his hands on my knees to spread them apart. I threw myself back to lie on the bed, but lifted my head to watch as his fingertips trailed up my inner thigh.

Wetness moistened my panties as my excitement mounted and I knew that Conrad would be able to see the dark patch on the red material. As he leaned down to kiss on my inner thigh, I spread my legs wider for him, but he grabbed my knees to stop me. It seemed he wanted my chubby flesh wrapped around his head as he kissed his way up my legs. The coarse stubble on his chin prickled on my skin to make me arch up and I let out a groan as his lips found their goal.

He was worshiping my big, beautiful body and I could hear his heavy breathing as he buried his head right between my thighs. The kiss on my panties made the heat flourish and the tingle of delight made my body arch up from the mattress. His lips played on the damp patch on the red material before his tongue flicked out to slide along the outline of my pussy lips. I closed my eyes tightly as I groaned and shuddered, but it only encouraged the man between my thighs to more.

The pressure of his stiff tongue opened me up through my panties and the silky material dipped inside me. The touch of it rubbing on my slick inner skin was a new experience and I let out a louder groan. Conrad’s lust for me was growing and he tried to get his tongue deeper still before lifting his head. His hands came between my thighs to grab at my panties and I lifted my butt as the red material was dragged down my legs. There was nothing stopping him now and he pushed my dress up around my waist as he buried his head between my fleshy thighs again.

His stiff tongue plunged in my drenched sex and the burst of hot bliss made me buck up from the mattress as my pussy was stretched open. My breath rushed out as the touch lashed around to grind on my soft inner skin and I couldn’t hold in the loud moans. I closed my plump thighs around his head as the burning arousal swept me up towards a high, but I didn’t quite get there before Conrad moved from between my thighs.

I looked up at him when he got to his feet and lifted my arms when he reached out to me. He pulled me to a sitting position and my gaze settled on the bulge in his pants that was straining for release. My breath rasped out as he grabbed my dress to haul it up my body and it left me in only a bra. Conrad stared at my breasts and I knew what he wanted. I loosened the front clasp of the bra to let my ample breasts spill free and his hands were on them straight away.

“So beautiful,” he said almost to himself as his fingers sank in soft flesh.

The chance to touch was too much for me to resist and I reached out to press my palm against the outline of his erection. My mouth opened wide as he brushed his fingers over a nipple and it quickly grew stiff under the attention being lavished on it. I grabbed at the zipper of Conrad’s pants to drag it down and slid my hand in the gap. It allowed me to grope his strong erection through his underpants.

“Get it out,” he told me.

I quickly pulled my hand out to loosen his pants and dragged them down with his underwear. He kicked them away as I wrapped my fingers around his erection and he continued to grope my tits as I stoked my fingers along his swollen shaft. When he stepped forward, I knew what he wanted and grabbed at my breasts. His head rocked back when he thrust his cock into my cleavage and he let out a loud groan as I wrapped soft, warm flesh around him.

His erection all but disappeared from sight as I engulfed it in my tits and his breathing became ragged as I stroked them up and down. He touched a hand on my shoulder as his legs began to shake and I gave him more. I slid my breasts lower, so the head of his cock appeared out of the top of my cleavage. Ducking my head down, I teased my tongue around his hot, hard flesh then let spit dribble over it. The lubrication wet my skin as well to make it slippery enough to give a wet tit fuck.

I saw Conrad glance down to watch as I used my big, rounded tits to pleasure him. His fingers sank in the flesh of my shoulder as the rush of ecstasy coursed through his veins until he eventually stepped away before the attention I was giving him pushed him too far. He reached for the buttons of his shirt and I leaned forward to grab his cock and spank the head on my breasts as I watched him get naked. The sight of taut muscles made me reach out and I stroked my fingertips on his chest then lower to his midriff. I then slid my hand to his erection and circled my fingers around it. He let me play for a few seconds before grabbing my wrist to make me drop to my knees in front of him.

The blowjob I expected ended before it started as he made me turn and lower my upper body on the bed. It left me bent over and at his mercy. My tits squashed against the mattress and I let out a gasp as Conrad dropped down behind me. His hands slapped on my fleshy butt and I gripped the bedcovers tightly then pressed my face down as his fingers sank in my soft cheeks. They were spread open and I knew I was showing him everything. The touch of his stiff shaft spanking on my puckered skin made me shudder and the rush of dirty delight started the climb towards a climax.

Conrad slid his cock between my thighs and my knuckles whitened as I gripped the bedcovers even tighter. The touch of the hardness sliding along my pussy lips sent my excitement spiraling higher and I held my breath when the tip of his erection touched on my slick entrance. He was poised to enter me and my breath rushed out in a loud groan as he thrust forward to slap his body on my plump, rounded cheeks. The way he worked to grind his body on my ass made his thick shaft stir around inside my pussy and the rush of burning desire that rippled though my chubby figure made me shudder.

I tensed when he gripped my hips and made his fingers sink in my flesh. He slowly withdrew until just the tip of his swollen cock was spreading my pussy open before thrusting forward to crash his body against my butt. The deep penetration made me rear up and I groaned as he began to throw himself forward at me. The sound of our naked skin slapping together filled the room and the rhythm increased as Conrad set himself to pounding my wet cunt.

The ferocity of his thrusts made my chubby flesh judder as his efforts increased and the swell of heat between my thighs was unstoppable. I pressed my face in the bedcovers and it muffled my groans as the rising bliss began to overwhelm me. The disappointment of Conrad pulling out before I reached a peak faded quickly when he dragged me on the bed and made me straddle his waist. He grabbed his erection to hold it in place as I spread my thighs wide and lowered myself to him. Having control of the sex sent my pulse racing and shudders wracked my body as I sat down to take the full length of a rampant erection.

Conrad grabbed my tits to grope them as I began to ride his cock. In seconds I was crashing myself down on his stiff length to take it deep and get the relief I was now desperate for. It made me bounce up and down frantically and the tension rose as I climbed the heights of my passion. He clung on to my breasts and my erect nipples rubbed on his palms as I leant forward to slap my hands on his chest. I worked my hips with fervent enthusiasm to take myself all the way and my mouth opened wide as I finally lost control.

The rush of hot ecstasy exploded inside me and I dropped down on Conrad’s erection as the spasms of my pussy sent me rushing to a shuddering, breathless high. He let go of my tits and grabbed my hips to buck his body up and I groaned as I started to ride him again. It prolonged my pleasure as my quivering cunt engulfed his erection over and over until he was overwhelmed.

His body arched as his hips bucked up one last time and a powerful burst of hot, sticky wet erupted inside me. I sat down to trap him on the mattress as the strong convulsions ripping through his body sent more of his cum splashing in my cunt. The heat of a strong orgasm still held me in its grip as he gave me everything and I rocked back and forth as our hips remained locked together.

Conrad groaned as the strong release of cum ended and I collapsed down on him as my shudders died down. His arms wrapped around me tightly to hold me in place and it was only when the power drained from his erection that he released his grip to let me roll to the side. The only sound in the room was our harsh breathing at first.

“We better shower,” he eventually said and helped me up from the bed when he got to his feet.

The way he washed and worshiped my body under the cascade of hot water was sexy and I liked the way his taut muscles rubbed against my soft, pretty curves when he kissed me. We eventually got out and he dried himself and me before we walked in the bedroom area of the room. I was unsure of what to do at first.

“I have to get up early to leave tomorrow,” he said.

“Yeah…,” I replied. “I should really go.”

He watched as I went to gather up my clothes and get dressed then followed me across to the door. We kissed and I pressed my hand on his naked chest. The urge for him to remove the towel from around his waist and fuck me a second time was strong, but it didn’t happen and I opened the door to leave.

I hadn’t even thought about the interview while I was in his room, but it returned to my mind as I rode the elevator down to the ground floor. The thought reared up of whether it was just an excuse to get me in bed and I screwed up my face at the idea I’d just let myself be used.

There was no way of knowing the truth and as I walked out of the hotel, I wasn’t sure if I’d just satisfied an older man’s fetish for a big beautiful girl or whether an internship and more chances to be with Conrad Reed might actually come my way.


The End of Book One


Back to Table of Contents




The Intern

Book Two



Lexi Summers

The Intern

Book Two

Chapter 1

I glanced at myself in the mirror and liked the cute appearance of the new pastel yellow panties and bra set I was wearing. It was skimpier than I would normally consider buying, with the tight material clinging to my larger curves and the scalloped edges giving the outfit a sexy style. Turning away from my reflection after a few seconds, I moved across the room to my bed and sat down to take the nylons out of the plastic packaging. I stroked my fingertips on the silky material and a smile spread across my face.

“Nice,” I let out and the touch of the material felt even better as I worked it up my legs then stood to smooth it in place.

I moved across to the wardrobe and opened it up to take out another of my recent purchases. The dark business suit was smart enough to wear to an office, but hugged my curves to show off my figure and I was sure that anyone with a preference for bigger girls would enjoy seeing me in it. There was one man in particular that I wanted checking me out when I was wearing it and I let out a sigh as my mind went back to the night in the hotel.

I’d walked out of the room that evening not knowing what was going to happen and to an extent I still didn’t. As far as I knew, Conrad left for his business trip the following day and I hadn’t seen or heard from him since. It was disappointing not to get a call, but I was entering the last few weeks of the college semester and that meant exams. There was no time to worry about what was going to happen with the internship and I set my mind to getting the best grades I could.

Studies over the next couple of weeks took up all my waking thoughts and that led to the pressure of exams in the very last week. It was only after they ended that my attention turned to the prospect of the internship and the possibility of another meeting with the enigmatic boss of Reed Commerce. The urge to call up and find out what was happening filled my mind, but I resisted it to wait and see what happened.

When nothing did, the disappointment returned and I started to suspect that I’d been used to satisfy the big, beautiful girl fetish of an older man. Not that I would have changed the night in the hotel for anything. The flicker of excitement came to me almost every time I thought about the lovemaking, but it appeared that it was a one off that I might just have to chalk it up to experience. I started to make plans to return home to my parent’s farm when the message came from Professor Hamilton that she wanted to see me.

I tried to hold down my expectations when I walked to her office, but it was difficult to do and my fingers were crossed when I knocked on the door and walked in her room. It was to the news that I’d been accepted for the Reed Commerce internship program and I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm as she told me that I needed to report to Mrs. Samuels at the company offices the following Monday.

That led to me putting off my planned visit to my parent’s farm for four weeks, but not before I asked them to loan me some money to buy an outfit. The last few days before I was due to start work were strange in that I was in my dorm room alone. My roommate, Bella, left to go to her sister’s home and most of the other students were also gone. Each time I went out the college seemed deserted and I was glad when the morning of my first day of work finally came around.

As I stood in my underwear and nylons, I knew that I was on the verge of a fantastic experience and my hope was that it wouldn’t only be confined to work. I knew that I would need to concentrate on that and try my best to make a good impression, but the opportunity to see Conrad Reed again played on my mind. I reached in the wardrobe to pull out the white blouse I planned to wear. As I was buttoning it up, I glanced in the mirror and liked my appearance when I left the top two buttons undone. The long gold chain I was wearing brought the eye to my chest and the new bra I was wearing squeezed my breasts together to produce a deep cleavage.

“He’ll like that,” I said with a grin, but decided it was best to appear professional rather than sexy and fastened another button to get my cleavage out of sight.

I was quick to dress in the dark business suit and it certainly gave me a professional appearance that I liked as I stared at my reflection. Turning away from the wardrobe, I walked in the bathroom and got a brush to tidy my hair. I stuck with just some lip gloss and blusher when it came to makeup and it finished my preparations.

“Time to go,” I said.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
2.96Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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