ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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I snickered at Weber’s innuendo, and then, we all cuddled up in Raul’s bed and we slept for a good ten hours. Everyone was exhausted after a rough night, it seemed.



I moved in with Raul as soon as possible, my friends and family not knowing what happened. Weber moved in as well, and I became lovers to the two werewolves, satisfying their cravings whenever they wanted.

Both Raul and Weber were good at sharing. If one wanted to fuck me solo, the other respected that choice. If both wanted to go together, they gave themselves a fair shot at me. And boy, did they ever want to have sex. I became a nympho, my desires going haywire as I if I were a teen again.

After a month or so, I began feeling a little weird. My period was late, and I felt like hurling. Could it be…?

As soon as I could, I went to the convenience store and bought myself a pregnancy test. Afterwards, I ran into the bathroom and tested it out.

The pregnancy test didn’t lie. I had a cub inside me.

That night, I met with Raul and Weber. Both of them grinned.

“Looks like we’ll finally be procreating,” Raul said. “Since we’re both exiled from the village, we’ll need to build our own haven for werewolves, and you’ll be our breeder.”

As crazy as it sounded, this idea turned me on. I was never the girl who wanted kids, but the idea of having children with these two beautiful beasts unlocked a fetish I never knew existed. Sure, I was afraid of childbirth, and I was a little worried raising a werewolf child, but I would live and learn.

And so the months passed. My belly began expanding, and I thought we’d settle down with the sex. But nope, we were still going at it. Every night, and every morning, Raul and Weber would make me theirs, pumping me with so much sperm that I felt like I would pass out. We were crazy lovers, and we would be for a long time. I could not wait to have this kid, and I could not wait to raise a family with the two. As it turned out, the baby was Raul’s, so shortly after I gave birth, I’d give Weber a chance to have a kid of his own.

And so started the beginning of my crazy life being the mistress of two werewolves. This all happened because I wanted to drown my sorrows after being set up for a date. I guess good things can happen, no matter what the circumstances. 


The End


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Alpha Wolf



Scarlett Leblanc

Alpha Wolf


Chapter 1

Hanna Valentine felt guilty. She knew she was turning her back on her family, but she didn't have a choice. After being bitten and turned into a werewolf she was afraid she'd hurt her family.

She knew she was a pretty girl, which is what had made her a target. Walking home late one night from a college class to her dorm room, a man had approached her. She'd ignored him and out of nowhere, he'd shifted into a wolf and bit her. She thought she'd been imagining the yellow eyes in the man who was following her until he shifted. She'd run home to her dorm and wrapped her arm, too scared to tell anyone what had happened. Besides, she didn't think anyone would believe her.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes flashed yellow when she got agitated or excited. She knew she could shift into a wolf at moment and it upset her. She couldn't completely control it and it put her at risk of someone finding out. She took her dark hair and put it back into a ponytail, her dark chocolate skin was flawless. There was one benefit of being turned into a wolf she supposed. She healed fast; everything in her body became a perfect version of itself. Unfortunately however, she couldn't date and she had to drop out of college so she wouldn't shift in the middle of class.

Getting a part time job cleaning at night, Hanna could at least pay enough of her bills to afford a small apartment. She shifted sometimes in her apartment and damaged her things. She'd learned not to have anything valuable out around the apartment or she'd chew it up. It was embarrassing. When she became a wolf, she had to chew on stuff to control the urge to bite things and howl. Howling in an apartment wasn't a good thing if you didn't want to piss off all your neighbors.

She was too scared to be around people, which made her very lonely. She had to avoid everyone she ever cared about to avoid risking contaminating them. She didn't understand why or how this happened to her and she'd never seen another wolf since the incident meaning she had no one to walk her through the learning curve of being a werewolf.

Hanna was completely on her own. Sitting in her apartment, she took her laptop out and Googled nearby parks. She needed to go for a run tonight. A real run, some place where she could get her energy out and howl at the moon. Maybe that would help her urges. Since being bitten and shifting for the first time, all she’d thought about was surviving and keeping this a secret. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, nor did she want to turn someone by accident like she’d been turned.

Getting the address of the nearby park, she put it into her phone on her GPS application and headed out. She just needed to run, to forget all her troubles, to have a break from everything. It took her about twenty minutes to drive to the parking lot of the park where she found a dark spot near the park’s edge.

Hanna got out of the car and left her keys under her front tire. Leaving her clothes and shoes on the front seat, she shifted and let the turn come over her. She hit the pavement on all four paws and then took a deep breath. Letting out a small yip she ran straight into the woods and didn’t stop running for a long time.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been out in the woods, but she heard a wolf howl and froze. Sniffing the air, she followed the sounds and smells until she saw this other wolf. A large black wolf that made her gray wolf seem dwarfed next to him. He stared at her and she stared back. As he stepped towards her, she became startled and quickly ran away.

As Hanna raced back to her car, she shifted quickly, grabbed her keys and started the engine. Breathing fast, she was panicky and pulled her shirt over her head. She hadn’t seen another wolf since she’d been marked by the wolf that had turned her. She drove back to her apartment, parked, and headed inside. She felt better. She needed to do this more often.

Hanna wondered as she lay in bed that evening if the wolf was another shifter, or had been an actual wolf out in nature that she’d stumbled upon. She realized she knew almost nothing about being a werewolf and had no idea how to find out more.

Chapter 2

Hanna went to work that night feeling lonely and wishing she could have companionship. Since becoming a wolf she didn’t do anything but hide away. When she finished her shift, she went home and parked her car. She smelled the man before she saw or heard him.

“It’s you,” he said and looked at her. He didn’t make any sudden moves, but when she turned and made eye contact with him, he looked familiar.

“What do you want?” She asked him tilting her head, sniffing the air. The urge to shift overwhelmed her, but she forced it down.

“I saw you in the woods the other night, you were running alone.” He eyes roamed from her head all the way down to her toes and took a step towards her. When she growled slightly and took a step back he stopped and crossed his arms.

“You’re unattached?” He asked her blinking in surprise.

“What do you mean am I unattached?” Her brows knitted together, not understanding what he was trying to ask her.

“No mentor, no alpha, no pack? No one to help you learn how to be a wolf?” He rubbed his hand on his chin as he looked at her.

“No,” she said shaking her head. She gave him a better look; he stood tall and had golden skin like he spent a lot of time outside. His hair was light brown streaked with blond and he had these light hazel eyes that were almost yellow. He was very handsome and towered over her. She should probably have felt more threatened by him, but he didn’t act in a way that had her feel threatened. If anything, her animalistic reaction to him was arousal. She felt her cheeks warm as it sunk into her brain that she found this man erotically hot and sexy.

“How did you become a wolf?” He asked her and then shook his head. “No, wait, here.”

He pulled out his wallet and took out a business card. Reaching out to her, he waved it at her until she took it.

“What is this?” She asked him, confused.

“Find me during business hours. We’ll talk. Unless of course, you have a pack that’s claimed you.”  He turned to leave and started walking away.

“Wait,” Hanna called out and stopped him. “What’s your name?”

“Avery. Avery Simmons. I own a security business. I’ll clear my schedule tomorrow for you. Show up any time after nine a.m. I’ll be waiting for you.” He gave her a half smile.

Hanna looked down at the card in her hand and when she looked up again, he was gone, as silent as he’d come. Clutching his business card to her chest and her keys in the other hand she wondered if she should in fact take him up on his offer.

He was the first wolf she’d met since she’d been turned and she wanted answers. Maybe he would have some. She slipped the card in her pocket, and then wondered if she could track him. His scent was forever burned in her nostrils. She managed to follow his scent to the end of the block, and then it was gone. She looked down both sides of the street and wondered if he’d gotten into a car and driven away.

Slowly walking back to her apartment, she replayed the night of her turn over again in her head. Walking late at night, she suddenly heard a sound behind her and instantly turning around. A man was cornering her, his eyes flashing yellow. Right before her eyes, he shifted. He’d gone for her throat and had ended up biting her arm instead when she’d put it up to protect herself. A group of loud fraternity boys had scared him off and she’d stood there, her arm bleeding, terrified that no one would believe her, or help her and she’d gone back to her room. Shortly after that had been her first shift and she’d disappeared off the face of the planet as far as friends and family were concerned.

She hated reliving that moment. It was one she’d never forget; the things nightmares were made out of. Yet this man, this Avery, had given her something more precious than gold. If he had answers, if he could teach her to control it, if he could give her the life back she had lost, she’d do anything. Even if it meant getting up during business hours, putting on normal clothes and going around people.

When she got back inside her apartment, she typed his security business and his personal name into the search engine. He had a prestigious security firm that had even worked with the white house on occasion. She was suitably impressed. She wondered if being a wolf had anything to do with his ability to succeed at a job like that. Fast reflexes, being able to smell and hear things no one else could.

When her alarm went off that morning, waking her up a couple hours later, she knew she was short on sleep, but she’d sleep in the afternoon before work. It’s not like she had anything better to do. Hanna braided her long hair and found a sweatshirt and some jeans to put on. She found her sneakers and for the first time in a long time she bothered to apply some mascara and eyeliner. She almost laughed at herself when she realized how attracted she was to this guy that she was putting makeup on for. For the first time in a long time though, she had hope. Hope that maybe she could have her life back; her family back. Her education at this point might be a long shot, but being able to be around her family without hurting them would be a great gift.

Grabbing her car keys, Hanna got into her car and sat there for a moment. She thought about the man and the wolf she saw last night. How did he even find her here? Given that he was in security, she supposed it was logical if he saw her license plate, he could have figured out the rest easily enough. Turning her car on, she threw it in reverse and backed out of her parking spot. Driving the thirty minutes to his office she struggled to find anywhere to park at Avery’s office. He had a business office in a busy part of downtown. By the time she turned her car off and got out, her hands were shaking. All these people around here, she was completely overwhelmed by the smells and sounds and it grated on her ears like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Hanna was tense and panicky feeling by the time she got into his office. It was quiet inside, and fancy looking. He had a waterfall and penny wishing pool in the main lobby. There was a secretary and security downstairs with multiple elevators and large sweeping stairs that spiraled up out in the open behind the security and secretary desk. The big open windows let in plenty of light.

“Hi, I’m Hanna, I’m here to…” she started to say when the secretary waved her through before she even finished.

“He’s expecting you. Go up the stairs to the right, or take the elevators to floor three. You’ll see his personal assistant and he’ll let you into his office.” The secretary looked back down at her computer and ignored Hanna, leaving her on her own.

Hanna cautiously made her way up the stairs. The idea of being trapped in a little metal box was a bit much for her right now. It helped get some of her nervous energy out by using it. She got up to the third floor and found a young man filing his nails at a desk. He was impeccably groomed and she gave him a half smile when he looked at her and she realized he had on eyeliner.

“You must be Hanna?” The man asked her while waving his hands around while he talked. When Hanna nodded at him, he pushed a button that made the doors buzz and the man pointed at the set of double doors behind her. “Go on in, he’s expecting you.”

Hanna went in, giving a small glance over her shoulder at the man before the doors slammed shut behind her making her jump. She looked around the room until she spotted Avery. He was standing in the corner, looking out of the window with his back to her.

“You came, I’m surprised, I really didn’t think you were going to show up,” he said and slowly turned to face her. “Tell me what happened.”

Hanna sat down and began explaining everything she’d been through from the time of the wolf attack up until now. As her emotions heightened, she began crying. She didn’t mean to but everything just came out. He was the only person since this whole thing happened that she could talk to. Without saying a word, Avery walked over to her, put his large muscular arms around her, and gave her a big comforting hug. Although he was still a stranger, she felt protected being in his arms and embraced him.

“I’m sorry it happened like this. It’s not supposed to. Becoming a wolf is something we don’t take lightly. The turn could have easily killed you; I’m surprised you survived it without someone there to guide you. You’re stronger than you realize,” Avery told her as he gently patted her back. “You don’t have to go through this alone. What I would like to do is offer you a job. And training. My entire pack works here. This can be a safe place for you, that is, if you want it.”

“You’re offering me a job?” Taken aback by his offer she blinked up at him and sniffed back the tears. She hated to cry; it made her feel weak and vulnerable. “Why would you do that, you don’t know me, or anything about me?”

“I tend to think of myself as a pretty good judge of character, and being a lone wolf is dangerous. You need a pack. There are certain benefits of having that bond, when you become part of a pack, we can sense if you’re in trouble, and vice versa. There are other perks of course. With this particular job here, you won’t have to hide who you are, you’ll be trained to control your urges, and taught how to control your shift better. I’m guessing you avoid most people, and based on the job you currently have right now you’re trying not to hurt anyone, am I right?”

“Did you do a background check on me?” Hanna asked him as it sunk in how he’d figure out all her personal details. She should have known; I mean it was what he did for a living. Nodding affirmatively at her, he let her go now that she’d relaxed a little bit. “I mean no offense, but I am protective of my pack, and I had to figure out who you were first. The fact you are trying to do the right thing to protect those you care about and not harm innocent people says a lot about your personality. Those are the type of people I want in my pack. It’s what we do here. We protect people. Being a wolf gives us unique abilities to be very good at that job. I’m guessing even as a human you’ve noticed the strength, agility and other perks that come with the wolf gene.”

“Yes. The first time I opened a jar of pickles it exploded on me, I had to learn to be more gentle with things after that.” Hanna said sighing. She remembered standing in her kitchen with glass all over the floor and counter and the pickles had shot everywhere. She’d been covered in the vinegar and garlic smell for days. It had taken numerous showers to get the smell off of her.

Avery observed her for a few minutes. He wasn’t entirely sure she’d be the kind of wolf who’d like packing a gun and doing security work, but he had other jobs she could do. Plus, the moment he met her, he knew she was his mate. The problem was not completely scaring her off. He had to win her trust, then her heart before he made the announcement. She was as skittish as a horse right now; he was worried she’d run at the first sign of anything that overwhelmed her. He had to be careful how he handled this situation.

Clearing his throat, he gave her a big smile. “Why don’t I show you around, explain what we do here, and then go from there?”

“I haven’t decided what I want to do yet, so I guess that’s a good idea,” she nodded at him. He offered his hand to her and she hesitated for a moment. Searching his face, she didn’t know why she should trust him, but she did. Placing her hand in his, he let her give her a tour of the facility.

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