ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 3

When I woke up, I headed to work, almost assuming what happened last night was a dream. Werewolves? They couldn’t exist. What was even more fictional was the idea of me getting laid by a stud such as him.

But my aching womanhood and my crystal clear memories said otherwise. What happened last night was real. I headed to work at the hole in the wall gas station, and I spent my next few hours being the cashier for seedy people. As I did, I had Raul on my mind. Should I go back? I personally felt horrible for pushing him in the moonlight, but how was I supposed to know he’d turn into a werewolf?

Near the end of my shift, the door opened. Great. Another customer I had to deal with before I could return home. It always worked that way, didn’t it?

I expected another redneck or wannabe thug, but instead, the person who entered was quite a handsome man. Actually, handsome was an understatement. Like Raul, he was tall and dark, but his hair was that of a rock star, its ebony locks swinging back and forth. He wore a leather jacket, but he didn’t give off the wannabe biker feel. He was definitely his own thing.

“Hello,” I said with my most generic worker voice possible. Please don’t hit on him, please don’t hit on him, please don’t…

“Hey, pretty woman. Ten on pump 5.”

I pressed the buttons, allowing him to get his gas. I was blushing so hard, and I hoped he didn’t notice. My heart was still on Raul, but he was fine as well.

He gave me a familiar smile. “I see you dig me,” he said. “When does your shift end?”

“T-ten minutes,” I stuttered, making sure my manager wasn’t watching.

“I can wait,” he said. “I have nowhere to go for a while.”

I knew right away what he wanted, and I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was right. But he was so hot!

My manager walked in. “Have a nice day,” I said, giving him a wink. I battled through my last ten minutes before clocking out. Then, I headed outside. As I did, I looked around to find this man. Was he just messing with me? So far, it seemed the answer was yes.

Well, that was disappointing,
I thought. I went back to my car, and as I did, I saw him. He was next to a motorcycle, his arms crossed and relaxed.

“Here I am, baby,” he said.

I blushed, but tried to be rational. “Who are you?” I asked.

“Just call me Weber,” he said. “I’m a traveler.”

“Weber, huh?” I introduced myself. “What brings you to this town?” I asked.

“I’m on a little business. Of course, this town isn’t my thing. But I did find a pretty woman like you, so that’s a plus. I’ll be blunt: I’m horny, and you look like a fine candidate.”

Jesus! When a man’s first words are that he wants to fuck you, it’s usually a turn-off. But the way the man said it was so dominating, like he owned you, and for me, that was a turn-on. Plus, he was hot. I know this sounds hypocritical, but I’d rather a hot guy tell me what he wants than an ugly guy be direct with me.


I almost said yes, but then I remembered I was still talking to Raul. Even though I hadn’t talked to him about his… transformation yet, he was still ‘dating’ me, and to do this seemed like a betrayal.

But in a way, the deal wasn’t sealed, so maybe this would be fair.

I chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind being rode by a bad boy, but let’s take this slow. I’ve always wanted to ride on a motorcycle, so why not take me around the town?”

He nodded his pretty little head, and then I hopped on his bike. The motorcycle wobbled a bit, and for a few seconds, I grabbed Weber’s shoulders as I feared for my life.

“It’s okay, baby,” he told me. “You don’t have to worry about the bike. It’s almost as if it has a mind of its own.”

The bike took off, and after the initial shock faded away, I was loving this. The good thing about a small town is that you don’t have to worry too much about any stops. The lights are only red for a few minutes, and the main cause of traffic is a tractor on the road, which can be driven past with ease if you have a bike.

I loved the wind in my hair, and it made me feel younger than ever. We soon stopped by a lake, and he got off. We stared at the sun for a good while as it started to set.

“Ah, the sunset. Makes me feel like a kid again,” I said. I saw that Weber had a mixed expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

He sighed. “I’ve been told to take down a man, and I really don’t want to,” he said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Haha. No really. What’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “I mean it. My village has told me there’s a runaway, and I must kill or capture him.”

Who says the word ‘village’ anymore? Maybe this guy was crazy. But after what I saw last night, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt.

He looked at me with a quizzical stare. “Do you believe me so far?”

I nodded. “I’ve seen some weird stuff, so let’s hear more of your story.”

“Okay,” he said. He drew a breath, looked at the sunset, and said, “Our village is a secret to all, undetectable by the outside world. We’re a group of people thrown from society hundreds of years ago due to our curse. This may sound silly, but it’s a horrifying curse that would not allow us to function in a normal town.”

“Curse?” This was all coming together, slowly but surely. “Do you turn into werewolves or something?”

He reeled back, his mouth agape. “How did you know?” he asked me.

I explained Raul, leaving out the part where we had sex.

He gasped. “Raul is the one I’m looking for!”

“What did he do wrong?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t say he didn’t do anything wrong, per se. Our village, because of how we were treated, forbid anyone from travelling to the outside world. Werewolves are now of legend to the outside people, so if anyone saw us, there’d be a panic. But Raul, he was bored of our tiny village. One day, he left, and we’ve been in anxiety ever since. Recently, we’ve tracked him down after he opened up a bar. He was always interested in ale, so it makes sense he would go there.”

“Why not just leave him alone?” I asked. “He seems to be handling his curse quite well. He has a bunker he goes to whenever there’s a full moon. It was my fault for exposing him to the moon.”

“The elders say it’s too risky. Personally, I want to let him be, but they sent me to find him because I’m the strongest they have. And it’s going to be another full moon tonight, so I need to do this quick.”

I grabbed him by the arm. “You can’t!” I shouted. “He’s a great guy. Surely, there’s a better way you can stop this!”

He sighed. “Not that I can think of. Anyway, I’ll take you back, since this ruined the mood. I wanted to know what the outside people tasted like down here, but this wasn’t a good way to make you horny.”

Then, he looked at me with a stoic stare. “But don’t follow me. Stay at your home. Got it?”

I nodded, and then I hopped on the bike with him. The first time I did so, it felt amazing. Now, my stomach was tumbling like a drier, and I didn’t know what to do about it.

He soon dropped me off, and once he was gone, I dressed myself, hopped into the car, and drove towards Raul. There was no way I’d let him die.


Chapter 4

From the outside, the bar didn’t seem to be disturbed. If Weber made his move now, there’d be pure and utter chaos, especially in a town where violence like this is unheard of. I parked my car and walked inside.

Inside the bar, it was happening like usual. I looked at all the patrons, who were all getting plastered. No sign of Weber anywhere. Perhaps he was outside, stalking until it was closing time. If so, did he see me?

I walked to the bar, and then Raul walked up to me, his professional face falling off once he saw me.

“Tristy? You came back,” he said this in a half-shout, half-whisper.

I nodded. “Look. You’re a great man, and I don’t give a shit about your curse. I’ve met men with worse baggage than you have. Trust me.”

He chuckled. “That’s a bold statement. Do others turn into bears?”

I shook my head. “Nope, but they still live with their parents, or are secretly married. That crap is worse than being a werewolf.”

“Man, the outside world is weird,” he muttered. His eyes then widened. “You heard nothing.”

“No need to hide it. I know you’re a runaway from a village of werewolf shapeshifters.”

He almost dropped the glass of whiskey as he handed it to a thirsty patron. “How did you know that?”

I explained to him about meeting Weber, trying to act as disinterested in him as possible. Raul then dropped the glass for real this time, but the noise in the bar masked it.

“Weber? He, of all people, was sent out to find me? Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to a small town after all. Opening a bar is front-page news here.”

“How long have you been gone?” I asked.

“Ten years. It was quite easy evading these guys, and I thought they would have given up by now.”

“Nope,” I said.

Raul sighed. “What’s even worse is that Weber was my best friend.”

I gasped. “He was?” Well, that did make sense. Weber acted conflicted when it came to going after Raul.

“We were friends since we were pups. Pardon the pun. Weber wanted to be the elder’s right hand man, while I wanted to see the world. Despite these differences, we were inseparable. One of my biggest obstacles in leaving the village was the fact that I wouldn’t see Weber again. But I sucked it up. Wonder how he’s changed in all these years.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

“Face the music. It’s the only thing I can do, it seems. I’ll close the bar early, and that should bait Weber. Weber’s the kind of person who waits until everyone leaves before he strikes.”

Raul went to the wall, where there was a bell attached to it. Think those novelty items some stores have where you’re supposed to ring the bell if your service was good.

Ring ring ring!

Everyone stopped talking, their eyes directed to Raul.

“There’s been a personal emergency,” Raul said. “Because of this, I’ll be having to close the shop in a few. Everyone, get your last few drinks.”

The patrons grumbled and growled. “You close last time, too. You better be up till 5am tomorrow!”

Half left in disgust, while the other stuck around until Raul was forcing them out. Raul turned the sign from open to closed. Outside, it was nothing but twilight.

Raul stood there for a few seconds, before saying, “You can come out, Weber.”

Emerging from the bathroom door was Weber. “I see your senses are still sharp as ever.”

“And I see you’re still a master at hiding,” Raul replied.

The two stared each other down, the tension so high I was expecting the glass around them to shatter.

Weber then looked at me. “I thought I told you not to follow me!”

“I couldn’t let you hurt Raul!” I said.

Weber scoffed. “No matter. You’re useless in this battle.” He pointed at Raul. “As you probably know, I’ve been sent to capture you. Dead or alive. It hurts, especially since you were my old friend, but I have to get done what needs to be done.”

Raul scoffed back. “If the elders want me, they’ll need to put up a fight. Personally, I like this world a lot better than the village. And you guys need to realize that it isn’t the 17
century anymore. The people here are more understanding, and modern science is amazing. If we all banded together and proved to the world we were werewolves, they may try to come up with a cure, or try to integrate us into society.”

Weber sighed. “I wish that were the case, but no matter what year it is, the outside world is still intolerant.”

The moonlight started shining down the windows, enveloping Raul and Weber in its light.

“Looks like it’s time to finish this,” Weber said, his body sprouting fur and changing into a creature. Raul was doing the same thing. Soon, they were full-fledged werewolves, growling and gnashing teeth instead of using any words. With all their clothes ripped off, I couldn’t tell who was who, especially after they ran in circles so many times.

One werewolf would scratch the other, who would counter by biting their body. The two beasts seemed to be evenly matched, and I was looking at this battle in both awe and shock.

The wolves continued to clash, no clear victor as of yet. But both looked quite bloody, with hair littering the ground. Finally, one of the wolves retreated towards the safe room, with the other following. The chasing wolf pounced, causing both to fly through the door. There was a sound as both tumbled down the stairs.

I stood there for a few seconds before I gathered the courage to follow. Below me, lights turned on. Was it automatic? I went down and chased after them, soon entering Raul’s pad.

What I saw made my eyes widen.

Raul and Weber were human again. I guessed that if a shapeshifter was away from moonlight long enough, they turned back to their normal selves. Raul and Weber both looked battered, but they were still swinging. Also, both men were naked, and as pervy as this sounds, I was finding this to be a turn-on. Weber’s cock, even though it was flaccid, appeared to be as big as Raul’s Maybe…

“Stop!” I shouted.

Sure enough, both men stopped trading blows. I sighed. “You two have fought long enough. Can’t you two just get along?” I brought with me my dress, and I started unbuttoning it. Both men’s eyes widened. They were acting like teenagers, and I loved it.

“If you two want to let out your anger, do it to me.”

“Dammit,” Weber uttered. “I can’t resist.”

Raul nodded. “Same.”

Weber continued. “Even in our human form, we still have some wolf-like instincts. This is mating season for us, and we are the type who prefers big, strong women such as yourself. Stop it! We’re going crazy just by looking at you.”

I walked up to Weber, my hand rubbing his chest. With my other, I felt Raul. My eyes drifted around the two men, only to discover that both had cocks that were rock-solid. “Well now,” I said. “Why not go crazy then? I feel like you two boys have some pent-up urges, and if you let it go, maybe we can be more diplomatic about this.”

Ironically, Weber, who seemed to be the more collected one, pounced on this deal at first. His cock went full-on erect, and then he used his hand to lower me to the ground. As he did, he shoved his cock into my mouth.

He tasted raw, beastly. I’m usually not the type who cares for blowjobs, but this man tasted so good, I didn’t mind it. As I sucked on him like a vacuum, I looked up at Raul, who had a skeptical look on his face. I guess I eventually won him over, because he soon got behind me, and then he entered my womanhood.

I was so turned on that I needed little foreplay to get wet. Raul’s cock slid inside me without too much struggle, my pussy still loosened from the night before. I deep-throated Weber, using my tongue to stimulate every inch of his meat. Some precum landed on my tongue, its flavor potent. Why was this so good? I wasn’t sure, but I loved it.

Raul railed me from behind, my butt jiggling to his movements. He slapped his hands on my cheeks, and I cried out a little. God, this was amazing!

I took Weber’s cock out of my mouth, a torrent of drool running from my mouth. “See? Isn’t this better?” I said, before continuing to suck his cock. My lips wrapped around it, trying to milk it for everything it was worth. Same with my inner walls, which were aiming to get everything Raul had out of him, and deliver it straight to my womb.

Soon, I tested the limits of these two men. Both shot out globs of sperm. Once again, I felt Raul’s semen flood my womb and relax me. But now, I had Weber’s cum to deal with. It shot down my throat, coated my tongue and walls of my mouth, and as he pulled his cock out, got some on my face. The flavor was so strong, I immediately swallowed it to get everything out.

“That was amazing,” I said, panting. Even though they were in their human form, they were pretty much wolves with the way they fucked, and I loved it.

They stood next to me, their cocks still quite erect. To top it off, my pussy was still dripping as well, and it wasn’t because of all the cum inside me.

“Care to go for another round?” I offered. I turned and spread my lips. “You can have this hole if you want it, Weber.”

Weber ran to me, his erection slamming into my pussy. I made an airless gasp, the sensation like an overloaded socket. He began pounding me without any build up whatsoever. Even though Raul’s sperm was still inside me, he fucked my pussy eagerly, his hand grabbing my ass and holding me down.

“Let’s take her on together,” Weber said to Raul. Raul was busy watching us go at it, and from his throbbing erection, I knew he wanted to go another round.

“Hang on,” Raul said. “I got just the thing.”

He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a thin tube. I soon realized it was lubricant. Raul nonchalantly poured the lube all over his throbbing cock, and then faced my plump ass.

“Been a while since I screwed a girl’s ass,” he said.

Screwed… a girl’s ass? I was curious, but also a little frightened. I never tried anal before, as most of my boyfriends left me before we could get into the experimental stages of our sex life.

As Weber fucked me, I expected Raul to slam it in. Instead, he poured some on his fingers, and began lightly rubbing my asshole. My body tense, especially as the finger entered me. I expected pain…

But all I got was pleasure. As it turned out, anal was an amazing sensation once you got used to the weird feeling, and if you had it done by a man who knew what he was doing. After a few light thrusts, he pulled it out and then inched his cock inside me. By now, my ass was fully prepared, and it accepted his cock openly, pun not intended.

Both men began thrusting inside me. Weber went faster than Raul, but Raul began picking up the pace once he realized I was getting used to it. I cried both their names interchangeably, and then, it took no time at all before we all came together.

Weber filled my womb as full as it was going to get, and Raul gave me a sperm enema, my ass feeling warm as the cum shot through it. Both men pulled their cocks out, their seed dripping from both my holes. I collapsed, having so many orgasms that I lost track.

After a couple minutes, I regained my composure and stood up. Both men were panting, their cocks finally soft again.

“How was it?” I asked.

“It was… incredible!” Weber said.

“I usually don’t share girls, but it turned out to be amazing,” Raul added.

I looked at these two battle-scarred men, and personally, I couldn’t decide which of them I liked better. Both were sexy, both were good in bed, and both had good personalities. I wanted them to be mine!

We didn’t talk about the elephant in the room until all our clothes were back on. Raul had an extra pair of clothes he gave Weber, who destroyed his after he turned into a werewolf. Then, Weber spoke. “I guess my mission was a failure. I really have no urge to capture you, Raul. But if I don’t, I won’t be able to come back to my village. I’ll have to take back that motorcycle I rented, too, and I really like that thing.”

“Why not stay here?” I asked.

Weber sighed. “It’ll be a bit taxing knowing I failed the elder. But since I’m the strongest in the village, I don’t think they’ll be going after us.”

I nodded. “See? Just stay here. We all can live together.”

I turned around. “The truth is, I really like you both, and I can’t pick which one I want.”

Weber and Raul looked at each other. Then, Weber spoke. “Despite Raul saying he doesn’t share girls, it’s a tradition in the werewolf community that werewolves have more than one mate, both male and female. I wouldn’t mind living with you two. But Raul needs to choose.”

Raul shrugged. “Hey. My lover, and my best friend, living together? That sounds good to me.”

I smiled. It seems like the crisis was averted, and everything got settled nicely.

Raul continued. “I’m making enough to keep you two under my roof, so if you want to quit your job, and break your lease, I’ll be happy to help. I’d love to have a strong woman such as yourself around the bar.”

I smiled and blushed. As I did, Weber kissed me on the cheek. “And I wouldn’t mind having a woman to train with me, and who could ride with me, both figuratively and literally.”

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