ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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“I wanna find my Mam, and save’r,” Lucinda asserted. She had never been more certain of anything in her life.

“There’s my girl,” Jimmy beamed. He brushed her hair behind her ears, and his lips across hers. “We’re goin’ to get outta this place, and find your momma, and save her. We’ll live the lives we’ve always dreamed of, just you wait and see.”

A groan came from the body on the ground, and they both turned to see Mister Charlie Davis, cradling his nose.

Jimmy spat on him again, and turned on his heel with Lucinda by his side.

“It don’t matter where you go,” the voice wavered from behind them. “They’ll hunt you down and punish you for this disgusting sin.”

As the pair walked out of the barn, hand in hand, Lucinda called over her shoulder, “With all that money and all those connections, maybe you should hire that same search party to find you somethin’ to be cocky about.”

Chapter 6

Daylight was breaking as Lucinda and her Dear Jimmy crept out of the barn. The workers were beginning to stir, the plantation getting ready to start its day. From the Big House, Lucinda could hear Momma Dinah bellowing about that lovesick girl, taking forever with the milk.

“Tessie will be sent lookin’ for me, now,” Lucinda worried.

“I’ve got an idea,” Jimmy grinned. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and blew, his whistle receiving a distant whinny. Jimmy’s prized stallion, Zeke, galloped toward him, slowing as he arrived. Swinging her up onto the horse’s back, he climbed on in front of her.

“Hold on tight,” Jimmy called back to her. He dug his heels in, and Zeke took off at a saunter, picking up speed as he approached the fence. The echo of a distant dream flickered through her memory, an imprisoned horse too afraid of freedom to try. And as the hooves met the ground beyond her white picket cage, Lucinda wrapped her arms tighter around her dear Jimmy, fingertips grazing wrists where a rope once twisted and burned. Despite herself, she looked back, recalling the first moment she saw the Jackson Plantation. She had been right; her life as she knew it was over. But it had also just begun.




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Risqué Business



Lexi Summers

Risqué Business

Chapter 1

Hailey Banks sat with her girlfriend having a glass of wine. They’d been dating on and off for nearly ten years. Both of them were bisexual but neither had chosen to date any males while together.  The only man Hailey had ever pined after was a man she didn’t think she could have.

Her mother had married a rich white guy who’d had a son a few years younger than her. She’d admired him from afar, but had kept her hands to herself. Her brother Randy Davis had inherited the families’ business when his dad had died, though her stepfather had left a sizable amount to both her and her mother. Randy had never shown any signs of resentment. She was supposed to go have a business meeting with him and knew that he wanted to buy her shares from her. He was being more then generous in his offer, and she really want anything to do with the company business.

She was a hair stylist. She had her own small shop and made a good living without having to touch her inheritance. Selling the shares would pad her bank account enough so she would never have to work again if she didn’t want too.

Reesa was encouraging Hailey to sell her shares and be done with it. Reesa loved Hailey but she’d always had a little bit of jealousy, knowing that Hailey was attracted to Randy. Reesa was a small, blond thing. She had big breasts for her frame, and long wavy blond hair that went to her waist.

Hailey was the complete opposite. She was dark skinned, with brown eyes, tall, and voluptuous. Her hips were as wide as her breasts were large, and she had enough padding on her stomach that you’d never worry about hitting hipbones. She had shorter hair, a very pretty face, and had a thing for silver jewelry.

Her and Hailey drew attention whenever they were in public together, especially if they kissed or held hands. Polar opposites for the most part when it came to physical appearance, yet they were well suited for each other. Reesa did hair too, but not for people. She was a dog groomer.

“Hailey, I’m not sure you should meet with Randy alone, I think I should go with you for the meeting.” Reesa said and put her hand on Hailey’s knee. Her fingers worked their way up her thigh until she had her hand all the way under Hailey’s skirt.

“Why, are you scared that Randy and I will do something… naughty?” Hailey whispered to Reesa. She pressed a kiss to her shoulder and tangled her brown hand in Reesa’s blond her, loving the contrast of the white-gold strands against her skin.

“Only if you leave me out,” Reesa teased her, then leaned up, kissing Hailey, their lips melded together and she moaned against her as Hailey’s hands came to grip her breasts. “If you decide to be with a man Hailey, I get to be involved.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that Reesa,” Hailey said, giving her a look of shock when she realized Reesa wasn’t joking.

“No, I don’t think you would with any man, but Randy isn’t just any man… You’ve loved him for years, he may be a few years younger than you, you may be in your early thirties now and him in his late twenties, but from the pictures I’ve seen. Oh boy has that man grown up fine.” Reesa laughed. “I’m not even all that attracted to men, and him? I can see the appeal.”

“But I love you, Reesa,” Hailey said shocked.

Reesa nodded, “And if you want this man, I love you enough to let you have him too, as long as I’m involved. Of course, I wouldn’t feel this way about just anyone… but he’s different.”

“My mother had a hard enough time knowing I’ve had a girlfriend and haven’t given her grandbabies yet… what do you think she would do if I ended up dating my step brother too?” Hailey started to laugh; hard enough her breasts shook up and down.

“Hailey, your mom married for money, sure, she loved your step father eventually, but you can’t exactly say that that was her main reason for marrying him; she has no room to judge you.” Reesa said shrugging.

Kissing Reesa, Hailey shut her up as she touched her cheek with her hand and worked it lower to play with her breasts and fondle her through her sundress she was wearing.

“I’m serious Hailey, now, stop fooling around and make love to me,” Reesa told her and grinned playfully as she started to unbutton Hailey’s shirt.

“I think I can manage that,” Hailey said, and then pushed Reesa back on the couch and climbed on top of her. They both worked their way out their clothes, tossing them all over the living room and didn’t say much else. Giggling and moans were all that could be heard.

Chapter 2

Randy was frustrated with the numbers on the chart he was looking at. He technically controlled the board with the votes his stepmother and stepsister owned, but he wanted to own them all. He got tired of having to get their permission on decisions and to speak on their behalf to the board when he wanted to change something at the company, or to invest in something new.

He’d always liked Hailey, found her beautiful, and intelligent. She was rich, in her own right because of the shares and money she got from the business, but she lived simply, on her own income that she made from her hair shop. He’d followed her for years and admired that she was willing to work for her living, despite having money handed to her.

Liking that she was both beautiful and brilliant, the only thing that had kept him from seeking her out, is she appeared to be in a healthy, happy relationship with a woman. Her partner of choice was a beautiful, petite girl, with flawless white skin who was a complete contrast to Hailey’s chocolate hue.  He’d often fantasized about the two of them together, but out of respect for his father, he never once indicated his desire for Hailey while his father was alive.

He had to get her out of his life, so he’d stop talking to her, thinking about her. Buying out her shares was one of the best ways to do that.  He couldn’t sit in his office, fantasizing about Hailey’s long, dark legs wrapped around his neck as he pleasured her, exciting himself. He could just picture her little girlfriend down on her knees, sucking him while he took care of Hailey.

Rubbing his face, he tried to stop thinking about sex. This was a business meeting. He had a job to do, a job he needed to work on and he couldn’t focus on the idea of having sex with his older step sister when he needed to put together a budget to take to the board this afternoon; especially if he wanted to pitch his new idea and get their support and approval for the project.

His secretary stuck her head in the door after knocking and told her that his next appointment was due any minute.

Hailey. Sighing, he rolled his pencil around on his desk, trying not to think about her big smile and straight, white teeth, or the way her lips looked like they’d be perfect for wrapping around a cock.

He shoved his pencil off his desk, onto the floor and sat back in his chair, putting his hands over his face he took a few deep breaths. He knew he needed to focus on what the meeting was about. He opened the folder his lawyer had drawn up to buy out her shares and found a pen to sign it. All he needed was her signature so he could write her the check and she’d be out of his life for good. There’d be no reason left for her to stay on his mind, or have him fantasize about her. Maybe he’d finally be able to move on, get a wife someday.

His crush on Hailey had always held him back. He’d loved her for a long time but had felt guilty about it. She was older, she ended up being his stepsister, there were a million reasons why it was wrong. Yet his heart, and his dick didn’t really care.

A little while later, a knock came on the door and he yelled for them to come in. He stared at Hailey. She was wearing a white tank top with a sweater and short leather skirt that showed off her long legs. Her push up bra showed plenty of cleavage and her makeup was subtle besides the silver glitter on her eyelids. What surprised him was Reesa, her partner following her into the room. He hadn’t expected her to bring Reesa along.

“Good morning Hailey,” he told her and then got up to give her a hug. When he put his arm around her and squeezed her, he shut his eyes and held on a couple seconds too long. Her perfume was soft and delicate, and it tickled his nostrils in a way that made him want to bury his face in her breasts and inhale deeply.

He pulled away and saw Reesa staring at him with a raised brow. He felt his cheeks flush a little bit and cleared his throat and walked back over to his desk to grab the folder. All he needed from her was a signature.

Hailey took the folder from him and read through all the paperwork.

“I need my lawyer to look over this. I’ll swing by and have him do it this afternoon and then make a decision Randy. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight, and we’ll deal with the paperwork then?”

“Dinner?” Randy repeated, staring at Hailey. He was picturing her naked on a dining room table and dropped his gaze to her breasts. “Yeah, sure. Want me to bring a bottle of wine or something?”

“Oh sweetie, I much prefer something a little more hardcore than a bottle of wine. Bring some Jack Daniels.” Hailey grinned at him. Reesa and her had talked about it this morning as they’d snuggled in bed. Hailey had every intention of trying to seduce her stepbrother tonight. Reesa was okay with it as long as she was involved, and Hailey was going to go for it. If she was going to settle down, have kids and move on with her life, she had to try. She couldn’t really move on unless she tried to go after her fantasies. It was one that was possible to achieve. With Reesa’s permission, there was nothing stopping her at this point.

“Jack it is,” Randy told her. Hailey walked over to his desk and leaned forward so her breasts were nearly popping out of her shirt by his face and whispered to him.

“Plan on it being a long dinner, I’m going to have… a lot of questions for you before I sign this. You might have to earn it.” Hailey said in a quiet voice he almost couldn’t hear. Then she turned walked out, her arm hooked with Reesa’s and the folder of paperwork in the other hand.

Staring at the curve of her ass as she left his office, Randy groaned when the door shut. He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not, but seemed like Hailey was implying that dinner would be more than food.

Startled at the idea that she might have feelings for him, and would so openly flirt with him in front of Reesa had him stunned. Did that mean Reesa would be in on anything that happened between the two of them? Assuming anything would happen?

He couldn’t wait until dinner that night. He didn’t know what would happen, but he knew that if he had his way, Jack Daniels and him would be there for a lot more then filling their bellies with food. Struggling to concentrate the rest of the day, he had to put the board off about the answer to his buying Hailey’s shares of the company. He was confident Hailey would sell to him, but he wondered what strings she’d have attached to it.

Chapter 3

“I’m not tryin’ to say that this is a bad idea Hailey, I mean, I’m the one who suggested it.” Reesa said as they were in the kitchen cooking dinner together. Spaghetti and garlic bread, there was both a bottle of red and white wine on the table already. Reesa was making a salad to go with it while Hailey finished cooking the noodles and sauce.

“Then what’s your problem, it’s actually the perfect answer to the having babies thing. I’ll sell him my shares, instead of having to use a sperm bank, he has to give us children.” Hailey shrugged. “He’s not the fatherly type, he’s the love and leave 'em type but we’ll be able to afford children, selling the shares I own will set us up with more money than we will know what to do with, and he can go back to all his girls down the road, he has good genes. He’s ideal.”

“He’s also a womanizer, don’t you think our kids might want to know who their father is? If we know the answer, do you think it’s fair to either Randy or our children to be able to answer that question and have to tell them their father walked away?” Reesa said as she took the salad to the table and then pulled the garlic bread out of the oven and opened the foil to put it on a plate. Carrying it to the table she couldn’t figure out where Hailey had come up with this idea.

Sex was one thing but giving birth to his baby was an entirely different thing. Reesa had this niggle of fear that it would end up being more than sex long-term. She wasn’t sure she wanted a three-way relationship, sex was doable. Sex with no strings attached was something she could handle. Including Randy in their relationship was another matter entirely.

“Reesa, just trust me?” Hailey asked her. She loved Reesa, but if she was going to have kids, she realized she didn’t want anyone else’s babies but Randy’s. This was the only opportunity she’d have something she could use as leverage to get what she wanted. Sex, notwithstanding.

“What if he wants to do it using a turkey baster and doesn’t want to have sex?” Reesa pointed out. “You wanted him, physically. Not just his sperm.”

“Then I won’t sign the papers. It’s pretty simple.” Hailey said, shrugging.

“That’s blackmail, extortion, do you really think that’s the best way to approach?” Shaking her head Reesa poured herself a big glass of red wine and drank half the glass in one gulp.

Hailey smiled at Reesa as she put the noodles into a bowl, and the sauce into a serving glass. She set them in the middle of the table and checked the clock. Randy would be here any minute.

Taking the glass from Reesa’s hand, she set it on the table and pulled Reesa into her arms. Kissing her gently, she distracted Reesa until the woman was moaning softly and writhing in her arms.

The doorbell rang and Hailey pulled back. “Hold that thought Reesa, can you go let him in?”

“It’s not a thought, it’s arousal,” Reesa called to Hailey as she walked to the front door to let Randy in. Opening the door, she stood out of the way as he walked in carrying a large bottle in a brown bag. His arm brushed against her chest as he walked in and Reesa let out a sigh. Her nipples hardened under her shirt. It was all Hailey’s fault. Kissing her until she was ready to hump anything that moved. Both her and Hailey were extremely sexual creatures, normally they didn’t have interruptions.  Had Randy not rang the doorbell, they probably would have ended up having sex right there on the dining room floor.

There were very little areas of their house where they hadn’t made love or had some type of raunchy sex at some point. Their house was well used.

Reesa escorted Randy to the dining room where the three of them sat down to eat dinner. Hailey had gotten three shot glasses out and set them on the middle of the table.

“Dessert,” she joked about the whiskey and grinned at Randy.

“This is good, thank you for dinner ladies,” Randy said as he shoveled food into his mouth. It wasn’t often that he actually got a home cooked meal. It was the one thing he missed about Hailey’s mother being around when his father had been alive. He hadn’t really stayed in contact outside of a business relationship with Hailey and her mom since his dad died.

              “So, I talked to my lawyer today, and I’m willing to sign the papers, but I have a few conditions.” Hailey said as they finished dinner. Reesa got up and rinsed off the plates and dishes, then loaded them in the dishwasher while Hailey talked to Randy.

“And?” He asked, confused about what she wanted.

“I want a baby,” Hailey said, and then laughed when he choked on his wine. Picking up the bottle of Jack Daniel’s, she poured three shots and set them on the table. “Here, Reesa, come take some shots with us while we have this conversation.”

Randy grabbed the shot glass and slammed the shot back and had her fill it up again, this time holding it in his hand, staring at Hailey.

“You are genetically ideal for a baby Randy. You are a playboy, a bad boy with a reputation for women and kinky sex, you’re in the damn tabloids. But I know you, I know your history and background, and despite your fetishes, you’d make cute babies. I want babies. Reesa and I want your babies. You agree to give us children, we will sign the contract.” Hailey told him. She threw back her shot of whiskey, watched Reesa take hers, and giggled when Reesa’s eyes watered. Reesa wasn’t much of a drinker.

“When you say give us children, what exactly would that entail?” Randy sat back, staring at both women. When Hailey’s mouth curved up in a sly smile, he had a feeling he was about to get more than he bargained for.

“However many we want, both of us. And we want them the old fashioned way.” Hailey said with raised eyebrows. “We won’t expect financial support, obviously if I sell these shares to you, we’ll be set for life anyways. We don’t expect you to be involved, unless of course, you suddenly decide you have this big strong urge to play daddy.”

“This is not the conversation I was expecting to have when I came over,” Randy said and took the second shot of whiskey. Closing his eyes, he set the shot glass on the table and then had Hailey refill it for a third shot.

“It wasn’t one we really had considered, until you asked us to sell my shares to you. I know you’re an honorable man, despite your bad boy reputation. If you promise to give us babies, you’ll give us babies.” Hailey said and grinned at him. Reesa took another shot and looked like this conversation was paining her.

“Right time, right place, huh?” Randy said and let out a laugh. “So let me get this straight, you and Reesa want children, does that mean we’d be having sex... together, the three of us?”

“Yes,” Hailey said and leaned forward, her breasts nearly popping out of her shirt. “Unless of course, you don’t think you could handle two of us at once. And not that it matters, Reesa’s not into men, but for you, she’d make an exception.”

“Is that so?” Randy said and looked over at Reesa as she blushed. She pushed her shot glass to Hailey to give her a refill.

          “I think I may need a test drive, to see if this is even something the three of us could… work out long term. I may need a little convincing.”

“Really, a test drive? Want to explain to me what that might entail?” Hailey said, raising her eyebrows at him.

Pouring Reesa another shot, she took another one for herself and then shook the bottle a little bit as she noticed it was half gone now.

“You want me to see if I’m man enough for both of you, so the best way to find that out, is to see if you two can keep up with me.” Randy said grinning. “I have a fairly… hearty appetite and I’m into more than just regular sex.”

“Like?” Hailey said, her interest piqued. Poor Reesa was hiding her face with her hands. She was fairly shy compared to Hailey.

              “I like rope, spankings, I’m into being in control in the bedroom. We’ve never talked about my sexual preferences Hailey. If you want me to perform for you, you better be able to keep up with my appetite.” Randy said and crossed his arms.

“Is that all?” Hailey said laughing. “I think Reesa and I would be more than capable of… keeping up with you, and keeping you busy.”

“Speak for yourself Hailey, I’ve never been with a man before.” Reesa said and then choked when she realized what she’d admitted out loud as Randy started to laugh.

“Reesa, come here,” Randy told her and crooked his finger at her. He raised a brow when she hesitated but Hailey gave her another shot of whiskey and pushed her towards Randy.

Walking over, she hesitated and stood in front of him. Her hand shaking slightly, she drank the whiskey, although after a few shots, she barely noticed the burn. When Randy reached out and pulled her onto his lap she froze. His hand snuck up her shirt to grab one of her small, perky breasts and she could feel his large erection through his pants, pushing into her bottom.

Hailey got up and walked over, leaning down, she kissed Reesa.

Placing her hands on her cheeks, she touched her softly, distracting her with familiar sensations as Randy worked her bra loose and unbuttoned her dress. Hailey helped him peel it off until she was naked on his lap except a pair of lace panties. Dropping to her knees at their feet, she pressed kisses to Reesa’s inner thighs and worked her way up. She pressed her mouth to the lace and nibbled at the sensitive nub she knew lay beneath the lace.

Reesa tipped her head back, moaning. It felt good, the fingers on her skin, the mouth against her crotch. She still wasn’t quite sure what to do with a cock if Randy expected her to touch it. But when Hailey bit her inner thigh hard enough to leave a slight imprint of teeth marks, she moaned and spread her legs wider. She was just masochistic enough to enjoy a little bit of pain during sex. Hailey knew all her buttons. Between Hailey’s skilled hands and mouth, and the whiskey, soon Reesa forgot she was worried about Randy.

“I want to see you naked too Hailey. I’ve fantasized about you for years, if we are going to do this, I want to enjoy every inch of your flesh.” Randy said and then leaned down and bit Reesa’s shoulder. When she moaned, he dug his teeth in a little harder and moved his other hand between her legs, feeling how wet her pussy was through her lace panties.

Hailey stood up and stripped for him. First she pulled off her tank top, dropping it to the floor of the dining room. Then she unclasped her bra, letting her large breasts free of the fabric that bound them. Her skirt and panties were next, until she stood before him naked.

Randy groaned. He wanted to reach out and touch her chocolate skin, exploring every inch of her. Standing up, he scooped Reesa into his arms.

“Direct me to the bedroom,” he said. When Hailey didn’t move, he slapped her ass, hard enough that the sound bounced off the walls of the room and she hissed a sharp breath out.

“Did you just hit me?” She asked, blinking in shock at Randy. Reesa was staring with big eyes at Hailey. Hailey was usually the more outgoing partner who preferred to be in control of things… So seeing Randy slap her on the ass, had Reesa shocked.

“I’m going to do it again Hailey if you don’t move your sexy ass to the bedroom. Don’t make me take off my belt.” Randy threatened her with a wicked grin.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Hailey said, gasping. Picturing his belt hitting her ass had her thighs grow wet and she took a step back away from him. She wasn’t sure if she was a little shocked by his forward personality in this moment, or if she was completely turned on by his bluntness.

“I’ll do a lot more than dare Hailey. If you want me to agree to your terms, get your ass in the bedroom before I take my belt off. I’ll even make Reesa help me if you don’t follow directions.” He said and winked at Reesa in his arms, who blushed.

Reesa wasn’t sure she’d be able to make Hailey do anything she didn’t want to do, but her surprise that followed when Hailey turned and ran down the hallway to the bedroom had her gasping.

Stopping long enough to grab a shot glass, and the rest of the whiskey, Randy followed her down the hallway to the open door and went inside. The room was large, with a couch and chair with a little reading nook off to one side. The bed was a large, four poster bed with frilly bedding. Randy wasn’t surprised in the least. But what did surprise him, were the rings in the posts that was clear from looking at them, that they could be used for bondage.

He put Reesa down. Hailey was sitting on the edge of the bed, naked. Reesa went over to her and sat down by her feet, and laid her head against Hailey’s legs.

“Beautiful, ladies. Let’s drink up.” Randy said and poured a shot. Taking it, he then walked over to Hailey, he poured a second shot and handed it to her. She drank it without taking her eyes off him. He filled it again and Hailey handed it to Reesa who drank it.

“Randy, you have us here, now what do you plan on doing with us?” Hailey asked as she leaned forward, petting Reesa’s head. Her eyes were on Randy’s crotch. “You have us at a disadvantage. You are far overdressed compared to me and Reesa.”

“Are you asking me to take my clothes off?” He asked Hailey, when she nodded he laughed. “Say please.”

Hailey froze for a moment. Saying please didn’t come naturally to her, but she’d wanted him for so long, that she cringed and asked nicely.

“Please Randy, I’d like to see you naked.” Hailey told him.

Randy grinned at her; he took a swig of the bottle of whiskey, before handing it to her. She sipped some of it, forgetting the shot glass as she watched him take his shirt off. His chest muscles flexed as his shirt pulled off over his head. He dropped it on the floor. He worked on his belt next, pulling it free from his slacks. He took his pants, shoes and socks off next, but he kept his belt in his hand.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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