Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (26 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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They dined with the Captain and his senior officers. The mood was light considering where they were heading. Aaron wondered if Captain Morgan had informed his crew of their destination? The chef had prepared boar for the tradition on a ship’s first day of voyage was to feast in the evening. The food was delicious with a variety that would surely satisfy even the most finicky of pallets. The ale was dark and strong leaving him feeling more relaxed than he had felt in a long time. Erik and Braden had resumed their role as his shadow never straying far from him. Garret and Vaughn were speaking with the Captain and periodically they would each glance in his direction.

“I see the old men are busy plotting," Verona said bringing Aaron another pint of ale.

“Thanks, this ale is really good," Aaron said, “They really don’t know what to make of me.”

“Possibly," Verona answered. “Perhaps not, old men talk and young men drink," Verona said with a smile and raised his tankard.

“I guess," Aaron snorted, and as he raised his tankard to his lips, Sarah sat in the seat next to him. He felt his heart quicken in spite of the ale induced calmness. How did he feel about her? He didn’t ignore her tonight, but they both spent a fair amount of time not looking at each other throughout dinner. He felt that everyone must have noticed them
looking at each other. The few times their eyes did meet Aaron felt the heat rise from his chest.

“My lady, you’ve found me again," Aaron said with a smile.

“To chance encounters," Sarah answered raising her glass.

The three of them drank in unison, “What are the odds that the three of us would meet and be here at this particular moment?” Aaron asked.

“It does seem beyond mere coincidence," Verona said wistfully. “Right place right time," Verona finished taking another swallow of ale raising a brow.

“I have a question for you," Aaron began. “If I hadn’t showed up what would you be doing right now you think?”

“Thats easy my friend I would be looking for trouble. Or is it that trouble would be looking for me and succeeding more than failing," Verona said with a grin.

Aaron laughed with him, “No seriously. Surely your life is more than looking for trouble.”

Verona pursed his lips in thought for a moment, “A starlit sky, good ale or wine depending where I was at the moment and a beautiful lady to share the evening with. That is of course until I’m pulled back into the family business.”

Sarah laughed and the sound was music to his ears and both he and Verona looked at her expectantly.

“I see it’s my turn now,” she said. “I’ll tell you what I’d like to have been doing. Exploring a part of the world people haven’t been before. And you Aaron?” She asked.

The question tumbled through his mind. What would he have been doing if none of this had ever happened? “Back home I would have been in college studying mechanical engineering. I like to work with my hands so things like this airship fascinate me.”

“Indeed I could hardly get a word in edgewise when we spoke to Hatly," Verona said. “The ships engineer," he said to Sarah.

“Sarik told me that you plan to train with him in the morning," Sarah said.

“He did, did he?” Aaron said glancing toward Sarik who sat at another table with a guilty smirk. “Yes," Aaron nodded. “I will be.”

“I would like to join him if you wouldn’t mind. I’d like to get some exercise.” Sarah said with the candle light caressing her face.

Aaron wondered if she had any idea how beautiful she really was when she looked at him like that.
Probably not.
He would gladly dump Sarik over the side the ship to spend more time alone with her.

“Of course," he answered deciding he would thank Sarik instead.

“Good. I’m going to turn in for the night. Until tomorrow then.” She said and left the room with more than a few glancing in her direction as she left and the room was decidedly dimmer.

“Do you believe this lot?” Verona mused. “I’d say she only has eyes for you my friend.” Verona continued and ignored Aaron as he nearly choked on his ale. “I’ll admit I’m not entirely sure of her motives for being here, but when her eyes meet yours well let’s just say there is more than just friendship in them. I’d say the same for you as well.”

Aaron could feel the heat rise in his cheeks and silently cursed himself. “I can’t.” he muttered.

Verona smiled at him, “I think you already have," he chuckled. “There are times when the heart overrules the mind because it must. I believe that this is one of those times. Why don’t you go get some sleep. You look dreadful.”

Aaron was about to protest, but he was feeling the ale in his veins and his muscles were like water. He nodded silently and left. Instead of going to his room he headed out on deck for some fresh air. Sailors nodded in greeting as they went about their tasks and the cool night air revived Aaron as he stood gazing at the moon. The craters dotting the surface were clearly visible on this night. On the far side of the deck a door opened and the princeling Jopher appeared wearing a dirty apron and an angry expression. He met Aaron’s gaze levelly and took a few steps towards him before a deep voice called him back. Jopher glanced back at Aaron who calmly looked back at him. Frowning, Jopher returned through the door.
A touch of humility indeed for that one.

He dismissed thoughts of Jopher while sweeping his gaze across the night sky taking in the view of the stars. Their clear and vibrant light speckled the sky with foreign patterns leaving Aaron to wonder whether one of them was Earth. Was he even in the same universe? His passage to Safanar was shrouded in mystery and these rare moments of stillness left him wondering what connection, if any, there was between Safanar and Earth. Could he ever go back? Would he want to if he could return to Earth? How did his grandfather bring himself and his mother through the gateway between worlds. Could he travel to other places if he wanted? He wondered what his sister was doing and hoped she was safe. They had always been close and he really missed how they used to tease each other. In the midst of all the danger that surrounded him the bright spot that repelled the darkness within him was Sarah. Despite how he tried to push such thoughts away they returned in earnest when he least expected them to. Was there a perfect time for love knowing that death would probably claim him in the near future? The thought tasted bitter in his mouth, but there it was. Unless Colind had an ace up his sleeve, Aaron had no idea what he could do against all that were hunting him. How far could he run? How much could he really fight? The mere thought of it all threatened to overwhelm him at times. Verona and the others looked to him to lead against the High King because of his linage. When Tye killed his father he had said he wanted to capture his essence. He had no idea what that meant, but being the last of the Alenzar’seth’s made him the key to something. All roads led to Shandara it seemed. He hoped Colind had the answers he sought to thwarting Mactar and the High King. Other than who he was, what could he possibly posses to drive these men to such lengths to murder an entire family? Who were the Alenzar’seths? If they were like his grandfather surely nothing they would have done would warrant such action against them. Based upon the letter that Prince Cyrus had shown him, his grandfather had wanted to shift the power from the nobility to the rule of law and allow people to govern themselves. At least he implied as much. The High King and the Elitesmen were tyrants holding these people by the throat. It was completely foreign for Aaron to even think of such a world in these terms, but was Earth so different? Maybe in some places, but upon the fringes of civilization the rule of law was fragile at best and most often non-existent. People deserved better or at least the right to choose for themselves.



THE NEXT MORNING Aaron awoke and it was still dark outside. He quietly dressed, gathered his things and with Zeus in tow, headed immediately for the deck. The sun was beginning to rise and the brisk morning air drove the remaining sleepiness from him. The deck on the ship had a wide expanse of space which afforded him much room. He put his staff and swords down and began to warm up with the fighting forms to increase flexibility, warming up his muscles. He focused on his breathing and perfection of movement with his body. It wasn’t long before Sarik approached silently and began to copy Aaron’s movements without saying a word. Sarik was a quick study and was able to mimic his movements with ease. They worked silently and a few of the sailors began to watch from the side. Between forms Aaron waved an invitation for them to join to which a few came over while the others kept watching. He kept to the basic forms allowing for a good warmup and despite the chill of the morning air, beads of sweat formed on him. Before long they were joined by the others including Sarah whom he shared a brief smile in greeting. Aaron was surprised to see Garret and Vaughn among the group of men that came to train and nodded to each in turn. He noticed Jopher watching amongst the men who stood to the side. He looked at Aaron with a hopeful expression to which Aaron ignored.
Not yet, possibly not ever for that one.

“Good morning. It was customary for my grandfather to begin each training session with a few words and while we train together I intend to continue with that tradition. Please, if you will form a circle and take a moment to look at those who stand among you.” Aaron said pausing letting the moments slip by while they formed a circle.

He took a few moments considering what he wanted to say. If he was to change things here he must start with planting the seeds of ideas amongst these people.

“You all come from different walks of life from all corners of the world. Each experiences the world in their own unique way and with their own challenges. While we form this circle we are all equals and when we break off into smaller groups the circle stays with us. The circle is how we should embrace the world around us with neither disdain nor complacence, but with an open mind and compassion. Respect for your fellow man begins with respect for yourselves and thus provides the balance of life. We all breathe the same air and move basically the same way. Breath and movement is life and this is where we will begin our first lesson...”

Aaron trained with them for the next few hours before they finished. Men who worked throughout the night asked if he wouldn’t mind having a second training session for those who were duty bound and could not attend. He said that he would and was moved by all the words of praise and appreciation for sharing his knowledge with them.

“Teaching suits you," Sarah said coming to his side while the others were dispersing. “Now are you up for a bit of a challenge? ” She asked with half a smile holding two pairs of wooden practice swords and before he could reply she tossed one at him.

“If you insist, I take it this won’t be like our last dance," he smirked taking a wooden practice sword in each hand.

“You never know.” She smiled back and then she attacked.

Instincts took over as Aaron barely blocked her attacks. If this was practice he would hate to face her when she was angry. Sarah broke off her attack, her eyes flashing angrily.

“You will do us both a disservice by not engaging fully. I’m no delicate flower wrapped in silk. Don’t hold back, because I won’t.”

“I apologize my lady.” Aaron said and meant it.

He brought up his swords and decided to dance with Sarah after all. He attacked first bringing his swords to bear and Sarah blocked with the grace and agility of a swan skimming across a lake. When Sarah lashed out with her swords the attacks were quick and powerful, but she never overextended herself.
She was good.
They each probed the other’s defenses and thus far were not able to exploit any weakness.

Aaron sensed she was leading him into a trap as the pattern of her subtle defense taunted him into being more aggressive. Then he felt a tingle upon the edge of his senses and he found her eyes searching his expectantly. The empty void within began to gather essence as if he were wielding the Falcons and invoking the bladesong. His medallion grew warm against his skin as the tingle upon his senses persisted growing more powerful. Sarah took full advantage of his distraction and swept his feet out from under him. He was flat on his back for an instant before he tucked in and rolled backwards away from the inevitable sword strike that crashed into the spot he occupied a second earlier.

Aaron sprung to his feet and his wooden blades met Sarah’s blinding whirl of attacks. He picked out the pattern and began to press her back with even, purposeful strides. His blades becoming a moving wall of defense and attack. Sarah was a really good fighter. She gave ground studying his attack and adapting her own to counter his style. Then the tingle came back as a push on his senses. There could be little doubt that Sarah was doing something to him. He immediately stepped in close sweeping her outstretched foot towards him just enough to bring her off balance and closer to him. Their blades locked and he could feel her breath on his face while she struggled against him.

“What are you doing.” Aaron demanded.

Sarah became still, “You’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what you’re capable.”

Aaron released her and they stood facing each other catching their breath. “What do you mean?”

“The lore masters of Shandara were legendary in the feats they performed. It might be safer for you not to discover these skills in the heat of battle.” Sarah replied.

“You could have warned me.” Aaron said.

“Are you always warned before being tested?” Sarah said with a smirk.

Aaron’s mouth hung open as he was about to reply. Feeling foolish he closed his mouth quickly. “Point taken.” He said. “Alright, what do you want to show me?”

“I’ve felt you take in and harness the energy within yourself.” Sarah said.

“When I focus I can feel the beating hearts of those around me regardless of whether they are human or animal.”

“Thats because all life is connected. The Elitesmen choose to exploit the bonds of life to bend those to their will. Only the Shandarians being lead by the Alenzar’seth kept them in check. The bonds of life give you strength, heal your wounds, but there is always a balance. Pull too much and you will burn yourself out.” Sarah said.

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