Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (22 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“My dear sister what is the occasion for such a visit?” Her half brother said behind her.

“Primus, how predictable to find you scurrying about," Sarah said icily. She loathed all of her half brothers who were malicious and cruel as boys and only showed signs of growing more evil and power hungry the older they got. Tye was the youngest of the three with Primus and Rordan being twins.

“Indeed. I myself was on my way to the council when I noticed someone here and Rordan is already in there. Perhaps I will stay here and spy...excuse me, casually observe from here.” Primus sneered.

“Go to hell Primus. Leave now before you embarrass yourself.” Sarah said brandishing a throwing knife that danced fluidly between her fingers.

“Tsk. Tsk. Such language is unbecoming for
a Princess
even one cast aside and not much more than a bastard at that. I’ll be sure to send father your regards,” he said retreating through the doorway.

Sarah took a few moments to calm down because she really wanted to throw the knife. While she was above such cowardly acts she knew her brothers were not and had to keep a watchful eye for as long as she could remember.

Just leave.

She had thought of it before. To just up and leave and never return, but that was before Beck had elected to train her. Beck was an Elitesmen, one of the oldest of the order and from a time when it truly was something of which to be proud…not anymore. She knew how the Elitesmen were feared and for good reason for they were amongst the most deadly warriors of Safanar. Beck would train her at night away from prying eyes. He trained her in the old ways when the order was a sect founded by the Shandarian masters. Now most of the order were power hungry and tyrannical to all those who were not their superiors. Although her father was High King he was just a member of the council of masters, but his word carried much weight. When her mother died the man she knew as her father had died as well. She was swept to the side and was all but cast out except for the occasions where her father was inclined to show her off like some breeding mare. She was no man’s property, even if that man was the High King. At the age of fourteen she withdrew to the sidelines and was watched over by Beck at a minor holding outside the capital of Khamearra. That was seven years ago and she once asked Beck why he took care of her and his only answer was to honor her mother. She never fully understood what that meant and Beck being a man of few words had never explained. She returned her attention to the men speaking in the council when she heard the silky voice of the Dark Light master himself speaking.


“You have more to add to these proceedings Mactar.” Elite Master Gerric said.

“Indeed I do. You must acknowledge the evidence points to the return of the Alenzar’seth to Safanar.” Mactar said striding around the room.

“We will be sending a small contingent of Elitesmen to investigate this man and bring him before this council.” Gerric answered his deep voice carrying throughout the chamber.

“A small contingent you say," Mactar said with raised eyebrows. “Considering what he’s done with previous Elitesmen unfortunate enough to cross his path perhaps the contingent should include a few masters.”

“As always your council is very much appreciated," Gerric began, but Mactar cut him off.

“Underestimate this man at your own peril," said Mactar his gaze sweeping the chamber.

Gerric clenched his teeth, “This matter is finished. The contingent is already underway and from our reports there are few places where he could be heading," finished Gerric.

Mactar surveyed the council room. The High King was absent, but his son Rordan was in attendance and the other masters were so blinded by their arrogance that he almost felt sorry for them…almost, but the trap wasn’t quite set…yet.

“One more thing if I may. I have another matter of which to bring forth to this council.” When Gerric and the other masters nodded in succession for him to continue he took a moment and let the silence hang in the air. “The Drake has awoken,” he said simply.


Mactar waited patiently for Gerric to restore order, but it was long in coming. “It has been reported being seen south of the midland mountains towards Rexel.”
Now they will believe.

“The line of Alenzar’seth is dead. They have been hunted down and dealt with. Reymius is gone” Gerric said echoing the others. “And..”

“The Drake will not awaken unless the Alenzar’seth have returned to Safanar.” Mactar finished. “The keys to Shandara are once again within our grasp and it appears that the death of Reymius was gravely overrated," he continued as his gaze swept the room.


Sarah’s breath caught in her chest. The Drake, a demon brought forth when Shandara fell. It hunted all of the Alenzar’seth’s down with one exception it seems. None of the mighty house could stand against the beast. Reymius had escaped, but how and where had he gone? Shandara was a place beyond dangerous and at the same moment she knew that was where Aaron would go. She rose quickly and left the room leaving the trailing voices of the council behind her. She had to warn Aaron of the danger he was in. Sarah swept down the halls of the palace to gather what supplies she needed, all the while hoping she would get there in time.



“WELL THAT WAS an interesting lesson.” Verona said walking with Aaron. “I think you will prove to be a very effective teacher my friend.”

“Thanks,” Aaron replied with a smirk. “Jopher appeared to know you. Care to enlighten me about that?”

“Indeed. I knew his older brother who I had the privilege teaching one of your lessons the last time I was in Rexel. Maybe it runs in the family.” Verona said smiling.

“Are all these nobles so arrogant?” Aaron asked giving voice to his frustration.

“Not all of us," a voice answered behind them.

Aaron turned to see Vaughn and Prince Cyrus himself walking behind them. The Prince gave Aaron a half smile.

“I meant no offense to you.” Aaron said inclining his head respectfully. “Where I’m from we believe all men to be created equal. The rule of law applies to any man regardless of the assets he calls his own or the armies at his command.”

Verona began coughing and even Vaughn looked slightly alarmed, but quickly got hold of his features. The Prince merely smiled, nodding to himself.

“A man’s quality is often revealed through his actions and the things he says. In this brief time I feel confident in saying that the heir of Alenzar’seth is indeed here before my eyes. It is a miracle that you stand before us.” Prince Cyrus said extending his hand toward Aaron who shook it firmly. “Whatever aid I may give you on your journey I will. Your grandfather was a very dear friend of mine and I’m sad to hear of his passing, but happy to hear that he did find some peace in his life. Please walk with me a while and tell me about Reymius and your mother Carlowen.”

The tension drained from his shoulders. Aaron understood why his grandfather had been so vague in his letter because he was living the truth and sometimes it was still hard to believe. He told Prince Cyrus about his home, about his grandfather as he knew him, and his mother and father. Speaking of them was bittersweet for it reminded him of the home he had lost, but he was grateful for the life he still had.

They eventually made their way to the office of the Prince, while the others took their leave Verona and Vaughn stayed with them. The room was large with windows overlooking the gardens. The Prince had lunch brought up and when they finished eating he signaled to his steward. The steward walked over carrying a tray with a few documents yellowed with age.

“There is something I would like to show you Aaron.” The Prince said selecting one of the rolls of parchment and unfurling it. “This was written by your grandfather," he said waving Aaron over. “Please read this here.”

Aaron came around the table and examined the parchment. The elegant and precise flow of the script was unmistakably his grandfather’s handwriting, which in and of itself was enough to get his attention, but what was written left him speechless. It was a letter to the Prince from his grandfather. He turned to the Prince who smiled reassuringly and Aaron began to read out loud.

Cyrus, my friend and brother in everything but blood. I urge you to consider what we have spoken about at length. If we are to lead and rule over men, women, and children then the rule of law must protect them regardless of home or hearth. The rule of law should be equally applicable whether commoner or king. I know this is not desirable to those who rule through fear, but at some point we must unite against the tyrants of this land. I have written several volumes on the subject that are home here at the White Rose that I would like to share with you on your next visit. Cassey believes I may be moving to quickly, but has grown to appreciate that the provinces of Shandara have people at the capital to represent them. This freedom has given birth to such innovation of the likes we haven’t seen before. We don’t need to rule over the people but embrace them and protect them. Let them be masters of their own destiny.

Your friend,


The room was silent.

“Reymius sent me this letter a few weeks before the fall of Shandara. So you see it makes sense that he helped instill in you an appreciation of the law and the freedoms that can come with it. Sadly I’ve never seen the volumes that contains the words of which Reymius spoke.”

“Was this the reason for the fall of Shandara?” Aaron asked.

The Prince shook his head, “There is a power in Shandara that the Alenzar’seth’s were the custodians of for millennia. But it was their innovation and inventiveness that arrayed many against them. They designed the first airships, for example, and this concept of people having a say in how they were ruled had spread like wild fire, but has since been suppressed in most kingdoms. What do you intend to do Aaron?”

The Prince didn’t exactly dodge the question, but Aaron knew he wasn’t being told everything either. “I have no desire for power of any kind. I intend to go to Shandara to seek out Colind. He is the only person who has the knowledge to help me. Even now I am being hunted and I fear the danger I bring with me to others.”

They were interrupted by a commotion outside the door followed by the shouting of men. Braden was closest and with his hand on his knife he opened the door. Zeus charged through and came to Aaron’s side his fur bristling and he could feel his agitation.

“How did a wolf enter the palace?” The Prince asked the steward who stood panting at the door.

“We don’t know your grace. One moment the hall was clear and the next moment it was there,” said the steward.

“He is with me," Aaron said. “Colind referred to him as my spirit guide. He helped me get here.” Aaron said. “We must leave. Danger is coming. That’s the only reason why Zeus came here from the forests outside the city.”

Verona turned to the Prince, “Uncle, please allow us the use of one of your airships. It can’t have taken the Elitesmen long to figure out where we were heading.” Verona said.

“But the Elitesmen wouldn’t dare travel here," The Prince looked up in surprise and then motioned for the guard who stuck his head in the door. “Send out word, ready the Raven for immediate departure.” The guard saluted and quickly left the room. “Gather what supplies you need and meet me at the airfield.”

They quickly filed out of the room and ran off to gather supplies they would need for their journey and to summon the others to the airfield. The Prince told Verona that he would guide Aaron to the airfield himself.

“Aaron. I wanted to speak to you without the others around.” The Prince said and Aaron nodded for him to continue. The Prince took a quick glance at Zeus, gathering his thoughts, “I get the feeling that you haven’t told us everything.” He began. “I’m not saying you’ve been less than truthful, but I’ve been a Prince for a long time. Long enough to know when someone isn’t telling me everything.” The Prince said looking Aaron straight in the eye. “Now Colind sent you to me because he believed I could provide you with some help, which I fully intend to give, but I also believe that his purpose was two fold. He also wanted me to know that the Alenzar’seths have returned to Safanar. In order for me to really help I need to know more. Who else besides the Elitesmen Order are hunting you?”

Aaron swallowed considering how best to answer the Prince, “Reymius didn’t flee to some distant land on this world. He found a gateway to another world entirely. When he died the gateway was opened once again and something evil began to attack me. Tarimus.”

“Colind’s son!” The Prince exclaimed.

“Yes, but he is now enslaved to someone named Mactar.” Aaron answered.

For the first time the Prince looked frightened taking a quick look around them. Then he hardened himself and gripped Aaron’s shoulders tightly. “Tread carefully. There is a reason so many fear the Dark Light Master. While you are journeying to Shandara I will send out word to those who would stand with you, but there is one group that I cannot reach. It must be you who finds them for they will be powerful allies and will be able to help you against Mactar and the Order of the Elite.”

“Who are they?” Aaron asked.

“The Hythariam. They are another race of beings that withdrew from the world of men when Shandara fell. They live upon the edges of the wild beyond the northern borders of Shandara.” The Prince said.

“How am I supposed to find them?” Aaron asked.

“I suspect that they will try to find you and I believe that although they have withdrawn from the world they are always watching.” The Prince answered. He quickened his step and Aaron lost track of how many corridors they walked and the different turns they took. At times he suspected they were underground, but when they emerged at the airfield the site of the Raven made Aaron’s mouth drop.

The ship hovered a few feet above the ground painted black with two silver and blue strips going the length of the ship. Most of the ship was some type of metal with polished wood furnishings. They were joined by Sarik and Garret who also stood in silent awe of the airship. Verona was already on board with Eric and Braden.

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