Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (41 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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Roselyn rose and silently followed.

Colind looked at the door and sighed, “He’s right. The barrier was a temporary measure. We need to prepare.”

“He doesn’t understand what will be unleashed if the barrier fails. And to abandon all to pursue the Drake,” Iranus said biting off the last.

Verona cleared his throat, “Without Aaron none of you would be here. He was lost when I first met him, teetering on the brink of darkness that has claimed many a man’s soul. Sarah was the one thing that gave him hope, that brought the light back in his eyes and gave him some semblance of being whole. So he cannot do as you would want him to despite the certainty of the science that supports your reasons. They are not his reasons. Your war has cost him almost everything. Are you really surprised that he won’t follow the path that you’ve laid at his feet? Should not a strong leader forge his own path and we as his friends and comrades support him as he would for any of us?” Verona asked his gaze sweeping the room. “You’ve had more time than he has been alive to do things your own way. Perhaps its time for different approach, because to go against Aaron on this would risk…much.” Verona said narrowing his gaze. “If you can’t help fine, but don’t tell him that what he intends to do is impossible, because my friend has the knack of doing the impossible.” Verona glanced pointedly at Colind, then rose and left the room.


“Aaron wait,” Roselyn called behind him.

“Is this what you warned me about?” He asked leaning on the staff heavily.

Roselyn’s eyes narrowed as she caught up to him, “You need rest. Its only been a few days.”

“No, Sarah needs me now,” he replied stubbornly and specks of darkness invaded his vision. Aaron sank to the floor, the last of his strength leaving him. I won’t abandon you.

“She has time,” Roselyn said gently. Verona came up silently behind them, but said nothing. “Don’t charge off like the others. I believe you are right. There is a way to stop the Drake. We just need to put our heads together, but first you need rest to recover your strength. You’re no good to her like this…”

Aaron felt himself slipping further away, Roselyn’s voice growing distant until he couldn’t hear anything at all.


As with any big project, the author is only the tip of the iceberg in taking a huge pile of words and transforming them into something worth reading.

First I have to thank my editor, who spent a great deal of time wading through so many iterations of this story while showing enormous patience and helping me find my voice.

Next up is my family, you’ve all been the cornerstone to my foundation. To my children, who with silent demanding, dared me to be better than I thought could be.

Then there are my “beta readers,” Tim and Milosz who helped put the final touches on the book and provide an excellent sanity check for the story as a whole. Thank you so much for you time and support.

Finally, never last or least, my wife. Thank you for your love and support and listening to me talk about this story for years.


Ken Lozito has been reading Epic Fantasy and Science Fiction nonstop since the age of eleven. After devouring most of Piers Anthony's work at the time he moved onto authors Robert Jordan, Melanie Rawn, Terry Goodkind, David Weber, and more recently Brandon Sanderson to name a few. He was bit by the writing bug at an early age when he realized he kept focusing his search for particular types of stories that held elements he liked. Then decided to put all the elements into his own story.

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