Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order) (23 page)

BOOK: Road To Shandara (Book One of The Safanarion Order)
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“I never thought I’d get to ride in an airship like that.” Sarik exclaimed rushing forward to get on board with Garret close behind.

A grizzled bear of a man in silver and blue uniform with a golden collar approached the Prince respectfully.

“Aaron, I would like for you to meet Captain Nathaniel Morgan. Morgan I’d like for you to meet Aaron Jace of the house Alenzar’seth.”

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the mention of Aaron’s name, but quickly schooled his features and firmly shook Aaron’s hand.

“A fine day for sailing the skies lad. The Raven is among the finest of airships.” Captain Morgan said proudly.

“Captain if I could have a word.” The Prince said and both he and the Captain walked a few paces away speaking in hushed tones. A shipman climbing on board offered to take Aaron’s pack and staff which he handed over. His swords were attached to his belt, which he had kept on since the practice yard.

The Raven was immense and Aaron wondered how many crew there were to fly such a ship. The ship was even more impressive close up than the other airships they had watched take off as they approached Rexel the previous day. They had been here such a brief time, but thinking about last night brought Sarah to his mind while they kissed at the fountain. She hadn’t been more than a moment away from his thoughts since. He wondered if he would ever see her again.

The Captain saluted the Prince and nodded to Aaron before walking up the ramp to the airship.

“Aaron I hope you find what you seek in Shandara, but be warned while it was once a jewel of the free world it is now a place of darkness. Safe journey to you.” The Prince said reaching out to rest a hand on his shoulder.

Aaron was about to reply when the medallion grew cold against his chest and a second later he heard Zeus’s low growl from the ship above. Aaron spun scanning the shipyard.

“Get behind me your grace,” he said. No sooner had the prince moved were there three identical flashes of light and three figures appeared across the yard.

“You would violate the treaty Elitesmen!” The Prince barked standing next to Aaron.

“We have our orders your grace. This one is coming with us.” Said the center Elitesmen with his dark cloak billowing behind him pointing directly at Aaron.

Like hell you are
," the Prince said under his breath. “This is my kingdom and you have no authority here. To arms guards!” The Prince yelled and as he said the last, three more flashes of lights erupted with Elitesmen standing some distance behind them. They were surrounded.

Aaron began to laugh loudly taking a few steps out into the open, drawing everyone’s gaze to him. The soft wail of alarm bells could be heard from outside the airfield.


“Is he insane?” Vaughn said out loud to no one in particular.

“No, he’s buying time for the guards to arrive. Sarik get your bow ready and stand over there.” Verona said. “No!” he hissed toward Eric and Braden who stopped in their tracks about to head down. “He’s buying time for the Prince to escape and needs cover from here. Captain ready this ship to take off at once. Garret help him. If we can escape, the Elitesmen will have no reason to stay. Eric, Braden grab that rope over there and be ready to toss it down.” Verona whispered a silent prayer to the goddess and strung his bow.


“Six of you," Aaron said tauntingly still laughing while sparing a glance at the Prince. Guards began pouring in through the airfield entrances. “Your grace please take cover. It’s me they want. I will distract them.”

He didn’t give the Prince any time to protest and put more distance between them.

“Well here I am.” He challenged, drawing his swords further increasing the gap between himself and the Prince. As he expected the Elitesmen remained focused on himself. The Falcons would sing this day.

As one the Elitesmen drew their weapons. They expected fear, but Aaron refused to give in even though the six that stood around him all had the look of veteran fighters.

“What are you waiting for? I’m right here!”
If it’s a fight they want then let them come.

The Elitesmen closed in on Aaron and the attack came from behind. Aaron quickly dropped to one knee and rolled away leaping into the next attack. He unleashed the bladesong and the power coursed through his veins with the whisperings of warriors past echoing in the depths of his mind. He was one with the blades now and movement in battle was life. Aaron attacked and drove each of the Elitesmen back becoming the living example of the lesson he had taught his friends earlier. He had no thought beyond the next block, dodge, and attack. His body moved with deadly grace, but he didn’t seek the death of these men. Nor they him. They sought to capture him. Then as sudden as it had started the Elitesmen broke off their attack. The Leader brought his hands together and a violet orb formed crackling with energy. Then with a powerful push from his arms, the Leader sent a beam of energy directly to Aaron who barely got the Falcons up in time. The force of the blast raddled his bones and had no sign of relenting but still he held his blades crossed deflecting the attack. The other Elitesmen began to circle around coming closer and Aaron knew he was in trouble. He couldn’t block the beam and fight the other Elitesmen at the same time. He could chance moving but he wasn’t sure if only one of his blades was sufficient to ward off the attack. There was another flash of light from a travel crystal and a figure in black emerged and attacked the Elitesmen closing in on him drawing them away.

The relief he felt was short lived as he had to stop the Elitesmen's attack and get out of there. He began to focus his will on the beam as it hit his swords and the crystals in the hilts began to glow, spreading the length of the blades until it covered his arms and surrounded his vision. The power gathered around him eager to do his bidding and when he could contain it no longer he hurled it toward the Elitesmen. A beam as bright as the sun sliced through the Elitesmen’s attack violently knocking him off his feet.

Aaron felt momentarily drained, but looked to the left seeing that his mysterious protector was overwhelmed by the remaining Elitesmen. With his blades still imbued with energy he made a broad swipe through the air sending a rippling wave sprawling three of the Elitesmen leaving and one engaged with the figure in black. Aaron raced toward them as the figure in black was knocked backward but the Elitesmen didn’t press the attack and instead turned to face Aaron.

The guards continued to pour into the airfield circling all of them. Archers filled the ranks between the guards and drew their bows.

“I doubt even an Elitesmen will survive a full volley of arrows at this range.” The Prince warned joining the guards and a wall of swords formed around him.

“This doesn‘t concern you Prince Cyrus. Call off your guards. There is no need to shed any blood.” The last Elitesmen said with the others beginning to rise.

Aaron heard the humming of the Airship’s engines grow louder, but he didn’t take his eyes from the Elitesmen. He felt a rope hit his shoulder and he chanced a look above to see Eric and Braden calling to him to grab the rope. Without any thought he wrapped his arm around the figure in black and grabbed the rope.
The airship quickly lurched into the air with the ground racing away from his feet. Aaron could see flashes of bright light from below and he knew that the Elitesmen had left. Eric and Braden pulled them onboard.

They gently laid his unconscious protector in black on the deck. Aaron was relieved to see that there were no wounds. He unwrapped the black cloth around the head and gasped when a swath of golden blond hair spilt out onto the deck. His protector in black was Sarah. She began to stir and opened her eyes and Aaron sighed with relief.

“You know there are easier ways to get to know me, but I’m grateful that you came when you did.” Aaron said breaking the silence. “Are you alright?” He asked gently and he noticed her lips curve into the slightest of smiles before nodding. Aaron offered to help her up, but she stood up on her own.

“I hope you’ll stay longer this time.” Aaron said but before she could reply he heard Vaughn gasp in surprise and immediately bowed.

“Your Grace," Vaughn said speaking clearly to Sarah. She nodded with practiced grace and dignity.

“Please," she said. “I would prefer a bit of anonymity for the time being.” Sarah said softly and Vaughn nodded.

“I’m not going anywhere," Sarah said to Aaron. “But is there somewhere we can speak with a little more privacy?”

Aaron looked to Verona who answered, “Of course. Aaron the Captain has some rooms set aside for us to use and I’m sure it will suit our purposes.” Verona said speaking to both of them.

She’s here.
Aaron kept repeating it in his mind as Verona led them below deck. Why had she returned? How did she know to come to the airfield? Would she disappear again? She said she wouldn’t, but....The questions tumbled through his mind and when she turned to look at him he didn’t care why she was here, he was just happy that she was.

They followed Verona through the ship to a room, which was more like a lounge with several chairs and a few desks along the wall. Aaron let Sarah enter the room first and stuck his hand out blocking Verona and the others from entering.

“I need a few minutes alone here okay.” Aaron said gently but firmly to the others and closed the door in Verona’s surprised face. He smirked to himself as he heard them retreat down the hall grumbling. They were all well intentioned, but there were things he wanted to know from her in private.

“Thank you for coming when you did,” he said quietly. “I’m not sure how it would have ended otherwise.”

Sarah smiled back at him, “I’m sure you would have thought of something. You really are quite resourceful.”

Aaron let out a small laugh. “You took quite a hit are you sure you’re alright?” He asked taking a step closer to her.

“I’m fine,” she replied pushing a rebellious strand of blond hair away from her face. “Aaron I need to tell you...” She broke off catching her breath.

Aaron took another step closer and reached out taking her hand. “Sarah it’s ok.”

“No it’s not, there are things that you don’t know. You are in grave danger Aaron.”

Aaron was a bit shocked by how scared she sounded. This had to be something other than the Elitesmen.

“Okay, let’s just sit down and you tell me what you came to tell me," he said sounding more calm than he felt.

They sat together on a couch by the wall and warm sunlight streamed through the windows. The day was so calm compared to mere minutes ago and when she looked at him with those eyes of hers he felt his heart grow warm in his chest.

“I am the daughter of High King Amorak of Khamearra, where the Elite council resides. My father was among those who brought destruction to Shandara.” She said with tears welling up in her eyes. “And I know who you are," her voice cracked. “You’re Carolowen’s son. Reymius’s daughter of the house Alenzar’seth.”

Aaron took a few moments before answering her. “Yes, I am Sarah,” he sighed. “Although it seems there were many involved with the fall of Shandara and I’m afraid there is only one person who knows the whole story.” Aaron said thinking of Colind.

Sarah searched his eyes, “You don’t hate me?”

“Hate you," Aaron exclaimed. “I could never hate you,” he said gently. “I’m not here to avenge Shandara. I’m just trying to stay alive.” Aaron smiled at her, “You’ve risked a great deal to come here and I can’t help but wonder whether you’re just going to disappear again.”

“I’m not going anywhere," she said wiping the tears from her eyes. “I didn’t come here to warn you about my father.” She said and then told him about the Elite Council and how they weren’t entirely convinced of who Aaron really was, at least before this last attempt to capture him. Then she told him of the Drake. “The Drake was brought forth around the time of the fall of Shandara where the last battle almost ripped the fabric between space and time.”

“But what is it exactly?” Aaron asked while his brain was going into overdrive because he knew there was something he should remember, tugging at the edges of his thoughts.

“It’s a beast that is not of this world,” she replied, “The last battle invoked a curse that allowed the beast to traverse between worlds. Mactar orchestrated events to allow this to happen knowing full well what it would do to the kingdom of Shandara and to the Alenzar’seths. Their hearts was the source of their greatest strength and their ultimate weakness. The beast hunted down all of them and murdered them down to the last woman and child. Then it just disappeared.”

Aaron’s mind raced. He had more questions than he could speak aloud at the moment. “Yeah but how could me being here awaken this…beast. Where has it been all this time? How would it even know I’m here?” As he said the last, the warning bells in his brain grew louder. There was a knock at the door and in walked one of the crew returning the rune carved staff.

The staff!
“Thats it," he exclaimed and thanked the crewman.

“I was given this staff shortly after I arrived on Safanar.” Given wasn’t really the right word since his ancestor more or less forced it upon him. He looked back at Sarah and knew she had questions but was patient enough to wait him out. “In order for you to understand I need to tell you...ah, everything.” He said rising.

“Aaron,” she said. “How do you know you can trust me?” she all but whispered.

Aaron looked at her for a long moment, “Can’t I,” he said and stepped towards the door and spoke again without turning around. “I know we barely know each other, but when I look into your eyes I
you would never betray me.” He said turning slowly toward her.

Sarah’s breath appeared to catch in her chest. She closed the distance between them and caressed his face with her smooth hands and pulled him in. Their lips met and if Aaron could fly surely he would be floating amongst the rooftops of the world. He felt like there were fireworks exploding brilliantly all around him. They pulled apart from each other, smiling.

“I will never leave you," she said looking deeply into his eyes.

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