River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations (13 page)

BOOK: River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations
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“Lick it.” When she kept her lips tightly sealed, he pressed the gun against them until she tasted blood. “Lick it, or my little friend here will break your goddamn teeth.”

Terrified, Kate forced herself to touch the tip of her tongue to the cold metal. She tried to calm her shaking, knowing the pervert was probably enjoying her fear more than what he was doing to her.

“Very nice… he likes that.”

Her soon-to-be rapist leaned closer, and Kate almost vomited when his stubby erection poked her stomach. With the tip of the gun, he drew a lazy line down her neck, over her silky blouse, circling a nipple she knew was erect due to the panic-fueled adrenaline surging through her body. In fact, she was so terror-stricken, she hardly registered the sound of fast food bags hitting the floor.

Get the fuck away from her!

Glen loomed in the doorway, red-faced and furious.

“Relax, pal.” Skeletor jabbed his gun against Glen’s back, then shook his head at Dracula. “Jesus, you’re predictable.”

Dracula shrugged and teased one of Kate’s nipples with the gun. “I got bored.” When the peak grew even harder, he chuckled. “Hey look, she likes it.”

As much as Kate was shaking with terror, Glen shook with rage.

“Make it quick. Food’s getting cold.” Skeletor clicked off the safety on his gun and pointed it at Glen’s temple. “We’ll just hang out here and watch the show.”

Glen’s nostrils flared with angry breaths. “You lay a finger on her and I’ll kill you.”

“This guy’s funny,” Dracula said. “Know what? Since you asked so nice, I won’t touch her with my fingers. Just my piece…” He rubbed the gun over Kate’s breasts, catching her nipples. “…and my other piece.” He grabbed his crotch with his free hand.

Kate forced herself to blink back the tears that threatened. She knew the robbers would love to see how scared she really was, so she gritted her teeth and kept her eyes on Glen, hoping to absorb some of his strength. His face reflected anger and helplessness. She read the apology in his eyes. But he had nothing to apologize for. What could he do with a gun to his head?

Dracula dipped the gun between her breasts and tugged at the top button of her blouse. “Take off your shirt, sweetheart.”

Kate’s hands shook as she unfastened the buttons. It made the process go more slowly — and more at the pace of a striptease — than she intended. The three sets of eyes on her added to the feeling that she was the featured act at a fucked-up bachelor party. When she finally had all the buttons open, she dropped the blouse to the floor, and was left standing there in her sheer white lace bra.

Glen’s pupils were full black, now, but his heavy eyelids made Kate realize he was both angry
aroused — which, knowing him, surely made him even angrier. She refused to look at the robbers. The visual link with Glen was her lifeline. She felt the gun slowly trace the top edge of her bra from one side to the other.

“Well, ain’t this pretty? Who knew bank chicks wore such fancy shit under their boring-ass clothes?”

Skeletor chuckled. “Your wife wear underwear like that?”

“Hell, no,” spat Dracula. With the tip of the gun, he pushed one of the bra cups down, then the other, fully exposing Kate’s breasts. “My old lady don’t got nice titties like these, neither.”

Kate bit back a gasp when the cold metal rubbed back and forth over her pebbled nipples. Clenching her hands into fists at her sides, she fought her body’s natural responses to the combination of fear and touch.

Glen made a furious, animal-like noise.

“You a tit man, cowboy?” Skeletor poked the gun against Glen’s skull. When he got no response, he laughed, “Guess not. He must be an ass man.”

“Okay, then let’s see what she’s got…”

Kate pressed her knees together as the disgusting man used the gun to lift her skirt to her waist, then yelped when he shoved it between her thighs.

“More lacy shit. Nice.” He slid the gun back and forth between the lips of her swollen pussy.

Kate’s clit throbbed with each pass of the pistol’s sloped metal sight. What the
She absolutely could not have an orgasm while this asshole molested her. But the human body is programmed to respond in certain ways, and she knew hers was probably about to get her killed.


She stared hard into Glen’s eyes, willing him to read her mind. Then she moaned and ran her hands up her ribcage and over her breasts. Arching her back, she rocked against the gun.

Skeletor muttered, “Jesus H. Christ.”

“Aw, fuck yeah…” Dracula groaned as Kate rolled her hips, dragging her pussy over both the gun and his hand.

Suddenly, Glen ducked out of her line of vision. There was a sickening crunch and a thud, and then Dracula was yanked away from her. With the gun taken from Skeletor, Glen whacked Dracula’s skull, knocking him cold.

Kate stood frozen, catching her breath. She started shivering again.

Glen took her face in his strong hands. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

“No… I’m fine…”

In shock is what she was.
Glen gently pulled the bra cups back over her breasts and straightened her skirt. He retrieved her blouse and held it up for her to slide her arms in, then refastened the buttons without so much as brushing his knuckles against her.

He lifted her chin and waited until she blinked and focused on his eyes. “What you did just now… Kate, that was brilliant. And brave.” He stroked a thumb over the smooth skin of her cheek.

The cool damp between her legs began to heat up again. She kissed the pad of his thumb and gave a weak chuckle. “You’re the one who knocked out the bad guys.”

“You gave me the opening. Pretending to be turned-on like that was genius. They totally fell for it.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Hell, you even had me convinced.”

“Well, about that…” She pulled away and chewed her lip. “I wasn’t faking. It was happening and I couldn’t stop it, so I decided to go over the top and hope you’d do what you did.”

“Huh. Really?”

Oh god, he must be so disgusted with her.
She broke eye contact. “Yeah. I know, something is definitely wrong with me.”

Glen grabbed her hair in a fist and yanked her up against his hard chest. Those ice-blue eyes twinkled as he gave her the slow, sexy smile she loved. His other hand came up to hold her face where he wanted it. Then he pressed his thumb to the hinge of her jaw, forcing it open, and took her mouth in a hot, deep kiss.

When he finally pulled back, they were both breathless and panting. Kate blinked her eyes open and found him staring into them.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Kate. At all. And I’m gonna enjoy showing you how perfectly
you are.”

It took a few days for the media hype to die down. News teams swarmed the branch, interviewing employees, customers and, even one of the lawn maintenance guys. Dozens of reporters showed up each morning before the bank opened, desperate for a few minutes with Kate and Glen. A local TV morning show sent gift baskets and invited them to give a joint interview on the air. Their story was always the same, whether they were talking to the police, news reporters or TV personalities.

Okay, so we’re all dying to know… how did you escape from that vault?”

“Well, Glen used his martial arts training and knocked out both robbers.”

“I couldn’t have done it without Kate.”

“How so? What did Kate do?”

“She provided a clever distraction, which gave me the opportunity to diffuse the situation.”

“Wow, Kate. That’s very brave! How exactly were you able to distract two armed and dangerous men? I’m sure we’d all like to know in case we’re ever in a similar situation!”

“Um… it’s kind of embarrassing, actually.”

“Tell them, Kate.” It was a command. She knew this because the hard edge in his voice awakened the fading handprints on her ass.

“All right… I guess you could say I started ‘convulsing.’”

“I get it. So they thought you were having a seizure or something.”

“She was very convincing.”

“I can imagine!”

They both responded, “No, you can’t.”

Y’all are just too cute! Is there any truth to the rumor that you two are dating, even though you’d never even met before you were locked up together?”

“Yeah, well he kinda twisted my arm. I mean, tall, dark and handsome is so not my type. And those blue eyes and all those muscles… But what can I say? I felt sorry for the poor guy.”

The heat in Glen’s eyes promised she would pay dearly for that remark.


Kate felt a moan welling up before the cold metal had even clicked around her wrist.

“You felt sorry for me, huh?” Glen’s dimple threatened an appearance, although he was obviously trying to keep his expression serious.

Earlier that night, Glen had taken her out for a nice dinner. It was the first time they’d had more than a few minutes alone since the robbery, and Kate was annoyed to realize she felt some first-date jitters.
Really? Isn’t that a little ridiculous considering all the things you’ve already done with him?

Kate was fully aware that he was stunning in uniform, but she was unprepared for Glen Morin in dark jeans and a pale blue button-down shirt that matched his eyes perfectly. The shadow of dark stubble on his jaw made him look as dangerous as she knew he was.

Simply put, he made her mouth water.

When he brought her to his cozy house after an evening of flirting and innuendo, her panties were soaked and her pussy ached for him. Kicking the door shut, he shoved her against it and kissed her wet and deep with one hand under her jaw and the other pressed possessively between her breasts. He pulled back, leaving her breathless, then led her into a comfortable living room furnished in dark wood and rich, brown leather. Turning her to face a large wall mirror, he unzipped the back of her pink sheath dress and let it drop.

For a heated moment, he admired her peach satin demi-bra and matching thong, neither of which hid much of anything.

“God, you’re fucking beautiful,” he murmured against her neck. Pressing a hot kiss to her bared shoulder, he unhooked her bra and slid it down her arms to join the dress on the floor. Her breasts were swollen with want, but he ignored them to tug the panties down to her ankles. And then he was looking at her —
of her — for the first time. His eyes swept over her, pupils overtaking the blue.

Completely nude but for a sexy pair of strappy, high-heeled sandals, Kate felt even more naked because Glen was still fully dressed. She turned and kissed him, but he broke the kiss without giving her his tongue.

“Take off my shirt.” His voice was soft, yet there was an edge to it. Her slim fingers shook a little as she unfastened the buttons at his cuffs then down the front, until the blue oxford hung open, revealing a soft T-shirt beneath. The white cotton clung to the slopes and planes of his chest, and she moaned a little at the sight. She tugged the shirt down his arms and let it fall to the floor.

“This one, too?”

“Yes. Take it off.” She slid her hands under the shirt, greedy to feel the heat of his skin when he stopped her. “I didn’t say you could touch me. Just take off the shirt.”

Kate knew he was playing some sort of mind game to make her crazy — and it was really fucking
. The gruffness in his voice made it clear the game was affecting them both. She hid her smile and lifted the T-shirt over his head, mussing his hair enough to make him look just that much sexier, if that was even possible.

“God in heaven…” His body was art. It was sculpture. Dark hair dusted his muscular chest, bisected the ripples of his abs, and trailed straight down to the bulge in his jeans. She started to reach for his belt buckle, but he stopped her with a look.

“Lie down, Kate. On your back.” He pointed to a huge, round ottoman. She did as instructed, enjoying the look in his eyes as he watched. The leather cooled her heated skin. When she saw him pull out the handcuffs, her heart kicked into overdrive.

Tugging her arms over her head, Glen looped the short chain around the leg of the ottoman. He cuffed her other wrist to the first, so her back arched just enough to push out her breasts. His tongue peeked out to wet his bottom lip as he considered his next move.

She wanted that tongue. On her. In her. Her hips bucked toward him.

With a smirk, he put his hands on her inner thighs, skimming them higher until his fingertips were a hair’s breadth away from her desperately throbbing center. Dropping to his knees he pushed her thighs apart, exposing her smooth, pink wetness to his hungry gaze, and strapped each of her ankles to the ottoman legs.

She whimpered with need when he stood to admire his handiwork.

“This is it,” he murmured, slowly circling the ottoman. “The picture I had in my head. This is where you were and how you looked the first time I jerked off to thoughts of you.” He squeezed the prominent erection pushing against his jeans.

“If you don’t touch me soon, I swear I’ll combust and burn down your pretty house.”

Glen grinned at that. “Where should I touch you? How about here?” He captured one tight nipple between his thumb and finger and pinched.

Her yelp of pain was accompanied by a flood of arousal — she felt it and he saw it.

“Hmm… Liked that, did you?” He gave her other nipple the same treatment. She tried to arch her back, but her bindings kept her exactly where Glen wanted her. “I got you something.”

“You didn’t have to—”

.” There was that hard edge again. It shut her up and made her pussy pound.

He opened a side-table drawer and produced a small, black satin bag. Dropping the contents into his palm, he showed her two delicate silver flowers with small clips on the back.

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