River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations (11 page)

BOOK: River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations
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He whispered, “Are you okay?”

She nodded and whispered back, “You’re bleeding.”

“Just a scratch.” He winked. His slow, sexy smile rippled deep in her belly and was almost enough to make her forget why they were lying on the floor.


“Do you think they’ll let us go?”

He squeezed her hand. “Yeah. They got what they came for, so—”

Just then, they heard yelling and banging and screaming. It sounded like the lobby had erupted in chaos. Then a gunshot.

Glen jumped to his feet. “Stay here.”

Kate stood up. “Alone? Don’t think so.”

Before they could go anywhere, Dracula ran back toward them, muttering, “Fuck!
! They fucking shot Eddie, man! What are we gonna do? Fuck!”

Glen looked like he was going to make a grab for Dracula’s gun, but Skeletor appeared and jabbed his pistol into Kate’s back.

“In the safe. Now!” Kate hesitated and he shoved her so hard she stumbled and fell.

“Stop dicking around, we gotta get outta here!” Dracula yelled.

“It ain’t over yet, not when we still got something to bargain with.” Skeletor waved his gun at Glen. “You too, asshole. Move!”

Kate watched from the hard floor of the vault as Glen walked through the round doorway. Every muscle in his body was tense. Anger pulsed off him in waves.

Skeletor continued, “We’ll send ‘em out in pieces if we gotta.”

That’s all Kate heard before the heavy door swung shut, but it was enough.


The small space had wall-to-wall safe-deposit boxes and was otherwise empty, except for a tall, lonely table in the middle of the room that customers used when accessing their boxes. Roger had talked about exchanging the table for a small desk with a chair, but he had never gotten around to it. The vault was a claustrophobic’s nightmare, even without the gunmen outside. Tight spaces didn’t usually bother Kate, but she certainly felt that the walls were closing in on her, now. She hardly noticed her body shaking until Glen pulled her onto his lap and rubbed the feeling back into her hands.

They sat like that for a long while, with Glen’s strong arms locked around her and his breaths coming in quick puffs against her hair. The only other sounds in the vacuum-like silence were the hum of the dim fluorescent light overhead and the pounding of Kate’s heart. She’d never been so terrified. Her breathing was fast and heavy, her stomach fluttered with nerves. And it must’ve been cold in the vault, because her nipples were so hard they tingled.

“Oh my god.” Kate shoved her hair out of her face and blinked at the wall clock. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize— I don’t even know you and I’ve been crushing your legs for like an hour.” She didn’t want to leave the warm comfort of Glen’s body, but she refused to be a burden so she started to climb out of his lap.

He held her tighter and offered his right hand. “Hi, I’m Glen.”

“I know.” She felt herself blush as she shook his hand. “I’m Kate.”

“I know.” His voice sounded deeper, Kate thought.

“Your butt must be asleep by now.”

“No, nothing’s asleep.” He chuckled and his breath was warm on her ear. “Um… quite the opposite, to be honest.”

Something twitched against Kate’s ass. Something


“Sorry ‘bout that. You can move if you want.”

“No-no, it’s fine. That’s a
, right?”

“Yeah. It’s
thing,” he grinned sheepishly.

“You know what I mean. The fear gets your adrenaline pumping and… It’s a thing that sometimes happens in situations like this.” She tried to sound casual, which was a challenge since her clit was now pulsing in time with her heartbeat.

“I learned about it in a criminal psych class, I think. People sometimes confuse fear and lust, because the body’s physiological responses to them both are nearly identical.”

“Right. So you do know what I’m talking about.”

“Not really. Not firsthand. This is the first time I’ve been locked in a bank vault with a gorgeous woman.”

Kate coughed a surprised laugh. “Oh,

“You think I’m lying?”

“I believe you’ve never been locked in a bank vault before,” she sassed.

His lips quirked up in a half-smile. “So you’re calling bullshit on my opinion that you’re gorgeous.”

“I’m not saying I’m a toad, but I own a mirror. I know what I look like.”
Average height, average build, plain brown hair, plain brown eyes…

“Ah. So you already know you’ve got eyes a man could drown in, and hair that looks so soft, I wouldn’t even mind if it fell over those eyes again, just so I’d have an excuse to touch it and brush it away from your face.”

She sucked in a breath, unable to form words — not that she could think of any.

“And since you own a mirror, you’re probably also aware that your top lip is just a little bit fuller than the bottom, which is both adorable and sexy as hell… and obviously, you know all your plain blouses and skirts do absolutely nothing to hide that luscious body, right?”

Kate’s mouth went dry and her pussy grew wet.
You’re an idiot if you take any of that to heart. He’s just being nice.
She forced a weak laugh. “Very funny. You’re sweet to try and take my mind off things.”

“I promise you, Kate…” Glen’s hands went to her hips and he pressed her down, grinding her ass against the hard bulge in his pants. “I’m not being sweet.”

Kate groaned and felt her panties soak through, probably enough to leave a spot on Glen’s pants. “Oh thank god, ‘cause that’s
not what I need right now.”

“It isn’t? Let’s see if I can guess what you
need.” He covered her knee with his big hand. “Am I getting warm?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Slowly… so she had plenty of time to tell him to stop… he slid his hand up her thigh, under her skirt. “Warmer?”


In a few more inches, his fingers brushed wet cotton and lace. “
.” He edged his fingers beneath the elastic to push the fabric aside, and slicked a path to her needy clit. With his free hand, he held her chin and made her look him in the eyes before he took her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss.

he was delicious. She loved the smooth friction of his tongue and the easy slide of his fingers into her wet pussy. Desperate for more of him, she squeezed him through his pants. Somehow, they got his zipper down and released his cock without breaking the kiss. Kate wrapped her hands around the thick root of him, but he stopped her before she explored much further.

“I’m too close,” he panted into her mouth. “Gonna finish you first.” With that, he grabbed her and rolled backward to the floor so Kate was kneeling, looking down at his handsome face between her thighs.

“Oh my god…”

His crystal blue eyes were mostly black, now, and he growled as his big hands pulled her hips down until her pussy met his hot mouth. She exploded the moment his tongue rasped over her clit, but when she would’ve bucked off he tightened his grip and held her in place. With no choice in the matter, she rode his face as her orgasm rolled over her in wave after wet wave of shuddering bliss.

When she opened her eyes they were wet with tears, which she wiped with the backs of her hands before he could see. She slithered down his body, rubbing her tits down his chest and letting her pussy kiss a wet trail along the length of his cock.

.” He groaned and stopped her.

“Assuming we live long enough for it to matter, I’m on the pill.”

“It’ll matter.” Shaking with restraint, he lifted her by the waist, positioned himself at her center and slowly… slowly… lowered her onto him. She felt his cock twitch and pulse inside her. Moments later, he began pumping his hips, fucking her deep enough to raise her knees off the floor and trigger another orgasm.

Kate may have been on top, but Glen was clearly in charge.

With one strong hand behind her neck, he pulled her down for a deep kiss. Her inner muscles were still clenching around him when he rolled her to her back. The handcuffs on his belt clinked and clanked with his rhythm as he drove into her — once, twice… again… before his gorgeous face tightened and she felt his release.

Minutes later, after their breathing slowed and their clothes were straightened, Glen studied Kate’s face. “I’m sorry. I tried to hold back. Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. You know, besides the hostage part.” Her smile felt forced. Of course it did. She could now add social awkwardness on top of the cold fear that had been bubbling in her belly the last couple hours.

“C’mere.” He sat leaning against the wall of lockboxes and patted the floor. When she joined him, he said, “So, uh… let’s back up a little. Well, a lot. Tell me about yourself.”

She shrugged. “Not much to tell. I’m single. I’m a Capricorn. I work in a bank— oh right, you already know that part.”

“Who’s out there worrying about you right now?”

Kate’s eyes prickled and she blinked back the threat of tears. “My parents live in town. They’re probably outside in the crowd… My brother’s a Marine, deployed in Africa.”

“I appreciate his service.”

“Yeah, well if this all goes bad, he’ll beat himself up forever because he wasn’t here to protect me.”

“But I am. I’ll keep you safe.” He pulled her onto his lap again and held her tight.

“Last time I sat here I felt a lot of things, but ‘safe’ wasn’t one of them,” she teased even as she snuggled into the comfort of his big body. “Tell me about you.”

“I’m also single. I’ll start there ‘cause I plan to take you out when this is all over.”

“You do, huh?” Kate grinned.

“Well, not
, but don’t make any plans for this weekend.”

“Really? The whole weekend?”

“Mm-hm. I expect to keep you very busy. Got a long to-do list with your name on it.”

“That’s surprising, considering we only met a couple hours ago.”

Glen hesitated a moment, then chuckled. “We’d never spoken before, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t spend the weekend with my dick in my hand, imagining all the things I want to do to you.”

Kate felt a clench low in her belly. “Oh. Um. Wow.”

“Sorry. Probably should’ve kept that to myself, since you can’t exactly avoid me if my little confession made you uncomfortable…”

“It didn’t. Actually—”


They froze and Kate held her breath, listening…


She started shaking. “Oh god. What if it’s them? What if it’s not the good guys?”


“You’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you, Katie.” Glen wrapped his arms around her even tighter, pressing her head to his chest.

“My brother calls me Katie…” she whispered as the huge, round door swung open.

There was no noise from outside as Skeletor came in, leading with his gun. Either everyone else in the bank had escaped or…

The robber smirked. “Ain’t that sweet? Break it up, I’m taking the girl.”

“Like hell you are,” Glen snarled.

Skeletor thumbed off the safety on his gun and pointed it at Glen’s head. “I’m not gonna hurt her — not yet, anyways. Could give a shit about you, though, asshole.”

“Don’t shoot him! I’ll go.” Kate pulled away from the safety of Glen’s arms.

!” Glen jumped up but kept his distance. His eyes were wild as Skeletor led Kate out, never lowering his gun from Glen until the door shut between them.

Tears streamed down Kate’s face as the robber locked Glen alone in the vault.


“Get movin’, Princess.”

Kate shook as the muzzle of the gun prodded her down the hall toward the front of the bank. She was desperate to ask about Roger and the others, but was shivering too hard to speak. As they passed a window, she saw that the parking lot teemed with police cars and officers.

When they got to the lobby they saw nobody but Dracula, who had his gun in one hand and a cell phone in the other. “The fuck took so long?”

“Guard wanted to be a hero.”

“Didja kill the motherfucker?”

“What do
think?” Skeletor grabbed the phone. “It’d be kinda hard to give ‘em proof of life with a dead guy. Fucking idiot.” He pressed a button on the phone and immediately said, “Yeah, I got the girl here,” and handed the device to Kate.

“Hello?” She hated how bad her voice shook.

“Is this Kate Watson?”


“Hi Kate, I’m Captain Tony Fernandez with the San Antonio SWAT team. How are you and Mr. Morin holding up?”

A rush of relief brought a new wave of tears. “Fine, I guess. We’ve been locked in the vault, but we’re not really hurt or anything.”

“If you’re being forced to lie about that, tell me your age.”

“No. Are my parents out there?” she asked with a watery sob.

“Yes. They’re worried, of course, but we’re gonna get y’all out of there.” He had a calm, professional demeanor which helped Kate feel a little less anxious.

“Thank you. Please tell them I love them.”

“Will do. And all the other employees and customers are safe, so don’t worry about anybody but yourselves.”

Skeletor grabbed the phone. “There. You got what you wanted. Now get us what
want so we can get the hell outta here.” Then his neck turned red as he listened and yelled, “You don’t get to tell me what’s reasonable!
got the hostages, so
I call the shots

Captain Fernandez must have calmed the robber down after that, because Kate was given the opportunity to use the bathroom before returning to the vault. Since her life wasn’t a movie, there was no window in the bathroom through which she could escape. Not that she would have left without Glen, anyway. Although she was anxious to get back to him, she did allow herself a quick glance in the mirror and was surprised to see a strong woman under the smeared makeup and just-got-fucked hair.

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