RidingtheWaves (16 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaRose

BOOK: RidingtheWaves
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“I don’t think so, Annalee.”

She gasped in shock at the amount of strength he utilized
when he firmly but cautiously maneuvered her foot onto the floor and stood up,
his huge body towering above her. His breastbone grazed her nose and she had to
tilt her head to look into his eyes. Somehow, within his thundering heartbeat—maybe
it was hers—his heavy breaths breached her ears.

She had no time to think when he pulled the ponytail holder
from her hair. The mass tumbled over her shoulders. She flinched, then flinched
again as he fisted a handful at the base of her neck and walked her backward
into the wall. In seconds he spun her around with her breasts smashed against
drywall, arms pinned above her head and a thigh stiffly grinding into her ass

“You have no idea what you’ve just done,” he growled,
pressing his hips into her lower spine. With a tug to her hair, he yanked her
head back.

She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Are you ready to play, Annalee?” he asked, taking a nip at
her throat.

What the hell just happened? Play? Play what? What’d she do?
How could he switch her off and switch himself on within the blink of an eye?
Whatever the case, she was a little nervous, more so when he reached between
her thighs and shoved two or more fingers into her vagina. Jesus, they
stretched her wide open.

Despite the slight discomfort from him wiggling them deeper,
she spread her legs farther apart and whimpered. Somehow a knuckle managed to
rub her G-spot and an intense jolt shot her pulse through the ceiling. Her
pussy gushed and she increased the span of her legs, bearing down on his hand,
driving his fingers yet deeper.

Slowly he partially withdrew them then shoved them back in
hard. She trembled and threw her head against his chest, exposing additional
neck for him to abuse. The next bite grew more severe than the last, each resembling
needles pricking her skin. “Oww,” she whined. But they didn’t hurt in an
excruciating sense. They caused an underlying ache that appeared attached to
the same chain of nerves as her pussy—each prickle spiked a craving for more.

Good Lord, what was happening to her?

Brent’s grip tightened around her wrists and he pressed her
so firmly to the wall the thought of her body leaving an indentation crossed
her mind. And as he started ramming his fingers in and out of her cunt, she
realized he’d done it on purpose so she couldn’t move.

It was the biggest fucking turn-on of her life.

As hard as she tried shifting her ass, she couldn’t, and
being forced to maintain the position while his large, bulky fingers ruthlessly
fucked her ignited a raw craving in her blood. In and out they slammed, banging
her cervix and stretching her wide. Each determined thrust drove deeper than
the last. The power behind the strokes jarred her cheek into the wall.

Her legs trembled and knees weakened. Only his body held her
in place. If he stepped away from her now, she’d crumble to the floor and
sizzle into embers at his feet.

Beads of sweat dribbled down her temples. She scrunched her
eyes, wishing he’d give her his entire fist and shove it entirely to her belly.
A constant stream of moans and whimpers fled from her throat, filling her ears
along with the squishing sounds of her juices soaking his hand.

“Annalee, when you can’t endure anymore, you need to tell
me,” he whispered directly into her ear.

I will. Harder and faster please.

“Annalee?” His fingers stilled. “Do you understand? It’s
very important that you tell me when you’ve had enough.”

Compassion replaced the commanding voice. She nodded. “Yes,”
she breathed.

“Are you okay?”

Again she nodded. “Yes.”

All at once he removed his fingers from her pussy and the
weight of his body eased off her back. Damn him for bringing her down after
having taken her so high. If she would’ve said no, would it have coerced him to

She swallowed while the roaring fire inside her abruptly
simmered to a dull flame. But the instant he spun her around and grasped the
bottom of her neck, the dwindling flame erupted into a full-fledged blaze.

His gaze bore into her eyes even as he walked her toward the
bed and laid her down.

“Don’t move,” he warned.

Ah, the thrilling, commanding tone returned. Just for spite,
she came up on her elbows and scooted toward the headboard.

He grabbed her ankles and pulled, forcing her flat on her
back. “You’re treading dangerously, Annalee,” he growled while squatting beside
the duffel bag. “Get ready for more gifts.”

His glare unnerved her, but it also added heat to her womb.
And when he stood, dangling a blindfold, she tensed.
A blindfold?
her heart pattered in excitement, reluctance prodded her brain. Not being able
to see while wide awake spelled uncertainty. Lots and lots of uncertainty.

She cleared her throat. “You don’t need that,” she squeaked
in an unfamiliar voice.

“Do you want me to put it away?” He straddled her waist,
bearing weight on his knees, leaned forward and gently kissed her, turning her
to mush.

How much harm could a little mask cause? So she wouldn’t be
able to see him. What’s the big deal? “No.” After he removed his mouth from
hers, she relaxed and let him apply the blindfold.

His weight shifted and the bed sprang back into place when
he stood. It was kind of exciting trying to guess where he’d gone and what he’d
planned to do. And then she heard metal rattle. A lot of metal.
Her heart skipped a beat. “Brent, I’m not sure I’m ready for both.” Damn, did
she need to sound so distressed?

“Then I won’t use them.”

Oh God, but it was so thrilling the last time he’d
restrained her. Not being able to see his intentions may even intensify the
sensations. How could she deprive herself of those feelings or possibly
something better if she failed to push her limits? “Will you release me if I

The mattress sank when he returned and straddled her waist.
Softly he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “Annalee, when you tell me it’s
enough, it ends.”

She nodded and swallowed hard. “Okay.”

As his huge hand took hold of her arm and the cuffs snapped
closed around her wrist, she instinctively flinched.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

No, but she had to satiate a craving for the unknown. “Yes.”

The chains jingled as he stretched her arm above her head
and hooked her to the bedpost. She gulped.

How silly. What did she fear? That he wouldn’t free her upon
request? Or the fact she might enjoy it too much? She held up her other arm and
gulped again when he locked the second cuff into place and attached it to the
opposite post.

“Are you okay, baby?” He tenderly padded his lips over every
inch of her mouth, sliding his tongue along the outer corners. Then he kissed a
trail to her ear and nibbled her lobe.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Good, because I’m going to fuck you, but first I’m going to
torment your nipples until you cry in pain.”

His breath bathed her skin. And because she couldn’t see his
expression, the timbre of his voice evolved as a threat. It turned her on so
damn bad, she momentarily couldn’t think.

“Then I’m going to fuck your ass with a dildo.” He weighed
her down while he lowered his lips to her neck and bit her jugular. “And when
I’m done, you’re not going to know whether you’re dead or alive.”

She braced her feet on the bed and froze.

Torment her nipples until she cried in pain?

Fuck her ass with a dildo?

She gulped. Everything he’d said mimicked the exact detail
she’d described to him earlier.

Holy fuck!

He wanted to enact her fantasy!

Unexpected warmth seeped to her tummy.

She’d given him insight into her most intimate dreams and he
strived to make them real?

Mmm, what a caring, considerate man.

She chewed her bottom lip to prevent laughing at her own
delusional reluctance. Laughter may bring things to an abrupt halt, and she’d
hate to put a damper on the evening when it’d just started getting interesting.
Should she let him know she’d figured out the scheme from his not-so-subtle
hints, or simply play along? If he knew the truth, it might take the edge off.

Edge could be a good thing depending on the circumstance.
Why would she want to destroy it in this certain situation? Undeniably, playing
along would be the best option. For both of them. At this point, he had free
rein to do anything he pleased.

But how could she make it realistic for his benefit? She
didn’t want to hiss and call him names—otherwise he’d give up and let her go.
Nor did she want to lie, acting unaffected by his bad boy behavior. There
wasn’t anything sexy about a boring, meek damsel in distress. Hell, if she
didn’t react somehow soon, he’d possibly figure out

Hmmm, how had she acted in those fantasies?

God, this was so damn erotic. “Brent, what are you going to
do to me?” She tugged on the cuffs for effect.

“Only what you’ve asked for.”

Oh yeah!
Good thing she’d disclosed those little
secrets. Damn, her heart sputtered a gazillion beats per second. “You’re
scaring me.”

A large hand cupped her mouth, followed by hot, heavy
breaths caressing her ear and slithering down her throat. Like thunder, it
rumbled through her veins. Although the warmth tapered off at her ribcage, the
effect continued to slither along her tummy, lower to her pubic area then
settled in her aching crotch.

“I haven’t even touched you, Annalee.”

Exactly. What was taking him so long? Maybe the
made him second-guess the game. Did he prefer a fight?

Shaking her head side to side, she mumbled inaudibly then
bit the inside pad of one of his fingers. Not hard, but hard enough that he
yanked his hand free.

“Damn you, Brent, get off me.” She ground her feet into the
bed and tried arching her hips to shake him loose. When that failed she lightly
kneed his lower back.

“Are you sure you want to go there, Annalee?”

She felt his gaze penetrating her face for a long moment
before he climbed off her waist and then off the bed. The box springs squeaked,
which she’d never heard prior to tonight. Was it because her senses were more
acute due to the blindfold?
Oh shoot. Where’s he going?
Did I just
ruin everything?
“Yes,” she nearly shouted, hoping he’d return.

Even though she wanted to scream “
come back”
, she
listened intently as his feet padded across the carpet. “Brent?”


It unnerved her somewhat, but not to the degree of fear.
Actually, in an odd sense, it heightened her arousal.

He hadn’t left the room—she knew that for sure because she
felt his gaze wandering all over her body. And then she heard scuffling sounds
coming from the duffel bag. Holy hell, what was he searching for?

In minutes he’d returned, hovering over her body, his lips
brushing her ear. Once again his warm breath played over her neck and it
swirled toward her shoulder. Oh the titillation from the simplest things.

“This is where the fun begins, Annalee.”

What a jarring, seductive tone. Fun? For her? So as not to
make him feel left out, she tugged on the cuffs and raised her leg to kick him,
but he caught her foot midair. While pressing his thumb into her sole,
rendering her helpless, she screeched.

He slipped her foot through some type of loop made of soft,
tickly fur and secured it around her knee by a slipknot or something. And, dear
Lord, it did not slip. It gave him full control of her leg, which he bent
toward the outside of her stomach, and then he anchored it behind her head. The
restraint was tied so tightly—
funny, it wasn’t tight around her knee
couldn’t move her leg in any direction other than straight up—but only her calf
and foot.

Oh hell, how awkward. And helpless. She wasn’t sure how she
felt about this new predicament. It definitely was not a part of the fantasy.

If she scooted upward, maybe she’d loosen the tension and
hopefully regain mobility. Planting her opposite foot firmly against the
mattress, she gave herself a shove.

She hadn’t even settled on the pillow when he grabbed her
hips and yanked her back into place. “Give it up, baby. You’re not going

Now that seriously
a part of the
fantasy. And holy shit, it knocked her erogenous zone into a frenzy of
unadulterated bliss. Everything south of her navel burned with need. “What has
gotten into you?” she whimpered.

“I’m taking you beyond your boundaries, Annalee,” he said,
immobilizing her free leg with another loop of fur and restraining it to the
opposite post.

She was now locked firmly in a position that reminded her of
pushing stage
while giving birth. It gave Brent access to do
whatever he desired. The thought thrilled her beyond words.

God, help me.

“Be prepared to shout when you’ve had enough, baby. I need
to hear you in order to stop. Things may get pretty intense.”


“Annalee, do you understand?”

“Yes.” She desperately wanted to entice him to roughen her
up a bit more, but she couldn’t without physically hurting herself. With hands
cuffed behind her head, legs spread wide open and bound, she was at his mercy.
But wow. Being vulnerable and exposed with every orifice pointing upward while
reluctantly anticipating his next move felt incredible.

A hearty ache thumped inside her pussy. If he didn’t know
how much this turned her on, all he’d have to do is look between her thighs.

Where was he? He’d been standing too quietly far too long.
Twenty seconds, maybe thirty—but still way too long.

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