RidingtheWaves (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaRose

BOOK: RidingtheWaves
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Over and over he slammed, intensifying the strength of her


As she wailed, her entire body shuddering, he plowed deep,
grinding in a circular motion. Sweat cased his brow and his heartbeat drummed
in his chest when a blast of cum shot through his cock and spurted into the
condom. But no way in hell would he let go of her hips. He pushed and pulled,
dragging her over his rod until every last spasm in her body relaxed.

After a few cleansing breaths and a two-minute intake of her
rosy cheeks and starry eyes, he massaged her thighs. “Are you okay?”

A subtle smile accompanied her nod.

Success—and with a smile. There wasn’t much more a man could
ask for.

When her vaginal walls relaxed, he withdrew his penis from
her depths, removed the condom and threw it in the trash. As he lay down beside
her, pulling her into his arms, he snuggled her warm, damp skin against his
chest. She wasn’t as delicate as he’d thought. Hell, her passion burned as
deeply as his. If his little woman agreed to spend time with him during the
next five days, he’d experiment and take her to new heights.

As he rested his chin against the top of her head, listening
to her breathing return to normal, he closed his eyes.

“Brent?” She sighed. “I think I…” Her voice trailed off.

“I’m listening, baby.”

“Love your bossy side.”

She has no idea exactly how bossy I can get.

Chapter Four


Annalee woke hot and sweaty with her back spooned against a
wall of bare, heated skin. The room was dark and silent except for a dim strip
of corridor lighting peeking beneath the entrance door. She glanced at the big,
3:43 a.m.
on the digital alarm clock.

Brent’s leg lay draped over hers with his arm tucked around
her tummy. She couldn’t move without physically lifting his limbs, but she was
too content and comfortable to even consider it.

It’d been a long time since a man held her, but she’d never
experienced feeling as tiny as she did with Brent. He was massive in more
places than one. Her pussy still ached from his thrusting cock. Or was the ache
a growing need to feel him deep inside her again? Moisture drenched the area
between her legs, but it could’ve been the aftereffect from earlier.

She squeezed her thighs together. A tingly sensation wormed
to her belly. No, it definitely was not the aftereffects. Her lower half felt
as if it’d been submerged in warm water, and a pleasant
thump, thump
pulsated her clit.

There were so many things she could’ve done to pleasure him,
but he probably wouldn’t have allowed it. How in the hell had that happened?
She’d never been with an aggressive partner, and when he’d told her to squeeze
him, wow, she shattered.

The moment he’d walked into that banquet hall and gazed into
her eyes, she was a goner.

She laid her hand on his thigh and snuggled her butt into
his crotch. She gasped when it pressed against his rock-hard penis. And,
swearing on her life, she wanted to fuck him that instant. She stilled at the
sound of a slight groan. Was he still asleep with a severe case of morning
wood? Other than the stiffening of his thigh, he gave no indication of being

Every morsel of flesh from her head to her pussy craved him.
Even the texture of his thick, contoured, muscular thigh deepened the yearning.
How was that possible?

Giving in to temptation, she caressed his shaft with her ass.

Engrossed in the sensations, she hadn’t realized her ass
continued stroking him until she reached back to grip his penis and her cheeks
brushed her fingers. The instant she fisted him, he groaned again. “Brent?”

No response. Not even a change in the pace of his breath.

Gently she slid her fingers to the base of his cock and then
brought them upward to the head, toying with the ridge. How she managed to take
all of him was incomprehensible. She skimmed her thumb in circles around the
moist tip.

The ache in her pussy matured into a full-fledged throb. She
took a deep breath and at the same time wiggled free from the dead weight of
his leg. She stilled, waiting for him to react, but he didn’t budge. Next she
lifted his arm and laid it on her hip. Then she scooted forward, opening a
space between their bodies so she could maneuver his penis between her legs.
Slightly, she separated her thighs and placed his cock head against her slit.
On contact, a current of heat shot to her belly and chest. She sucked in air
while spooning herself against him once more. His warm breath rustled her hair.
She laid her cheek on the cool sheet and slowly slid her hips back and forth,
manipulating them so the head massaged her clit. Spine-tingling sensations
caused her entire body to quiver. With her fingertips, she pressed his cock
against her, holding it in place to assure stimulation during each movement.

No way could he still be asleep. Not with the size and
hardness of his erection. Yet it seemed impossible for him to refrain from
thrusting with her motions if he wasn’t. Either the man mastered restraint or
he slept pretty deeply. “Brent, are you awake?” Even as she eased into a steady
rhythm of pushing forward and pulling back, he remained perfectly still and
uttered not a sound.

A fire burned in her pussy and her juices saturated his
cock, making the contact to her clit all the sweeter. Part of her experienced
guilt for taking advantage of him, but her stronger side pulverized the shit
out of that emotion. She wanted him. She needed him. For the sake of sanity,
she had to have him right now.

She reached forward and patted her hand along the top of the
nightstand, feeling through the darkness for one of the condoms he’d laid there
earlier. When her fingers brushed against a wrapper, her heart skipped a beat.
Drawing her bottom lip between her teeth, she, as quietly as possible, brought
the wrapper to her chest and tore the foil open.

Her breathing increased and vaginal walls tightened from
anticipation as she placed the condom over his cock head and rolled it down his
penis. His thigh twitched. “Brent?”

My God, how can he still be asleep?

She folded her lips and positioned the tip of his cock at
her vaginal opening. Battling the urge to ram it deep, she slowly descended on
the thick shaft. Her insides stretched, accommodating his size. The internal
muscles moved aside, exposing hidden nerves that jolted on contact with his hot
skin. While welcoming the rugged, hard intrusion, she tilted her head, freeing
a moan. An inch at a time she moved, allowing the sensation to expound through
her body.

She couldn’t take it.

She laid a hand on his hip for support while fully engulfing
him inside her pussy. Once his cock was completely buried, she rotated her hips
in a circular motion, but she needed more. Her insides constricted and fire
burned in her chest. She was so damn close to climaxing she tasted it. Her legs
trembled and her heart raced. A rush of heat swarmed her neck and face.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she began the slow ascent along his
thick shaft. The ridge of his head grazed raw nerves. She gasped. Jesus, she
wouldn’t make it to the top. But she had to…to experience the intensity of the
downward thrust and cure the craving gnawing at her insides.

How could she feel so crazed and desperate and allow her
good sense to take flight in the realm of lust? Shit, she needed him deep
inside, tucked against her cervix.

No, by choice, she wouldn’t make the entire ascent. Biting
her lip, she lowered her hips until she completely buried him in her depths.
She remained still, clutching and releasing his penis with her inner walls.
Each squeeze added sparks to the knot of quivering nerves. She ground her
bottom down and slid a finger between her legs to stroke her clit. The harder
she rubbed the swollen nub, the tighter her insides squeezed. Her hips fell
into rotation with her circling finger. She moved up and down, side to side,
trying to capture the electrical sensation just within reach.

A hand grabbed hold of her wrist. “Don’t move!”

Oh God! Not now! I only need two more seconds.
can’t stop,” she whined, shoving her ass into his groin, forcing his penis

His mouth lowered to her ear. “You will, or I’ll pull out
right now. That’ll make for a long day, won’t it?”

She nodded but wouldn’t dare open her eyes. “Please? Just,”
she snuck in another rotation of her hips, “one more second.”

“Baby, it’s all about control.”


He brought her fingers to his mouth and sucked the one she’d
used to massage her clit. Her belly bottomed out. The erotic gesture, along
with the warm, slippery swirl of his tongue deepened the ache in her pussy.
God, she hurt. She squeezed her thighs, hoping the friction would spark a

He laid her hand on the bed beside her breasts. “You’re not
listening, Annalee.”

The grip he placed around her waist completely immobilized
her. If she didn’t fear screaming when opening her mouth, she would’ve pleaded
with him to fuck her crazy. As it stood, she was partially there already. Her
pussy throbbed, clit pulsated, heart raced and her mind was nearly delusional.
Forcing him to pull out now by not obeying would be a cruel, cruel punishment.
Why would she subject herself to that kind of torture?

She painfully clenched her jaw.

He loosened his hold. “Relax.” He kissed the sensitive area
below her ear.

The warmth of his breath spread across her chest and down
her belly, affecting her like a skillful massage, easing the tension from her
limbs. She melted into the mattress.

“Just like that,” he whispered against her skin. “Now roll onto
your back.”

To comply meant she’d have to remove his cock from her body.
She didn’t want that to happen. It felt too good, as if it belonged there. And
she’d spent painstaking minutes manipulating them into that position. She shook
her head. “Can’t we stay like this?”

He responded by starting a slow withdraw. She clamped her
pussy walls in a desperate attempt to keep him inside.

“Don’t fight me.”

“Please?” She whimpered when he completely withdrew. And in
her inconsolable moment of emptiness, she grabbed his penis and tried coaxing
it back in her cunt.

He flipped her onto her back, rolled on top of her and
anchored her arms above her head with his large hands. Although she couldn’t
see his face clearly, his breath swirled around her cheeks.

“Ever been bound to a bed, Annalee?”

The thought shot a mixture of fear and excitement through
her blood. Her belly somersaulted and warm juices surged between her thighs.

“Do you still trust me?”

“Yes.” To a degree. Was this crossing her boundaries? What
were her specific limitations? She’d previously told him she’d try anything
once. And being tied to a bed constituted
. Was he being serious
or testing her to see how far she’d go?

Anticipation warmed her from head to foot, yet a tiny bit of
reluctance twirled in her tummy.

After a nip to her lips, he rose from the bed and turned on
the table lamp. A soft glow of light cascaded through the room. Seeing his
huge, gorgeous, fully aroused body melted every ounce of caution. And when he
adjusted the condom, rolling his hand over his erection, a jolt of excitement
rocked her soul.

He removed her pantyhose from the articles of clothing on
the floor, tore the legs with his teeth and shredded them into four pieces. Not
once did his eyes sway from hers and as he stretched the sections, testing
their length, she realized just how desperately she wanted this.

Her heart fell into a rapid beat as he approached the bed
and sat down on the edge. A nasty scar she hadn’t noticed earlier rumpled the
skin on the front of his right shoulder. And just as she opened her mouth to
ask, he shook his head, advising her it wasn’t the appropriate time.

He placed his hand on her stomach and massaged it back and
forth from one curve of her waist to the other. The heat from his calloused
palm branded his erotic touch into her soul.

Never would she forget the evening she’d spent with Brent
Delaney. He’d eased himself into her blood and become a significant piece of
her essence—a newly discovered addiction. All the feelings from the past gushed
forward and she couldn’t get enough of him.

Would she be able to live without him from this night

His fingertips brushed her arms from shoulders to elbows
until he reached her wrists, where he secured the pieces of nylon. He kissed
her long and hard before he attached the bindings to the headboard posts.
Vulnerability and helplessness sprang to her belly. Yet reassurance in his gaze
calmed her while he repeated the steps to her legs and anchored her ankles to
the footboard.

He slid his finger in between the material and her skin.
“They’re not too tight, are they?”

She shook her head while cool air stroked the area between
her thighs. Even had they’d been too tight, she wouldn’t have protested. The
new position was doing all sorts of erotic things to her. Drenching her
crotch—hardening her nipples. Not to mention, the anticipation of his plans had
goose bumps rising all over her body. She quivered.

He straddled her, placing a knee on either side of her waist
to bear his weight. His erection dropped forward, slapping her belly. Her mouth
watered at the mammoth hunk of flesh. She licked her bottom lip and, while
raising her gaze, she visually caressed his abdominal muscles and pecs. God,
she’d love to rub her hands over every thick inch. Taking a deep breath to calm
her racing heart, she looked into his eyes.

“That’s it. Now you’ve got it.”

Still overly sensitive from the quick fuck she tried
stealing, she nearly burst when he leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips.
His cock massaged her stomach and he proceeded to stroke it up and down her
flesh. She swore the nerves in her navel were connected to her pussy, because
with each agile stroke, her insides constricted and ached and her labia

He slipped his tongue into her mouth and darted it around,
exploring every moist cranny. The need for control and dominance was prominent
in his eyes. Yet beyond those emotions lay a glimpse of admiration and
compassion. Many times she’d seen the look in Jared’s expression when he’d
professed how much he loved her.

Was Brent telling the truth when he’d said he’d waited all
these years for her, or was it a mere tactic to get her into his bed? Were his
feelings driven deeper by something other than lust? Despite having sex with
him for all the wrong reasons, she couldn’t stomach the thought of being used.

She slithered her tongue along his and closed her eyes, but
quickly realized the mistake and fluttered them open. His lips formed a smile
against hers, which made her smile as well. But it was short-lived because he
moved down her body, his hair tickling her skin as he applied soft kisses. His
hands caressed her sides, moving upward to capture her breasts. When he pulled
a nipple into his mouth, stretching and sucking the sensitive bud, she moaned
and arched into him.

Her nerves sizzled. The craving to have his big cock shoved
inside her doubled in intensity. Everything throbbed and smoldered. Her
temples. Heart. Pussy and ass. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Brent, I’m not
going to beg.” She ground her ass into the bed. “But please, please fuck me.”

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