RidingtheWaves (17 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaRose

BOOK: RidingtheWaves
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She heard faint clattering coming from the duffel bag. And
then the bed sank at her waist.

She swallowed as excitement raced through her blood. Seconds
stretched for eternity as she waited and waited for something to happen. She
chewed her bottom lip while her breaths grew heavy and audible from
anticipation. Slightly the bed shifted. Then the ribbons on the corset were
untied and he slid it open, settling the fabric panels along the outside of her
breasts. He was so close his body heat burrowed against her hip, yet other than
his fingertips brushing against her skin when he’d pushed the material aside,
he hadn’t touched her. And then he finally did, but only with his lips. They
connected to her mouth so desperately she gasped. But she refused to return the
kiss. Instead she bit his bottom lip and tugged.

“Let go.”

Make me.
She shook her head slightly, pulling his lip
farther away from his teeth. Oh she’d give anything to see his expression.

Something clamped onto her right nipple. She immediately
released his lip and shrieked. “Oww! Fuck!” She racked her shoulders against
the bed to dislodge the clamp or clothespin or whatever the hell had a blinding
grip on her breast. “It hurts, Brent. Take it off. Take…it…off. Please?”

He ground her shoulders into the mattress and held her down
so she couldn’t move. “Relax, Annalee. It’ll get better. Just relax.”

Relax? Relax! How could she relax with a vise grip chomping
on her nipple! “I can’t.”

“Shhh. Shhh. Shhh,” he soothed, rubbing his thumbs along her
cheekbones. “Give yourself a chance to enjoy it. I want you to experience the
pleasure it can bring.”

bring! What about
bring? There
appeared to be an enormous amount of doubt in that one little word.

“If you don’t try I’m going to tighten it.”

Her eyes flared open behind the blindfold. Tighten? Any
tighter and her nipple would snap off.

Okay, this game wasn’t fun anymore. He could untie her

“Have you had enough?”

She nodded and chomped on her bottom lip.

“Then tell me.”

Again she nodded, and in doing so, the most unusual thing
started to happen—a prickly sensation began to build, erasing the pain. It
almost felt like her breast awoke from a sleep. The prickles ran deep, all the
way to her spine. And the more she relaxed, the more intense the sensation
grew. A constant wave of heat swarmed her tummy.

What the heck!

“Now you’re feeling it,” Brent crooned.

How the hell did he know? Was it that obvious?

With the clamp still in place he ran his tongue in circles
around her opposite nipple, bathing it in warm saliva and flicking the tip with
his tongue. It hardened instantly, bringing the nerve endings to life. Each
flicker was as if a hot poker branded her skin. The double whammy from the
clamp and his mouth heightened the glorious pain and desire to a monumental
level. And swearing on her life, when he began to suck she wanted him to
tighten the clamp. There must have been a secret passage between her breast and
pussy, because the harder he sucked the more desperately she craved his cock
ramming her insides.

Tears filled her eyes as the sensation built, proving he’d
made good on his threat. She could only imagine what would follow. Never had
she been brought to an orgasm by toying with her breasts alone. But shit, it
was building, and building quick.

She sucked in a breath and moaned, arching her chest closer
to Brent’s face. “Harder. Please? Bite me. Tighten the clamp. Do something,

Rather than grant her wishes, he grabbed the device and
twisted her nipple back and forth. The exquisite jolt nearly shot her off the
bed. She fisted her hands, digging nails into her palms, and curled her toes.
“Oh God.”

Suddenly he removed his mouth and applied a clamp to that

“Shit,” she squealed. She squeezed her eyes, forcing the
tears to dribble from the corners. What few the blindfold didn’t absorb slid
along her temples into her hair.

Brent’s warm lips gently kissed them away while brushing her
cheeks with his hands. His calloused fingertips provided temporary relief to
the passionate itch burrowing deep inside her. Every inch of skin, even her
eyelids, screamed for more.

How was any of this possible? Craving intense, sexual pain
wasn’t her norm. And Jared said she was too innocent? How could Brent know
exactly what she needed, yet the man she’d been engaged to for nearly a year
had no clue?

A flat, palmed, rough caress to the inside of her thighs
froze her thoughts. Actually everything froze while the masculine touch focused
on her exposed, wanton pussy. If she hadn’t appreciated her position earlier,
she sure did now.

When a stream of liquid that warmed on contact oozed over
her anus and in between her ass cheeks, she held her breath. Long, thick
fingers went to work rubbing it all over, skimming her clit periodically.


Way too softly.

Then finally, he rubbed it hard while a finger breached her
anus and easily slipped inside.

“Ah…shit!” So many nerves. So many sensations reeling inside

She released the air from her lungs with a contented moan.
Her muscles contracted then relaxed, adjusting to the intrusion. When he began
shifting his finger in and out, she couldn’t rock her hips to his rhythm. She
was stuck. In a position forbidding movement. And it was fucking killing her.

Suddenly his thrusting finger stopped. She wanted to scream
but he’d only prolong her pain. And as he removed his hands from her body and
moved away from the bed, her pussy and ass clenched the air.

Then she heard clanking and muffled sounds coming from the
glorious bag. What little surprise did he have in store? Although the last
gadget initially hurt, she couldn’t deny how desperately she needed more.
Something to fill her completely, ass and all.

When he returned, she realized she’d been holding her
breath. And as she released it, his calloused hands caressed her knees.

“Annalee, you have the sweetest-looking pussy.”

Touch it, lick it, pinch it. Do something.
“Then fuck
it.” Holy hell, the entire game turned around.

“You bet I will, baby, but first,” he began sliding
something long and slender into her anus, “I’m going to dildo-fuck your ass.”

Holy mother! She could do nothing but breathe. But even that
halted when he pushed it in farther, and all the tiny nerve endings jumped to
battle the foreign object.

“Brent, stop!” This was it. The end. She was dying from
exquisite pleasure.

“Have you had enough?”

She shook her head side to side. “Yes.”

“Then say it.”

“I can’t take it.”

“Say it.”


He stroked the inside of her thigh. “I’ve fucked your ass
with bigger things than this.”

Maybe that was the problem—it wasn’t enough. “I swear,
you’re killing me.” Despite the pleas, she tried lifting her hips to insert

“Can’t take it, huh?” he bantered, pushing the thin dildo
firmly into place.

That was it? He’s done? How could he insert something inside
her and just walk away, leaving it dormant? It felt nice, she wouldn’t deny it,
but oh it would feel so much better if he pumped it in and out.

Then she heard a click and the entire rod started to buzz.

Oh God. Oh Jesus. Holy fuck! The tip must have been embedded
in a centralized location because every nerve in her body reaped the benefits
of the electrifying current. It branched from her fingers to her toes, but the
most intense thrill lay in her ass where the vibration ruthlessly pulverized
the teensy nerves. Millions of them. Trillions. Oh shit, she was losing it. And

She wanted to explode, needed to burst, yet it seemed the
vibrator couldn’t provide the shove she needed to tumble over the edge. It had
taken her to the highest peak but didn’t have the strength to push her over.
And she needed release so desperately, tears fell from her eyes. “Brent, you’ve
got to do something. I can’t take any more.”

He was leaning over top of her in a second, kissing her
tears away and rubbing her cheeks.

“One more, baby. Just one more. You can do it.”

One more what!
Hour? Minute? Even a flippin’ second
was way too long. “No. Please, do something.” This was by far her ultimate
limitation. She’d never been so high, never needed to fall so hard.

“Shhh, shhh, shhh.”

“Ahhh, damn you, Brent.” Where’d he learn this shit, from a
book of torture?

“I can end it here. Just say the word.”

But that would mean he’d stop. She didn’t want him to stop.
She needed to get off before her veins ruptured. “No,” she wailed.

He padded his lips over her entire face and mouth. “Annalee,
do you still trust me?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, releasing more tears. “Yes,” she

She heard another faint click and the vibration in her ass
intensified. Holy hell, it was the wrong answer! Was this the
one more
he spoke of, as in,
one more
level of frigging speed?

“Baby, are you still with me?” he asked closely to her ear.

She nodded because she could no longer speak. Too much was
going on inside her body. Too much pleasure. Too much pain. Too much pressure
building from the climax that wouldn’t burst. She dug nails into her palms and
squeezed her toes as she teetered on the verge of delirium.

“It’s almost over.”

What? Her life? Yes, she totally knew that.

“I won’t take you any further than you can go. Have you
reached your limitations?”

Desperately she nodded.

“Talk to me,” he said a little louder. “Okay?”

Gathering what little strength she had left, she squeaked a
faint, “K.”

“Have you had enough?” he asked, his voice a husky whisper.


The bed sank in the area between her thighs and his hands
covered her knees where he pushed her legs slightly farther apart.

Ugh. They couldn’t open much more. But the stretch and tug
on the delicate skin along the crease of her thighs felt good in a strange way.

“Annalee, are you all right?”

Another nod.

“I can’t hear you.”

“Y-es,” she whispered.



Then he stroked her clit. Once. The shock was so intense she
shuddered and her neck arched. And in the realm of that quick second, he rammed
his huge cock deep inside her pussy all the way to her cervix.

It was the push she needed to fall. And as she came crashing
down, she honest to God, for the first time ever, screamed when the climax
burst, releasing the pressure from her soul in a kaleidoscope of color mixed
with echoes of her voice.

Brent covered her mouth with his and swallowed the screams
while he slammed into her over and over. With each thrust he yanked a nipple
clamp, shooting electrical charges across her chest and tummy. Her ass clenched
the vibrator and her pussy walls clenched him. And the pleasurable pain was so
exquisite she climaxed again and again, each one running into the next, merging
into one long stretch that refused to weaken until he stopped. But he didn’t
stop. He kept on and on, as if the vibration in her ass constantly fed life to
his cock. And he continued to pound, taking her to a dark, erotic place she’d
never been where nothing but tingles and prickles and sensation lurked. Then
finally, with a loud, trembling growl that brought her from the darkness, he
ejaculated deep in her body.

For a moment, he lay on top of her, holding her face in his
hands, breathing heavily against her ear. Then slowly he rose, withdrawing his
cock as he sat up in between her legs. Gently he withdrew the vibrator then
leaned forward and removed the nipple clamps.

She lay still, shuddering while trying to catch her breath and
gain some semblance of sanity. Her ass and crotch still clenched and contracted
as they recouped from the lavish beating. And her breasts…she had no hopes for
repair to the throbbing, blood-engorged nipples for a while. Possibly weeks.


Carefully Brent removed the blindfold. She squinted,
allowing her eyes time to adjust to the lights, then fully opened her lids to
see him sitting beside her with a meek smile pursed on his lips.

“Welcome back, baby.”

She returned the smile. “Hi.”

He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Are you

What in the hell just happened?

He leaned over and kissed her then he stood up and unlocked
the cuffs and untied the restraints from the bedposts. Ah, what a huge blessing
to be freed. All four limbs were stiff, especially her knees, but the farther
she lowered them to the bed the better they felt.

Brent settled next to her hips and massaged first one, then
the other, paying special attention to the crease above her thighs. His hands
knew exactly what she needed. The deep tissue melted under his touch. God,
she’d died and drifted to heaven.

When finished with her lower extremities, he carefully
rubbed her shoulders. He obviously had many hidden talents and today she
suspected he’d introduced her to most.

Wow, she could easily fall asleep. She’d never been more
relaxed in her life, and when Brent lay down beside her, she snuggled under his
arm, laying her head on his chest.

He coddled her face with his hand. “Annalee, are you sure
you’re okay?”

She lifted her head to look up into his eyes. “Yes. Why?”

“You’re too quiet.”

She kissed his chin. “I’m okay. I just don’t know whether
I’m dead or alive.”

He smiled mischievously and his eyes glistened. “I warned

“Yes, you did,” she said on a contented sigh. She returned
her cheek to his chest, where his warm skin felt wonderful against her face.

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