RidingtheWaves (19 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaRose

BOOK: RidingtheWaves
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“Can’t do what?”

The sensuality in his tone sent shivers down her spine, but
she clamped her teeth together hard and waited for the tingly sensations to
subside. “This!” She latched onto his wrists and attempted to pry his hands off
her waist, but she’d have better luck at moving a brick wall. “This was really
a bad idea. It’s time for you to go.”

“What has gotten into you?” He lowered his mouth to her neck
and planted kisses below her ear to her collarbone.

“Please, stop.”

He did, but an abundance of regret throttled her when he
straightened and looked her in the eye. “I’m sorry, Brent.” She stepped away,
digging her toes into the carpet. “I can’t let myself get any closer. This
time, you may not come back.”

“I’ve already told you, I have to do this, Annalee. It’s my
job to help bring him down. Whatever happens, happens.”

“So now you’re trying to take as many farewell fucks as you
can in case this guy kills you? What am I, part of your bucket list before you
die? Nice. Real fucking nice.”

“No, damn it,” he shouted, glancing at the ceiling and
rubbing a hand along the back of his neck. “This is bullshit.”

She stomped into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
Tears burned her eyes but she fought the urge to cry. She wanted a comforting
hug. Unfortunately, the reciprocating arms she craved remained untouchable in
the other room. If he consoled her in any way, she’d crumble and end up in the
exact situation she’d just avoided.


She glanced up. He stood in the kitchen doorway, seemingly
unscathed by her prior actions. At least he had the decency to put on his pants.

Was setting her emotions ahead of his fair? Was she
depriving him of something he wanted in order to prevent pain in the wake of
her own heart?
Truly not fair!

She inhaled sharply.

“I’m leaving. When you find a rational moment, call me.”

“I am not acting irrationally,” she seethed. Couldn’t he
understand she only wanted to protect herself from further heartache?

He walked to the kitchen table, flattening his palms on the
surface. As he leaned forward, pinning her with a dark, sinister gaze, his lids
narrowed. Jesus, he looked downright mean. Even his flexed biceps appeared
ready to fight.

“Damn it, Annalee, why are you so scared I won’t survive

“Look at your scars. You nearly died. Don’t you value your
life any more than that?”

“I value all life. If I fall to my death while saving
others, I’ve done my job.”

“Your job. Well, I hope your job fulfills your hopes and
dreams, otherwise you’re going to die a lonely soul.”

“A contented soul.”

“How sad. You have so much passion burning inside you.”

“I relieve it through my work. Analyze all dangerous jobs,
Annalee, not just mine. Cops. Firemen. The list goes on and on.”

Oh God, did he have to put it that way?

acting like a selfish, heartless woman. “I’m
sorry, I get it.” She blinked while lowering her gaze to the table. Possibly
she could learn to tolerate his sea life, but to intentionally set himself up
as bait? How many more times would he encounter the same situation? “Why does
this have to be so hard?”

“Because you’re making it that way. Why can’t you accept
things for what they are?”

“And what’s that? Impossible? Why’d you single me out,
Brent? You could have any woman you want.” She glared hard into his eyes. “I
can’t put my life on hold just to fulfill your desires in between murder

“This is an unusual circumstance, Annalee.” He pounded the
table. “And it possibly won’t ever happen again.”

“But you can’t guarantee it.”

“You know better than that.”

She placed her foot on the chair, clasped her hands and
crossed her fingers around her bent knee. “Okay, so let’s say you won’t ever
participate in another manhunt. What’s going to happen when it’s time to
reclaim another hijacked ship at gunpoint?”

“Now you’re being impossible.”

“No, I’m being realistic.”

Slowly he pulled himself to a stance. “That’s my God damn
job. It’s what I’m paid to do. It’s what I’m trained for.” He ran his fingers
ruthlessly through his hair. “Do you want me to quit? Is that what this is

“No! I would never ask you to do that. I’m trying to sort
through my feelings.”

He clenched his teeth. “Then sort the fuck through them,” he

“That’s the problem, I can’t. I know what I want, but I want
it every day, not on the second week of the month, or the first weekend and
last.” Why’d he have to step back into her life and arouse the feelings of
into love? Why did this have to be so damn confusing and

“Why don’t you just say you can’t handle the risks of my
job, therefore, nothing is going to come of us? Is that so damn hard?”

Her eyes widened and tummy cringed. It was the truth, but
was it so wrong of her to think like that? And the interpretation coming from
him made it worse. The man put himself in jeopardy to save lives, and all she’d
done is ridicule and mouth off. “You’re right. I’m so sorry.”

“Suppose I ask you for a commitment, Annalee?” He pounded
his finger on the table. “Right now. Suppose I ask you right…fucking…now to
spend the rest of your life with me. What would you say?”

“Don’t you dare!”


“Because you’d be asking deceitfully just to prove a point.”
She jumped off the chair, knocking it backward. Shit! Shit—shit—shit. Why did
she have to take things way out of context? “I’m just so scared.” Tears bubbled
in her eyes. Before they became evident to him, she stomped to the sink,
propped her elbows on the counter and bowed her head in her hands. “I am acting
irrational.” To an extreme. So he came to see her before his next mission. He’d
asked for nothing beyond spending time together, but the
me mode
in her
brain was too damn stubborn to overlook her wants and focus on what he wanted.
How could she be so selfish and stubborn? This shouldn’t be about her.

What harm would it cause to grant him something so simple?
What if it turned into a final death wish?
Oh God.

The kitchen fell silent except for the soft hum of the
refrigerator. Had he left the room to gather his clothes? Her stomach churned
in agony with the thought of never seeing him again. Not long ago, she didn’t
have these worries. Her daily stress consisted of what to nuke for dinner, or
what movie to watch on TV. Brent Delaney was not an issue at that point.

No, he hadn’t left. She sensed his powerful body closing in
at her back. She curled her toes against the cool ceramic tile, anticipating
the moment he touched her. Would he dare?

Then a strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind and
he pulled her close, digging his groin into her ass. She gasped and held her
breath as he bent, conforming his body to hers, and placed his lips above her
ear. His hot breath trickled through her hair and flowed over her scalp,
calming her instantly.

“Annalee,” he whispered, forcing her to stand with her back
held tightly to his

chest. “Kiss me goodbye.”

No, she refused because she didn’t want him to leave. She
closed her eyes and shook her head against his rugged breastbone.

He took her hips in his large hands. “Turn around.”

Heat burned through the satin robe, scorching her skin. She
swallowed and shook her head once more. If she complied, she’d cry.

“Turn around,” he ordered. “Now.”

Well, putting it that way. Slowly, she spun in his arms,
clutching the counter at her back.

The robe separated, inviting a rush of cool air to tickle
her breasts. When he took it upon himself to run the backside of his hand along
her nipple, she shivered and dug her fingers deeper into the countertop.

As his gaze swept her torso, he sucked in a shaky breath and
placed his hot, rough palms on the curve of her waist. Her knees weakened and
her body dropped a notch closer to the floor, forcing him to tighten his grip.

She tilted her chin. Maybe it was time to spare the
altercation and be honest and upfront about her feelings. Not that it would
make a difference, but at least he’d know how she felt.

If something horrible did happen on the assignment, the pain
she’d experience at that point couldn’t possibly hurt any more than what she
felt now. “I need to sit down.”

Without uttering a sound, he released her waist.

“You too,” she added after she pulled out a chair and sat. A
tempo of quick heartbeats strummed her chest, and it swelled with so much
emotion fresh tears flooded her eyes. She blinked as he took a seat directly to
her left and pulled the chair close.

“Don’t cry, Annalee.”

Telling her not to cry made the tears fall, and when he
reached forward to brush them away, she grabbed his hand, laid it on the table
and clutched it tightly. “Please forgive me, Brent. I didn’t mean to overreact.
I’m being selfish and reacting based on what’s best for me. I’m letting my
heart get in the way.”

“I understand.”

She placed her fingers over his lips. “I don’t think you
do.” She paused to study him closely. His jaws were tight, brows furrowed, and
those mysterious eyes were drowning in emotion. “I appreciate how passionate
you are about your job.” She batted her lashes, releasing more tears. “I adore
that trait in you. What’s so hard is, I’m scared to death I’ll never see you
again. And…” she sighed heavily, “I’m falling in love with you.”

His features softened and after kissing her fingers, he
removed them from his mouth and pulled her onto his lap. “Baby, I wish I could
make things easier.” He nuzzled his face in her hair while crushing her in his
arms. “I would never expect you to adjust to my life at sea, but that doesn’t
mean I won’t ask. You said you want babies and a man who comes home every
night. Annalee, I’m not that guy, but that doesn’t mean I’m not as worthy of
loving you or having children as someone who does come home on a regular basis.
Christ, woman, you’re beating the shit out of my heart.”

Such a bittersweet revelation. And she needed to accept the
little pieces of him he’d offered. It was better than not taking any of him at
all. Somehow she’d make this work—she had to. “Why don’t we just enjoy each
other for now and see where it leads?”

He kissed the top of her head. “Baby, you’re a craving in my
blood I can’t satisfy. Coming back after all these years proves you’re my
weakness.” He squeezed her even tighter.

She wiggled out of his arms, placed her palms on his
bristled cheeks and looked him in the eye. The desperation in his expression
brought on a fresh gush of tears that wouldn’t stop. And his voice, filled with
so much emotion, stopped her heart. “As much as it opposes my ideal dream,
Brent, I’d do anything for you.”

Chapter Eleven


I’m falling in love with you.

Brent couldn’t believe the power those words held over him
during the past six days. They’d been digging a trench in his brain since the
night Annalee looked him in the eyes and disclosed her feelings. Love? He’d
never considered it a possibility. Not her. Not the woman who’d nursed him back
to health three times now without her even knowing he’d summoned her gentle

Once his mom’s disease went into remission he could’ve
returned to a life in Ohio, but when Whiltby offered him the security job, he
used it as an escape from Annalee. At the time, he thought the further he
drifted out to sea, the further she would drift from his mind. But that wasn’t
the case. It gave him a lot more freedom to think and dwell on the woman who’d
infested his blood.

He’d stopped by Ohio to see her, hoping to satisfy a craving
that wouldn’t stop. But it’d grown worse and his insides came alive. And now
that he’d made love to her and held her in his arms and watched her lie
sleeping for hours with her head snuggled against his chest, he could never let
her get away again. He’d blamed that prior mistake on his stupidity and poor
judgment. It wouldn’t be repeated.

I’m falling in love with you.

That disclosure stirred a whole lot of confusion, and it was
time to rethink his future.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he approached the café
entrance. He was giving Sterns one week to entrap the fucking pirate before he
headed back to Ohio. He couldn’t cut the memory of Annalee standing in the
airport drop-off area this morning, crying and blowing him kisses while he
backed through the entrance to board his flight. Periodically he had brushed
his hand across the tears she’d left on his shirt, asking himself why the hell
he hadn’t backed out of the assignment.

If not for a possible threat to more lives at Rashand’s
hand, Brent would’ve told Sterns to shove the entire mission up his ass.

Brent checked his watch, pulled open the entrance door to
Morty’s Café and stepped inside. He wanted the entire mission done and over
with, so Sterns had better not be late.

Four or five people filled every table and booth in the
dining area. Even the lobby was filled with guests waiting to be seated. He’d
had one hell of a day and wasn’t in the mood for all the noise and commotion
going on.

“Delaney, over here,” someone shouted above the loud voices
and laughter.

Brent followed the voice through the crowded room. Sterns
stood in the farthest corner, talking on a cell phone. He smiled at Brent and
waved him back.

Brent maneuvered through the narrow aisles, grinning at
small kids who shyly glanced at him like he was some type of a monster. And in
his current state of mind, he probably looked like one.

After he joined Sterns, Brent shook his outstretched hand.

“Hold on,” Sterns said into the phone. “Glad you made it,
Delaney. I’ll be right with you.”

After Sterns reseated himself and placed the cell to his
ear, Brent pulled out a chair and sat.

“How in the fuck did that happen?” Sterns shouted into the

Everyone at the surrounding tables shot him an angry look,
including Brent. That bullshit was uncalled for. There were small kids

Sterns stood up. “Sorry,” he apologized, his face flushing
while he glanced around the immediate vicinity. “Delaney, I have to finish this
call. I’ll be right back.” He charged through the room, apologizing while
accidentally bumping into chairs, then threw open the front door and stormed

Brent watched him pace back and forth in front of the
window, stopping periodically to glance toward the sky while running a hand
over his balding head.

What the hell was his problem? The man normally contained
himself when conducting business and didn’t let anything rile him. Maybe it was
personal. In that case, he’d better hurry up and conduct it real quick. Brent
had set aside his own personal issues for this fucking assignment, and he’d be
damned if he’d waste time waiting on Sterns to fix his problems.

I’m falling in love with you.

Damn, he couldn’t shake that confession loose.

“Hi, can I offer you something to drink?” a female asked.

Brent unleashed Sterns from his gaze and glanced at the
hostess. Long, dark hair spilled past her petite shoulders. In a sense, her
size resembled Annalee’s. Hell, every woman he’d encounter on this trip would
probably remind him of his baby in some form or another. “A cup of black
coffee, please.”

“Do you need a menu? Will you be ordering dinner this

“No, thanks.” That was the original plan—meet Sterns for
dinner to discuss the itinerary, but Brent talked to Annalee before he’d left
the hotel and food was the last thing on his mind right now. She’d still been
upset. And despite swearing she wasn’t crying, tears flowed through her voice,
beating the hell out of him.

The hostess nudged her head toward the front of the
restaurant. “What about your friend?”

“You’ll have to ask him when he returns.” Which had better
be within the next few minutes, or Brent was walking. He wanted to call Annalee
back. He’d waited too long to say things that needed to be said. Christ, he
couldn’t think straight having her emotional state trapped inside his mind.

“Okay. I’ll be right back with your coffee,” the hostess

He nodded and returned his attention outside. Sterns had
disappeared from the window view. Where the hell did the SOB go? What bullshit.
Well, he wasn’t waiting around.

He reached into his pocket, grabbed a handful of cash and
threw a five dollar bill on the table for the hostess’s time. As he stood,
Sterns approached, squeezed his shoulder then pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Sorry, Delaney. I just received an earful of discouraging

“Everything all right?”

“No.” He nodded at Brent’s empty chair. “Please, sit.”

He dropped down on the seat. “Business or personal?”

“Business. Always fucking business.” Sterns rubbed the bare
spot on the top of his head. “I need to retire when this is all over.”

That sounded like a damn good idea. “You have a better
operating plan this time?”

“Yeah, so I thought. How’s the leg?”

“Fine.” Brent narrowed his eyes and studied Sterns closely.
He still looked damned nervous and distressed for a man usually in control.

“We thought Rashand had a hard-on for you, and I guess we
were right.”

“That’s how you originally convinced me to participate in
this bullshit.”

“Our current snitch José said the bastard wants to kill you
himself. It’s what prevented his party boys from putting a bullet between your
eyes when they’d had the chance. Fortunately we got your ass out of there
before they took you hostage.”

Annalee had called that right. “If he wants me bad enough,
he’ll find me.”

Sterns placed a fist over his mouth and cleared his throat.
“Yeah, well, it’s worse than I thought.”

Brent didn’t like where this was going. “I’m listening.”

“He put a bounty on your head.” Sterns placed his elbows on
the table and cupped a hand over a fist. “This tells me he’s getting desperate
and will stop at nothing.”

It wasn’t surprising. Brent never underestimated the Sadist.
“I’m ready, Sterns. Tell me where and when this is going down.”

“Well, I hope you haven’t unpacked your bags.”


“That son of a bitch slipped beneath our noses again.”

“Jesus Christ.” Couldn’t these people do anything right?
“I’m not chasing his ass all over the damn country. I said I’d meet you in
Miami, now you’re telling me he’s not here?”

“I’m not happy about it either.” Sterns reclined against the
back of his chair and glanced around the restaurant. “I just found this out,”
he continued, focusing on Brent. His jaw twitched. “Rashand’s been spotted in
Ohio. He’s darting in and out of the Cuyahoga County area.”

Brent stiffened. “When?”

“This really pisses me off.”

“How fucking long ago?”

“A week.”

“What! How in the fuck!” One week and no one knew? “I’ve
been in Ohio the past week.”

“Now it makes sense why he fled.
,” Sterns
flat-out stated. “Damn it, Delaney, you’re supposed to keep us apprised of your

“I don’t need a watchdog.”

“This is the kind of shit that happens when you leave no
trail. I thought you were still in Seattle.”

“If he wanted me, he’d have me by now. I wasn’t being
cautious.” What the hell? Rashand’s hard-on for him couldn’t be too big. If he
wanted to even the score… Holy fuck!

Blood ran cold through Brent’s veins.


Oh Christ. If Rashand and his lackeys had been stalking
Brent, they fucking knew about Annalee.

He jumped off the chair, his heart throttling his chest.
“I’m flying to Cleveland. If I can’t catch an immediate flight, you’d better
hire a private jet to fly me the hell out of here.”

“Calm down, Delaney. There’s no hurry.”

“You said he’s getting desperate and will stop at nothing,
yet he’s passed every opportunity to capture my ass,” Brent seethed quietly,
his teeth clenched.

“It’s possible he couldn’t pinpoint your location.”

“Yeah right. He tracked me to Ohio. He knows exactly where I
am. And if he wanted me bad enough, he could’ve gotten me prior to that while I
was laid up in Seattle. If he wants to get even for killing his men…” He
couldn’t finish the remaining thought. It blew holes in his gut. He slapped his
hands on the table and leaned close to Sterns’ face. “My woman lives in Rocky
River. Cuyahoga County,” he emphasized.

Sterns’ eyes widened and he stared at Brent for a long
moment before he slid a sluggish hand along his bald spot. “Let’s not jump to
any conclusions,” he said, but alarm emerged in his eyes.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Do you know where she’s at now?”

Brent checked his watch. “If she didn’t stop anywhere, she
should just be getting home from work.” She never arrived any later than 4:50,
and his watch read 4:45. “If your informant is telling the truth, this is the
first time she’s been alone since Rashand’s been in the area.”

“Why don’t you give her a call? Let’s get her out of there
as a precaution.”

Precaution my ass.
The situation went beyond that.
Brent dialed her number as he strode across the restaurant with Sterns on his
heels. Hopefully he’d blown the situation out of proportion and was
overreacting. Unfortunately his guts told him differently. “Answer, baby,” he
said during the first ring as he marched out the door. It rang a second time.
“Answer.” A third. “God damn it, Annalee, pick up the phone.”

“No luck?” Sterns asked.

Brent shook his head to the pitch of the fourth ring. “Come
on. Come on.”

“Hi,” Annalee said in a rush. “Sorry, I dropped my phone and
it slid under the passenger seat.”

He closed his eyes and released a breath. “Where are you?”

“I just parked in my garage. Why?”

“Close the door right now.” He laid a hand on the brick
building and rested his forehead in the crook of his elbow, waiting to hear the
motor grumble while the garage door rolled shut.

“It’s already closed. I thought someone followed me home.”

His guts dropped and he felt his skin turn white. He gazed
at Sterns, hoping he was listening. “Just now you thought someone followed

“Son of a bitch,” Sterns mumbled. He yanked his cell phone
from his pocket and flipped it open.

“Yes,” Annalee replied. “They drove past the house when I
turned in though. I’m exhausted, so I could be overreacting.”

Brent stood completely straight. “Listen to me.”

“Okay,” she said, her tone flowing with uncertainty.

Sterns laid a hand on Brent’s shoulder. “I need her address.
The Miami police department is going to dispatch me to her local precinct right
now. Tell her to get out of there and drive to the station. I’ll let them know
she’s on her way.”

Brent nodded, covered the mouthpiece of his phone and
rattled the address. Knowing the cops would keep her safe provided some relief.
Some. But not much. After all, Rashand had originally escaped while in the
hands of the law, so Brent couldn’t help being somewhat skeptical. Were they
even capable of protecting Annalee if the sadistic asshole and his lackeys
initiated a mass attack?

Jesus Christ, he couldn’t think about it, it started driving
him crazy. He needed someone there he could trust, specifically Brody. Having
him present would strengthen their odds.

As soon as Brent finished his call to Annalee, he’d phone
his brother. Hopefully Brody could catch an immediate flight to Ohio. And if
Brent could fly out of Miami soon, they’d arrive within hours of each other.

“It’s all set up,” Sterns said, holding his hand over the
mouthpiece on his cell. “I’m talking to the sergeant at her precinct now.
They’re expecting her soon.”

Again Brent nodded acknowledgement. “Annalee, lock yourself
inside your vehicle and get out of there. Drive to your local police station.
They’ll be waiting for your arrival. We’re scheduling a flight out of here.
I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.”

“What’s this about, Brent? You’re scaring me,” she said, her
voice rising in panic.

He heard her vehicle engine turn over and the garage door
roll open. “Don’t worry, baby. Everything will be all right.” Too bad he
couldn’t convince himself of that. What a damn hypocrite.

“Okay, now I’m worrying,” she murmured.

Hell, he didn’t want to scare her anymore, but he’d probably
intensified her fear by not explaining anything. “Rashand isn’t in Miami

“Oh God. And you think he’s coming here!” she exclaimed.

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