Repented (7 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Repented
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Driving the tour bus down a two-lane highway in Michigan, the lack of adequate rest was catching up to me big time. Needing a caffeine IV drip to stay awake, Starbucks was the next best thing. Luckily for me, I saw one in the distance.

My phone started vibrating, falling between the seats as I reached for it. Sliding my hand down, I slipped down further as my fingertips grazed it. At the same time, Starbucks was coming up. I quickly cut across into the right lane and pulled the bus into the parking lot. Next thing I heard was the sound of metal crunching and glass breaking. A beautiful brunette with glasses hopped out of her little Audi and started screaming a string of profanities at me. Jake was going to kill me. I pushed the airbrake button and opened the door descending the stairs.

“Where did you learn to drive?” She screamed. “Are you fucking kidding me? Look at my fucking car! Gah!”

I was just going to stand there and wait for her to finish. If I’ve learned anything about women, it’s when they start to rant just let them finish.

Holding my hands up, as I slowly approached. “I’m so sorry, my phone fell and I was reaching for it. I didn’t see you.”

“Well maybe if you weren’t driving like a bat out of hell you wouldn’t have smashed into me! Do you have any idea how much this is going cost to get fixed? A lot.”

“I have insurance.” I sighed, trying to bite back a grin. I could easily take her to Audi and buy her a newer, better one. Jake was going to shit a brick if the bus was all dented up. I examined the front of the bus. Luckily it was just some scratched paint, which was going to get covered anyway.

Her adorable face was flushed with anger. She finally calmed down enough to look at me. “Listen, I’m sorry for flipping out on you. I’ve worked my ass off for this car, and you really should have been paying better attention. Now I’m going to be late for work. The cops take forever around here.”

“If you feel comfortable you can just send me the estimate. I’ll make sure it’s taken care of. I promise.”

She looked hesitantly at me. “How do I know you won’t get your coffee and drive off into the sunset in your giant bus? Are you carting around dead bodies or something in there?”

“I assure you I’m alone, no bodies and I promise I can and will, pay to fix the damages.” Stepping onto the bus I pulled out my notebook that I carried with me everywhere and wrote down my name, address, phone number and email before handing it to her. “I’m Kevin, by the way.”

“Bri,” she said taking the paper from my hand. A huge line of honking cars now lined the highway trying to get into the parking lot. “I will hunt you down and hurt you if you screw me over on this, Kevin. Do not summon my inner bitch. She doesn’t play nice.”

Holding my hands up, “scouts honor.”

She got into her black Audi and pulled away from the front of the tour bus. The rear passenger corner was smashed up pretty good, but it would be easier just to pay for it rather than deal with the hassle of insurance. As cute as she was, I had to say I was mildly terrified of her. I smiled and laughed to myself as I moved to the back of the parking lot where there was room to park the bus.

Shaking my head, trying to get the stupid grin off my face, I made my way inside to get my coffee. After tossing a ton of sugar packets and giving it a quick stir, I was ready to get back on the road. I had about seven hours if I didn’t hit traffic, before I’d make it back to home base. Hopefully, I wouldn’t end up taking out the gate on my way into the driveway.

I didn’t even take the time to fish my phone out. It was most likely just Jake anyway. I was enjoying the solitude of just me and the road. There was a lot going on in Smithville. Between getting the tour together, the gaggle of kids, budding romances and Derek Sr. living with Granny Jean, they were going to need to rename it Parkerville. That was an idea I was keeping to myself because Jake would find it both intriguing and hilarious enough to do it. If anything, having the band there was definitely helping the economy. Paparazzi and the media were always camping out trying to get shots of Jake and Aubrey out with their brood. You would think they were Brangelina with the amount of magazine covers they’ve snagged. Truth is, I think people found them relatable. They were a modern fairytale. The something from nothing story.

The thing the media didn’t show was all the blood, sweat and tears that went into getting Battlescars off the ground. And how we were the lucky ones. So many truly great bands will never see the airwaves. It’s certainly not an easy life, and it can take a toll on relationships and families. It's a sacrifice being on the road constantly, but it’s all about staying relevant. If you want to make and keep fans, you need to be constantly putting out new material. You need to constantly engage on social media and be accessible. That's one of the things that set us apart. But being gone touring and a recording was what I thought was a big part of Jake’s decision to break away from the label and start his own. It would allow us full control of what we’re putting out and when, plus keep us closer to home base.

As the miles passed by, I was finding myself relaxing more. There was something cathartic about driving and the radio playing your favorite songs. The sun was starting to set, and I was going to need to stop for gas soon, again. Tour buses were not known for getting great gas mileage. Normally, when we were on the road, we would have a driver. It wasn’t until the last tour that we started flying, and that was only because of the massive amounts of PR and interviews scheduled after events. The crew would need to leave right from one venue and start driving to the next, while we stayed behind and kept our obligations.

Reaching to the dash, I turned up the stereo and started singing along to Shinedown’s rendition of
Simple Man.
It was one of my favorite’s, especially this version. I wasn’t going to let my mind start taking me to dark places just because that was the way the sky was turning. However, it did keep wandering to Bri. I felt horrible about hitting her car, but there was something about her that made me wish it was under different circumstances. Now was not the time for me though. There was too much I needed to sort through before I could even consider getting into another relationship.

After a few more stops for gas and snacks, I finally pulled up to the gates. It was nearly three in the morning, and my eyes were burning. There was no doubt that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was going into a coma for at least a day or two. I pressed the code into the keypad and hoped I wouldn’t wake anyone up. I managed to park it somewhat straight in front of the main house. The fact that the driveway was circular didn’t help. I finally phished out my now dead cell, grabbed my backpack and headed toward the guesthouse where I would be calling home.

The door was unlocked, and the place was immaculate. Thanks to Aubrey no doubt. I immediately went into the kitchen and hoped there was a bottle of water in the fridge. Sure enough, it was stocked with tons of fresh produce and rows of bottled water and juices. He hit the jackpot with her. She was like Wonder Woman. There was nothing she couldn’t do, or wouldn’t attempt. She found time to do everything and then some.

After taking my shoes off and plugging my phone in, I headed upstairs to shower. I admired the gray and white tile pattern on the wall as steam filled the vast room. The bathroom was huge. The double sink, black vanity sat below the wall length mirror with built in light. The Jacuzzi tub sat at the far end of the bathroom with the shower on the other wall. It was overkill in my opinion, but Jake was ‘go big or go home’ and this was his castle. Well at least part of his fortress. I thought about jerking off, but I was too tired.

Stepping into the shower, the awesome pressure felt amazing as it massaged my neck. I squeezed a little shampoo in my hand and quickly washed my hair, doing the same with the body wash on my washcloth. After shutting the water off, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to the adjoining master bedroom and fell into bed.


Zach Bailey- Lead singer of GT (Guilty Tendencies)


It was three in the morning, and I was busy getting my cock sucked by whatshername. I knew I should probably be getting some sleep since we were set for rehearsing tomorrow morning. But goddamn, the things this girl could do with her tongue were something out of a magical porn. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was still reeling over the whole Joss thing. I was happy for her, but at the same time I felt completely fucked over. Don’t get me wrong, it was great for songwriting material, but it still sucked. Especially, because I had no choice except to witness it firsthand
the time.

Lacing my fingers in her over-dyed bleach blonde hair, I decided I like brunettes with softer hair better. She was hot nonetheless, and that’s what hair dye was for. Her pert ass was bare, except for a flimsy G-string with a floral tattoo scrolling down her side. I heard a noise coming from the other room but didn’t think anything of it, and I was close.

“I’m gonna cum. If you don’t want to swallow, I suggest you move your head now.” Instead of stopping, she started going double time and massaging my balls lightly with her thumb. I’ve had a lot of blowjobs in my time, and she took the cake and wore the motherfucking crown. Seconds later, I was cumming down her throat as she swallowed proudly.

I wasn’t normally into reciprocating, but she definitely deserved it. I couldn’t even remember her name she was so fucking good. She looked up at me with a satisfied grin.

“Damn woman, I may just have to marry you!”

“Don’t make empty promises Zach Bailey,” she smiled.

“Get over on the edge of the bed,” I ordered. She started off on a playful foot chase. “Peyton!”

Sticking her tongue out at me, “come catch me, Bailey.”

I rounded the chair and caught her by the waist, tossing her over my shoulder. Her green eyes met mine and burned into me. She was stunning. I felt bad for my earlier thoughts. She was apprenticing for Piper at the shop, and we met when I had her do some cover up work for me. She was down to earth, smart and funny. I’ve taken her out a few times, but today she asked to come cook me dinner and have a night in. I was not expecting the gift that was just bestowed upon me.

Sitting her down gently on the edge of the bed, I slid her panties off. If they could even be called that, it was more like a few pieces of string tied together. I circled her clit with my thumb and looked up at her perfect perky tits before meeting her eyes again.
Those fucking eyes man!
They could make me do irrational things. Lowering my head, I slowly licked up her pussy. It was perfect, pink and glistening with excitement. She tasted fucking incredible. Switching between slow and deliberate and fast flicks of the tongue, I went to town. Her legs were shaking as they wrapped around my neck. Adding a finger into her tight pussy, she tightened around me.

“Come for me, babe.”

“Fuckkkkkkkkk,” she practically growled. And she did, loudly.

I was already hard again from the sounds she just made. Reaching for the bowl on the end table, I fetched a condom and cocked an eyebrow at her. All it took was her nod of approval before I had that son of a bitch on and the tip of my cock lined up with her entrance.

“This is going to change things,” I said looking at her.

“I know, now stop making me wait,” she purred.

I loved how bossy she could be. I needed no more assurance, as I gently slid inside her. Everything about Peyton was perfect, a little bit mysterious and desirable. For right now, she was what I needed. Picking up my pace, I admired how her perfect C cups bounced with each thrust. Lowering my head, her rosy nipple taunted me to take it in my mouth. Her nails bit into my shoulder blades as brought her closer to another orgasm.

As much as love could make sex special, a connection made it explosive. In the month we’ve been hanging out; it’s been pretty effortless. There were never any awkward silences and those fucking eyes man. It’s like they were full of mysteries waiting for me to uncover. I wasn’t in love. I didn't do attachment. I wasn't quite sure what this was. If life’s taught me anything so far, it’s once your attached you’re fucked.

I relished the feeling of keeping eye contact with her as we both went over the edge one last time for the night. It was closing in at four in the morning, and there was no way she was leaving tonight. I didn’t want her to. After pulling out and properly disposing of the future generation of Bailey’s, I climbed into bed and pulled her close to me.

“I’d take a Nerf bullet for you,” I whispered into her hair.

She giggled and snuggled closer. “Ditto.”

“Night Peyton, thanks for tonight.”

She laced her slender fingers with mine. “Night, Zach.”






I had no idea how long I’d been asleep for, but it wasn’t nearly long enough. I kept hearing bumps and noises, though too unconscious to get up or care where they were coming from. It kept me from getting the sleep I desired. Standing up, the towel fell off as I stretched. Walking over to my backpack, I pulled out a fresh pair of boxers and pulled them on. First thing I needed to do was go make coffee. A lot of coffee.

Making my way down the stairs, I rounded the corner and saw a small figure standing next to the sink with her back facing toward me. Even from here it looked like she was sans clothes. I cleared my throat wondering who this strange blonde was, and hoping that it wasn’t some crazy stalker that managed to get in. Startled, she dropped the cup she was holding into the sink causing a loud clatter, followed by a gasp. She turned to face me and sure enough she was completely naked and sexy as hell. I only allowed myself a second to admire her before meeting her eyes. Huge green eyes that looked like emeralds in her heart shaped face.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Fuck. Shit. Fuck.” She practically stuttered.

“Again, can I help you?”

“I’m Peyton. I’m a friend of Zach’s. And I’m terribly sorry and embarrassed. I thought we were alone. I’m just going to go back in there.” She pointed toward the downstairs bedroom. “I guess that’s your phone that’s been going off all morning. I thought it was Zach’s. It woke me up. It was um, nice meeting you. Bye.”

She did her best to cover herself with her hands as she quickly retreated. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about making coffee since she already did that. Grabbing a mug from the cabinet, I filled it with coffee and added some sugar substitute. It burned my throat on the way down but tasted amazing. I grabbed my phone from the charger and sat down at the breakfast bar to see who the hell was blowing up my phone. I had several emails, a few texts, and a couple missed calls. I started with the texts.


Kevin, it’s Bri. I got an estimate. I’ll email it to you shortly.


Kevin, did you give me a bogus #?


I should have known this was going to happen… If this really is you, I emailed you the estimate.

Opening my email, there were a few things from Jake and one from her. I clicked on it.


Here’s the estimate from the body shop. Are you sure you don’t want to go through insurance? It’s a lot.

Let me know, Bri.

I opened the PDF file attached, and sure enough it was over $7,200 for a small fender bender. Great.

Starting a reply to her email.


Yes, it’s really me. I had a long drive and pretty much crashed as soon as I got here. Let me know if you’d like me to send payment directly to the body shop or if you’d like me to send it to you. I’ll take care of it later today. Sorry again about hitting your car. Hope you have a better day.


I quickly glanced over the emails from Jake. It was basically just studio schedules. A couple rough songs he was working on with GT that he wanted my feedback on. Refilling my coffee, I headed back upstairs and grabbed my headphones to listen to the demos Jake sent. I had to admit that Guilty Tendencies had a distinct sound that was going to make them take off.

Jake always had an ear for new talent anyway. He would be listening to these new bands for years before they ever signed a deal, or anyone knew who they were. That was just another driving force behind him wanting to start Ripped Legging Records. He wanted to give a chance to some bands that would otherwise never see the light of day.

A knock at my door startled me. Zach stood there, with a now clothed blonde.

"Hey man, I didn't know you were due back already. I'm sorry we would have kept it down a little more if we knew you were trying to sleep."

Zach had a presence about him. His shaggy black hair, deep blue eyes and both arms full of tattooed sleeves screamed rock star. "No biggie, man. It didn't stop me from sleeping."

"Glad to hear. So were you listening to the demos just now?"

"Actually, I was. They sound good. I guess Jake has us all set for studio time later today to help finalize the EP."

"At one. And they're working on nailing down the last of the tour dates. It's going to be epic!" He grinned. "Oh, this is my friend Peyton, by the way. She told me about the little run in you had this morning."

Her face flamed red. All I remember was a nice pair of tits and those eyes. "Nice to meet you, Peyton."

"Well, I'm going to go walk her out. I'll see you in a bit."

Lying back on the pillows, I let out a deep sigh of relief. I made it back in one piece without having a mental breakdown. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Kennedy.

Made it back to Smithville. Sooooooo damn tired. Hope you're settling in okay. Wish I could have stayed to help!

Her reply was almost instant.

I'm soooooo glad you're safe, lol. We're managing just fine. Wish you could have stayed too. We're going to pick out paint samples today. Skylar's excited to do his room. He wants some Battlescars posters. Know where I can find some :P

Hahaha! I'll mail you some. I have a whole bunch of lanyards from tours I'll send him too. I'll be around if you need anything else. Have fun painting.

Knowing they were settling in helped put me at ease to move on with the day. Next, I called Jake.

"My man, you're back!"

I laughed. "What gave it away?"

"Um, I don't know maybe the Bertha of a bus sitting in front of my house. Nice parking job, by the way. Let's just say you'll be happy to know I'm hiring a professional to haul us around. I'd like to see my kids grow up."

When we were first starting out, we had this piece of crap van we carted all our gear around in. I even had to get a CDL to drive the stupid thing. "Don't hate. I managed to get it here in one piece."

"I'm not even going to ask about the black paint that's rubbed off on the corner then."

"That's a story for another day," I sighed. "Studio at one?"

"Be there or be square."

"See you then."

I hung up and decided to toss some stuff in the washing machine and work on getting settled. There wasn't any use dwelling on things any further. I helped Kennedy the best I could for now, and things with Bryn were what they were for the time being. Closure would come eventually.

I emailed my accountant and asked him to get a check ready to mail out to Bri, so when she got back to me it would be taken care of. The sense of peace I got from being back here was overwhelming, despite everything that transpired recently.

After throwing on some clothes, I decided to head over to Granny Jean's knowing that was most likely where Derek would be since his dad was settling in there too. Besides, she was always good for some comedic relief. I grabbed my keys and headed out the front door to my blacked out 4Runner and headed out the gate.

The normal sprawling green was starting to turn show hints to red, orange and yellows. Even though it was only the end of August, fall was coming. It was my favorite season. After stopping and picking up a pack of Lucky Strikes and twenty dollars in scratch offs, I pulled into Granny's driveway.

I didn't bother knocking because she always yelled when you did. Instead, I opened the door and announced my arrival.

"In the kitchen dammit," she hollered.

After rounding the corner, there she stood all five-feet of her with her white puff of hair.

"If it isn't one of my favorite un-biological grandsons," she opened her arms for a hug.

"I brought you a present." I handed her the bag, and her face perked up.

"What do you think you know me or something," she laughed.

"You can never have enough of either. I thought Derek would be here."

"They're down at the Sheriff's office filling out the parole paperwork and that nonsense."

I looked around her kitchen. It was a scene out of the 80's. Yellow wallpaper and countertops, off white cabinets with wood trim. There was no sense in offering to have it refinished; she'd bite your head off and tell you she'd be dead soon and to save your money. There was a good chance she would try and outlive all of us just out spite. Taking a seat at the table, she poured me a cup of coffee and lit up before joining me.

"So I've heard all about what went down and if I can be blunt as if I know any other way to be, I never cared for Bryn. She was so stuffy. You deserve someone that wants to swing on chandeliers for you. Life is too short to be anything but happy. If you're lucky enough to find true love then grab it and hold onto it because it's rare, but I don't think she was it for you."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't suck, but I think you may be right. I think I need just to focus on me for a while."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that. Chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on."

I couldn't help but laugh, Granny always had a way with words. Usually minced with profanity. After going into detail about everything that happened since we left, including my little fender bender, I felt better. Before long, Derek and Joss were back with Derek, Sr.

Though never meeting him before now, he looked like an older version of Derek. Except, it looked like prison aged him because he looked a lot older than the early fifties he most likely was. It was easy to see Derek, Sr. was just as taken with Joss as his son was. It probably had something to do with the fact that he most likely wouldn't be sitting here if it weren't for her and her determination.

One o'clock rolled around quickly; both bands sat in the studio as Jake started the meeting. He was going over sponsorship info, tour dates, venues, etc. It was going to be a month-long tour, hitting as many big cities as we could.

"I don't need to explain how much I personally have invested in this venture, as well as these guys." He gestured to Blake, Derek and myself. "I don't care if you have a drink or two after the show, but there will be no getting shit faced and missing bus call. What you do on your own time is one thing, but the second it starts affecting the band or the tour it will be my problem. Not one of you is irreplaceable. It will do you good to remember that. This is all for your benefit, and you'll be learning from the mistakes that we made in the beginning. As time goes on, we'll be opening the roster for more bands, and I'll expect you to give them the same speech. As for this EP, it's epic as fuck, and I am beyond fucking proud of you guys. Lynch is finishing the mastering on it, and it will be set for manufacturing within the week. Then in two weeks time, we'll be hitting the road."

It was borderline entertaining to watch Jake be all business-like, but he meant business and hopefully these guys knew that.

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