Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (41 page)

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Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance)
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“No, Elle. I should be thanking you.” Kevin’s arms tightened around Elle, pulling her slightly higher against him so that he was nuzzled against her neck. “You willingly gave me a piece of you that will forever be mine. I will treasure that and you for the rest of my life.”

“I love you, Kevin.” Elle lifted her lashes and waited for him pull far enough away so that she could see the gray of his eyes. They were soft, appearing like cotton in which her heart was wrapped within. “It was your conviction that brought us here and renewed my faith in love. You have my heart, my body, and my soul in your hands. I believe that you will never let me fall.”

“There are no words to express how honored I am with the trust you’ve placed in me.” Kevin kissed her tenderly on the forehead, letting his lips linger. “Know this…I will show you every day how much you are loved, city girl.”


rest glanced at the clock on his wall, noticing that it was well past midnight. He picked up his mug, saw that it was empty, and set it back down on his desk with a thud. The lights in the office had been shut off hours ago and he was going over paperwork using his desk lamp. It was easier on the eyes, but it was time to call it a night. All he’d wanted to do was get through the SITREPs that Kevin and Ethan had submitted earlier that day, but the extra hour had turned into much more. Both men were positive that Ryland obtained plastic surgery from a Dr. Robert Malik, located in Nuuk, Greenland. Unfortunately, the surgeon was dead and his clinic had been burned to the ground, taking with it any trail of paperwork.

The additional information that Taryn had come across hadn’t been shared with the team. Crest was giving her time to come to terms with the intelligence that she’d come across, seeing as how it affected her personally. Her mental and emotional state needed to be one hundred percent healthy if she was to continue to work on this case or else he’d have to pull her. Taryn was well aware of this and she’d chosen to take the next few weeks off. Fortunately the only open assignment was the counterfeit case and Jax pretty much had that wrapped up. Ryland had taken much of the office’s time, but their efforts were paying off. They were getting closer and Ryland was feeling the heat.

“Gavin?” Jessie’s voice drifted through the office and when he glanced up, she materialized in his doorway. She’d left around six o’clock this evening, claiming she had plans. As she stepped across the threshold, he saw that her long brown hair lay in waves over her right shoulder. She’d changed clothes from earlier and was wearing a simple black dress, although her accessories were red. He kept his gaze on her face while he held the pencil steady in his hand, waiting to see what she needed. “Ethan texted me. I’m surprised that he’s not here yet. I’m arranging a flight for him to Canada. Dr. Malik’s nurse, the one that you and Kevin couldn’t locate, just contacted her family to tell them that she was safe and sound in Ontario. According to his intel, once she heard that Dr. Malik had been murdered, she was terrified that she was next.”

“I’ll join him, so go ahead and reserve a private jet.” Crest shoved the pencil in its holder and went about straightening the papers in the folder. Jessie could file them at a later date. “Alert the rest of the team and keep them on standby.”

Crest stood up and walked to where his coat rack stood in the corner, assuming that Jessie would leave his office and head back to her desk. He hoped like hell that he and Ethan made it to Malik’s nurse before Ryland did. If he and Ethan could obtain a sketch of Ryland’s new appearance they’d be ahead of the game. Picking up his jacket, he turned to find Jessie waiting for him. He stayed where he was, searching her green eyes for answers. She was now standing in front of his desk.

“Elle’s twenty-five,” Jessie announced as if this was new information to him. Crest didn’t know where she was going with this and his look must have conveyed that. “Kevin doesn’t have an issue with her age.”

Crest knew exactly where this was going now, and so far he’d been able to ignore this…thing…whatever it was that was between them. He wasn’t about to get into the matter now, for Christ’s sake. Jessie shouldn’t want to either because all it would do was end her employment here. She should know that this wasn’t something that he was going to discuss. He’d made it abundantly clear through his actions that their relationship was purely business.

“I’m glad to know that.” Crest leaned over his desk and picked up the manila folder. He held it out for her to take. “Would you please file these SITREPs?”

“Is it my age?” For the first time since Crest had known Jessie, there was a vulnerability within her eyes that slashed through his barriers. Didn’t she understand that this wasn’t the time or place? She didn’t know when to stop. “I went out to dinner with Taggart this evening. Did that not bother you in the least? If it’s not my age, then tell me what it is that is holding you back.”

Crest’s palms itched to take Jessie by the shoulders and shake some sense into her goddamned head. He threw the folder back on his desk, mentally counted to ten, calling on his patience to see this through without damaging her heart. She was a good girl who deserved a hell of a lot better than a shadow of a man in his mid-forties whose inclinations ran darker than she’d ever seen at the club.

“Jessie, I’m going to say this once and then we’re going to forget we ever had this conversation.” Crest stepped closer, but the foolish girl didn’t back away. If anything, she stood taller in her heels and tilted her head back to meet him eye to eye. The sparkling dare that shined in her emerald eyes called to something deep within him that he had thought had been locked up to never be seen again. “You deserve a man who can give you what you need. I’ve seen things, done things that have darkened my soul to pitch. Nothing and no one can take those scars and make them pretty again. I see the way you look at me, Jessie. I’m nowhere near the man you think I am. You don’t want to know me or see into the pit that is who I am.”

The hurt in Jessie’s eyes tore at his chest, but Crest knew she needed to hear these words. If he left the country and came to find her gone he would understand. What he would never reveal to her was that seeing her in this office every day was a light that he looked forward to seeing. It was a warmth that should she leave would never return. Knowing it was a mistake but not able to help himself, he slowly reached out and cradled her face. It was the first time, and the last, that he would voluntarily touch her. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead tenderly, savoring the fragrance of her hair and the softness of her skin.

“Take the time I’m away to decide if you want to continue to work here.” Crest stepped away, allowing his hands drop to his sides. “This agency that I’ve created is also a family, one that you’re a part of, although I will understand if you can’t stay. You will always be welcome here as long as you accept where I stand on this. There will never be an
, Jessie.”

“Thank you, Gavin, for your honesty.” Jessie squared her shoulders, and just like that the hurt in her eyes was gone. Crest couldn’t say what replaced the emotion. His guard rose a few more inches, not sure of what she would say next. “I’ll think things over while you’re gone. Right now I’ll make those arrangements for you and Ethan.”

Jessie reached past him, picking up the manila folder he’d tossed onto his desk. Her perfume was light but just enough that it filled his senses. Crest warily watched as she walked out of his office, mystified by her change of attitude. He’d thought his words would end this cat and mouse game they’d engaged in for the last couple of years, but for the first time, he couldn’t get a read on her emotions. The ringing of his cell phone tore his attention away from the empty doorway.


“I’m requesting a few weeks leave,” Lach stated, his voice sounding far away. There was no greeting, no reason for his request. Crest didn’t expect any, as this was Lach’s disposition. “Do you approve?”

“Approved, but stay on call.” Crest walked out of his office and into the large common area, seeing Ethan strolling in with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. “Ethan and I are following up on a lead and may need you at a moment’s notice. Are you somewhere close?”

“I will be within a day or two.” There was slight static interfering with Lach’s words, but Crest could still make them out. “Keep in touch.”

Just like that, the call ended. Crest knew that Lach had taken a personal interest in Phoebe Dunaway, but he wasn’t so sure that was in his best interest. Getting involved with a presidential candidate’s daughter wasn’t the wisest choice, but his team had their own lives. He certainly wasn’t one to give advice on women. Crest pocketed his cell and joined Ethan at the conference table.

“Ready? We’ll swing by my place so I can pick up some things before heading for the airstrip.”

“The two of you have been added to the manifest,” Jessie said as Crest and Ethan walked into the entryway. She was standing at the door, her red purse dangling from her shoulder. A smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes graced her matching lips. “Have a safe flight.”

With that, Jessie was through the door and letting it swing closed before either man had a chance to say goodnight. Crest continued across the entryway until he was standing in front of the glass, witnessing her walk down the hallway. His hands curled into fists as he saw Detective Taggart waiting for her. The man wasn’t good enough for Jessie. Regardless, this was how things were meant to be, but that didn’t mean life wasn’t a bitch at times.

“I’ve changed my mind. We’ll take separate cars,” Crest said, watching the couple enter the elevator. Jessie’s gaze connected with his before the doors slid closed. No, Taggart wasn’t the man for her. She could do a hell of a lot better. “I’ll meet you at the airstrip. I have a phone call to make.”


About the Author

First and foremost, I love life. I love that I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister…and a writer.

I am one of the lucky women in this world who gets to do what makes them happy. As long as I have a cup of coffee (maybe two or three) and my laptop, the stories evolve themselves and I try to do them justice. I draw my inspiration from a retired Marine Master Sergeant that swept me off of my feet and has drawn me into a world that fulfills all of my deepest and darkest desires. Erotic romance, military men, intrigue, with a little bit of kinky chili pepper (his recipe), fill my head and there is nothing more satisfying than making the hero and heroine fulfill their destinies.

Thank you for having joined me on their journeys…


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Books by
Kennedy Layne

Captured Innocence

(CSA Case Files 1)

When former Marine, Connor Ortega, was ordered into the offices of Crest Security Agency on a Saturday morning, he didn’t expect the latest case to hit so close to home. A submissive has been murdered in a particularly vicious manner and to bring her killer to justice, he must go undercover. Not hard to do considering he’s already part of the BDSM lifestyle.

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