Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (39 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance)
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“What about a honeymoon?” Elle shared a look with Lauren, leading her exactly where they needed the conversation to go. Cam had no idea where this was headed but she hoped that he took them up on their offer. When they had originally come up with the plan, it had been regarding vacations. “Any special place in mind?”

“I know it’s silly, especially when we could go anywhere in the world, but I really want to go to a Sandals Resort. I just can’t choose between the one in Barbados or the one in the Bahamas.”

“I love the beach.” Emily placed her elbows on the table, playing along. “Don’t you, Cam?”

Ever since that fateful night, Lauren and Emily had rallied around and joined Elle in making sure that Reformation kept their doors open. Cam had to take over Eric’s job in raising money for the center, and at times worked round the clock. It was time to convince him that he needed a break.

“I can see where you three are going with this and—”

“Before you say no, let us have our say.” Elle waved a hand toward Lauren, who had her part all planned out.

“I seriously can’t decide between the two. I’d love it if you could test out both locations for me, say a three day stay at both resorts, and then tell me the pros and cons to each.”

“The three of us can cover the center while you’re gone, and you said yourself that you were going to find someone else to volunteer their time here who was better at marketing to bring in the higher donations needed to keep things running.” Elle bounced Derrick on her knee as she continued to convince Cam that he needed this. “Cam, the trial is starting in the next couple of months. You haven’t been able to sleep, you work all of the time, and—no offense—but you look like shit.”

“One dollar for you,” Emily murmured, sitting back in her chair with a smug smile.

“I would have just stuck with the fact that I need him to scout the two locations,” Lauren said in a stage whisper. “And maybe throw in the fact that he might meet someone while sunning it up on the sand. That’s always a hook, line, and sinker kind of thing.”

Cam started laughing at their antics, which was what Elle wanted to see. He’d always been the carefree one, and recently the light in his eyes had been extinguished. She wanted it back, along with his famous hot chocolate that he hadn’t made in what seemed like forever.

“What do you say, Cam?” Elle took Derrick and held him up, letting him use his legs while he bounced up and down. The baby smell that had yet to leave him wafted from his hair and she couldn’t help but take a deep breath. She caught Cam’s eyes and saw a little glow that made her heart warm. “Will you take us up on our offer? Go on vacation. It doesn’t need to be Sandals, but Lauren is serious about those two places being her choices. Will you let us take over for a week while you take a break?”

Cam looked down at his hands, which made Elle realize that he was trying to hide his emotions. She shared a smile with her friends, knowing that he was going to agree. Things were shaping up and now she just had to wait until Connor was back in town so that she could discuss her future with him and Jax. Cam had found his fundraising person; he just didn’t know it yet. Once he returned from vacation, she planned to discuss with him her thoughts of turning Reformation from a nonprofit organization into a not-for-profit organization. This was something she wanted to do, and with Kevin’s support she’d finally found her niche.

“Thank you.” Cam held his hands out to Lauren and Emily, each of them taking one. It was Elle that he made eye contact with. “You’re dear friends that I treasure very much. Before those women descend into this kitchen and you change your mind, I’m going to go pack.”

Elle held up Derrick’s hand and waved, letting Cam know he was off the hook. Sure enough, he must have heard Teresa wrapping up her speech, for all of the women came into the kitchen. Cam was long gone, leaving the three of them to finish up answering questions regarding wardrobe, possible interview questions, and inquiries about schooling. She noticed that the blonde named Whitney didn’t seem inclined to join in the discussion. Elle was afraid she might be one of the ones that didn’t make it, but at least she was being given the chance. Looking around the group of women, Elle felt pride that she could give a piece of herself to each of them. She finally found a place where she was needed and could contribute to better others.

“Hey, I think you’re wanted in the living room,” Emily said, holding out her hands for Derrick. The baby squealed, bending his knees erratically. Elle lifted him up, allowing Emily to take him and wondering if Cam had changed his mind. “Come on, big guy. Let’s finish our business here and get you home for a nap.”

“Excuse me.” Elle left the kitchen, although the conversations seemed to be wrapping up anyway. She walked through the doorway, thinking of the various reasons she could come up with to convince Cam that he needed this vacation more than anything. “Cam, what if I—”

Elle stopped midstride when she saw Kevin standing in the middle of the room. Even though it was the dead of summer, he still wore denim that encased his thick thighs that she knew were corded with muscle. His chest was covered in a white T-shirt that had three buttons at the top for style, although she knew he could care less about the accessory. She enjoyed it, for it showed a little of his tanned chest. His hair needed a cut but she wouldn’t complain since she loved running her fingers through the thick strands. He looked so damn good that she stared at him for a moment before launching herself into his arms.

“God, I missed you,” Kevin whispered against her ear. “These two weeks felt like two months.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t know.” Elle had her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms were wrapped around his neck. Pulling back, she searched his gray eyes. “You’re home, right? You don’t need to turn around and leave again, do you?”

“No.” Kevin snuck in a kiss and then returned her stare. “I promise I’m home for at least a month. Jax and Lach will take the next rotation, unless something urgent comes up that needs all of us.”

“So we can go home right now and have the next two days to ourselves?”

Kevin must have heard the excitement in her voice, for he raised an eyebrow. The stern look he gave, which was meant to get her to fess up, caused her to laugh hard enough that she almost fell out of his arms. She’d spent most of the two weeks he was away arranging things to be perfect for his return. There was nothing he could do to get her to spill.

“Farm boy, take me home.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

evin waited for Elle to pull her car into the garage before doing the same with his vehicle. Maneuvering slowly inside, he put his truck in park and turned off the engine. There was a glow to her that made his entire body warm at the knowledge that she was happy. He’d spend every waking hour making sure she stayed that way.

Stepping off of the running board and closing the door, Kevin met her in front of the vehicles and didn’t hesitate to dip her into a kiss. Elle gave as good as she got and by the time she was standing upright, they were both out of breath. Two weeks was a damn long time to be away from her, but the results of their investigation produced solid leads that put them one step closer to capturing Ryland. Kevin wasn’t so sure that Crest wanted him apprehended so much as eradicated, but that problem was for another time.

“Show me this surprise you have up your sleeve,” Kevin ordered, patting her on the bottom. It was Monday and Elle’s day off, so she was wearing white shorts with a black T-shirt. She’d lifted her sunglasses up so that they sat on her head, pulling her hair behind her ears and revealing her chocolate eyes that sparkled with mischief. “I saw you smiling in your rearview mirror the entire ride home.”

“Follow me.” Elle entered their home and only stopped briefly to turn off the alarm as she continued until she came to a stop at their bedroom. He raised an eyebrow wondering what she could have done that excited her this much. She’d been talking of a new bedspread, but he didn’t see how that would get this reaction. Then again, he was known to be wrong on a few occasions. After she threw the door open and he followed her inside, he immediately noticed the wooden wall partitions on the far side of the room. “Go and look at what’s on the other side.”

Kevin smiled at her enthusiasm as he passed her, walking across the large area rug that they’d purchased a few months ago. The rich tones complemented the wood of the furniture and added a homey feel that made him contemplate building a fireplace with a brick mantel. It was easy to picture Elle lying on the floor in front of the flames and the various things he could do to her body.

“You’re taking too long,” Elle complained, coming up behind him and giving a light push.

“That’s what you said right before I left for my trip and look how well that turned out for you.” Kevin looked over his shoulder to see the light flush on her cheeks and he knew that she was thinking of their last night before he had to leave for Greenland. “Speaking of which, have you been preparing yourself like I asked?”

Elle’s face went from flushed to an all out red coloring her high cheekbones. Her response was exactly what Kevin wanted, for it told him that she had listened to his instructions. His cock twitched in anticipation of the afternoon to come. He’d see what she wanted him to and then he’d have her in bed within five minutes, making her detail her two weeks verbally while he readied the items needed for their scene. Two weeks had been a damn long time.

Kevin finally walked around the partitions and stopped in his tracks. Elle never ceased to amaze him but this one surprise took the cake. A brand new black leather spanking bench, similar to the one at the club sat right in the middle of where the small sitting room had been. He didn’t know what happened to the furniture and honestly, he didn’t care. Walking further into the hidden area, he saw the items that were hanging on the wall. Various implements, such as paddles, floggers, and crops, were lined up with special hooks. Shelves had been hung underneath and were holding numerous dildos, vibrators, plugs and diverse lubricants. It was their own mini play area.

“Very well done, city girl,” Kevin said, making certain that his approval came through. His dick was now hard as nails. “I couldn’t have done it better myself. Undress and place yourself over our new piece of furniture. Today is the day that I will truly claim you.”

From Elle’s gasp and her quick response to shed her clothes, she knew exactly what Kevin was referring to. She’d unconsciously saved a part of herself that would only ever belong to the two of them. Much to her dismay, he’d purposefully waited and made sure she was properly prepared by gradually progressing through the different size plugs. She was now on the largest and therefore ready to take him.

“Yes, Sir.”

Kevin left Elle behind the dividers while he walked to the side table where he kept his weapon. Removing his holster, he pulled his gun out of the leather and placed them side-by-side on the hard surface. He then kicked his boots off along with the rest of his clothing. His balls felt heavy and his cock throbbed, but he knew it would be quite a while before he got any relief. There were times they made love in bed and numerous areas throughout the house, but with each passing week, their scenes lengthened and tested both of their soft limits.

“Elle, are you ready for me?”

“I’m ready, Sir.”

No matter that Kevin knew what he would see when he walked back behind the partitions, the sight took his breath away. Elle had removed every stitch of clothing and she had situated herself on the bench just as she had in their very first scene. The summer had given her flesh a sun-kissed look, and while she certainly distracted him, he had to ensure her safety for their upcoming play. It was to his advantage though, seeing as the more he spoke the wetter she became. He did so as he secured her wrists and ankles.

“I see the distance between your lovely ass and the dividers are perfect for the floggers you purchased.” Kevin placed a finger inside the cuff, ensuring the restraints weren’t too tight against her skin. “I think we should test it though, don’t you?”

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