Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (35 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance)
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“The DNA didn’t match, but the lab made note of the markers.” Taggart reopened the folder and shifted through the papers until finding the one he needed. He held it up for Kevin to see. “Look at the comparison. You, my man, should be given a gold medal. If it weren’t for you, I would never have made the connection. The hit in the system didn’t hurt either.”

Kevin still wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at, but the longer he stared at the analysis, the more he saw the similarities. He couldn’t believe it. This was going to crush Elle. Fucking A.

“Siblings? Are you telling me that Cam Bennett is in on this with his brother?”

*   *   *   *

Elle came down the stairs after a hopeless conversation with Rachel. The girl was hell bent on being with Hash and nothing anyone said was going to change her mind. Elle didn’t know if it was love or a last grab of keeping a hold of something that was comfortable, but Rachel had made her decision.

“I can’t believe you would have done that to her, Eric.” Cam’s voice rebounded from the kitchen and Elle knew that he and Eric were talking about her. She didn’t want to be caught in the middle, but had no choice but to walk past them. “She was innocent and you all but handed her on a silver platter to the one thing that ruined our lives.”

“You knew what I’d been doing. I know it was wrong, which is why I’m trying so hard to make up for it now. Did you tell her that I had alibies for the nights of the rapes?” Elle stood at the base of the steps, knowing she should cough or make some sound to alert them that she was there but his next words stopped her in her tracks. “Did she believe you?”

Elle took a slow step back up the wooden staircase, her heart racing at what Eric had just implied. She hadn’t wanted to believe Eric could be guilty, but the way he’d asked his question made it seem as if Cam had known all about it. Her heel missed and she winced as the noise caught their attention.

“Elle, how is Rachel?” Cam asked, as if she hadn’t just overheard something so monumental. Had she misinterpreted it? “She still packing?”

“Yes.” Elle cleared her throat and decided to just go with the conversation. She tried to appear calm and pasted a smile on her face. “I think my taxi’s out front. Cam, thanks for the talk.”

“Anytime, sugar.”

“Wait.” Eric stepped in front of Elle, blocking her way. “I’m sure you overheard us. Did—”

“Eric, she’s had a long day and an even longer night,” Cam rebuked, putting his arm around her. Elle swallowed, not liking the feeling of being smothered. Something wasn’t right with this scenario and she needed to leave. She needed Kevin. “Elle relayed your message to Kevin. I’m sure he’ll look into it and he’ll realize that you’re not guilty of those horrible crimes.”

“Speaking of Kevin, I just talked with him,” Elle said, lying through her teeth. She’d left her cell phone in her apartment, but they didn’t need to know that. She’d called for a taxi using the club’s phone. “He’s waiting for me at the club. Cam, thank you so much for your advice.”

The moment Elle stepped away from Cam, his hand slipped off of her shoulder. Eric moved to the side, but he didn’t look happy about it. She didn’t care as long as she got out of there. It wasn’t like there weren’t people in the house should either of them try to hurt her. All she would have to do was scream.

“I’ll walk you out,” Cam offered, following her through the main area. That was the last thing she wanted. She wasn’t sure what just happened, but she knew she was safer away from here. “Do you want one of my jackets to wear back home?”

“No, thanks.” Elle felt better as she reached the front door. She’d feel safer if she were within Kevin’s presence. She refused to think that he wouldn’t accept her apology…on multiple counts. “And no need to walk me out. Like you said, it’s cold. I’ll touch base in a few days.”

“Okay.” Cam held the doorknob as he wrapped one arm around him to ward off the chill. It amazed her that he didn’t seem at all shaken that she’d walked in on him and Eric. “Let me know how it goes with Kevin.”

Elle waved a hand behind her, walking quickly down the steps and sidewalk to where the taxi waited. She was confused by what had happened, not knowing the meaning behind Eric’s words. Was she just so distressed over what had happened with Kevin that her perception was skewed? She couldn’t help but glance behind her and was relieved to see that Cam had closed the door.

“Oh!” Elle exclaimed, having bumped into someone. Hands wrapped around her arms to steady her as her head whipped around to see who it was. “Max.”

*   *   *   *

Kevin scrambled to get a hold of his team as he followed behind Taggart. Crest was immediately available and stated he would pull Taryn in to monitor surveillance feeds should a chase occur. Jax agreed to go to Max Higgens’ apartment, keeping watch in case the man went home. Kevin knew that Max had been leaving the club early and he saved calling Connor last. He dialed the club all the while the fact that Cam Bennett wasn’t the murderer reverberated through his head. It was Max Higgens.

Max Higgens. Biological brother to Cam and Eric Bennett. A respected DEA agent and Kevin’s friend. According to what Taggart had unearthed in a couple short hours, Max Bennett had been given up for adoption in his young teens and he’d taken the surname of his new family. There wasn’t anything in the man’s file that would indicate he had mental issues and had it not been for the evidence of one lone hair at the murder scene matching Max’s DNA that was on file, the man never would have been caught.

“Hannah,” Kevin said into his phone once the hostess answered, “this is Kevin. I need speak with Elle or Connor.”

“Well, Elle left an hour ago, but I can get Connor,” Hannah replied, her voice soft and hard to hear over the revving engine of his truck. Kevin had to be mistaken when she said that Elle had left. “Hold on while I find him.”

“Wait. Hannah, what did you say about Elle?”

“She left. But like I said, Connor is here. I’ll find him and bring him the phone.”

“Hannah, do you mean Elle went upstairs to her apartment?”

Kevin tightened his grip on the steering wheel and slowed when Taggart stopped at a red light. He’d gotten word that Max was meeting a couple DEA agents at their office, which was located on Washing Avenue South. They would serve the warrant there and then proceed to Reformation to issue one on Eric Bennett.

“No, Elle called for a taxi. I’m not sure where she went.” Kevin sat at the intersection even though Taggart had already pulled forward when the light had turned green. Everything around the truck seemed to come to a standstill. Lights flashed by, vehicles honked, cars sped around him but nothing registered. Elle wasn’t at the club. She wasn’t safe. He couldn’t protect her. “Connor, Kevin is on the phone.”

Kevin slowly pulled the truck forward, his first instinct to drive in the direction of the club but knowing he needed the facts first. Hannah must be mistaken. Connor would have called to inform him that Elle had left. Hell, Connor wouldn’t have allowed her to leave after the fight they’d had. His friend would get on the phone and tell Kevin that Hannah was mistaken.

“Kevin, what’s up?”

“Tell me that Elle is there with you.” Kevin practically spit every word out due to the fact he couldn’t get his jaw to loosen. “Tell me.”

At first, there was silence. Gradually, the background noise came to the forefront and Kevin could hear the faded music, along with the murmurs of the crowd. Eventually, Kevin heard Connor’s breathing getting heavier all the while signaling the worst scenario that Kevin could encounter.

“Fuck. I don’t see her. Almost the minute you left, we had issues with a Dom not stopping when his sub called out her safeword. I’ve been dealing with the situation and haven’t had a chance to speak with Elle.” Kevin could almost visualize Connor walking through the club, looking for Elle. The terror that constricted his chest told Kevin all that he needed to know. “I see Lauren talking with Mistress Donna. Hold on a second.”

Muffled sounds were all that came through the phone’s speaker. Kevin pulled behind Taggart at the DEA offices and put the truck in park. Taggart exited and he didn’t look back as he walked into the building with a handful of officers surrounding him. Kevin didn’t budge. Nothing was more important to him than finding Elle and being assured that she was safe.

“Lauren said Elle came to her a while back, claiming that she needed some time to herself. I’ll run upstairs and check her apartment.”

“She’s not there,” Kevin replied, his words sounding distant even to himself. Movement out of his peripheral vision didn’t cause him to look at who it was. It wasn’t until a knock sounded on his window that he sprung into action. “Find Hannah and figure out what taxi service Elle used. Find out where she went and call me back.”

Kevin tossed his phone onto the passenger seat and then rolled down his window. Taggart was standing there, his facial expression saying it all. The officers stood behind him, ready for their orders.

“Higgens isn’t here and they don’t know his location. Has Jax contacted you? Is Max at his apartment?”

“We’re picking up Bennett first,” Kevin ordered, putting his truck in reverse. “Elle isn’t at the club. My gut is telling me she’s at Reformation. Someone from the courthouse could have alerted Max and that’s why he’s not here. He’s running and he’s got the contacts to do it. I want Bennett arrested now.”

“Let’s roll.”

Stepping on the gas, Kevin swung the large vehicle around letting the wheel slide through his fingers. Taggart shouted to his men their new course of action. Elle would only go to one place and Kevin didn’t need Connor to verify that. She just placed herself into the hands of a rapist. Putting the truck into drive, Kevin left marks on the road as he sped towards his destination. He refused to believe anything other than the fact that he would reach Elle in time.

Chapter Thirty


Elle watched in disbelief and fear as the taxi pulled away from the curb. When she attempted to step around Max he blocked her path. Stumbling back, her heel snagged on some ice but she caught herself before she fell. In her mind she knew that Max had just sent her cab away but her brain couldn’t connect the dots.

“Max, why would you do that? And why are you here?” Elle could barely see his expression in the dark, as the streetlight did not illuminate the area well enough. Had Kevin sent him? She looked back up at the empty porch. “I need to use your phone and call Kevin. I think he was right about the case he was working on.”

“Kevin’s wrong.” Max reached forward and grabbed Elle’s arm a little more forcefully than needed, bringing her attention to the forefront. “My brother didn’t murder those girls. I did.”

Shock reverberated through Elle’s system at Max’s confession. This wasn’t really happening. Brother? What was he talking about? Confusion scattered her thoughts as she instinctively tried to get away. His grip was too strong and he continued to drag her to his vehicle.

“Max, what are you talking about?”

“We’re taking a little drive. I overheard Kevin and Connor at the club tonight. Eric kept saying that you’d learned your lesson, but that obviously isn’t true.” They were no more than eight feet from the car. If Max were to get her inside, Elle had no doubt that he’d kill her. Her life would be over, there would be no future, and more importantly, she wouldn’t have the chance to spend her life with Kevin. “You should have taken the new beginning you were offered. Instead, you’re just like her.”

Elle calculated her odds and knew they weren’t good. Max always carried a weapon, just like Kevin. She saw that he had one holstered under his jacket, but it was better to take a gamble now then solidify her fate by being put into his vehicle. The second he reached for the handle, Elle used all of her weight and yanked her arm from his hold. She stumbled but instead of falling into the snow, she was able to maintain her balance and run into the yard.

“Really?” Max’s laughter seemed to echo throughout the darkness, but never once did Elle look back. She continued to run through the yard and in between the houses. “This is your own doing, Elle. You’re mine now.”

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