Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (38 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance)
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“No one can say what flips the insanity switch inside a person’s mind.” Crest turned as well, both of them now facing where Elle and Cam sat reassuring each other. “What you can control is your own actions. Which is why once you’ve spoken with Becky Rattore and her parents, you’ll take the rest of the week off to spend with your future wife.”

Kevin shot a glance of surprise Crest’s way to see that he was already looking down at his phone as if this had just been another day at the office. Wife? Kevin smiled slowly, knowing not to argue with his boss. He had a tendency to be right, and the moment he was spot on. At some point Elle would be Kevin’s wife. He’d known it the second he’d seen her and he’d invested the last year getting to this point. The year to come was going to be the best of their lives.

“Thank you.” Kevin didn’t have to say anything more, for he knew Crest would understand what those two words encompassed. Just as Elle knew that he would always be there when needed, Kevin knew the same of his team and mentor. “I’ll keep myself available though, just in case something comes up with Ryland.”

“Do that.” Crest placed his cell back into his pocket and turned to go. “Gut instinct is saying he’ll turn up soon. Keep an eye peeled.”

Kevin continued to watch Elle as the place around them started to fill up with more officers and forensic personnel. Coming from the main level of the house were voices carrying down the stairs, letting Cam and Elle know that the women wanted to know what had happened and if everyone was all right. The left side of Cam’s face was already sporting a bruise from where Max had probably pistol whipped him. The entire story would come out once Cam and Elle gave their statements, which for Cam would occur soon. For Elle, he was taking her ass to the hospital regardless of her hardheadedness. If the medic advised she needed x-rays, then she’d have them. Taggart could personally take her statement at the hospital. After that, he was taking her home—their home in the country, where no one would bother them.

“Elle, it’s time to go,” Kevin said softly, not wanting to startle either one of them. He held out his hand and Elle immediately reached for him. He prayed that it would always be so. “Cam, is there anyone we can call for you? I know how hard it is for me to accept a friend could possibly do the things that Max did, let alone for you as his brother. Elle has always spoken highly of you. If there’s anything we can do for you, all you need to do is ask. What I’d really like right now is to take her to the hospital. I’d feel better if a doctor looked her over.”

“Yes. Yes, I think that would be best.” Cam wiped the corners of his eyes and stood up, holding out his hand. “Thank you, Kevin. I’ll be fine. The girls are upstairs and I’m sure they are wondering what happened. It’s going to break their hearts that Eric is responsible for the tragedies of their friends. I’m not sure if they will even trust me after all of this.”

“Cam, you are not your brothers. You are innocent and you will hold your head up high. Those women upstairs love you and they’ll rally around you.” Elle winced when she stood as well causing Kevin to place his other hand on her waist. He couldn’t stand that she was in pain and he wanted her at the hospital ASAP. “I’ll stop by in the morning.”

“Afternoon, provided she’s cleared by the doctor,” Kevin revised, shooting Elle a look that dared her to argue as he shrugged out of his jacket. He put it around her shoulders, patiently waiting for her to put her arms through the sleeves and ignoring the cute scrunch of her nose. Once she’d done what he needed her to, he zipped the coat up to her chin. “Elle will be sleeping in and then we’ll
be by to see if you need anything.”

“Thank you. Both of you.” Cam’s eyes caught someone behind Kevin, so he turned to see who it was. One of the detectives stood there, notebook in hand. “Go. Get Elle checked out. Once I give my statement, I’ll have to tell Liv, Molly, and the rest of them what happened. They deserve to know the truth.”

Elle gave Cam one last hug and then she and Kevin stepped aside to let the detective do his job. Needing to have her in his arms once more, he pulled her close. They stood there, soaking in the fact that they’d pulled through this. He knew that their time on earth wouldn’t be enough for him, but he would strive to make every second count. Needing to see her face and assure himself that she was truly all right, he drew slightly away.

“How’s my city girl?”

“Thinking I’d rather be country,” Elle replied, a tremulous smile on her lips. There were still some unshed tears lining her lashes. “Kevin, I thought I’d never get to tell you how much I love you. I was so afraid you would walk away in the end that I refused to believe the truth. What we have isn’t something that I have to fear, but something I should embrace. It’s truly love.”

“We’ll build on that until we have what my parents have, Elle. You can have it all and I want to be the man that gives it to you. Anything your heart desires, I’ll make sure you have.” Kevin reached down and swung her up into his arms. There was no way in hell she was walking out there in her bare feet. Not wanting her to catch sight of what was left of the scene, he walked around it so that her back was to Bennett’s body. She instinctively snuggled deeper into him as he walked up the cold cement stairs and into the dark night, which was now glowing red and blue from the cruisers’ lights. “Let’s get you to the hospital and then home. Our home.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

ix months later, Elle entered Reformation to see five women sitting in the living room drinking coffee and tea that Cam had supplied them with. Assorted pastries were sitting on two trays while fruit was situated on another. The women were new to the center, while Liv, Molly, Teresa, and Angela were well into living their fresh starts. Rachel had returned to the streets, living with Hash but working for Bee. Not everyone wanted to be saved.

“Just the person we were waiting for.” Cam came out of the kitchen holding two mugs with what was hopefully coffee. He’d trimmed his red beard so that it was closer to his face, giving him a more professional look. Handing one steaming cup to her, he winked. “I saw you drive up in that fancy new car of yours. I’ve got to admit, the color suits you.”

“Why? Because the black matches my hair?” Elle shook her head in amusement. Fancy didn’t come close to describing her compact, dependable Saab that Kevin had talked her into. He claimed that she’d needed to get her license and a vehicle if they were to continue to live in Eden Prairie. It had taken him close to four months to pry her hands off of her savings, but it was only one more step in believing that her life as she knew it would last. As for the color, Cam had been on a rampage trying to add different shades to her wardrobe. “I’ll have you know that the color black is classic. Kevin loves the suits that I wear to work.”

Elle neglected to say that was because she wore nothing underneath them anymore, unless it was the chocolate diamond body accessories that he’d purchased. Kevin liked to sit in the club during play hours and watch her work, visualizing what her body looked like underneath. At first it was awkward but as the night wore on, Elle’s desire had been so heightened that the moment she’d locked up, they’d enjoyed the club until the sun broke over the horizon.

“From that smile you’re wearing, I take it Kevin’s home from his business trip?”

“Not yet. He’s due home tomorrow.” Elle sipped her coffee and let out a hum of appreciation. The brew was good but not as good as Kevin made. Her heart felt a ping of sadness. He’d been gone almost two weeks, along with Crest and Ethan. She missed him. “Let me talk with the girls about the job fair that’s happening at the Metrodome this weekend. It’ll give them most of the week to prepare.”

Elle spent the rest of the morning passing out brochures and explaining the process of the job fair to the women. Cam listened in although he’d lost his interest after a while and busied himself in the kitchen. He’d been putting up a good front, but she knew the upcoming trial was weighing on his mind. Max had pleaded not guilty, claiming any evidence at the crime scene must have come from Eric. It was both her and Cam’s testimony that were key and neither one of them were looking forward to it. As for Eric, his funeral had taken place a few days after the coroner’s office had released his body. The only ones in attendance had been Cam, Kevin, Elle, and Liv. She’d gone to show support for Cam. No one expected anything less, but it was still heartbreaking to watch Cam bury the brother he’d remembered from his childhood. Not the man he’d become. Elle breathed a sigh of relief the moment Teresa entered the house.

“This is Teresa and she’s going to share her knowledge regarding paperwork for grants in order to attend the community college.” Elle made the introductions and then grabbed her cup, which had been empty for quite some time. She needed a refill and wanted to have a talk with Cam. “I’ll be in the kitchen should anyone have any more questions.”

Elle left the group in Teresa’s capable hands and walked out of the room to find Cam sitting at the kitchen table, staring off into space. He wore a short-sleeved buttoned dress shirt with a pair of dark jeans, but his apron was clutched in his hands. Lately he hadn’t had the urge to bake and she felt helpless in his struggle to accept the things that had happened.

“You know, all you have to do is ask and I can take time off at the club to run Reformation while you take a well deserved vacation.” Elle offered up her suggestion, having already talked to Kevin about it. They’d spoken every day that he was away, giving her updates and letting her know what they’d found on Ryland. Apparently he’d been in contact with a plastic surgeon in Greenland. The fact that he might have changed his appearance had upped the stakes. As for the team members still at home, their day-to-day lives still had to go on. She looked at Cam, awaiting his answer. When he just smiled in a regretful manner, she knew he wouldn’t take her up on her offer. Which was why she’d called in some reinforcements. “Lauren and Emily? Would you two come in here please?”

Both of her friends had arrived when Teresa had, just in time for Elle’s talk with Cam. She knew that he’d hem and haw over leaving the center, but he needed some time away. Lauren walked in first, her red curls surrounding her face. The sun had caused her freckles to darken, giving her that fresh outdoor look. Emily gracefully entered behind her friend, little Derrick sitting on her hip and looking around. When his gaze landed on Elle, he clapped his hands. She reached up from where she was sitting and the little boy practically launched himself at her, giggling when she widened her eyes in surprise.

“Now that’s not something I would have thought I’d ever see,” Cam said, his smile enough to brighten his eyes.

“I resent that,” Elle replied with a chuckle. “I’ll have you know I’m very good with children.”

Kevin had taken Elle back to his family home a couple of months ago, and while it had taken time to get used to the chaos, she found that she didn’t want to be anywhere else. She’d spent extra time with Kevin’s mother and sister, along with his sisters-in law. In doing so, Elle was surrounded by the children. She’d been able to relive her childhood through them in that short week, from playing tag to catching lightning bugs in the fields. She’d felt free and sharing that with Kevin made it all the more special.

“So when are you going to get married and have one of your own?” Emily quipped, pulling out a chair and taking a seat. “You know there’s bets around the office as to who bites the bullet first. Connor or Kevin.”

“How much is the pot?” Lauren asked, joining them at the table. “I think we should raise the stakes, because I have insider information.”

“Shit! You set a date, didn’t you?” Emily put a hand over her mouth and sent a look Derrick’s way. “Remind me to put a dollar in the cuss jar. Jax and I are trying but it’s so damn hard.”

“Two bucks.” Elle shared a look with Cam, who seemed more relaxed than she’d seen him in a while. “But you can earn that back if Lauren is saying what I think she’s saying.”

“Connor’s dad is insisting we have a full blown church wedding and Connor doesn’t want to let him down. It’ll take at least a year to plan, with my sister living in Florida and Connor’s father’s side of the family in Jersey. We’re shooting for next summer.”

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