Renegade T.M. (34 page)

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Authors: Bernard Langley

BOOK: Renegade T.M.
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The Humdinger dropped out of warp and arrived outside the gates of heaven. Having chosen valet parking, Pete was a little bemused to see that it was Bob Monkhouse who took the keys from Slip, and having amused Crinkle with a neatly quipped

nice ride, now what about this Humdinger
off he went. They then made their way to the gates themselves on foot, and approaching Saint Peter, the Renegade gang each introspectively examined what they were actually doing here, and not one of them wholeheartedly believed that they would actually get to speak to God.


Hello gentl
Saint Peter greeted them

and off course, Crinkle, delighted

Er, hello Saint Peter
they all chorused in reply.

Oh please call me Peter. Now I understand that you would like an audience with the Governor, this is correct yes

It is
said Fendel, before asking

how is it that you know so much about us

I am blessed with what you might call, a certain
, I know everything there is to know about each of you

replied Slip dubiously

then what…

You’re not wearing any
he answered correctly, before Slip had even finished the question.

cheered Slip

can you do card tricks

Later Slip
upted Fendel

look Peter, we have come a long way.

Everyone here has come a long way
agreed the saint sagely

though some have travelled less far to achieve the same destination

We went by the Grishan Nebula, then took the hyperway after the Tiny Chef
put in Slip, looking t
ibly pleased with himself.

Erm yes, thanks Slip
said Fendel beginning to feel a little lost

we are here for an audience with God, can you let us in please

Absolutely not
he replied.

But why
asked Fendel totally taken aback
“you have no
idea how important it is

I have every idea how important it is
said the saint

but only good people are allowed into heaven. Have you any idea how many people you’ve murdered lately Fendel

Honestly, I don’t
answered Fendel, running out of fingers as he spoke.

I’ll go
announced Slip suddenly.

Mmm not sure that’s going to work either
mused Saint Peter.

But what about all the good I’ve done in my life

If by good, you mean, banging out some solid tunes, then totally, you’d be in already
explained the s

however this is heaven, not a discotheque, and in the
final analysis, I’m sorry Slip
but ultimately
you’re self-absorbed.

Sorry what
replied Slip, playing with his belly button

didn’t catch a word of that.

That leaves just you two
continued Saint Peter, meaning Crinkle and normal Pete.

You do it
said Crinkle, before Pete had a chance to protest.

But I can’t do it, I’ll only muck it up as usual

Well I’m not doing it
she said, an abundant tone of finality in her voice.

Why not
he asked seriously.

It’s personal

Well I’m not doing it unless you explain to me why you can’t

Fine, but you won’t like it
she began

God is perfection right


And I haven’t straightened my hair


Well that’s it
she concluded

self-explanatory really

Not with you Crinks
declared Fendel.

What’s not to be with
she replied

I’m not meeting God without perfect hair, period

Looks like it’s down to you then Pete
said Slip.

I’m really not sure about this guys, I mean I have a track history of abject failure when it comes to
many given tasks

Ah don’t be so hard on yourself dude
Slip continued, removing his socks as he spoke

here, you can even wear my lucky socks, I never take them off

Think I’ll pass ta
Pete replied turning up his nose.

began the Saint

are you coming in or not? It’s really not befitting to keep the Governor waiting

You mean to say that God’s actually waiting for me? Right now
asked Pete.

Indeed he is
the s
aint replied

shall I inform him
you wish to reschedule

no, it’s just it’s all a bit much
he explained

okay, see you later gang, I’ve got an appointment to keep

See ya Pete
they all shouted after him as he made his way through the gates of heaven

good luck


And so Pete stepped meekly through the gates of heaven, and with a heavy head, walked on
to attend his meeting with




The massive plasma cannon is ready sire
declared one of Mormid’s minions, the same minion that had been ordered to make the cannon ready earlier that day.

replied Mormid

are we in orbit of the planet

The planet E
arth is directly below us sire, would you like us to target anything in particular

Would it make a difference

The location targeted would be v
aporised point one of milliping
before the rest of the planet
explained the minion.

Can’t say it really matters then
said Mormid

aim for something shiny then

I will lock the target on the mountain range known in earth parlance as the Andes then, the frozen water on its top is particularly good at reflecting light

The Andes it is then, fire when target is locked
he ordered, feeling the peculiar delight that only comes from the few moments before causing the destruction of an entire planet and its many varied species.

Is there anything else your mightiness
sked the minion.

There is one thing
began Mormid, feeling unusually awkward

do you like me

You are Emperor of the Co-leen, the rulers of everything, and anything else that may have been missed in the course of ruling everything! I love you with every fibre of my unworthy being
ushed the minion.

yes, I realise that
he replied, having not quite received the answer he was looking for, before trying a different tack and asking

what’s your name

It’s Crumble sire
answered Crumble.

A good proud Co-leen name
decided Mormid

now Crumble, let’s just say for a moment that I wasn’t the Emperor, and that I was just like you, another nobody, right

said Crumble hesitantly, a pained expression on his face.

Then let’s say that I had a f
ew cycles
to kill, and I were to ask you if you fancied a getting a coffee with me, what would you say

It would be my deepest honour, your fantasticness
answered Crumble, with a look that suggested he may have just won the interstellar lottery.

Even though I wasn’t your Emperor

But you are my Emperor
replied Crumble simply.

But for the sake of this instance I am not, understand

lied Crumble.

began Mormid

let’s roleplay it then, okay


Hi, I’m Mormid and I’m
the Emperor of the Co-leen, the rulers of everything and anything that may have been missed in the course of ruling everything

Hi, I’m Crumble

Hey Crumble, and what do you do
he asked.

I’m a minion, third class, with fruit and vegetable privileges
replied Crumble.

Well that certainly sounds interesting, and do you like your job

Actually no, I always wanted to be a
accountant, but I can only count up to nine
answered Crumble.

How many fingers do you have then
he quizzed, genuinely intrigued.

Nine and one

Okay, so how many fingers and toes do you have

Nine and nine and two
replied Crumble.

Well I must say that you really are quite odd
he decided.

Thank you sire
replied Crumble, forgetting to stay in character

my entire being is at your

he reminded him

remember I’m not the Emperor for now

I’m so sorry
Crumble apologised, dropping to his knees in supplication

can you ever forgive me


This was hopeless. Mormid tended not to associate himself with any of the countless minions over which he ruled, for one simple reason, they annoyed him. He had
classified them over the ???cycles???
as falling into one of three groups, either they idolised him as a god and could barely function in his presence, (Crumble fell into this category), or they feared him and would only interact if it meant him sparing their lives, or weirdly, they saw him as a kind of moral overseer, and would seek his dark counsel with regard to important social matters such as marriages or funerals. Mormid did not have a preference out of the three, and loathed them all fairly and in equal measure. The last time that he had actually enjoyed the company of
another being, had been when he was not even yet the Co-leen Emperor
. The being in question had ironically been a human by the name of Pete Martin, and though they may not have been what you might call


, there was an undeniable kinship there, perhaps born of a similar difficult past shared. It was perhaps somewhat strange then, that he was currently enthusiastically engaged in setting up the events that would see to the complete annihilation of the planet earth, the home planet of perhaps his one time, and certainly once only, friend.


The target has been acquired your smashingness
announced Crumble, shaking Mormid from his reverie

the canon will fire in three, two, one…

he shouted.

Do you wish to abort the firing sequence


Mormid was unsure, a feeling he had not felt for a long while, and one which he had long thought he had disposed altogether on his path to becoming Co-leen Overlord. Why was he about to destroy his friend’s home planet? Okay sure the human race was inferior, but he had so far failed ever to find a species which was deserving enough to share the universe with yet. Perhaps it was his own measure that was at fault, perhaps his apparently ceaseless quest to rid the universe of inferior life, was one that was flawed, and about as meaningful as a chess set without any kings. He paused to mull over his next action, would he let the human race go free and continue its bumbling march into tomorrow, or would he continue the sequence,
and say farewell to the planet E
arth and everything it entailed?


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