Reluctantly in Love

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Authors: Niecey Roy

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Reluctantly in Love
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Praise for Niecey Roy’s Novels

“All the elements for a fun, sassy romance: a sexy hero and the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. Delightful!”

~Bestselling Author Kate Perry

“Funny, sassy, sexy and brilliant book...Absolute Must Read!!!”

~Amy from Schmexy Girls Book Blog

“Crazy sisters, best friends, a slimy ex, and a gorgeously sexy sweet man. Who wouldn’t want Another Shot at Love?”

~Stacy Nickelson, It Started With A Book Blog

Fender Bender Blues “Classic cars, garden gnomes, and steamy romance? My kind of book!”

~Bestselling Author Kate Perry

“Reading Niecey Roy’s Fender Bender Blues is like eating Lays Potato chips. Once you start, you can’t stop! It’s just that good! For a new (non-fattening) addiction, read Niecey Roy!!!”

~Robyn Peterman author of HOW HARD CAN IT BE?

“Fender Bender Blues is a rip-roarin’ good time from start to finish. Filled with handsome men, crazy friends, and love scenes to rev up your engines, you don’t want to miss this one!”

~Amie Louellen author of Brodie’s Bride and Love Potion Me, Baby

“If you’re not a romance lover you’ve got to pick up Niecey Roy. I’m in-love with the way she writes romance. Thanks to her, I no longer cringe at the romance section.”

~Kristi Chambers, Kristi’s Book Readery

Other books by Niecey Roy


What’s Love??? novels

Another Shot At Love, Book 1

Done With Love, Book 2

Reluctantly In Love, Book 3


Standalone novels

Fender Bender Blues



a What’s Love???

Book 3


Niecey Roy


Reluctantly in Love

a What’s Love??? novel

18+ adult content and language


COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Niecey Roy

Contact Information:
[email protected]

Niecey Roy’s Website

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Cover Art by
RBA Designs

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher/editor does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

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River Mist Media, 2015


Published in the United States of America.




~ For YOU ~

This is for everyone who asked me to write this book.

Thank you



~ Parisa ~

I swear you must have a magic wand somewhere . . .

Thank you for sticking through the madness with me and helping me

turn this book into something amazing.

~ Brenda ~

So many squeeze-hugs reserved just for you.

Thank you for all your help with this book! I would be lost without you.

~ Kristin ~ Stacy ~ Janice ~

Thank you so much for your help with making this book shine.

~ Tobi ~

Superwoman Assistant! Thank you for all you do.

~ Lisa ~

You know exactly why your name is here. I cannot thank you enough for all your help!

~ Roy’s Rebels ~

Thank you for being the BEST street team an author could ask for.

I appreciate every share, every shout out, every post.

~ Cupcakes & Romance ~

You are more than just a reader’s group, you are also my friends.

I appreciate everything you do.

Chapter One



The elevator dinged with each passing floor on the way up to LM Security, the private investigation and security firm where I worked. My uncle started the business twenty years ago, and my cousin Leo was now in charge. Well, mostly in charge. My uncle was in a semi-state of retirement. My aunt kept him busy with house projects and traveling across the States in their RV, but every now and then he managed to sneak away to check in on the firm. He would never have quit if it weren’t for high blood pressure and a short no-bullshit fuse, a dangerous combination in this line of business.

I didn’t pay much attention to the floor numbers lighting up the elevator panel, or to the soft rock music playing from the speakers. My cell phone was pressed to my ear while my agent reminded me of the contingencies in the publishing contract I’d been offered.

“You need to get me a couple of chapters so we can make sure you’re on the right track with this next book,” Kelsey told me.

While she talked, I was busy trying to pump inspiration into my writer-blocked brain.

You got this, Roxanna Moss. You will
this second book. That’s all there is to it. None of this writer’s block crap. You’re a ROCK STAR!

There. I felt better already.

So what will the plot for this second book be?

And there it was again—a whole lot of white noise.

Coming up with story ideas had never been a problem before. The first book had practically written itself. I’d put my fingers to the keyboard and—
there it was
 Not this second book though. I’d blown half of the first month psyching myself out and writing horrible pages. Lately, I caught myself staring at the looming deadline on my calendar, circled five times with a fat red marker, instead of writing. I’d never been the kind of person who choked under pressure before, but I was now. I got it—I was a newbie and they were protecting their investment. But if I couldn’t get them a first draft of the second book within four months—
—no more contract.

“Maybe you need to get laid,” Kelsey said.

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