Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story) (3 page)

BOOK: Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story)
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 With a heavy sigh, I
turned back around to walk down the stairs again. I then slumped down onto the
mattress lying on the floor. My arms clutched my body as I thought back to all
that had happened since I left the house to go the grocery store. Then from
there, I tried to imagine what must have transpired at home since my abduction
in the dark alley.

My mother had expected
to come home from work with all the ingredients needed for tomorrow night's
supper waiting for her in the fridge. Not seeing those ingredients would surely
have her walking up to my room to investigate why I had failed to complete such
a small task.

She would undoubtedly
knock on my room's door. Then upon hearing nothing but silence in return, she
would open the door to find absolutely no one there. 

Panicked, she would
race through the house shouting my name. When that didn't work, she would try
to call me on my phone.
My phone!
Shit! It was only now that I finally
realized I had left it on my computer desk at home earlier. I didn't even have
a phone on me when I was out walking alone at night. Yeah, I was definitely an
idiot. But then again, would it have even mattered? It wasn't like I could have
pulled out my phone to call for help before Tyler got his hands on me. And I
was quite certain Tyler and the rest of the gang would have confiscated my
phone if they had found one on me after I was already under their control.

But yeah, upon calling
my phone, my mother would hear it ringing in the house. She'd probably pick up
my phone and look at my most recent call list to see that the last person to
talk to me was actually her. Then what?

I guessed she would
call the cops sometime soon after that. Then the cops would retrace my steps to
the grocery store that night. Hopefully, they would then come to realize that I
had taken the detour route that had eventually led me to the dark alley where I
was taken by Tyler.

By now, the cops must
have seen the dead body of the guy Tyler killed right before capturing me. But
would the police department be wise enough to realize that the murder of some
guy on the dark side of the law led to a boring girl like me being taken by a
gang? Call me a pessimist if you wish, but I wasn't about to hold my breath
while waiting for the police to solve the case and discover me in the basement
of this house in the middle of nowhere.

This house was
obviously meant to be used as a hideout for the gang. So they must have had taken
extra care when selecting the location to ensure it wouldn't be easy for the
authorities to find the house.

But then again, the
police department would have to first link my abduction to the murder in the
alley. Could the cops realistically do that though? I mean, if they were to
check my calls, emails, and text messages, they would pretty much come up with
nothing since I didn't exactly socialize much. Then when they started talking
to people who knew me, they'd come to see I was basically the least likely
person in the world to draw any sort of attention from the local gang.

The more I thought
about it, the more despair I felt. I was doomed to a lifetime in this basement
as the gang's captive. I would forever be Tyler's pet. And the rest of the men
in the gang, they might eventually take their turns with me as well. I guessed
danger found a way to get to a boring good girl like me after all.

Chapter 4



"So did you fuck
the little bitch downstairs yet?" asked Mark, one of Alpha Outlaws' elder

"No, and don't
call her a bitch. She's a good girl who just had the misfortune of running into
me when she did," I said as my gaze bounced from place to place.

 "Hey now, don't
tell me you're turning into a softie here. You're one of the most ruthless
members of this gang, and I had never known you to give a damn about any woman
before. What? Have you gone and fallen in love with our little captive?"

Our little captive
I didn't like the sound of that one bit. She was my little pet. I didn't want
to share her with anyone else.

   I wanted to tell
Mark to fuck off. But I stayed silent because he had after all been something
of a mentor to me when I first joined the gang.

"Well, regardless
of how you're feeling about the captive downstairs, you better not forget one
of the major rules of the Alpha Outlaws. We share everything with each other,
including our women. So if you have sex with her, so will everyone else."

God. I had almost
forgotten about that. Sharing women with the gang had never been of any concern
to me before because none of the women I bedded in the past meant a single damn
thing to me. But Vivian was different. Even though I barely knew her, she
somehow managed to evoke something within me that I didn't even know was still

Her body felt fucking
amazing against mine earlier, and I wanted nothing more than to lay claims on
her by ravishing her completely. But I didn't want the rest of the gang to use
her like they would a common whore. She was still a virgin for heaven's sake.

I felt so conflicted. A
part of me wanted to just let her go so that I would no longer be tempted to
walk down the basement, strip her bare, and pound my cock inside her virgin
hole. But I couldn't just let her go. She knew too much about the gang already.
The Alpha Outlaws would never allow her to live another day without my
For the first time in my life, I wasn't sure what to



Despite my fears,
worries, and sexual frustrations, I eventually fell asleep on the mattress in
the basement. Tiredness from all the crazy happenings must have worn me out
enough to sleep in an entirely new place.

I rubbed the sleep out
of my eyes upon waking up, slightly hoping that by the time I finished rubbing
my eyes,  my surroundings would change back to my bedroom. But no, I was still
in the gloomy basement. Last night definitely wasn't a dream.

Interestingly enough,
the first thought into my mind after the realization I was still a gangster's
captive wasn't
how the hell do I go about getting myself out of here
Instead, it was something more along the lines of
I still can't believe he
left me naked and wanting more from him last night

Having gone to bed last
night without the sexual release I needed, I still felt aroused upon waking up.
Tired of feeling sexually frustrated, I relied on my own fingers for some

Growing up in a strict
and conservative family, I had  always been taught that it was sinful to
succumb to the pleasures of the flesh. Hence, I hardly ever masturbated even
when I really wanted to. Instead, I would busy myself with either chores or
schoolwork to distract myself from sexual thoughts.

But right now, my need
was too strong for me to simply ignore. So I sneaked my hand inside my cotton panties
and quickly found my aching nub. My thumb flicked over my hot button again and
again as I recalled Tyler's gorgeous body and masculine scent. I imagined it
was his expert tongue and long fingers that were touching me. I then slid a
dainty finger inside myself and made believe that it was him entering me for
the first time.

Over and over again I
darted my finger in and out. My breath quickened and my skin flushed as I climbed
towards my peak. Faster and faster I fingered myself until I was shuddering and
whispering his name.

I felt dazed after the
fact and was ready to lie back and rest when suddenly I heard the sound of
someone clearing their throat. Looking over towards the noise, I saw Tyler
standing on the steps of the stairway.

How long had he been
standing there like that? And did he hear me whispering his name as I came?



Last night, after my
conversation with Mark, I went to bed upstairs and thought about the situation
with Vivian. After God knows how long of thinking it through, I decided that I
would still keep her around as a pet and tease her endlessly. However, I wasn't
going to under any circumstances penetrate her with my cock. I figured as long
as I managed to do that the rest of the gang couldn't enforce the sharing rule
on me.

But when I walked down
to the basement this morning to bring her some breakfast, what was the first
thing I saw? It was her stretched out on the mattress with her back arched and
her fingers inside her pants. My cock instantly stirred upon seeing her like
that. I wanted to place the food tray down, peel off all her clothes, and ram
my cock inside her virgin body.

As if I wasn't having a
hard enough time controlling myself around her, she went and whispered my name
when she came. Seriously, I had no idea how I was able to stop myself from
climbing on top of her then and taking away her innocence in one swift motion.

Instead of pouncing on
her like my body ached to do, I cleared my throat to let her know of my
presence. Her chin dipped down while she tried to conceal her pretty face with
her hair, and all I could think about was tugging that hair while fucking her
from behind.

"How long have you
been standing there?" she stammered from behind her hair.

"Long enough to
see that you're a lot naughtier than you appear to be. Anyway, I've got
breakfast for you, my little pet. So go ahead and freshen up in the bathroom
then come out to join me for breakfast," I commanded.

Surprisingly enough,
Vivian actually did as I said without putting up a fight. While she was in the
bathroom, I took the opportunity to meditate.

You're probably
astounded by the fact that a gangster like me would be into meditation. After
all, weren't gangsters all about using violence when it came to dealing with

Maybe for some of the
men on the wrong side of the law, violence was all they knew. But those guys
were probably never going to accomplish anything big during their gangster
career. Because to become successful at anything in life, having the ability to
stay cool, calm, and collected no matter what was a definite must. That was why
I regularly practiced meditation. It helped me think clearly in the face of
dangers. And being involved in gang activity meant I was exposed to danger
quite regularly.

But right now, my
reason for meditation wasn't to keep myself out of harm's way. It was to get my
head out of the gutter. I needed to stop picturing Vivian naked and vulnerable
underneath my body if I wanted to keep her around without sharing her with
anyone else.



I was in the bathroom
for a bit longer than it actually took to wash my face before breakfast. I was
horrified that Tyler caught me masturbating and wasn't in any rush to come back
out there to see him again. But of course, I couldn't just stay inside the
bathroom forever. Tyler would sooner or later come in to get me if I stayed in
the bathroom too long. Plus, my belly was grumbling for some food.

I exited the bathroom
and saw Tyler sitting on the mattress with his eyes closed. For a second, I thought
he was sleeping. But then he quickly opened his eyes as I came closer. Perhaps
he was meditating or something. Not what I had expected to see him doing. But
then again, what did I even know about a gangster's life?

"Sit," he
motioned towards the chair he had tied me to for hours yesterday.

I did as I was told,
and he followed after me with a tray of food. He placed the tray down on a nearby
empty chair and held up a cheese Danish. He broke off a piece of the Danish and
brought it to my mouth.

"I don't have my
hands tied today. I can feed myself," I said.

"True. But you're
still my little pet, and I enjoy feeding you," he said as he brought the
Danish even closer to my lips.

I didn't fight it. I
obediently opened my mouth, allowing him to feed me the pastry. He smiled while
watching me eat. I relaxed more and more with every bite.

For a moment there, I
even forgot that I was held here against my will. He was like a lover feeding
me a scrumptious breakfast after a passionate night of being together. It felt
good having him tend to my needs like that. After what felt like a lifetime of
dutifully doing chores at home, it was nice to have someone take care of me for
a change.
If only he wasn't a cold-blooded murderer!

"So tell me,
Vivian, how come you're still a virgin?" he asked as he broke off another
piece of Danish for me to eat.

"I was taught to
save for myself for marriage," I answered blankly.

"And you actually
listen to everything your parents tell you?" he asked with a slight

"Well, yes,
actually I do. Not that you would know anything about being a good child. Because
I can't imagine any parent being happy with their son being a gang

Tyler swallowed hard
and bit down on his bottom lip. He went silent for a moment before saying, "You're
right, my parents aren't happy with me. But it's not because I'm a

"Then what is
it?" I asked, curious to understand more about the man who's got me under
his control.

"I'm an unlovable
person, and I bring the worst of luck to people."

"Why would you say

"Just look at you,
for instance. You were walking along minding your own business when you ran
into me. Now you're stuck in a basement, presumably fearing for your

"Did your parents
blame their misfortunes on you? Is that why you ended up where you are

"My mother didn't
blame me for anything. She was never given the chance. She died giving birth to
me. I don't need anyone to tell me that it was me who brought about my own mother's
death," he said with a pained expression.

His words haunted me. I
looked at him then and saw a little boy who grew up thinking he was some type
of monster brought on earth to destroy everything he touched. My eyes watered
as I wished to somehow alleviate his pain.

I fumbled for the right
words to console him with before simply saying, "It's not your

"Yeah? Tell that
to my dad. He sure thinks it is. That man hasn't given a shit about me since
the day I was born. And to be honest, I don't blame him one bit. I deserve to
be hated by him. I took away the love of his life."

My heart broke for him.
Without even thinking, I reached out and lightly stroked his forearm. "No,
Tyler, it really isn't your fault. And I'm sure if your mom could see you right
now she would say the same."

"Well, thanks to
me, we'll never get to hear her say it," he said, brushing my hand away.

"Please, Tyler,
stop blaming yourself for something you have no control over. And don't think
for a second that you're unlovable because it isn't true."

"What do you care
whether or not I find myself responsible for my mother's death? You're here
against your own will. How could you not think I'm an unlovable person?"

He had a point. Yet it
still didn't change how I felt. "I know you're not an unlovable person
because I can see the kindness in you despite everything that has happened. Even
though you brought me here and locked me away in this basement, you haven't
actually done anything to physically hurt me. My goodness, you even take the
time to feed me. How could you not be a lovable person?"

"What? Are you
falling in love with me now? Are you developing Stockholm syndrome? I'm not as
great as you say I am. I'm only keeping you around to serve as my pet. Don't
kid yourself into thinking you're anything more special than that."

"Then why didn't
you take me last night? You had me all wet and ready for you. Why didn't you
just go ahead and pluck my cherry? Why bother waiting for me to actually want
you to take my virginity?"

"What? You think
you've got me all figured out now? You think I won't hurt you? Think again,
Vivian. I'll show you my true colors now."

He scooped me into his
arms and drove his tongue deep into my mouth. The intensity with which he was
kissing me caused the sound of my heartbeat to thrash in my ears. Part of me
wanted to flee for safety while another part of me ached for even more from

He tore off my shirt
and bra, then clamped his mouth over my nipple. He sucked and harshly bit into
my bud causing me to yell.

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