Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story) (2 page)

BOOK: Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story)
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Chapter 2



I snatched the scarf
that was tied around her neck. I then used it to gag her mouth to prevent her
from talking. Meanwhile, my arm clutched her close to my body.

Her curves were soft
and feminine against my muscular build. Her hair smelled sweet and fruity, an
interesting scent after a night of bloody murder.   

Her eyes were still
looming with fear, and being the twisted guy that I was, I could feel my cock
stirring as a result.

I still wasn't sure
what my plans for her were exactly. I just knew that I wasn't ready to see her
die. She was too beautiful to simply die in a random dark alley. But I couldn't
just let her go. She knew too much already. Letting her go now would be like
giving her a death sentence. The other members of the Alpha Outlaws would be
sure to hunt her down. Her only chance at safety would be to stay with me.



He held me tight
against his body. I could smell his aftershave, he was so close.

With the scarf gagging
my mouth, my neck and shoulders were bare. I could feel his hot breath on my
body as he breathed.

Adrenaline rushed through
my veins. But it wasn't all because of fear. Underneath that top layer of fear
was something else I had not expected to feel. My heart beat fast as my body responded
to the firm grasp he had on me. I lusted for him despite it being so incredibly

The car pulled to a
stop then and Chris got out of the car. He opened the door for my assailant,
who dragged me out onto the gravel driveway.

In front of us was a
house surrounded by nothing but trees and open space. It was such a remote
place that I doubted anyone would hear me screaming even if I managed to yell
out for help.

With his arm around me,
my assailant led me inside the house. There were about a dozen men already in
there, and they all looked up and stared at me upon hearing the door open.

Their facial
expressions told me they were surprised by my presence at the house. And one of
them soon confirmed it by asking, "What's the girl doing here?"

My assailant answered,
reciting the same thing he had said to Chris in the car.

One of the men frowned
and said, "Damn it, Tyler. What were you thinking bringing this girl back
with you alive?"

Tyler. So that was his

"It's okay. I can
take care of her. I won't let her out of my sight," said Tyler with his
chin high and chest puffed out.

The men in the room
started whispering amongst themselves, no doubt it was to convene about what to
do with me. I barely breathed as I waited to hear their decision.
What were
they planning on doing with me?
Finally, one of the older men in the group
spoke up.

"Okay, Tyler, we
trust you. You've never given us any reason to doubt you before; so don't you
go giving us any reasons to doubt you now," the older man warned.
"Keep a good eye on her. And if she proves to be too much trouble, well,
you know what you've got to do then."

"Of course,"
he said matter-of-factly before leading me to a nearby door.

He opened the door,
revealing the staircase down below. Then he hoisted me into his arms and
carried me downstairs.

I kicked and tussled as
he did so, but it was of no use. He was so much stronger than me. If anything,
I probably amused him by struggling like I did.

I looked around as we
reached the bottom of the stairs. The basement of the house was rather dark
with no windows and dimmed lighting. There wasn't much in regards to
furnishing, just a single mattress lying directly on the floor and a few
scattered chairs.

He sat me down in one
of the chairs while keeping a firm grasp on my body and said, "I'll ungag
you now, but you must not try to scream or do anything stupid. Because if you
do, I'll make sure you live to regret it."



She nodded her head
while looking up at me with those big, beautiful eyes. I could see the fright
and innocence in her eyes, and it made me want to ravage away that innocence
right then and there.

I peeled off the scarf,
enabling her to speak again. But she was smart enough to not try to yell. Besides,
it wasn't like there was anyone other than the men upstairs to hear her call
for help anyway. And trust me, she definitely didn't want help from any of

With the scarf now free
again, I used it to tie her to the chair she was sitting in.

"What do you want
from me and why did you bring me here?" she asked after I had finished
fastening the knot on her scarf.

"I brought you
here for your own good," I answered.

"My own
good?" she repeated with a bewildered look on her angelic face.

"Yes, after
witnessing what you did back in the alley, the men upstairs were bound to have
you killed sooner or later. But now that you're under my protection, no one
will dare lay a finger on you."

Her expression told me
she was considering my words. Then after a pause, she asked, "So you're
just going to keep me here forever?"

"I don't know for
sure yet. All I can say for certain is that I'll continue to keep you here for
as long as I still want you alive."

"You're a
cold-blooded murderer. Why do you even care whether or not I stay alive?"

"Because you're
beautiful, and I happen to like beautiful things."

"I'm a person, not
a thing," she said defiantly.
Sassy. I like sassy women.

"Regardless, from
here on out, you're going to be my pet. And I'll do whatever I want with



He said I was beautiful
and that I would be his pet from now on. His words sent shivers straight down
my spine.

"What are you
going to do to me?" I asked, out of an odd mixture of fear, curiosity, and

 "I can't tell you
that now; it would ruin all the fun. And I plan on having plenty of fun with
you," he said with a wicked grin.

that what he considered all of this? Because there were lots of ways to describe
what I had been through since seeing him in that dark alley, but fun most
certainly wouldn't be the word I'd use to describe it.

"Although, I can
tell you for sure one thing I will do to you now," he said as he kneeled
down so that his face was more level with mine.

"And what's
that?" I asked.

"This," he
said he grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. His tongue prodded my mouth
open, and without even thinking about it, I started kissing him back.

There was such urgency
in his kiss, it was as if he wanted to ravish me right then and there. So much
passion and wanting could be felt in his kiss that it absolutely took my breath
away. I had never been kissed like this before, and it almost pained me to know
that my first memorable kiss was from the lips of a killer.

I secretly wanted the
kiss to go on forever. Hence, it almost hurt when he pulled away and said,
"I'll come back for more later. Now you be a good girl and don't shout or
do anything stupid while I'm upstairs with the others."



Her lips were so soft
and sensual, I could have easily stayed down in the basement to kiss her all
day. But unfortunately, I had other work I must discuss with the rest of the

Still, I couldn't help
but smile to myself as I walked back upstairs. Even though I didn't exactly ask
her permission to kiss those pouty lips, it was more than obvious by the way
she kissed me back that she enjoyed every moment of it. And since she liked the
way I kissed the sweet lips on her face, I was more than certain she was going
to have one hell of a hard time resisting me once I devoured those pink lips of
her down below.



He didn't even have to
warn me about not shouting out loud after he left the basement floor. I was
utterly speechless by how much I had enjoyed his lips pressed against mine.

Before he left, he
basically made a promise to come back later for more. What exactly did he mean
by that? Was he going to rip off my clothes and claim my virginity? Surely, he
would not be the type of guy to go all gentle and slow. He would be forceful
with his movements regardless of whether or not I was to say no. The thought of
it scared me. Yet it also aroused me in a way that was all so strange and new.

The fact that I was
attracted to this criminal made my skin crawl. I was raised to be a good girl. Mother
had always warned me about falling for a bad boy. And this Tyler guy, if that
even was his real name, was more than just your typical bad boy. He was a
gangster. He killed people whenever something didn't go his way. He captured me
against my will. So why did I physically want him to touch me in the most
intimate of ways?

As I sat tied to a
chair in the basement of an unknown house, I didn't know what I wanted more: To
have the authorities find and rescue me from this dangerous place. Or to have
Tyler come back down here to show me all that I had been missing out on from
living a life that was entirely too safe.



While I was discussing
business matters with the rest of the gang upstairs, I couldn't help but think
about the young woman I had waiting for me downstairs. Just the memory of her
sweet lips was enough to make my cock stir.

At some point during my
meeting with the rest of the Alpha Outlaws, I finalized my decision on what I would
do with my new captive. I was going to keep her with me forever.

My parents had both
forsaken me in their own individual ways. I didn't trust any of the women who
threw themselves at me to remain loyal to me and only me. But the sweet little
captive downstairs, she couldn't possibly dessert me. And that made her the
ideal lover for me.

Chapter 3



There was no visible
clock from where I was sitting. So I had no idea what time it was or how long
Tyler had left me all alone in the basement. All I knew was that I was getting
extremely thirsty and desperately needed some water to drink.

I thought about yelling
for him to please bring me some water. But then I remembered him specifically
instructing me to stay quiet while he was upstairs with the others. I didn't
want to anger him for fear of what he would do to me. So I stayed still and
quiet despite my mind going foggy and my throat getting dry.

Finally, after what
felt like hours, I could hear the creaking sound of the door that led down to
the basement. The sound of footsteps soon followed, and before long, Tyler was
standing before me with a tray in his hands.

The smell of food instantly
hit my nose, causing my belly to rumble. It was only then that I realized I was
also hungry in addition to being thirsty.

"Ready for dinner,
my little pet?" he asked with a smile that caused me to become even more
painfully aware of just how incredibly good looking he was.

"I'm not your
little pet," I said defiantly, despite the pain I was starting to feel
from hunger.

"Fine then. Have
it your way. I'll eat this delicious meal all on my own then," he said as
he sat down on a nearby chair.

He stabbed the meatball
with his fork and plopped it into his mouth. I watched with hunger as he chewed
in a slow and exaggerated manner. My tummy then betrayed me, making more
rumbling noises as he ate the meatball.

"Come on, my
little pet. Stop being so childish. You're not proving anything by starving
yourself. Now that you've seen me eat the food, you can rest assure that I did
not try to poison you. So come on now, eat," he said as he fed me a bite
of the spaghetti and meatballs on his fork.

Maybe it was because I
was so hungry, but I must say that I had never known spaghetti and meatballs to
taste as good as it did on this particular day. I was definitely hungry for
more, but my thirst was calling out to me again.

"Can I have
something to drink?" I asked before taking another bite of the food.

"Only if you say
please," he said in an almost singsong sort of way.

"Please," I
said and he smiled as if delighted by my obedience.

He grabbed the bottle
of water from the tray and opened it before pouring the hydrating liquid into
my mouth. I swallowed greedily, finishing the entire bottle all in one big
gulp. Tyler continued feeding me the food soon after that.

One of my favorite
movies growing up was
Lady and the Tramp
. I remembered watching it as a
youngster and smiling to myself every time I saw the scene where they were
sharing the plate of spaghetti. Now here I was, being fed spaghetti by my
abductor. And the crazy thing was that I could feel a slightly warm and fuzzy
feeling in the pit of my stomach despite being here against my will.

The only rationale I could
come up with was that my favorite childhood movie must have conditioned me to
feel this way to a certain extent. Or maybe that was just my way of excusing
myself from fault for being physically and sexually attracted to this guy whom
I knew for a fact was no good for a girl like me.

"What's your
name?" he asked as he fed me another bite of the meatballs.

"Vivian," I
answered while still chewing my food.

name," he said. "So what's your story, Vivian?"

"Why do you care
to know?"

"Because I'm
interested in learning more about you," he said.

I wasn't sure if it was
an entirely good idea to tell him about myself or not. But I remembered reading
somewhere that the less humanized you are to the person holding you captive,
the higher your chances of getting killed. So perhaps telling him my story
could help him see that I was a person worthy of living.

"I'm just a plain
old boring girl. I go to school. I go home. I study. I do my chores."

"That doesn't
sound like much fun," he said with a frown. "I'm beginning to think I
did you a favor by bringing your here."

"Well, life was
only going to stay that way for a while longer. It would have gotten better once
I finished my studies at the university."

"You really think

"Yes, I would
start building my career and hopefully get out more."

"I highly doubt
that," he said as he fed me the last of the spaghetti and meatballs.

"Why do you say
that?" I asked with food still in my mouth.

"Because the
reality is going to be more like you'll end up going to work every day, come
home, do house chores, sleep, and wake up to start all over again."

"So are you saying
I'm destined for boredom for the rest of my life?"

"Nah. That's the
course you were headed on before you met me. Now that you're mine, life will be
anything but boring," he said with a curl to his lips.

That's what he said I was in relation to him. That word coming from my abductor
should have had me repulsed, but all it did was stir up that tingling sensation

"Of course, I'm
not bored anymore,"  I said as I tried hard to not think about how good it
had felt to have his lips on mine earlier. "I'm too busy being scared for
my life."

"Oh my silly
little pet, you have no reason to be scared. I'm not going to hurt you. If
anything, I'll be showing you the thrills that come from the pleasure of the
flesh," he said as he placed the tray on the floor and looked at me with a
predatory grin.

He got up and reached
behind me to untie me from the chair. He swooped me into his arms and brought
me over to the mattress lying on the floor.

"What are you
doing?" I asked in an alarmed voice.

"You've had your
dinner, now it's my turn to enjoy mine," he said as he threw me down onto
the mattress.

He plopped down on top
of me and kissed me with the same heated desire as before. Unable to control my
urges, I kissed him back, matching his level of intensity.

His hand slid under my
shirt, caressing my skin all over before focusing in on my chest.  He pushed up
the cup of my bra with his fingers and kneaded my breast. I struggled to bite
back a moan as he did so.

His thumb teased my
nipples, stiffening them in the process. Then he pushed up the fabric of my
shirt and brought his face to my heaving breasts. He licked, suckled, and bit
my orbs, making it impossible for me to suppress my moans any longer. He looked
at me then with a wicked glimmer in his eyes, as if to say he had me exactly
where he wanted me, before moving his hands to unbutton my jeans.

He pulled down the
denim in an instant, leaving me in only a pair of white cotton panties.

"Naughty, Vivian,
your panties are already soaking wet," he commented as he tore off the
last piece of fabric still standing in his way.

I had never been naked
in front of a guy before, and a part of me was feeling self-conscious because
of it. I was all soft and curvy while he was all strong and lean.

You're  probably
thinking how crazy I was to be thinking of such things when my abductor was
getting ready to ravish my body. But for some reason, I was keenly interested
in having him find me attractive right about then. I guessed I could lie and
say I wanted to seduce him with my female prowess to have a better chance of
making out of this entire ordeal alive. However, if I was to be absolutely
truthful, it had more to do with the fact that I wanted him to want me. I
wanted him to do as he had said and introduce me to more pleasures of the
flesh. I didn't want my lush figure to somehow stop him from doing whatever he
had planned to do.

All of my worries
turned out to be for naught. Tyler wasted no time in exploring me down there. He
thumbed my clit, bringing me back into the moment. His tongue lapped at my
sopping wet folds, sending a delicious wave of pleasure coursing through my
veins and relieving me of my earlier insecurities.

His finger poked inside
my tight flesh, building up my arousal once again. I still wasn't sure if I
actually wanted him to be the one I give my virginity to, but I honestly didn't
think he cared about my opinion on the matter. I might had been naive on lots
of things, but I knew enough to know that men like Tyler took whatever they
wanted, whenever they wanted it. So if he wanted my virginity, there was no
doubt in my mind that he would take it in an instant.

His long finger slid in
and out of my wet channel, making me want him more and more with each subsequent
insertion of his digit. I had mentally prepared myself for him claiming me when
he suddenly withdrew his finger and backed away from my aching sex.

"You're a virgin?"
he asked in a tone that sounded more like a statement than an actual question.

"Yes," I said
as I looked at him blankly.

"Well, that
changes everything. I've done lots of messed up shit since joining the gang,
but I've never taken a girl's virginity without her wanting it first, and I'm
not going to start now. Luckily, I'm rather patient. So I'll wait until you've
fully submitted yourself to me before taking what's mine," he said in a
steady, lower-pitched voice.

My gaze clouded as I struggled
to comprehend his words. Was he seriously expecting me to beg him to have sex
with me? In a way, I almost wished he would just force himself on me instead. I
wanted him. I needed him even, but I wasn't about to admit it to him. I didn't
want to give him that satisfaction.



It wasn't that I had
never broken a woman's hymen before. I had done that plenty of times. But it
had always been with the woman pleading for me to break through the barrier
that was her virginity.

I could tell from
Vivian's nonverbal cues that she wanted me to ravish her body now. But that
wasn't enough for me. I needed her to say the actual words. It might take
longer this way, but I had no doubt that it was going to be well worth the wait
for her to want to be completely mine. And I was certain that it was going to
happen so long as I was willing to give it a little bit of time.

Right now, though, I
needed to get away from her. I couldn't trust my cock to be near her in my
current state of arousal. I might not be able to control my urges and end up
ripping away the last shred of her virginity. So as to avoid that from
happening, I put my pants back on and locked her up alone in the basement once



"I'm not going to
tie you to the chair this time because I trust that you won't try anything
stupid, Vivian. However, do know that security alarms will automatically go off
in the event you do somehow manage to get out of here. So just relax and try to
get some rest," Tyler said before heading back upstairs.

I was in total
disbelief. My hands carved through my hair as I tried to make sense of my
current situation.

I was a naked woman
atop of a mattress, more than physically ready for my abductor to pluck away my
virginity. Sure, I might had not exactly say for him to please fuck me, but the
way my body was responding to his touch earlier, there was no way for him not
to know how willing I was to have sex with him. Yet he was able to walk away
from me just like that.

Even with him giving me
some sexual release earlier with his mouth, I still needed more from him. My
body ached for his touch. I momentarily thought about taking matters into my
own hands. But after having had his fingers and tongue work my body, I didn't
think my own digits would be enough to satisfy my needs. So I scrubbed a hand
over my face and forced myself to get dress again. Then I distracted myself by
roaming around the basement to see if there was even a way for me to get out of
this place.

 The door that should
have led outside was completely sealed shut. There was, thankfully, a bathroom
with a working sink and toilet. So I took the opportunity to relieve my bladder
before investigating the basement any further.

The only window I saw
was the one located in the bathroom. But it, too, was sealed shut. I mentally
took note of the fact that it might be possible to grab one of the chairs in
the basement to try to smash the window and climb out. However, if I were to
try that I needed to make sure that none of the gang members were around to
capture me the second the security alarms Tyler mentioned earlier were to sound

Having finished
inspecting the entire basement floor, I nervously walked up the stairs in an
effort to sneak through to the main floor. But as soon as my hand landed on the
doorknob of the stairs' door, I realized how naive I was to think it would  be
that easy to exit the basement floor all on my own. Tyler must have locked the
door on his way up earlier because the door refused to budge when I tried
turning the doorknob.

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