Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story)

BOOK: Reluctant to Share: (A Mafia Love Story)
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Reluctant to Share

Mafia Love Story)

Claire Aubrey

2016 Claire Aubrey

rights reserved. Thank you for purchasing this eBook. I hope you'll
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of consent, please know that all characters in this work of fiction are above
the age of 18 and are fully consenting adults. Also, since they are all
fictional characters, any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.

models on the cover of this eBook are only models. They do not personally
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story you're about to read contains adults in adult situations. So only
continue to read if you're a legal adult who isn't offended by sex, violence,
and kidnappings.


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Women were nothing more
than a receptacle for my cum. But Vivian was nothing like the women I had
known, fucked, and shared with the rest of the gang. She was smart, kind, and a
joy to be around.

I cared about her. I lusted
after her mind, body, and soul. Her naivety and innocence starkly contrasted
what I knew, and that made her all the more attractive. I tried to keep her
pure and sweet for as long as I could. But she was so willing to give herself
to me that it became impossible for me to resist.

I was a weak man who
gave in to my lust. Hence, I must now distant myself from Vivian. Keeping her
as my girlfriend would lead to each member of the gang demanding a turn with
her since that was an unspoken rule amongst the Alpha Outlaws. And since I was
reluctant to share her with anyone else, I had no choice but to end things with
her despite it killing me inside.

Vivian had no clue why
I sent her away. She thought I was just a player who discarded her soon after
claiming her virginity. I didn't tell her my true reasons for leaving her
because I felt she would do just about anything to stay by my side. Now I just
hope that she never finds out the truth.

Chapter 1



"Okay class, leave
your papers on my desk on the way out. Have a great weekend and try to stay
safe," said Professor Ledo once he had finished going over his lesson plan
for the day.

Stay safe?
was it that whenever a weekend or holiday was on the horizon, people always
felt the need to remind others to stay safe? Was everyone else really going out
there doing all sorts of crazy, messed up things while I studied for upcoming
exams and helped out with the house chores at home? Honestly, staying safe was
the least of my worries. If anything, I was itching to feel what it was like to
actually get in trouble for once.

Growing up as an only
child wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Instead of getting spoiled, I
had to live with extremely strict rules under my parent's roof. It was their
way of making sure I didn't end up disappointing them. Also, because I didn't
have any siblings, it was my responsibility to take care of most of the
household chores once I had reached my preadolescent years.

My father was a
salesman who traveled often for work. Meanwhile, my mother worked in retail and
was hardly ever home during nights and weekends. So it was up to me to make
sure the floors got mopped and the lawn outside mowed regularly.

I never really minded
helping out with the chores at home. After all, it was my way of contributing
to the family. What I did mind, though, was all the pressure from my parents to
be so perfect all the time.

They expected me to get
the best marks in school, land the perfect job after graduation, and then start
a family with a man they deemed good enough to be their son-in-law. I wasn't
supposed to date anyone just for the heck of dating, and my mother kept
reminding me how important it was for me to save myself for marriage.

I was about to turn 21
in just a few months, and I had not even had a proper kiss from a man. Yes, I
had technically been kissed before while out on a date with the eldest son of
one of my mother's friends. But it wasn't the type of kiss that had my toes
curling or my heart skipping a beat. In fact, I hardly felt anything at all while
he kissed me. Then as soon as he was out of sight, I was quick to wipe my mouth
in an effort to erase the not-so-passionate kiss.

Late at night, whenever
I was alone with my thoughts in bed, I would fantasize about meeting someone
who would take my breath away. He would rescue me from my mundane life and take
me on an incredibly wild ride. He would expose me to all that was adventurous
and thrilling, helping me to finally feel alive.

Of course, I had no
idea how I was ever going to meet such a guy. I went straight home after school
each day, and I hardly ever went anywhere worth mentioning on the weekends. So
yeah, staying safe over the weekend was definitely not something I had to worry
about. Or so I had mistakenly thought.



It was supposed to be a
fairly standard transaction. I was to give Marcus the items he had ordered from
the Alpha Outlaws while he handed over a briefcase full of money to me. But the
dumbwit was crazy enough to try to cheat me.

I opened the briefcase
and was greeted by the sight of neatly stacked rows of one hundred-dollar
bills. I didn't bother to inspect the top row of bills. What would have been
the point? No one would be stupid enough to place counterfeit money right on

 I grabbed a random
stack of money and flipped through it. Then I chose a single bill towards the
back to examine more closely with a small flashlight I had on me. It didn't
take long for me to notice that the two serial numbers on the bill didn't match
up with one another.

Without saying a single
word, I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the dumbwit's head.

"Please don't
shoot me!" begged Marcus. "I can explain!"

Stifling a yawn, I
pulled the trigger, leaving Marcus for dead. I then concealed my weapon and made
my way out of the dark alley, when suddenly, I heard the noise of shuffling
footsteps behind me.

I turned around and saw
the back of a woman as she hurriedly ran in the opposite direction. I chased
after her, and within seconds, I had her within my arms. My hand was quick to
cover her mouth, stopping her from screaming out.

I should have grabbed
my gun then and killed her on the spot. That would have eliminated any chances
of her getting away and identifying me in the murder of Marcus. But I made the
mistake of looking straight into her beautiful, fear-ridden eyes. So instead of
pulling out my gun, I dragged her out to my waiting car.

Chris, one of the other
Alpha Outlaws members, was sitting behind the steering wheel, ready to drive at
my command.

"What's with the
chick?" he asked as I pulled the young woman into the car.

"Marcus tried to
pull one over on us; so I shot the dumbwit. This chick just happened to be at
the wrong place at the wrong time."

"What? She
witnessed you killing someone and you're still letting her live?"

"Stop asking
questions, Chris. Just shut up and drive."



I had just finished
typing up the first draft of my midterm paper when the phone rang. I answered
promptly and was greeted by the voice of my mother on the other end of the

"Vivian, I'm so
glad you're home to answer the phone," she said.

"Of course, I'm
home, Mother. Where else would I be?"

Ignoring my rhetorical
question, my mother proceeded to say, "Your Aunt Paula just called to say
she'll be coming over for a visit tomorrow. So could you please be a dear and
make a trip to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for me to whip up
dinner for us all tomorrow evening?"

Mother," I said as I grabbed a pen and a notepad to jot down everything my
mother wanted me to buy.

As soon as I got off
the phone with my mother, I changed into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve
shirt. Remembering that the weather had been chilly as of late, I grabbed a
scarf and wrapped it around my neck. Then I went outside to walk to the grocery
store a few blocks from home.

Along the way, I came
across some barricades that blocked the path I was going on. The signs there
indicated it was all in preparation for the marathon race tomorrow.

Yes, of course, how
could I have forgotten? Some of my classmates from school had been talking
about that race earlier today. Apparently, they had been training for months
and were really excited about it.

I often thought about
running a marathon someday. But it was just wishful thinking on my part,
because with everything else on my plate, there was no way I could ever find
the time to train.

With the usual route to
the grocery store now closed, I walked along one of the small, narrow roads
instead. The path was dark and vacant, but I figured it was safe since the
neighborhood I lived in never appeared on the evening news during crime

I was walking along,
minding my own business, when suddenly I heard the sound of two men talking in
the near distance. Looking around to locate the source of the voices, I finally
saw the men standing in a dark alley close to where I was standing.

Both of the men were
tall and fit, but one of them was noticeably taller. The taller one was holding
a flashlight in his hand, and with that little bit of light, I was able to
catch a glimpse of his face.

He was strikingly
handsome with deep, penetrating eyes and a chiseled jawline. I stood there for
a moment just admiring his looks. Suddenly, the scene before me drastically

The handsome guy I had
been gawking at had a gun pointed at the other guy's head, leading the other
guy to beg for his life. I stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Next thing I
knew, the gun had gone off, and the handsome guy was leaving the scene.

My flee-or-fight
instinct finally kicked in, and I started to run away. But I didn't get very
far before I was caught and trapped within the arms of the guy I had just seen
committing murder.

His hand covered my
mouth in an instant, making it impossible for me to yell for help. Fear swept
over my body as I regretted not living more while I still had the chance.

I thought he was going
to kill me right then and there, leaving me for dead right next to his previous
victim. But instead, he used his strong arms to drag me from the dark alley
into a waiting car.

He pulled me into the
back seat of the car. Another guy was already sitting in the driver's seat, and
he was asking questions about me. Like me, the driver was surprised by the fact
I was still alive after witnessing the murder. But my assailant didn't bother
to say why he had captured me instead of simply finishing me off.

What did he plan on
doing to me? Was he taking me back to their place and killing me there? Would
it be one quick bullet to the brain? Or did he plan on torturing me first?

And who was he anyway?
Based on his conversation with the driver, whom he referred to as Chris, the
guy he killed was named Marcus. It wasn't made entirely clear to me why Marcus
was killed, but it sounded like Marcus must have tried to outsmart my assailant
and failed. My best guess was all of these men were in some sort of gang and
involved in criminal activities together.

Then something clicked
inside my head. Were they also involved in the skin trade? Was the reason he
spared my life to make me into a sex slave? I had heard about such crimes on
the internet and TV but never once did it cause me to fear. I had felt so
safely removed from it all until now.

I wanted to cry right
about then. All this time, I had saved myself for marriage. Yet now there was a
possibility that I might end up a sex slave, forced to service men after men.

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