Redemption (3 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

BOOK: Redemption
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“I want you.”

“Pete—I’m not stopping you.”

Peter walked around to stand in front of him. Grey’s mouth watered at the sight of Peter. Peter’s cock was hard and outlined in his pants, right there—all Grey had to do was reach out and touch.

“It’s just sex.”

Grey closed his eyes. Fuck. How could he convince Peter it was more than that?

“For now.” Grey moved so he could nuzzle Peter’s crotch.

He wanted skin and they were wearing too many clothes. Grey wasn’t going to fight, not right now. He was too close to having a taste of his mate. But he wasn’t letting this go and wouldn’t let Peter put him in the fuck buddy category.

The zipper was right in front of him—Grey took it in his teeth and eased it down. Peter’s fat heavy cock was there, ready to be tasted. He’d gone commando. That was so sexy Grey almost came right there. He had no control over his body.

“Suck me, Grey.”

“What changed?” Grey had to know what had brought about this new attitude. This whole time Pete had been so standoffish—now he was giving in to his baser needs?

Pete looked confused. “Huh?”

Grey moved away, sitting back in his chair and not touching Pete.

“You’re fighting me all the time. Why now? What changed?”

“Can’t we just—”

“Have sex, because that’s all we’re good for?”

“No—that isn’t—not—”

“So you’re saying you want to try this—you and me? More than a quick fuck in the plane and then you go back to ignoring me or bitching at me?”

God, he was stupid. Pete was going to have sex with him and here he was questioning things. Why couldn’t he just take what he could?

Because I want more. I deserve

Pete crossed his arms over his chest. This was the man that Grey knew. The one with a chip on his shoulder who was angry at the world. This Pete he could deal with.

“I’m horny and you can’t deny you are too.”

“So I’m just here to scratch an itch? You can do better than that.”

“Screw you.”

“No, thanks. Don’t we have some pack members to find?”

“Fine. Breakfast is in the galley. I’ll meet you outside.”

Pete stalked off the plane, not even waiting for Grey to respond. He had no idea why he’d pushed it. Pete had finally shown a sexual interest in him and Grey should have run with it, consequences be damned. But he didn’t know how to deal with Pete. He was such a stubborn wolf and Grey wanted to get his hands on whoever had fucked up his mate’s life. Hell, Grey hadn’t had it easy in his den, but no way would he let someone dictate his love life, he’d love the person he wanted to. Let them try and he’d beat them down. It was different with Pete. Sometimes he looked so sad, like he wanted more. Grey wanted to give it to him.

Not now. Not here. Grey didn’t have time to seduce Pete to his way of thinking. They had to find the missing pack members and head home. Grey had more to worry about than his mate. His sister was out there somewhere, missing, maybe alone. They needed to get back to America and normalcy.

Grey went to find some food so they could get this crap over with.


* * * *


Who the hell did Greycen think he was? So what if Pete wanted a quick fuck? Was it his fault that, just once, he wanted to know what it would be like to have sex? To feel someone’s arms wrapped around him in love. God, he wanted that so bad, but he was worthless. Grey had just confirmed it. Pete wasn’t good enough even for a pity fuck. And now he was being stupid. Pete stormed down the plane steps. Maybe he’d take his cousin Everett on a road trip. Just them and their bikes with no one around for miles. At least until Grey left for his den, then he could return to his home. Pete gulped and rubbed his chest. It hurt to think of Grey leaving, but it was for the best. He was too tempting. Look what had almost happened. He’d walked into the cabin and seen Grey rubbing his neck and Pete had had to touch—the urge had been strong and before he’d known it he’d been behind Grey, massaging his back, working out the kinks. And those words had slipped out.

I want you.

But it was more than that. Pete craved Grey with a passion he hadn’t known existed. It hurt to deny him, but he had to. They were abominations and he couldn’t taint Grey or they’d both die. Hunted and shot down for wanting another man. His parents had told him they’d find him wherever he was if he so much as attempted to be with another guy. Pete believed them. There’d been a time a couple of years ago when Everett had dragged him to a gay bar. All he’d done was dance with a guy and his dad had been there with a knife. Cut him up real bad. He’d be dead if not for his cousin.

Nope, he wasn’t bringing Grey into his life. It would be better if he left.

For who?

Pete closed his eyes and sat on the ground. The thoughts he was having were dangerous.

Your family can’t find you here, dipshit.
something. Fuck Grey. Let him fuck you. No one would know.

But he would know and the minute he stepped foot back in America his parents would show up. Probably kill him and Grey. No way in hell was that happening. It was safer this way. And he’d keep thinking that until he convinced himself.

Grey brushed past him and dropped a pack beside him.

“Do you have the coordinates Bella gave you for the necklace?”

“Yep. GPS too,” Pete nodded.

“Great. The pilot is staying here with the plane. Let’s get this over with.”

There were no words between them as they made their way through the jungle. Grey was angry and Pete didn’t blame him. The situation was fucked up and they really didn’t have time to get into it. Pete had to get away from temptation and the damn pack had forced him into a situation that made it hard for him to keep his hands to himself.

Why do I have to?

Wasn’t Grey some kind of protector? He could hold his own. All Pete had to do was explain the situation.

And there he went, thinking dangerous thoughts again.

They stopped for a water break. Everything looked the same. Pete looked down at the GPS. They had to be close.

“If we don’t find it in a few hours we’ll set up camp. I don’t want to go tramping around in the dark in an unknown place. We’ll take turns with the watch.” That was the most Grey had said to him all day.

“Are you sure we can’t push it a little more?”

“I don’t know about you—but I’d like to get home alive. We don’t know what kind of predators are out there or if there is some kind of ambush waiting. I want to be alert and ready for anything.”

There wasn’t anything Pete could say to that. Grey was right. Their break over, they continued their trek until they reached a clearing.

“Why haven’t we seen the wreckage from the other plane?” Peter inquired.

“Good question. I have no idea, but what does this look like to you?” Grey waved him over.

Pete looked around—it was an odd place to be so open. He crouched down beside Grey.

“Is that… Hell it is—the necklace.” Pete looked over at Grey.

Grey reached for it.

“Wait—” But Pete wasn’t in time. The second Grey had the necklace in his grasp, he was flung back.

Pete rushed over. Grey didn’t look hurt. He sat up and looked around.


“What happened?” Pete demanded.

“Joy spelled the damn thing. Now my head is pounding. I saw it. Everything. Ive and Djimon were captured by some native. Joy and Zareb went to destroy the Vessel.” Grey tossed the necklace to the ground, like he couldn’t get away from it fast enough.

“Did you see which way Ive was taken?” Pete kicked at it, but was careful not to actually touch it.

Grey pointed off to the right. Pete could make out a trail—barely, but it was there.

“I want to camp here tonight. When daylight hits we’re going after Ive.” Grey stood and brushed off his pants. His ass looked good enough to squeeze—but Pete wasn’t going there.

He cleared his throat. “Not half-cocked. We can’t race in there and save the day.”

Grey gave him a look that said ‘duh’. Pete just grinned back until he realised what he was doing and he looked down. He couldn’t get chummy, it was too dangerous.

“We’ll observe first, assess the situation and then take action. You ready for this?”

Fighting might be the only thing Pete was ready for. That was easy—emotions on the other hand could go fuck themselves.

“I’m ready. Let’s start unpacking.” Pete turned his back on Grey and rifled through his pack. There was a small pup tent inside and a few things to make a fire. He tossed them out and set up camp.

This was the life—roughing it outdoors under the night sky. He looked up and was amazed by all the stars. He really shouldn’t have been, because the pack house was just as lovely at night—but this was different. He was a world away from his problems. Now, if he could just take what he really wanted. He shot a glance over at Grey to see him doing the same thing—setting up a tent a few feet away.

Would he have the balls to suggest they use one tent for body heat? Probably not. He’d freeze his balls off before getting that close to temptation again.

“You doing okay? How’s the head?”

“Fine. I’ll get the fire, you do dinner?” Grey wouldn’t even look at him.

Good. That’s what he wanted—wasn’t it?

Pete rummaged through the bag for the MREs they’d packed. He didn’t know where Russ came up with military rations, but he wasn’t going to question it. They would do for tonight. If they were here much longer he’d go hunting to find some fresh meat.

He watched Grey through lowered lids, trying not to be too obvious. He knew it was ruined when his cock hardened. Warring scents were in the air. This tension had to be broken and he’d do it if he had to. Enough was enough. They might not be mates, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have more. Screw his family.

Now he had to figure out how to talk to Grey about it without pissing him off. Did he even have to talk? He set the meals off to the side. Grey was looking at him now. Pete sat down and unzipped his pants. He was so hard it might not take much to get him off. Especially not with Grey watching him.

It was if the surrounding area faded away and it was only the two of them. Pete licked his lips, his breathing erratic. He wanted this so bad he could taste it. Not wanting to rush it and liking Grey’s eyes on him he started off slow, stroking up and down. He paused to wipe the head of his cock, his pre-cum beading up. He rubbed it on his lips and sucked his thumb into his mouth. That was all it took to break Grey’s control. Pete didn’t think it would take much. Not with the way they wanted each other.

Grey kissed him and he moaned, tasting himself and Grey. Pete let go of his dick and wrapped his arms around Grey, bringing him closer. He didn’t want either of them to think. Nothing here could break this moment. It was going to happen.


Chapter Four




Grey couldn’t believe he was kissing Pete. One minute he was tending to the fire ignoring Pete and the next he was watching him jack off. The moment Pete touched his lips with his cum, Grey was a goner. He wanted to taste and he was going to.

All his plans to make Pete wait went out of the window. He was claiming his mate. Right here and right now. He almost lost it when Pete surrounded him with his arms. Pete was rocking against him and it couldn’t be comfortable with his dick rubbing against his zipper. They should get undressed, but Grey was afraid of ruining the connection they had. If he moved the wrong way or said the wrong thing—this would end and he’d be back to having a surly mate.

Maybe if they shared this now, Pete would realise that they were meant for each other. Grey pressed Pete’s body as close to his as he could get. It was starting to chill and would be best if they got into one of the tents.

He didn’t bother suggesting it. He moved away from Pete and held out his hand. The true test was if Pete took it and followed him. Grey held his breath, hoping against hope that Pete would take it. His knees almost buckled as Pete took what was offered.

They stumbled into the tent, each rushing to get their clothes off. Pete finished first and looked so sexy sprawled out. The best thing was how intent Pete’s stare was. Grey finally ditched the last of his clothes and crawled over to Pete. The tent was small and barely contained him. Pete’s legs were hanging out of the front. He loved how tall he was and he wanted to taste every inch of him. Grey backed out of the tent, his bare ass cold, but he didn’t care. He started with Pete’s toes, sucking each digit. Pete squirmed, but didn’t stop him. The noise he was making was driving Grey crazy. He refused to touch his own cock because he was afraid he’d come right then and there and that might wake Pete out of whatever had caused him to want this here and now.

Grey peppered kisses along Pete’s long legs and nibbled at his inner thigh. Not wanting it to end too fast he only kissed the tip of Pete’s cock before continuing up the lovely body. This was his mate, the man he’d spend forever with, and he wanted their first time to be the best. Who cared if they were in the middle of the jungle in a tent, it would be a moment to remember.

They were soon lost in each other’s arms. The time and place didn’t matter anymore. Grey had never known sex could be so—right. Pete filled his very being and made him whole and Grey hadn’t even known he was broken. He buried his face in Pete’s neck. Not the best idea because the urge to bite was strong. To bond them as one. Pete smelt of forest and home. Grey’s teeth ached to pierce the skin, his mouth full of saliva. He wasn’t going to be able to control himself. He was so far gone and one bite wouldn’t bind them as mates. They needed the ritual and the words for Pete and he just won’t release the mating serum. Grey gave in to the urge and sank his teeth in. Pete howled and threw his head back.

Pete returned the bite, sinking his teeth into Grey’s neck, and they were both goners. He could feel Grey’s hot release inside him. He exploded between them and a white light surrounded them as the ground shook. Grey thought it was because of the best orgasm he’d ever had and collapsed against Pete. That’s when he felt it. A heat coursed through his body and Pete was there. It was the oddest sensation. He could feel what Pete was feeling. His mate was now a part of him.

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