Redemption (10 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

BOOK: Redemption
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“No!” Grey sat up and stared down at Pete.

“Yes. I think you should come too. I need to make sure they stay away. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder all the time.”

“I’ll go, but I’m not promising I’ll behave.”

“Duly noted.” Pete sat up too and pulled Grey to him. “Now—I think there was talk of strengthening our bond. Are you ready?”

“What do we need to do? In our tribe we just bite and release the mating serum—which I didn’t do in Africa—just so you know. There’s more for you, right? I heard about a ritual and some words?”

“I didn’t think you’d do that to me, even when I was a bit spazzed, I had faith in you. And there is so much more to the wolves’ way of taking a mate. Why don’t we mate your way first then we’ll get your ass ready and I’ll show you what I was taught. I just hope I remember it all.”

Chapter Twelve




Pete was nervous. Things seemed to be going his way. Happiness was in his grasp and he was going to take it with both hands.

Grey kissed him and the world faded away. It was the two of them in a cocoon of happiness. Cheesy, sure, but he was allowed. Pete was in love, with a man. He was gay and had a mate. His parents were wrong.

“I’m doing something wrong if you’re thinking that hard.” Grey bit him where his shoulder joined his neck.

There was no warning at all. Grey’s fangs pricked his skin and Pete’s cock got harder than it ever had before. He didn’t know he’d be into biting, but the sensation was wonderful and his body warm. It might have something to do with knowing they were making the bond they’d started in Africa even stronger. Grey licked the abused skin and Pete tilted his head to give Grey more room.

“You could do that all night and I’d be happy.”

“I wouldn’t. You promised me a ritual.”

“Right. Okay. It goes pretty fast and involves a lot of words, biting and sex. Think you can handle it?” Pete winked at Grey.

He laughed when Grey tackled him and started tickling him. Who knew sex could be fun. No one had ever told him. He had so much to learn and couldn’t wait for Grey to teach him.

“I give! Uncle!” Pete laughed and Grey nuzzled into his shoulder.

Pete scraped Grey’s throat with his teeth before sinking them into the tender flesh. He leant back and whispered the words, “You’re mine, in mind.”

The reverence wasn’t lost on him. Nothing mattered but this moment in time. He licked his way to Grey’s chest right where his heart was. He gave it a kiss before biting down. “You’re mine, in heart.” He whispered above the broken skin.

This time he kissed his way down to where Grey’s thigh met his pelvis and again he bit down. “You’re mine, in body.”

Now it was time for the last part that would bind them together tighter than any other ceremony on Earth. Pete sank slowly into Grey saying the words, “You’re mine now, in mind, heart and body forever more.”

Grey moaned and threw his head back. The clearing swirled with magic and Pete could feel Grey even more strongly. They were one.

He tugged and was rewarded with Grey’s orgasm. A clap of thunder echoed in the clearing and lightening flashed across the sky. Magic crackled in the air, even stronger now than when Pete had uttered the words.

Heat infused his body from head to toe and he shook. Grey fell on top of him, panting for breath. It couldn’t have been more perfect if they’d been in a five-star hotel somewhere. The wildlife had started making itself known, but Pete wasn’t ready to move. He held Grey close and peppered kisses on any part of Grey’s body he could reach.


Perfect. There was no other way Grey could explain what had happened. The ritual was beautiful and much better than the bite the foxes would give. Their bond was as strong as it was going to be. The words must have been some kind of spell, because, even though he wasn’t a magic user, he could feel it in the air.

Were the stars brighter? Maybe he was just in love.

“I love you, Pete.” Grey kissed his chest.

He didn’t want to move, but Pete had to be getting uncomfortable on the ground. They should go back to the pack house, but there were too many people. Maybe they should see about getting their own place on the pack land. So they could have their own home. Grey would like that. He’d suggest it to Pete—maybe tomorrow, no need to freak him out tonight.

It had been a big step and Grey realised that. His mate had been through too much in his life and Grey wanted to make their years together happy.

“I love you too, Grey.”

“We should—” He couldn’t finish the words because Pete squeezed him tight.

“Not yet. Please.”

Grey couldn’t deny Pete and it wasn’t his back on the ground. He was content to lie on top of Pete all night. Who needed a bed? Covers would be nice, but they didn’t even have their clothes. They’d shifted closer to the pack house. They’d have to shift again to get back. He was feeling a bit protective of Pete and didn’t want anyone looking at him. It was silly, they all got naked when they ran as a pack, but he could be irrational right now. They were newly bonded.

He hadn’t thought things could get stronger after Africa, but he’d been wrong. Grey listened to Pete’s heart as it slowed down. Pete had started caressing his back. This is what he’d always wanted. A mate to share things with and now he had that. They might still have some issues, but now they could work through them together. And it wasn’t as if Pete could really ever leave him. One of the perks of being mated was the ability to find your mate anywhere.

They could also tell how the other was feeling. Like right now, Pete was sleepy and content, even though they were both sticky and, a little cold. The breeze had picked up. Grey wasn’t going to complain. They’d have to come back to this spot again. It was peaceful. Grey wondered if the other pack members knew about it.

His question was answered when a couple stumbled out of the woods.

“Oh!” the woman squealed.

Pete tensed up, but didn’t move.

Grey didn’t know who they were and didn’t say anything yet.

“Sorry, Pete, we didn’t know anyone was out here. We’ll leave you guys—”

“No, it’s okay. We were actually just leaving.” Grey stood and reached down a hand to help Pete up. He stood in front of Pete, protecting him.

Pete smiled and nodded before shifting. Grey didn’t have time to introduce himself to the couple because Pete had run off. He was going to give chase.

“Evening.” He nodded and thought of his fox form and raced after Pete.

He caught up with him—Pete hadn’t gone far and was waiting for him. Grey ran full tilt and bowled Pete over. If he’d been in human form he’d have laughed. They played for a few minutes before heading back. This—this was what Grey could get used to and he was very happy Pete was giving him a chance to live it. Yep, he was asking Russ about that house because he wanted to make Pete howl as often as possible. He nipped at Pete’s legs and skidded to a stop at their clothes.

Ev was there waiting for them. Neither shifted and it didn’t look like Ev needed them to.

“Pete—I’m happy for you man, you totally deserve all the happiness in the world. Grey—don’t dick him over or I will hunt you down and you don’t want to be on my bad side.” Ev turned and left them alone.

Grey shifted back and watched his mate do the same, “Well, I can say this—he is very protective and I’m happy you had him, but now that’s my job.”

Grey gave Pete a hard kiss on the mouth before tugging on his clothes. Life would never be dull around this pack, but Grey was ready for the adventure.

Chapter Thirteen




“So you decided to come back tonight?” Ive turned on the bedside lamp.

She wasn’t going to make this easy for him, but Dji hadn’t expected her to. It was time to man up.

“We need to talk. I should have said that earlier instead of running off. I have no excuse. Kir told me Naomi was his mate and I was shocked that he wanted to go home. I made him stop and we talked. I realised I was being a hypocrite. I want to explore what we have. Tell me it isn’t too late.” Dji sat on the edge of the bed.

“I should tell you no and make you leave, but there is something you didn’t take into account when you left. I’ve fallen in love with your dumb ass. If you hadn’t come back of your own free will I would have come after you, make no mistake about it. I had my breakdown moment, but that’s over. We’re a partnership and you’re going to have to deal with it.

“Dmitri might have had control of your body, but he never touched your soul. We both know it. If he had, you wouldn’t have recognised me and you wouldn’t have helped Valerie. You forget, I’m new here too. The only family I truly have is my brother. I need you as much as you need me.”

His mate was so strong, but instead of saying she deserved better, maybe he should think of her as his strength.

“Things won’t always be easy.”

“You think it’s been easy so far?” Ive raised a brow.

Dji threw back his head and laughed. “This is true. It took a lot to get here. I promise not to run away again and to talk to you if I need to.”

“It doesn’t always have to be me. You have your brothers, just as I have my sister-mates. The six of us are stronger together. I don’t think the pack knows what they have in you—the protectors.”

“We aren’t protectors anymore. I’ve never truly been one. Kir was never meant to be one, but the magic used when the Vessel was opened changed that. He’s been through his own hell.”

“Then we’re here for him and need to let him know. His mate is very upset. She thinks it’s her fault the two of you ran off.”

“I’ll have to talk to her tomorrow. Kir will have a harder time adjusting to America and the idea of a mate is more than he knows what to do with. He hasn’t really spoken of what happened, but I know he felt abandoned.”

“Guess we’ll have to show them the ropes.” Ive winked.

She could break the tension with just a few words and a gesture. She really was his other half. She wouldn’t let him get too serious and he’d have to return the favour.

Dji pushed Ive onto the bed. She was already naked. He hadn’t noticed it before because she was under the blankets, but they had fallen away from her breasts, leaving the plump temptation in front of him. He took a nipple in his mouth and bit down. This time it was hard enough to draw blood. Ive almost came off the bed. Dji didn’t let go. He released the mating serum and retracted his teeth, licking at the wound.

“Again. Please.”

His little fox liked to be bitten. Something he’d have to remember. Dji went to the other breast and gave it the same treatment, biting down hard, as he released more fluid. Ive reared off the bed and sank her teeth into his neck. Dji’s cock pulsed, his body was warmer than it had ever been.

They were now truly mated. He knew that this tribe had a ritual, he’d learned that through Dmitri, but his magic was strong enough that a bite would do it, and it looked as if it was the case with his mating to Ive. He would never leave her again. She was too important and he’d die before he left her side in a panic again. This was his life and he was going to live it like it was intended. To its fullest with the woman that meant the world to him by his side.

If someone had told him months ago that he’d be in this position—well, he wouldn’t have done anything because he was trapped in his own body, but there was so much he wanted to do and see.

Ive kissed his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him.

“Dji, I need you.”

Dji followed her onto the bed, pressing her down. The last time he’d done this she’d squirmed so he knew she liked it. He was pleased that she liked things a little rougher. Not that he’d always be that way with her. Like now—now was the time for soft and gentle. He was going to make love to his mate.

“I love you, Ive.”


Ive almost cried again. She didn’t think she’d hear those words. She’d despaired of ever hearing them. When he’d walked through the door she’d been so relieved. Now they were mated and he’d said he loved her.

“Make love to me, Dji.”

She lifted her neck so their lips could meet. It was a gentle brush of mouths. Ive closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. Dji nibbled along her jaw and licked at her neck. She was more sensitive there than she realised. Ive shivered and sighed. Her eyes still closed, she enjoyed each touch and caress. Dji lapped the mating marks he’d made. She thought most people bit the neck, but she liked this much better. Ive wondered if she could get him to do that again—later. Right now the soft touches of Dji’s mouth were driving her crazy. Ive clutched the sheets. Dji was moving the top blanket completely off her to continue his tour of her body.

“Dji—I need you—please.”

He wasn’t listening, taking his time. He reached her pussy and she remembered their first time, his fist inside her. She wanted that again. It was so intense and better than anything she’d felt before. There would be time for that later as well. Right now she wanted Dji’s cock inside her. He bit down on her clit—not too hard, but enough for her to dig her heels into the mattress and thrust into Dji’s mouth. He licked and nibbled between bites. Ive squirmed on the bed. Dji stopped and Ive whimpered. She needed to come so bad, but he wasn’t letting her. Every time she got close he stopped. It was frustrating, but she soon forgot it when he started back up again. Dji kept bringing her to the edge.

“Please,” Ive panted. She didn’t know what she wanted—for him to stop or keep going. She was out of her mind. Dji kissed his way up her body, his thumb taking over where his mouth had left off. He flicked her clit and not in rhythm she could get used to.

Dji reached her mouth and kissed her. Ive moaned into his mouth. He tasted like her. She bit at his lips, sucked on his tongue and wrapped her arms around his body, scratching at his back. She was going crazy.

Finally he gave her what she wanted. He spread her legs wide and thrust inside her. Ive held her legs back, giving him more room to move. His balls slapped her ass, adding another level to the experience. She wanted to suck on those balls, to have Dji’s cock in her mouth. Even to taste herself on his length to see if it was different than from his tongue. The very idea excited her. She was surprising herself left and right. Ive never would have guessed she was kinky, but there was so much she couldn’t wait to do with Dji.

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