Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones
“I found them.” Zareb had returned.
“Good, where are they?” Joy asked.
“They did not go far. They went to the clearing I took Kir to this afternoon. They will return in the morning. It seems the two of them have had a talk. Kir was set to go back to Africa until he told Djimon that Naomi was his mate. Dji refused to leave after that, told Kir that the guilt would not ruin them. I hope that is the case.”
Ive couldn’t hold it in anymore. Today had been a rollercoaster of unknowns. She sobbed into her hands. Naomi hugged her and stroked her back, calming her down.
“It’ll be okay, Ive. Leaving like they did was a good thing. Being here is an even better thing. Knowing we can reach out to each other is a godsend. You shouldn’t bottle things up so much. This weekend we’re having a girls’ night. We’ll kick the guys out and let them do whatever in the main house and I’ll invite all the women down here for a barbeque.” Joy broke into Ive’s cry fest. She almost didn’t hear her.
“I—I would like that.” Ive threw herself at Joy.
They stumbled, but Zareb was there to catch them. The support would be wonderful. So much better than her den. There had been so much hatred between the foxes. They were elitist and species snobs. They’d hated Grey and everything he stood for. There was no way they could go back now, not that they wanted to. She wondered how her brother was faring.
“It’s settled then. Will you talk to Vivian? She should be able to arrange everything, being Russ’ mate. Tell her I’ll see her about it tomorrow.” Joy patted her on the back.
“Thank you. We should go now.” Ive wiped her face and gave Joy another squeeze before they left.
Dji and Kir sat on a log in a peaceful clearing. He shouldn’t have left Ive like that. It hurt far worse than what he’d been expecting. Zareb had left a bit ago, but his words still stood between him and Kir.
If you both do not return I will find your mates suitable men in your absence.
That was what he wanted. Ive would be better off without him. But hearing those words aloud were his undoing. He’d already told Kir he couldn’t leave his mate and he wouldn’t be a hypocrite.
“We were wrong to leave, Kir. It was a hasty thing to do and we hurt two of the people who should be the most important in our world. I think that makes us selfish. You panicked and I followed suit.” Dji sighed.
“I—Djimon, I went from having nothing and fighting for scraps to this—this—family? Now I’m expected to mate. It is very overwhelming.”
“I know, but I guess that’s what family is for. To help with the freak-outs. Now we have to hope we didn’t screw things up too bad. No one is saying you have to mate right now. Get to know this woman. What was her name? Naomi?”
“Yes. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“And you were going to leave that?”
Kir shrugged. “I panicked.”
“Things haven’t been easy for either of us. I think it’s about time we did something about that. Don’t you?” Dji felt stronger, now that he’d actively decided to stop being afraid and listen to his heart. Ive was his and he wasn’t letting her go. He should be fighting for her, not running from her.
“Should we really let them wait all night?” Kir picked at his fingers and stared into the distance.
“No. We need to head back to the pack house. It’s about time we got our new lives in order.” Dji stood.
“Agreed. I’m only sorry I dragged you with me.”
“None of that. I think we have enough guilt between us to power the world.”
Kir chuckled. “You could be right.
Dji slapped Kir on the back. “Now let’s hope our mates will listen to us.
Chapter Eleven
Pete wondered when Grey would catch up with him. He wasn’t ready to talk. Not yet. His family problems were still at the forefront of his mind. He was seeing things that weren’t there. Last night he’d gone outside and searched the area he’d thought his parents were at, but there was nothing there. Not even a good scent.
He would have to confront them or go crazy. It had been a long time since they’d been in his life. It was almost as if, once he’d joined the Masters’ tribe, they’d left him alone. He’d always wondered if Ev had had anything to do with that. He should probably ask.
Grey cornered him on the stairs. He’d been going down and planned on taking a walk in the grounds to clear his head.
“I just wanted to tell you I’m packing up and heading out in the morning.”
“Stay,” Pete whispered.
“Why? Fuck you, Pete. I’ve tried—God, everything, and you keep pushing me away. I—fuck—I can’t do this anymore, Pete. I can’t.” Grey slumped his shoulders, letting his head hang down.
He wouldn’t even look at Pete anymore. He had to get closer, to somehow make Grey understand.
“That’s right. You. It all comes down to you and what you want and what you need and how things should be. No. I refuse. No more. I’m off the Peter train. I’ll take my own den over you ripping my heart out every day and stomping on it for good measure. It’s all or nothing time, babe. I’m not your fuck toy.”
“Grey—please, listen I need time.” Maybe if he’d explained about his parents Grey would understand and not leave.
“Your time just ran out, sweetheart.” Grey didn’t even look back as he stormed out of the pack house.
Pete didn’t move.
“What the fuck are you doing, man? Go after him. Now.” Ive pushed him towards the door.
He had no idea where she’d come from and it looked like she’d been crying. Naomi was with her and she looked just as bad as he felt.
Pete stumbled. “You heard him, Ive. It’s over.” He turned and headed to his room.
“You’re an idiot,” she shouted after him.
“What did you say?” Pete paused and looked back at Ive.
“I said—you’re an idiot. My brother loves you. The two of you are mates—you both know it. Why are you fighting it so hard?”
“There are things—”
“Who gives a shit? Things don’t matter when you’ve found the person who is the other half of your soul. I could have given up so many times. I mean—come on, my mate was possessed and had no control over himself for centuries, but that didn’t stop me. He was mine and I would keep him at any cost. I would be broken without him. So stop whining and go get my brother.” She pointed towards the door.
“You heard the lady—go.” Russ demanded.
He hadn’t even seen the pack leader show up.
“But, Russ—we’re men—we shouldn’t—”
“Don’t care. He’s your mate. That is all that matters. If it wasn’t meant to be, the bond wouldn’t be there. But it is. Now go get him and bring him back so our pack can finally settle down without the drama and become a family again.”
Could he do this? Be everything Grey needed and more? Pete sat down on the stairs leading to the bachelor rooms upstairs. His room, where he would be so lonely with nothing to look forward to, but watching other mated couples being happy. Was he throwing it all away? And for what? Because his birth pack beat the shit out of him and called him an abomination? They wouldn’t win. Not this time. He was home now in the Masters’ pack and they loved him for being Pete, not where he stuck his dick or because of who he loved. And he did love Grey.
“I love him,” he whispered in awe.
“Then get your ass out there and bring him back.” Ive was standing in front of him.
Pete grabbed the railing and pulled himself up, rushing past Ive and Russ to the door. It was time to take his future in his own hands and stop living in the past. He flung the door open, looked down the path and didn’t see Grey. He couldn’t have gone far. Pete could smell better in his wolf form. He tossed his clothes off as fast as he could. The shift was over before he knew it. Pete sniffed and there it was—the most wondrous scent he’d ever smelt. Grey. The trees blurred as he picked up speed and didn’t stop until Grey was in front of him and then howled before charging. He jumped and Grey caught him before they both fell to the ground.
He shifted back to his human form and wrapped his naked limbs around Grey.
“Stay,” he whispered again. “I’m tired of being so alone. Don’t go. Stay.”
“That isn’t what I want to hear, Pete.”
“Grey, I love you, you stubborn fox. Let me redeem myself. Mate with me. Here. Now. I know we’re technically already bonded, but let’s make it stronger. I want to give you the words.”
“Are you nuts? Pete—God, what you do to me.”
“I—I’m scared. Fuck that was hard to say, but it’s the truth. I ache for you and want us to truly bond, but I’m fucked up, babe. You make me whole, but I’m afraid this is all a dream and I’ll wake up to my old tribe using me as an example. The things they did—no one should endure that and—I’m stronger than that now, because of you. But it won’t be easy, Grey.”
“I love you too, stupid. And of course it won’t be easy, but that’s why we have each other. Are you serious? You and me—fully mated?”
Pete looked down at Grey—this was his heart, his soul and the reason he was put on this Earth.
“Yes. Now you have too many clothes on.”
“We are not doing this out here!”
“Why not?”
“For one—I’m pretty sure I can see my sister and half the pack coming this way. Two—no way am I binding myself to you outside in front of the house. Now if it was the woods—maybe, but not here.”
“Okay. You’re right, but I don’t want to mate with you in my room. Too many people.”
“Shift and follow me. I have the perfect spot.”
Pete didn’t change, not yet. He had to know, because he figured after the way Grey had left he’d have more of a fight on his hands to win his man back. He’d chased him fully prepared to grovel.
“It’s that easy?”
“Stop being scared. I’ve got you and no one is going to hurt you again. All I wanted was for you to say you love me and wanted to be more than fuck buddies in spite of some fucked-up things that happened with your old tribe. You’re here and say you’re giving it your all. You want us together. I’m not going to play hard to get because you were mine the moment I met you. Do you remember? You let me into the pack house intent that I should wait in Russ’ office, but I charged into the kitchen. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Then you insisted on following me to protect Russ and Vivian. You’re so much stronger than you think you are. You protected me even when you fought us being mates. And your fuckin’ cousin, Everett, didn’t help matters.”
“Hey!” came a shout from behind them.
Pete grinned. There was Ev, not that he should have been surprised. Ev was always there for him when he needed it. “We really should take this somewhere else.”
“Yes, but I was having fun reminiscing about the time we were on the run.”
“We can have a flashback moment later. Yes, I know you wanted me even then. I wanted you too, but I wasn’t ready. I’m ready now.” Pete shifted.
Grey hadn’t thought he’d ever be this happy. He’d gone from heartbreak to euphoric in minutes. He’d thought he’d lost his very soul. It had been ripped out and he hadn’t thought he’d be whole again until Peter had tackled him. And now he was sitting around talking when he could be bonding with the man who meant everything to him.
He looked down at the wolf sitting waiting patiently for him and smiled. He closed his eyes for a moment, overwhelmed at what he’d almost lost. When he opened them again it was to see Ive, Max, Vivian and Everett walking back to the house. There were other members of the pack, but those four people were the most important to him. Everett and Max for taking such great care of his mate when he’d had no one else and Vivian for being the sister of his heart, and of course Ive—his soul. Walking this path to a new beginning would be different. They weren’t the most important people in each other’s lives anymore, but they would always be there for each other.
Ive winked and tugged Everett back down the path, the others following. He’d have to see what he could do about getting Everett mated—someone who would drive the wolf to distraction.
A howl brought him back to himself, reminding him that he still had clothes on. That wouldn’t do. In seconds he was shifted to his fox form. He was startled when something dropped beside him. Everett had got away from Ive and tossed something. Grey went to see what it was and if he’d been in human form he would have grinned. Lube. He yipped and picked it in his mouth before racing to a secluded spot deep in the wood where no one would find them. Pete followed close beside him, never strayed too far.
Finally he got to the spot he wanted. There was a pond, and trees surrounded the area. It was magical. Grey dropped the lube and changed to his human form. Pete transformed as well. They lay side by side staring up at the night sky.
“I need to say something before we start. I didn’t learn this bonding ritual in my tribe. It wasn’t until Russ took me in that I learned the basics. I think my parents hated me from the very beginning, and me telling them I was gay made it worse. The night I told them, they beat me within an inch of my life. I was lucky to get out of there.”
Grey bristled. If he ever saw Pete’s parents he would tear them limb from limb. Who did that to a kid? Sure, most of his tribe had had a beef with him, but he’d held his own and had always had Ive. Their parents didn’t care and loved them both unconditionally.
“I did some things I’m not proud of and it took me a while to find my cousin. Ev is like the brother I never had and vouched for me. Russ didn’t hesitate. Just like that—I was family. It takes me a while to trust and then you show up. So cocky and sure of yourself. And you wanted me.”
Grey wanted to stop Pete, but knew his mate had to tell his story. “It’s okay. Just get it out and know—I love you no matter what. I don’t care about your past and I want to kill your parents, but I’m here for you. For that matter, so are Ive and Vivian.”
“I know—my head does at least—it’s just taken my heart a while to catch up. I freaked last night because I thought I saw my parents outside. It was a trick of the light, but every time I’ve ever shown any interest in someone they were there. I panicked. I’m sorry. I had to get my head on straight and needed to think. Then you tell me you’re leaving. I couldn’t fuck it up. Not this. I was so close to having everything I wanted. I think—I think I need to go see them.”