Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)
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That girl has ovaries of steel.

Drex frowns while glancing around. “It’s a strip club. She seemed excited on the way here.” His eyes turn to me. “What were you expecting it to be like?”

I feel like he wants me to tell him I’m having fun, but I don’t feel like playing my role tonight.

“This is exactly what I expected. I’m sure there will be more things I’m expecting to come later. Can I go get a drink?”

He glances around at the very full club. “I’ll order you something. One of the girls should be coming by any second now to take our order.”

The bar is just behind us, and standing a little lets me look over the back of the booth for a better view. Even the bartender is a sexy woman. He took me to his playhouse, and I was excited to come.

I’m so stupid.

“I don’t know what I want,” I say, shrugging as I lower back down to my seat. “Can I go talk to the bartender and ask what she thinks I should get? That’s usually what I do.”

I actually never order drinks, considering my twenty-first birthday is still a few months away. Until him, I had only ever had a drink or two in my life. But his lifestyle requires alcohol—lots of alcohol.

He lights up a cigarette, and I tilt my head. I’ve never seen him smoke, and I’ve never tasted it on him. “Sure. Take Sarah, though. No one will mess with her because they know who she is. They don’t know you yet. Tell Beth to put it on my tab.” He pulls me to him, and he puts his mouth right against my ear. “Don’t even think about doing something to piss me off.”

I’m not sure why he thinks I would, but I suddenly feel the tinge of fear that usually gets lost under the thick veil of false security I’ve had.

Instead of speaking, I kiss his neck, running my lips down to his collarbone, and I move to straddle his lap before I put my lips to his ear.

“Why would I want to piss you off?”

He thrusts up while holding me against him, and I moan lightly from the friction.

“Because it turns you on,” he tells me.

He gauges me and measures me carefully, and then he slides his hands to be on my ass when I don’t speak.

“Fine. Go. But hurry back. Elise is on next, and she’ll be all over me if you’re not here to help me run interference.”

I can’t help but grin, and he nudges me off his lap while cursing and saying something under his breath. Sarah slides over Snake who purposely doesn’t move out of the booth. But Drex motions for me to go the other way, and Sledge evacuates the booth quickly to clear a path for me.

The other club members have all taken seats at the surrounding booths that are apparently only theirs. But within the club, there are numerous cuts on numerous men—all of whom look just as scary as the Death Dealers. For some reason, they’re all looking my way.

“Why is everyone looking at me?” I ask Sarah as she loops her arm through mine and guides me toward the bar.

In her short pair of leather shorts and her slinky, red, transparent top with a red bra underneath, she looks so much more appealing. They should be looking at her.

“Because you look like you just escaped a convent, and you’re the sexy nun they want to fuck. Drex will kill someone if they mess with you. Now why’d you want away from the booth? Something wrong?”

The concern in her eyes is genuine, and we get behind the crowd at the bar to wait our turn with the lone bartender. Sarah has been nothing but sweet to me, so I don’t want to lie to her. I don’t feel like I even have to lie.

“I don’t want to see another girl in Drex’s lap.”

She laughs while shaking her head. “The girls only dance on them for a few seconds. Then they collect their tips and move on to the next man waving cash. Don’t worry. Drex has never and will never take one home, because he’s not the kind of guy who can date a stripper—even for a night. He’s too controlling for all that, and if he wants attention, he demands it that second.”

When I don’t speak, she continues.

“I danced on him numerous times, and he never even knew my name. When Snake introduced me as his woman, Drex told me it was nice to meet me. He had no clue. These girls are faceless to him, other than Elise, and that’s only because she comes to the clubhouse a lot. He can’t stand her, so don’t worry. Not all the guys think that way. Snake fell in love after our lap dance, but he wouldn’t date me until I quit. Most of them don’t share. Just remember that.”

Considering I don’t want to be
, I see no reason to remember that point of advice.

“Beth!” Sarah yells, and the bartending beauty smiles over at her. “Two vodka and cranberries over here.”

Beth nods and starts fixing them just as a body presses too close to mine. There are a few things that confuse me, and one of them is the fact that I can tell this isn’t Drex without looking.

“So the new girl is off her leash?” a man drawls, his breath too close to my skin.

I look over to see Drex is staring at the stage as the girl I assume is
fucks him with her eyes, and I suck in a deep breath.

“I’m not on or off a leash,” I say to the phantom behind me.

Sarah turns and her smile falls as she stares over my shoulder. “You can’t question us without a lawyer. James has already told you that,” she says, glaring at the guy who must be a federal agent.

“I can’t ask you anything at the private garage. I can speak to you all I want in a public place. And it’s not
I want to talk to.”

She glares at him, and she reaches down for my hand. “Come on. Beth can send the drinks to the table.”

I start to go with her, but the guy grabs my arm and puts his mouth against my ear.

“Drex will know about the five-hundred thousand dollars Benny Highland gave you unless you speak to me right now.”

I want to laugh, but I don’t. “Tell him,” I say before shrugging out of his grip and allowing Sarah to start guiding me through the crowd.

We make it two feet before a man with a vest that says Dark Angels on it stops me in my tracks. “You look lost,” he says, bringing up both of my wrists and forcing Sarah to lose her grip on me.

He eyes them as though he’s looking for something, and then he smirks when he doesn’t find what he apparently sought. His beard is white and black mixed together, and it touches the top of his chest in a point. It might be too dark to see the color of his eyes, but the deviant intentions are bright as day.

“And you’re apparently not on long-term loan to Drex. Care to come outside with me? If you’re a thrill-seeker, I can give you all the thrills—”

His words are cut off when a fist catches his jaw, and everyone in the club gets to their feet, all of them carefully gauging the situation. As the guy falls to the ground, Drex lowers his fist and glares at the man.

“Last I checked, this is my club and my girl.”

His voice sounds so calm, but the tic of his jaw says otherwise. Sarah is at the booth, and Snake is on his feet with his hand behind him, acting as though he’s seconds from pulling a weapon if need be.

All I wanted was a damn drink.

The guy on the ground laughs while wiping his mouth, and some of the men who are also wearing cuts that say
Dark Angels
are sitting down a little calmer than they stood up. The girl dancing on the stage has become a forgotten figure amongst the madness, and all eyes are on Drex.

“The girl isn’t inked. Didn’t realize you had a special attachment to her. My apologies.”

Drex rolls his shoulders back before cracking his neck to the side. “Cecil is out of town. He’ll be back soon. Now you know.”

The guy nods, still laughing as he hauls himself to his feet. Then he walks back toward his table. Drex turns his glare on me, and I feel as though I shrink two feet under his glower. But his eyes move to be over my shoulder as the abandoned agent apparently nears.

“I’m not answering any questions tonight,” Drex says while putting his arm around me.

“You don’t have to. I just saw you punch a guy in the face. I can arrest you for that.”

Drex laughs, and so does the majority of the club who are all standing once again. The agent’s partner starts walking up from the back, readying himself for anything.

“You can’t arrest the bloke if I don’t press charges,” the man Drex hit says, laughing as though the notion is preposterous. “I messed with his old lady. I deserved the kiss on the cheek he gave me. And that’s what it was. A sweet little kiss.”

I really don’t understand this world.

Drex stifles a grin as everyone in there starts making kissing noises, taunting the agent whose jaw is tense and almost shaking. He’s pissed.

“Fine. But this is a public place. I’ll stick around.”

“Actually,” Liza says, showing up out of nowhere. “This is a private business that I run. And I can refuse to serve anyone. You boys are causing problems in my club, so you should go. Now.”

He starts to speak, but when all of the bikers take a step closer, both agents exchange a clear look of defeat. I’m not as well versed on the law as them, but if Liza is telling the truth, then they really don’t have a choice.

Apparently they either get scared or decide it’s not worth it, because they both leave, and I blow out a relieved breath when I see Drex’s anger has completely disappeared from his face.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever hit someone in here,” he muses, acting as though he’s really thinking that over.

“It’s not the first time you’ve threatened someone,” Liza chides, walking by him on her way to our booth.

Drex shrugs and drops his arm around my shoulders. “We’re getting you inked as soon as Cecil gets back. I’d rather not have to punch anyone else,” he says, and I almost stumble over my own feet.

“Inked? As in tattooed?”

 He just grins as though he enjoys seeing me completely horrified.

“Yeah,” he says, moving his hand down to my hand, lifting it up and sucking one of my fingers into his mouth. An instant ache forms between my legs as he winks at me, releasing my finger from his teasing mouth. “You hang with us on a regular basis, then you get inked. It’s the way of the world, baby, and you’re mine. Everyone else needs to know it.”

Why didn’t that book explain this part? Most of the girls only get a tattoo when they’ve been with a guy for a while, but it’s to please him. It’s not a mandatory thing.

“I like seeing your skin, and apparently everyone else is enjoying it, too,” he says while bending to kiss my shoulders. He picks me up by the waist, leaving my feet dangling, and he carries me back to the booth while he roughly kisses my neck and shoulder on my right side. It’s too distracting for me to think anymore.

When we reach the others, Sledge moves out, bringing Liza with him, and we slide into the curve of the booth once again. Drex pulls me onto his lap, forcing me to straddle him, and in a moment of pure bravery, I surprise him before he can stop me.

The second my lips find his soft, yet firm mouth, he stills. But I don’t stop. I kiss him while he’s stunned, and I move my lips as though he’s kissing me back instead of remaining completely rigid beneath me.

When he parts his lips—probably to tell me to stop—I push my tongue inside, and he groans before grabbing my hips and jerking me to him. When he kisses me back, everything around me crumbles into nothing, and I fall prey to him all over again.

His demanding tongue meets mine, and he tugs my bottom lip between his teeth as he pulls back. But he returns to the kiss hungrily, almost as though he can’t stop himself, and my fingers tangle in his hair as I take all he’ll give, because I might not get this chance again.


Chapter 17




The damn girl has surprised the fuck out of me. She tastes too good to stop. Her lips are fucking perfect—just like I knew they would be. And I’m so damn hard that it hurts.

I was joking about fucking her in the club, but now…

I pull back, doing all I can to catch my breath, and she pulls a hand up to her swollen lips. I’m not sure a kiss is supposed to be that powerful, and it’s starting to piss me off that I seem to keep losing my control around her.

“Turn around,” I say, nodding in the direction of the stage, and then I shoot Snake a look of warning that has him snickering before he averts his eyes.

Sledge doesn’t need the warning. He most likely saw that kiss, and he knows damn well what I’m about to do to the girl on my lap who is getting braver by the second.

“What?” she whispers, seeming drunk, but she hasn’t even had a drink.

First she fought me on her dress. Then she insisted she go to the bar. And now she has just taken a kiss she knew she wasn’t supposed to.

“Turn around.”

She frowns and starts to move off my lap. I wince when she shifts too painfully over my cock. Grabbing her hips, I lock her in place as I shake my head. “Stay on my lap.”

She still looks confused, but she manages to turn around, still hurting me a little, and puts her back to me just as a new dancer comes on. I haven’t noticed anyone on stage yet, because my mind has been twisted around the girl in my lap. She’s fucking consuming me, and I don’t know if I love it or hate it.

After putting her ankles on the cushioned booth seat, placing them either side of my hips, I make quick work with my zipper. I lift the hem of her dress to slide her underwear to the side. She stiffens, and I smirk as I trace her wet slit with the tip of my finger. When she shudders in my arms and her thighs try to close, I push against her a little harder, keeping my freed cock hidden under her dress.

She pushes against my finger, and her tight walls squeeze. That’s enough to almost make me fuck up and do this too early, so I pull her backward until I have the perfect angle to replace my finger with my dick.

She tries to jerk off me at first, but I pull her down hard, and impale her before she can get away. She drops back against me, her back arched as she angles her head closer to mine. Her lips find mine even though that was the point of turning her around, and her daring tongue wreaks havoc on my control.

Her arm wraps around my neck as she pulls off some freaky, limber, acrobatic shit that only turns me on more, and I kiss her while rocking her hips against me. When she suckles my tongue, I find myself groaning into her mouth. I shouldn’t be kissing her, but she feels good, tastes incredible, and damn she knows how to work that mouth.

I force her down with my hand on her back, and she grabs the edge of the table when our mouths break apart. She leans forward more, and her back dips into a new arch as she gives me room to thrust up. I don’t know if anyone is looking, and I really don’t give a fuck, because right now, I’m pretty sure I’d stab someone if I had to stop.

Eve works her hips in a rocking motion, pushing back as I thrust up, and my balls tighten in response. She’s so damn wet and tight, and right now, she’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Her head tosses back with abandon, and I swallow hard as I watch her find a rhythm to her rocking, her hips moving to the beat of the loud, fast music.

Best. Lap dance. Ever.

Her hands move from the table and go to my knees, using them for leverage, and she squeezes tightly while meeting me thrust for thrust. Then her body goes limp, and I silently hope that her screams are drowned out by the music.

Nirvana runs through my veins as my whole body tightens before painfully exploding inside her. She moves her hands to the table to hold herself up as my body continues to shudder against hers.

The walls of her sweet, wet pussy are still contracting, and it’s almost painful to the post-orgasm sensitive flesh of my cock. But I don’t want to move. Not yet.

She slowly starts to climb off me, but I hold her to me, blocking the view of my cock with the very handy material of her dress. She may have to wear dresses from now on.

She does as I silently command, and I zip myself back up before pulling her back against my front, putting my lips close to her ear.

“Go get cleaned up and come right back. Call me if you have any problems.”

She nods, but then she stills over me.

“I didn’t bring my phone,” she says, sighing as she drops back against me again. I laugh when she lazily tries to stay on me, but I’m fairly positive this could get a little messy if she doesn’t go clean up.

“I’ll send Sarah with you. Hurry.” I pat her ass before pressing a kiss to her neck.

She tries to turn and catch my mouth, but I escape the touch that seems to slay me. “You’ve already fooled me once. No more tonight.”

She gives me a scowl that actually forces me to laugh, and I find myself surprised by that, too.

“It was good, so we can do it again,” she grumbles, just as a waitress comes to set a glass of something light red in front of her and Sarah.

Sarah takes it, biting back a smile as she looks anywhere but at us.

I grin at the irritated girl on my lap, and I pull her to me to press a soft, noninvasive kiss to her lips. “Go to the bathroom.”

She groans while getting up, and Sarah stands without being asked. Sledge and Liza slide out, giving them room to exit, and I watch Eve until she’s out of sight.

“Thought I was going to have to hose you two down with ice,” Liza says mildly while I take a sip of my beer. “It looked like you were seconds away from fucking.”

I just smirk as I swallow my sip, remaining unaffected as Snake snickers behind his bottle. Sledge even fights off a grin as he pretends to be interested in the newest dancer on stage.

“Need a dance, Drex?” Elise asks, moving over Snake who waves her off.

I really hate Elise. Way too aggressive and desperate for my taste.

“Not tonight.” Even if I wanted a dance, my dick would be protesting after what I just did.

She pouts while coming closer, putting her wedged heel on the table as she comes to straddle me. In nothing but a pair of thongs and a skimpy lace bra, she’s nowhere nearly as sexy as the girl in white who just came on my dick. In my club. Right in front of everyone.

Definitely doing that again sometime.

“You don’t even have to pay,” she says as the stench of cigarettes and beer roll off her.

Eve’s face appears at the end of the table, and her lips turn into a thin line while I deal with the girl in my lap—the wrong girl in my lap. Very deliberately, I make eye contact with Eve, watching her as I speak to the stripper who is still tugging at my shirt.

“He’s down for the count,” I say with a smirk, referring to the limp appendage she’s grinding her hips against. “Just fucked my girl. You should go.”

Elise stops and leans back, and her eyes follow mine to Eve. She rolls her eyes before moving off my lap and back across the table, crawling over the top and shaking her ass to the music.

But I only notice her out of my peripheral, because my attention is focused on Eve. Her damn gravitational force seems to hold me captive, and I’m still deciding how I feel about that.

I’m not opposed to caring about her, but I’m also not sure that it’s a good idea. Especially given our situation. She was paid to get into my bed. That’s why she’s here, even though I know she’s slowly starting to actually care about me.

I strongly believe she’s not here as a spy, because she never asks any questions, and she’d love nothing more than to hide in my room with me all day.

She never snoops, and I’ve left things out intentionally to lure her in. Nothing I’ve planted has interested her in the least bit, and there are hidden cameras everywhere that she hasn’t found. If anything, she goes out of her way to avoid all the tidbits of information. If she’s a spy, she’s the worst one ever.

She’s an anomaly, and I really love learning more about her. But at the same time, she’s a

As she slides into the booth, her eyes move to the banished stripper who has started dancing on Mack and the others at the booth beside us.

“Sorry. You said hurry, so I did,” Eve says under her breath, not looking at me as she brings her drink to her lips.

“Glad you did,” I say while leaning down to her neck, placing a kiss on it and waiting for her to shiver.

When she doesn’t, I lean back and watch her as she stares vacantly at the stage. I’m fairly sure she’s pissed, but I have no idea as to why. Unless it’s because I wouldn’t let her kiss me again.

“Something happen?” I ask her, watching as her drink pauses at her lips on its return.

She actually looks as though she’s surprised by my question, and then she shakes her head. “Nothing happened. New dancer is on,” she says with no emotion, and her drink finds its way to her lips as she feigns interest in the stripper.

I look over at Sarah who is rolling her eyes at me, and Snake stifles a grin while looking away. What the hell is going on?

“Care to tell me why I feel like I should apologize?” I ask, dropping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her resistant body against mine.

She’s been more combative tonight than she has been all week.

“No reason. As you said, you’re Drex Caine, and you’ll fuck who you want whenever you want to.”

What the hell does that mean?

“I’m fairly positive you wanted to fuck me too, considering you were the one who instigated that. And I didn’t hear any complaints when you were coming on my dick.”

Her eyes narrow on the drink, but I’m pretty sure her glower is meant for me. She’s sexy when she’s pissed.

“I didn’t have a problem with you fucking me.”

I love it when she curses. It sounds so hot coming out of that sweet mouth. In fact, I’ve actually considered recording it and putting it as a ringtone on my phone.

“Then what’s your deal?”

She forces a tight smile and shrugs. “You’re missing all the good stuff,” she says, pointing to the stage, but my eyes stay on her.

She doesn’t look at me again. For two solid hours, she stares at the stage and pretends as though that’s what she wants to look at. And every so often, she’ll smile or laugh at something Sarah leans over and says. But she ignores the hell out of me, and I don’t like it. Not one fucking bit.

No one ever ignores me. And she’s sure as hell not supposed to.

“I’m fucking beat,” Snake says, groaning as he scrubs his face with his hands. “I’m ready to head back.”

“Better make sure the fed is gone,” Liza says while sipping a beer. “He’s probably waiting to pull your drunk asses over.”

“He’ll get slapped with a harassment charge for stalking me all night,” I growl, growing increasingly pissed as Eve continues to ignore me and any conversation I’m involved in. “Besides, feds don’t pull over people for DUIs. He’d have a uniform do it.”

“Good luck with that,” Liza tells me. “Be smart and call a cab.”

“We will,” Snake says, leaning back. “Well, we’ll call for a ride when Drex is ready to go.”

I silently count the drinks Eve has had. She’s had three, and she’s nursed the hell out of them, as though she’s deliberately trying to stay sober. The ones here won’t be as strong as the screwdrivers she had the other night. I want her drunk and honest.

The best way to do that is to get her home and drinking the real stuff instead of the watered down version.

“I’m ready now. Levi will have the SUVs outside. We’ll take them and lock our bikes up in the garage here.”

Eve tenses when I draw her close to my side, and I bend to kiss her neck. “Maybe you’ll loosen up once I fuck you out of this bad mood.”

When she shivers, an idea occurs to me. Considering I’ve been busy and unable to do anything besides fuck her, I’ve yet to learn anything about her. She gives vague answers with no detail. Tonight, all that changes.

I guess it’s time to remind her who is in charge.


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