Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)
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Chapter 15




“Last test,” Harrison says while walking around. We’ve already been down here since a little bit after seven. And now it’s closing in on ten. Longest fucking deal ever, but he always did love chatting and drinking before getting down to business.

“Did you bring a dog?” Sledge asks. “We have some if not.”

“I brought one. This one is from Customs—the best of the best. He’s on loan from a friend. If the drugs can be sniffed, this one will find them.”

It won’t find them. I know, because there are a series of things going on. We’re the only ones with the scent cover that masks the smell dogs are trained to find. And there is a constant buzzing registering on a frequency humans can’t hear. The flip of one switch turns the frequency on, and the dogs grow annoyed by it. They eventually walk away because it’s so distracting, but it’s not so jarring that it startles them. It’s perfect.

The German Shepard is turned loose and it growls as it passes all of us. One of Harrison’s men holds it on a leash, and it sniffs the car. It snarls when it hears the annoying sound we can’t detect, but it keeps sniffing.

Sure enough, between the sound and scent of dead air, it walks away, feeling satisfied that it has done its job. Harrison claps as Fido runs back to the van it came out of. Once again, I’ve proven to him that we’re the ones for the job. For some reason, he always wants to test us.

“Impressive. What’s the secret?”

My guys start laughing, but I merely smirk. “If I gave you the secret, then I’d be out of business. You know where to find me when you need me. You have twelve days before the cars are pointless. I’ve shown you all your new storage. Dogs won’t detect shit, and you can smuggle all you want for those twelve days.”

He nods, smiling happily. “Then we should get going. Time is wasting. Good doing business with you, Drex. As always.”

They start loading up, and we point them down the tunnels to escape the eyes of the feds. Snake climbs into the lead car, preparing to seal the tunnel’s exit doors after they’re gone, and the men who drove the original vehicles prepare to resurface and go out the way they came to keep from rousing suspicion.

“Feds have come and knocked twice,” Sledge whispers as the cars start driving off. “I think they’re very curious about the convoy that drove in.”

“As soon as they’re gone, I’ll go outside and deal with them. I’ll get Eve down and tell her to look pretty. I don’t want them thinking they can use her against me. She was nervous last night. She won’t be so nervous today.”

Sledge frowns as Mack goes to lead the second convoy—the distraction convoy—through the garage doors. The feds hop down from the top of their car hood, and one car starts tailing the convoy leaving. They can follow them, but they’ll find nothing. All the good stuff is disappearing down a hidden tunnel. We only watch them from the monitors, even though they have no clue we’re watching them.

“I’m not sure it’s wise to involve her in any way.”

“She’s a part of us until we find out what’s going on with Benny. Would
want to send her back to Benny?” I ask, looking to see if Sledge has suddenly gone darker.

He’s the biggest softie in the place.

“You think he’d do something to her?” He looks at me expectantly, and I see the worry in his eyes. Anyone else here wouldn’t give a damn what happened to her. I wouldn’t have yesterday morning, but after seeing the fear in her eyes… She’s scared of something, and I never even took the chance to question her while she was drunk.

“I think he’s already told her he would do something, but I don’t know what.”

“So you really think she’s here for the reasons she said—money stuff. Because Snake said when that dick traitor she called a father killed himself a year ago, it put them in a really tight mess. Her sister died about a year before that, but it racked up some hospital bills, along with some sort of complication her mother had with her leg.”

Sister? She had a sister?

“These are questions I should have already asked,” I say to myself while pinching the bridge of my nose.

These are things we need to know. What motivates a person to get desperate enough to sell herself to Benny’s club without having ulterior motives like her father had? Now things make a little more sense.

“It’s only been a day, Drex. People always play with a new toy the first day they have it. But I’m with you on not giving her back to Benny if he’s going to keep her for himself. The girl seems comfortable with you, and Benny would break her.”

The thought of Benny touching her actually makes me sick. He’s a disgusting thing to smell or look at. He’s also a sick creep. I refuse to think I’m a creep. Eve sure as hell doesn’t mind me touching her, and she shudders in disgust at the thought of Benny.

“So you’re definitely keeping her?” Sledge asks after a moment of silence, both of us staring at the large, solid door where the feds are knocking. Our monitors show us their faces since both men staring up at the camera now. Yesterday we had two feds. Today there are three—one followed the convoy.

“Yeah. I’m keeping her. If she grows to trust me, we may be able to use her against Benny. She’s friends with Ben—the son. She might could get us an ass-load of information if we need it. And she’ll do anything to stay far away from Benny. If I’m right. That’s a big

Sledge’s lazy grin draws up. “Girl is friends with the sissy Benny has for a son? Things make a lot more sense now. And yeah, she’d prove to be very useful. In fact, maybe in a couple of weeks she could invite the kid over. Incognito, of course. We could chat, he could see she’s doing well, and he might just tell us some stuff. Boy’s got to be pissed at his old man for sending a pretty thing like that your way. Think about it.”

I actually hadn’t thought about it. His son turned to him for help for a girl he obviously cares about. And Benny sent her off with a rival club. She was meant for Pop, but now she’s in my bed. That probably pisses the pussy off twice as much.

“Axle,” I yell, watching him as he walks by my room on his way to the roof. He turns and looks expectantly. “Send my girl down. Tell her to look pretty.”

Axle smirks and nods before disappearing into the door, and I turn back toward Sledge. “Showtime. Verse her on what to say.”

A squeal forces Sledge and me to look up simultaneously, and Axle walks out of my room while laughing. I tilt my head when he grins like a fool.

“Girl was naked and waiting,” he says while heading back toward the roof again.

Sledge bursts out laughing, but I get a little pissed about the fact Axle just saw her bare body. In my bed. Shit. That’s my fault because I told her to be waiting.

“Lucky son of a bitch,” Sledge says through a touch of laughter. “Has the girl even eaten today?”

That’s a good question. I know I’m fucking starving. It was after eight this morning before we went to sleep, and it was fucking seven before I woke up. Seven!! Now that dick has stayed until ten, and all I’ve had is a slice of reheated pizza.

“Verse her on what to say,” I repeat to Sledge while glaring at Axle’s back on his way topside.

I walk over and open the door to the two very impatient FBI agents, and smirk while I block their way and their view. “You lost, boys?” I ask, lacing each word with complete disinterest.

They both look early thirties, possibly late twenties. Just what I need—two hotshots who are trying to make a name for themselves. I should have delved deeper into their identities last night before accidentally falling asleep with Eve.

“Care to explain why a known drug dealer just spent half the night here?” the cockiest one asks.

Apparently these guys think they’re intimidating. But I’m curious as to how they knew who my company was.

“Care to answer why you’re harassing my warehouse like two stalker bitches?”

They both snicker quietly, acting as though this is their turf. They don’t have the home advantage, and they’d be wise to remember that. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve made feds disappear from Halo.

“I’m fairly sure this is just a friendly chat. It’s convenient that you didn’t answer until after Mark Harrison left.”

So they really did know who was here. Someone’s leaking information. But not from my crew. So who?

I glance at my watch, feigning boredom.

“I had company, and you weren’t invited. If Harrison is a known drug dealer, then why are you harassing me instead of him? Oh, that’s right. In order to actually do something to either of us, you’d need a warrant.”

Their laughter fades, but they keep their smirks in place.

“We don’t need a warrant to knock or to sit out on the street. And that’s where we’ll be, Caine. All day, all night—every time you look outside, we’ll be here. At your clubs, salons, spas… all of it. You’ll give us a reason for a warrant soon enough.”

Small arms slide around my waist, and I open my arm for Eve to step in and play the part Sledge just told her to.

“Hey, Drex. You ready?” she asks, sounding a little too sexy.

Both of the men stare at her, and I almost punch the one who bites down on his bottom lip.

“Sorry, boys,” I say insincerely. “I suppose you’ll have to harass me later. My girl and I have plans for the night.”

Eve leans into me, kissing my chest through my shirt, and I glance down to see her wearing a short pair of shorts and a shirt that hangs just off her shoulder again. Her hair is still slightly damp, and I’m pretty sure I’d love nothing more than to push her against the wall and fuck her until she screams right now.

I shut the door, and Eve takes a deep breath while moving back just barely. You’d think she just went on a stage in front of thousands of people with the way her hands are shaking.

“I think I was supposed to say more, but I froze,” she says so fucking honestly, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah. Little bit. But it was good enough.”

She relaxes a little just as Sledge walks up, covering his smile with his hand. But then his seriousness sets in. “I think it’s time we deal with this. I’ll call Herrin and we’ll discuss getting our lawyers out here. We pay them good money for a reason. Shit’s getting real,” he says, and I curse silently.

“Go eat something,” I tell Eve, pulling her a little closer. “I’m apparently going to be a while.”

“I’m starving,” she says in a quick breath, and she almost races toward the kitchen. Damn girl is so eager to please that she didn’t even bother eating.

I laugh with Sledge, and can’t help but feel oddly at ease with her here. I’ve known the girl for two days, and yet she fits pretty damn well. But then I remind myself her father fit in well, too. He fit in quickly. He was so damn nervous that we felt sorry for the bastard and assumed he was a genuine guy.

The sobering reality has me putting my guard back up.

“Let’s get to work,” Sledge sighs.

“Hey,” I say, suddenly thinking of something. “What about that appointment with Cecil?”

I can’t believe no one woke me up for that.

“He’s out of town through the end of the month or possibly longer. Left this morning. Family stuff. You want me to set her up with someone else?”

Shit. “Nah. It’s not a pressing matter. I don’t want anyone else inking her.”

Maybe the feds will quit checking her out the second she’s marked by the Dealers.


Chapter 16




For a solid week, I’ve slept on the uncomfortable couch. I hate it. I’m grateful, but Drex’s bed is so soft and inviting. I should be thankful that he doesn’t expect me to sleep in there with him, but I’m not.

This place… It’s pretty damn scary. More men have been here this week. Lots and lots of tattooed, scruffy, terrifying, wild-eyed, and gravelly-spoken men.

I haven’t slept better than shit since the first night when I was kept safe in Drex’s arms. Every little sound wakes me up now, and shadows of the night look like figures coming to do things that will scar me for life.

I’m paranoid and freaked out every night, because he doesn’t lock his door. Apparently that’s him saying he doesn’t trust his guys if he locks his door on them.
don’t trust his guys.

Drex has told everyone I’m off limits, but that doesn’t stop them from leering or saying things that make my stomach roil. It’s only the guys who don’t stay here much. They’ve been bringing in more and more of them, and now this place is packed.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I know a lawyer showed up and talked to the feds. They haven’t banged on the door or harassed Drex anymore.

He still hasn’t kissed me, but he has sure as hell used my body. The madness hasn’t caught up with me.
. My mind is still finding ways to cope, and for at least a week, I’ve managed to avoid the impending nervous breakdown.

Soft lips press to the back of my neck, and I remain still on the bed with a book under me—courtesy of Sarah. “What’re you reading?” Drex asks, running his hand up under the short denim skirt I have on.

“Smut,” I lie, refusing to tell him I’m reading about Motorcycle clubs and the orthodox rules they usually follow. Oh, and as it turns out, human trafficking is a real thing, but it doesn’t look like the Death Dealers partake in it. My situation also don’t fall under the guidelines of human trafficking. “Thought I’d get some ideas on how to impress you.”

He releases a sincere laugh that makes me smile against all odds. He’s nothing like I thought he’d be, and as twisted as it sounds, I actually enjoy being around him. He was… unexpected—
unexpected—in the best possible way. I don’t hate myself for what I’ve had to do because it makes it… okay? I’m not sure what word I’m looking for, but I’m glad I’m not miserable.

“Well, I’m glad you want to impress me, but I prefer to be the one in control. So no reading necessary. Get ready. We’re going to the club. It’s Mack’s birthday, and he’s going to want a good time.”

The way he says that gives me pause, and my whole body gets rigid. “Not with me?” I ask hopefully, feeling sick all of the sudden.

“Fuck no,” he says quickly. “You’re mine. I’ve told you this. No one else is allowed to touch you. But there will be alcohol, drugs, and lots of other men from other clubs. You’ll have to stay close. Which means you might end up with a few lap dances from the girls coming to see me. Now go get ready.”

Girls coming to see him… I really wish that didn’t piss me off. This is
a real relationship. I’m supposed to be dwelling in an endless vat of self-loathing misery instead of playing house. There’s no sane reason for me to feel jealous right now. But I can’t help it.

Maybe I have Stockholm’s Syndrome.

I don’t say anything as I go to grab a bra and a different shirt. Maybe I’ll make myself look good enough to keep him distracted. Or at least look good enough to force other guys to look at me—which will make Drex focus more attention on me. He’s pretty damn possessive when it comes to other guys around me.

Yep. Crazy. I’m a certifiable lunatic.

“We’ll be taking my bike, so no skirts or dresses.”

“I’ve already got a dress planned out,” I lie, listening to him go quiet for a long minute.

“A dress will blow up on the back of my bike, and I don’t want anyone seeing your ass. So no dress.”

“I can tuck it under my legs. I want to wear a dress. This is the first time I’ve gotten to leave since I came here. I’d like to at least look decent.”

I turn in time to see his eyes narrow and his jaw tense. I
argue about anything he says, so he’s probably caught off guard.

“Why do you want to wear a dress so badly?” he asks, slowly coming toward me as I undo my skirt and drop it to the floor.

“I just told you why. I’ve ridden on the back of a motorcycle while wearing a dress. I can handle it.”

His grin only partially forms. “Ben doesn’t drive the way I do.”

A small ruffle of excitement forms because I’m twisted and love the scary side of this jerk.

“I’m sure I can handle the way you drive. So far I’ve managed,” I say very suggestively, and his grin only grows.

“So you have.” His anger seems to dissipate as mischief settles in his eyes. I’m not sure I like that look. “Fine. Wear your dress. If anyone sees your ass, I’ll fuck you in front of the whole club to remind them who you belong to. Make sure you’re okay with public exhibitions if that dress is so damn important.”

He turns and walks out, leaving that threat suspended in the air. I really don’t want to be screwed in front of an audience, so I opt to pull on a pair of shorts under the dress. I can take them off when we get there.

After hurrying around to fix my hair and applying a touch of makeup, I head down the stairs to see Drex smirking at me. He tilts his head, acting as though he’s amused by the fact I went with the dress.

His black shirt hugs him tightly, and despite the heat, he has on his Death Dealers cut that has
Vice President
embroidered under
D. Caine.
His dark jeans hang low, but they fit him perfectly, which in turn might elicit a small tremble from me.

His almost-black hair is spiked up a little now—just the way I like it. And his blue eyes pop against all the dark accents. He’d be beautiful to the untrained eye, but I should know better.
being the operative word, because I still find him almost irresistible even though he’s nothing but death’s promise to me.

He watches me while I walk all the way to him, and I bite back a grin as he eyes the white dress that flares just slightly at the hips, fitting loose enough to hide the thin, white shorts I’m wearing without showing lines.

It’s as though he can’t stop himself from reaching out and pulling me to him, and his hands run down my ass.

“Shorts are on underneath,” I say as he slowly works the hem up.

His right eyebrow cocks up and he raises the dress up to take a look for himself.

“I’ll take them off when we get there,” I tell him quietly.

He leans down to my ear just as several more people start joining us. “I may still fuck you in the club, because I really like the dress.”

He runs his hands run over the tops of my shoulders, feeling the skin the strapless dress has left bare. I try not to shiver, but I fail, and his smirk only grows. His thumb grazes my lower lip, and he puts his mouth dangerously close to mine.

“I’m starting to think you like me,” he murmurs, staring at my lips like he’s seconds away from kissing me and putting me out of my misery.

I decide speaking is stupid. He could freak out if he finds out that I’m sick enough to like someone I should hate. He might also be one of those guys who doesn’t want to be liked, and he might get rid of me.

“You ready?” Snake asks as Sarah sidles up next to him. His arm drops around her shoulders, and Drex nods.

Drex’s hand slides down until he cups and squeezes my ass, and then he pulls out a helmet that is sure to ruin my hair. When he tosses a long leg of his over the bike, I can’t help but watch, entranced.

He’s everything bad for me rolled into one hard-to-ignore body, presenting himself in the sexiest package the devil could create. I’m nothing but a weak girl falling for the man that could be my sealed fate.

When he reaches out his hand for me, I take it and lift my leg. He mutters a curse toward Mack who is trying to look under my dress when I throw my leg over. But the scruffy biker groans in disappointment when he realizes I’ve taken precautions.

A jolt of adrenaline surges through me when the thunderous sounds fill the garage almost simultaneously. The loud beast vibrates between my legs, and the rumble resonates in my chest, almost tickling me with sensations. I tighten my grip on Drex as the large metal door to the outside slowly rises in front of us.

The firm, deliciously defined lines of Drex’s abs rest beneath my hands and grow tighter when we start to move. I think I actually giggle in excitement. It’s hard to tell since all my sounds are being drowned out right now.

The slow crawl out of the garage is brief, because the second we hit the street, Drex kicks it into a gear I wasn’t prepared for. The edges of my dress rise, promising I would have given everyone an eyeful, and I cling to him that much tighter as the rest of the crew follows close behind.

Giggling. I am giggling. Unbelievable.

Streetlights illuminate the road ahead, and all the headlights and taillights seem to show pause once they catch sight of the bikers nearing. I can almost feel Drex’s smile as everyone on the street moves to the sides, letting us pass through as though we’re royalty.

Apparently no one gets in the way of them. It’s almost a powerful high, and for a fleeting second, I understand what it’s like to be badass. But I’m only seeing it from the sidelines, because I never plan to really be like them.

This is temporary. Hopefully. He’ll eventually grow tired of me, and if I’m lucky, my debt will be considered paid. Then I can go on and live a normal life with a real, healthy relationship—as long as I survive until then.

It doesn’t take us long before we’re pulling up at the club, and I swallow hard. It’s not just a club… It’s a strip club. Their strip club. Shit.

That’s what he meant by lap dances and girls wanting to see him. He’ll be like a king in here.

I clamber off the bike rather ungracefully as my nerves uncoil in my stomach. He hasn’t left the garage this past week. He’s had a lot of business. So I’ve not had to worry about him screwing around with other girls. But tonight… I have a feeling that’s about to change.

The second I see him with another girl, the part of me that has made peace with this arrangement will be shattered, and the reality of this situation will sink in. I’ll feel sick when he touches me after I’ve had to watch his hands all over another woman.

At least I had a week. That’s more peace than I expected.

As everyone gets off their bikes, Drex undoes my helmet and then his. I pull my shorts off without letting anyone see under my dress, and Mack gives me a wink when he tries to steal a peek again.


Drex drops his arm over my shoulders as a big man with a tattooed, bald head opens the doors for us. I steel myself as we walk into the rowdy club that reeks of smoke, sweat, and sex.

My eyes immediately find the stage, and the first wave of nausea hits me. The song playing isn’t meant for seduction, but the almost-naked girl on the stage seems to be changing the meaning of the lyrics with every twist and turn on the pole.

The girls waiting tables have on shorts that might as well be panties, and their shirts stop just under their breasts, hanging loosely like they were intentionally cut that way. Their high heels make my small heels look pathetic.

I felt so sexy until we got here.

“What do you think?” Drex asks over the music as we head toward a front set of booths that are all empty and near the stage.

I think
I’m going to hate every second of this.

“I should have worn a different dress,” I mutter dryly.

He laughs, though I don’t know how he heard that. Damn.

“You can give me a lap dance later. That dress is going to drive me crazy,” he says close to my ear, and then he lets his hot breath linger and leave a damp trail of fog on my jaw as he slowly pulls his lips down to mine.

My heartbeat speeds up, and he brushes his lips against mine just barely before pulling back. Damn tease.

He smiles as though he knows what he’s done, and I roll my eyes before looking back at the stage. I don’t stand a chance of keeping his attention in here.

He guides me into the rounded booth, and I sit down in the arch of it as Snake and Sarah join us. Drex leans back, his eyes on the stage as a new girl walks out. I already hate this night, and it’s just getting started.

“They don’t fuck these girls,” Sarah says, suddenly very close to my ear, and I’m forced to jump a little by the startling close proximity. “Believe me, I know. I used to be one.”

I turn to face her, and she offers me a bright smile and a shrug. That’s not very comforting. Snake met her here, and now they’re together. Obviously they
fuck these girls if they’re interested enough.

“You look miserable already,” Drex says, drawing my attention back to him.

It’s a little hard to voice all the thoughts in my head. Fortunately, Sarah chimes in. “If it were a bunch of guys on stage stripping and fucking us with their eyes, how good would you feel?” she asks him, smirking as though she’s baiting him.

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