Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)
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“Opposites attract,” Colleen mutters spitefully under her breath, still pretending to give a damn about the TV.

Sarah continues as though Colleen didn’t just take a stab at her. “He is. And he’s incredibly sweet. Liza introduced us. She runs the strip club. I was working there, Snake saw me, Liza made a private meeting possible, and it was love at first sight. Now I work at the salon that Colleen runs. Snake obviously didn’t want me stripping anymore.”

Liza is still attentively studying me, and it’s making me even more uncomfortable.

“Do you live here?” I ask, turning my attention back to Sarah.

“Sometimes we stay here. Usually Snake and I stay at our house. We just bought a place last month. Drex has a nice house. Will he be taking you there?”

I have no idea where I’ll be going.

“Drex will be done with her before he goes back home. She’ll be one of the other guy’s whore by then,” Colleen says, smirking as though she’s enjoying the hell out of this.

Liza seems older, possibly late thirties or early forties. Her constant staring is making me more uncomfortable than Colleen taking every nasty jab she can.

“How are you ladies getting along?” Sledge asks as he comes in and sits down beside Liza. She smiles at him before he tugs her to be on his lap, and she settles down peacefully as though it’s a truly normal thing.

I look behind me just as a tall guy with a large snake tattoo on the side of his neck walks in. That’s not the guy I thought Snake was. Glad I guessed lucky about him being quiet.

Sarah beams up at him as he comes to pull her up from her spot on the couch. He sits down where she was, and then she ends up in his lap. He looks like a model with tattoos, almost as though he’s an actor playing a part. His blonde hair, clean shave, and white teeth don’t fit the dark tattoos he’s wearing.

When Drex and a few others walk in, my heart tries to stop. He’s drinking a beer, and his eyes are glued to mine. I can’t tell if he hates me or wants me right now. I really don’t want to be thrown into bed with someone else. Someone who might hurt me.

Drex seems to be about giving pleasure as much as he is about receiving it. Someone else might not care if they break my body to get what they want. I’m grateful for him, even if it does confuse the hell out of me.

“Hey,” I murmur softly, looking up at him.

I need to do everything I can to not be annoying or boring. That is my new set of goals.

“Hey,” he says with a lazy grin. He moves closer to me, and I stand up, unsure of what I need to do.

He tugs me to him, and I lean back when he bends to get closer to my neck.

“Get Marlene and the others over here. Drex is hogging the new girl,” one guy with a deep voice says.

Drex smiles against my neck, and then he drags his lips up, letting them graze my chin and brush my lips before he pulls back.

“No one else touches her,” he says, and I tremble a little.

He wraps his free arm around my back, tugging me to his body, and then he pulls his beer to his lips.

“You drink?” Sarah asks me.

I rarely drink, but that would be boring to say.

“Get her something strong. She’s had a long day,” Drex says, sliding his hand down to possessively rest on my ass.

My white shirt is almost see-through, and one side hangs off my shoulder. He seems very interested in that shoulder, considering his lips have moved to there. His teeth nip the flesh, and I bite back a moan as I arch closer.

“Here,” Sarah says cheerily, handing me a glass of something that looks like orange juice, and I snap out of my moment.

“Screwdriver,” she says, grinning when she sees me eyeing it skeptically.

I smile appreciatively and thank her, and she goes back to the couch to join the GQ model with a viper creeping up his neck. Well, a viper tattoo.

“Drink all you want,” Drex says against my neck.

Then he leans back up and turns his attention to the TV before dropping to the chair and pulling me with him. If all of this has happened in one day, I dread seeing what it’s going to be like in a week.


Chapter 13




“You’re drunk,” I say to the girl curled up on my lap. She’s smiling happily as though this day hasn’t happened.

She nods lazily, wrapping both her arms around my neck before kissing it. My breath hitches, and she runs her tongue across my skin, forcing my body to tense. Why is she doing this?

“You need a minute, Drex?” Sledge asks, amused as he and Liza watch us.

I think I was speaking to them, but I can’t remember what the hell I was saying when Eve’s moans vibrate against my neck.

Liza doesn’t trust the girl in my lap. At all. Her devout loyalty to the club makes her question the intentions of everyone.

“Nah, we’re good. She’s just drunk,” I say casually, ignoring the fact my cock is punching my zipper, intent on getting at the sexy ass in my lap.

Colleen rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath about prostitution and lightweight drinker. Eve really can’t hold liquor. Two screwdrivers and her eyes were glossy. After three, she looks ready to pass out.

But I wanted her drunk. You learn a lot about someone when you rip the filter off.

What I wasn’t expecting… “Shit,” I murmur under my breath when she suddenly straddles me and starts kissing my neck harder, raking her teeth over the skin before sucking it.

I love her lips—so full, soft, and too damn inviting. I pull her closer, letting her lick her way down to my chest. The second Mack eyes her ass, my hands go to it, covering it possessively.

These damn shorts might be a little too short.

Shit. Why the hell do I care if he looks?

Her lips travel back up and she grinds herself against me. I can’t fight back my groan as I pull her closer. She feels so damn good.

“Gross,” Colleen growls while standing. “I’m going home before Drex fucks his whore in front of us.”

“Watch the way you speak to him,” Liza warns, glaring at Colleen like she’s about to claw her eyes out.

I just laugh.

“She’s mine, but she’s no whore,” I say fondly, reveling in how Colleen’s temper flares to match her red hair.

Eve rewards me by only pressing closer, and Colleen leaves without a backward glance.

Deciding I should go enjoy my drunk toy, I stand, keeping her in my arms as her legs grip against my waist.

“Night, boys.”

They all chuckle as I make my way out, and I allow Eve to devour every inch of my neck, ear, and jaw along the way. But when her lips reach mine, I pull back, forcing her drunken attempt to miss and hit my cheek.

“No kissing, baby,” I murmur, smiling at the scowl she tries to restrain.

“Why?” she asks when I reach my room.

“Not my thing. Plus, kissing only leads to what we’re already planning to do. So it’s a little pointless,” I say, grinning when she leans in and tries to kiss me anyhow.

I drop her to the bed, and a loud breath leaves her lips. She watches as I pull my shirt off, and her bottom lip slips between her teeth.

“Get your clothes off,” I order. My fucking cock is pounding against my zipper right now, making me regret the decision to bypass boxers earlier.

“You want them off, then kiss me,” she says, earning a small smile from me.

Drunk, mouthy, aggressive, and barely wearing any clothes, she looks like a fucking wet dream on my bed. She’s finally making this fun. I’ve always enjoyed a little feistiness. She was starting to be annoying with all her compliance.

“I’m not breaking my rules. I’ll fuck you, and we both know you won’t try to stop me. But it’s cute that you’re showing some backbone.”

She scowls at me without restraint this time, and I bite back a grin. I might just keep her drunk all the time. It’s actually pretty damn entertaining.

“I’ll be back. When I get back, be naked,” I say on my way to the bathroom.

After I finish brushing my teeth and taking a piss, I walk in to find her naked. But she’s also curled up in a ball and sleeping. Well, passed out is more accurate.

If it wasn’t so damn cute, I’d probably be pissed. She’s had a long day, so I’ll let it slide.

I look at the couch and the bedding folded on top. She never did make her bed.

I guess I’ll have to do it, but I need to see what I can figure out about the damn FBI agents on my ass right now.

After grabbing my laptop and the security code I’m not supposed to have, I settle in beside her and pull up the FBI database. Eve turns and puts her arm around my waist as she snuggles against me, subconsciously getting closer to me as though she’s seeking security.

She looks so fragile and scared. Right now, she’s holding onto me as though I make her feel safe. That’s just fucked up. I’m the worst person for her to feel safe around.

Without thinking, I run my fingers through her hair, and she snuggles in even closer. After moving the laptop to the table, I lie down, and pull her into my arms for reasons unbeknownst to me. Maybe I feel sorry for her.

It’s like I almost feel compelled to comfort her in her sleep. Fucking with my head. That’s what this is doing.


Chapter 14




Waking up in Drex’s arms is surprising, considering I thought I was supposed to sleep on the couch. What’s more surprising is the way he’s holding me to him, and the way I’m spiraled around him.

Ah hell. I tried kissing him last night, and I’m fairly sure I begged him to kiss me. I just keep thinking I can somehow work this out in my mind if I can convince myself that it’s sort of like a relationship. Albeit an unhealthy, psychotic, somewhat morbid relationship, but a relationship nonetheless.

His eyes open sleepily, and he blinks several times as he takes in our intimate embrace. Kissing isn’t his thing—his words from last night. I don’t get it.

“Hi,” I say with my just-awake rasp, not bothering to attempt to let him go.

“You’re still in my bed,” he mumbles, rubbing his face with one hand while keeping the other very firmly attached to me, holding me to him.

“Sorry. I… got… drunk?” I say, but for some reason it sounds like a question.

“And passed out after you got naked,” he says with an amused grin now forming.

All he has on are his thin boxers that he must have put on after I passed out. He takes my hand to slide it over the material, letting me feel his morning arousal.

“Some things were left unfinished,” he says suggestively. I bite down on my lip while sliding my hand down the front of his boxers. His eyes close as he groans, and I run my hand down the hard length of his cock.

Through the numerous tattoos, I see several scars that I didn’t notice yesterday.

“What’s this?” I ask, leaning down as my hand comes out of his boxers to point at a scar on his side.

When his eyes pop open, he grabs my hand and puts it back where it was, and I resume my forgotten task. He feels good in my hand—hot, silky, yet so firm.

“Knives, guns, and broken bottles. All of them. Don’t stop until I say so,” he says in a quick breath, his eyes closing again as his head drops back down to the pillow.

Apparently he doesn’t feel like discussing his numerous hidden scars right now.

All of the sudden, I’m on my back, and he’s on top of me, nudging my legs apart with his knee.

“Please be wet,” he murmurs against my neck, sliding his lips lower as his finger moves between my legs.

A breath hisses between his teeth when I whimper as he pushes a finger inside me. There’s no doubt I woke up ready. It’s like my body is staying prepared at all times around him.

His lips latch onto a nipple, and he spreads the wetness around, as though he’s making sure I’m fully prepared for him. His breath is hot, but when he pulls back to blow on my nipple, the chill of it has my back arching.

I really love his mouth.

But that’s all the foreplay I get, because Drex isn’t a patient guy.

In less than a few seconds, he’s managed to jerk his boxers down and he’s inside me, stretching me and filling me to a depth only he has explored. My moan almost embarrasses me, and his smug grin forms in response.

He pushes harder and faster, pinning my hands against the mattress as he watches himself enter and exit my body. His jaw goes slack, and my core tightens just from watching him get so turned on.

However, the loud pounding on the door makes it feel as though a bucket of ice water is thrown on us.

Drex stills inside, muttering curses, but he doesn’t pull out.

“What?” he barks, glaring at the door.

“Sorry, man, but Mark Harrison is here.”

Drex tilts his head, and then he glances at the clock. His eyes widen as though he’s shocked, and then he scowls down at me like I’ve done something wrong.

“Shit. I’ll be down in just a minute,” he says, pushing into me again.

His thrusts pick up a punishing rhythm, but he stops abruptly, and curses while pulling out, looking painfully erect.

“I fucking overslept. I never oversleep,” he grumbles, sounding accusatory in tone.

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to apologize or not, and I’m almost embarrassed by the fact that I want to ask him to continue before he leaves, because now there’s an ache between my thighs that is hurting too much to ignore.

“You’d better be ready for me when I get back. And I’m not kidding. Don’t finish that without me.”

A twinge of excitement fills me, and he bends and kisses my stomach, running his tongue down to my clit before licking me. My breath leaves when he does it again, teasing me with pleasure I wasn’t expecting, and like the traitors they are, my hands go to his hair and pull him closer while my legs spread wider in invitation.

He tugs my clit into his mouth, growling as he sucks it harder. But he pulls back just as suddenly, muttering a few more curses, and he lets his eyes rake over me several times. “It’s after seven. I never sleep past four unless we’ve had a rough night. I’ve got to get down there, but this will be continued.”

I’m so screwed up in the head. I really don’t want him to leave right now without finishing what we started.

Then his words register.

After seven? It’s after seven in the evening? I know we stayed up well past dawn… but still.

“Sorry,” I say, feeling completely teased.

He smirks while grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head, and then he rolls his eyes.

“You slept in my bed, and now I have to go into a very important deal with a fucking hard-on; a meeting that I’m already running late for. Your ass is on the couch from now on.”

When I smile, he rolls his eyes again. “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this quite so much,” he scolds, but his amusement is there.

That’s sobering, because it’s very true. I’m sick for enjoying this. But the alternative is being miserable and then being sent back to Benny where I’ll never survive.

He’s gone in the next second, still buttoning and cursing his jeans on the way out. Why did he keep me in the bed with him?


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