Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)
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The contradictory myriad of sensations strike me with guilt and disgust until an internal war threatens to emerge.

“I am,” I whisper, unable to find a stronger tone.

He laughs again, a low rumble that seems to vibrate through my body as the sound of a belt being undone turns up the tension. I hold myself still, refusing to look behind me. I’m afraid to breathe.

“Don’t worry. You’ll love every second of it,” he says against my ear, and my knees tremble as his warm skin brushes against me from behind, letting me know his shirt is already gone. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll beg for more.”

It wouldn’t be smart to tell him that’s the most insane thing I’ve ever heard, so I keep my mouth shut and let him fuel his own ego. A hard knot forms in my throat when the blunt tip of his cock prods my entrance, and he coats the head in the traitorous wetness that has pooled between my legs. He toys with my entrance, teasing me, torturing me, and I inwardly curse the way my stomach tightens again in anticipation instead of roiling in disgust.

Just the tip slides in, and I freaking moan like a sick pervert. Clamping my mouth shut, I try to ignore the sensations that swarm me and the disappointment I feel when he withdraws.

“Oh fuck,” I blurt out when he rams into me suddenly and silences my thoughts.

“So fucking wet,” he growls low in my ear, staying inside me. “I think you like danger, sweet girl. I think it turns you the fuck on. This is going to be more fun than I thought.”

I don’t have more time than that to adjust to the ungodly size of the intruder inside me before he pulls back and thrusts forward again, forcing my body to surge forth and slam into the side of the bed.

There’s no hesitation before his body continues the brutal punishment. “Too fucking tight,” he hisses, grabbing a handful of flesh on my ass as he pounds in once again, forcing an ungraceful grunt from my lips.

It’s only just not painful, and I hate the fact that my body is reacting in a way I wasn’t prepared for. I want to cry when I start feeling pleasure, because this isn’t supposed to feel good.

I whimper when he bites down on my shoulder, pushing his body flush with mine as his hips continue to buck without mercy. Roughly, he tugs my hair back, forcing my head at an odd angle as he makes his claim on my body.

His other hand travels around to my front, sliding across that bundle of nerves, and he starts a circular pattern that forces me up onto my toes, as an involuntary moan comes out once more. He bites down harder on my shoulder, offering pain and pleasure at the same time, as his body writhes with mine.

I push back against him when my body seizes control and excludes my mind from the process. He growls as he meets me push for push, our bodies colliding forcefully. I’ve never been fucked like this, and I hate him for making me love it.

“Scream. I want to hear you scream,” he growls against my ear, and with just the right amount of pressure where I need it, my body spirals in a mutinous orgasm that almost forces me to black out.

I’m a freak. I never knew I was a freak.

As cries of pleasure escape me in the scream he demanded, I learn more about what a twisted freak I really am.

My body continues to convulse around him, clenching tightly around his cock, and he breathes harshly, expelling curses as though they’re high praise. He continues to slam into me so forcefully that it lifts me up, extending my own orgasm until it’s almost painfully sensitive. The slapping sound from his skin to mine is loud, and the air is a heady rush that could get the sober high.

Suddenly, his motions go from hard thrusts to concentrated jerks, and his bruising grip on my ass lessens just as he releases some sexy, guttural groan.

He pulls out of me as quickly as he entered, and I feel a sense of hollowness in place of where he was. Ignoring that pang of disappointment at the loss of contact so abruptly becomes my primary focus.

I hear the rustle of his jeans as I sink to the floor, my back still turned, as the shame washes over me. The wetness between my thighs is a mixture of him and me, keeping reality fresh in my mind. I’m still trying to process all this.

“Get your clothes on. One of the girls will get you more stuff to wear. You can’t ride with us in your preppy girl attire. You’ll draw too much attention.”

I just nod weakly while hugging myself.

“And do that pouting, crying shit, and I’ll go ahead and give you back to Benny. I don’t need that drama. Buzz kill.”

The callous, cold nature of his tone isn’t surprising, but it still cuts me. I sniffle and nod quickly while standing to my feet. I start picking up my clothes, wondering if any of my dignity is left within the fabric.

“Look at me and tell me you understand.”

I swallow hard, and then I bring my eyes to slowly climb up his body. His jeans are back on, but he’s barefoot, and the top button on his pants is open. His shirt is in his hand, giving my eyes a new sight.

The hard lines of his abdomen and chest are… distracting. His arms are sleeved with tattoos, and several more are on his chest and sides. A flicker of silver catches my eyes, and I realize he has a barbell through each nipple.

Honestly, I’ve never seen a pierced nipple before this moment. Not that it’s more than a second-long distraction.

Finally, my eyes meet his piercing blue ones, and I ignore the cocky grin on his face.

“You’re not to touch anyone else here. If you’re going to be mine, then you’re only mine.”

It’s actually a relief to know he won’t be passing me around.

“And you?” I ask, cursing myself for being so brazen.

His brow cocks in amusement as one corner of his mouth quirks up in a taunting grin.

“What about me?” he asks, but I look down instead of answering.

“Answer me,” he prompts. “And look at me while you speak.”

Slowly, I bring my eyes back up.

“Are you only going to be touching me?”

He laughs as he comes closer, a mocking sound once again.

This man just fucked me so thoroughly that I can barely stand, and he never even bothered to kiss me. I’m not sure why that’s the center of my focus right now. There are other things much larger to worry about.

He grabs my chin roughly, but not painfully, and tilts my head up as he runs his free hand down my naked side, slowly moving to my ass when he gets close enough.

“I’m Drex Caine, baby. I’ll touch whoever I want, whenever I want.”

Which means I’ll go to the doctor regularly.

I don’t speak. Instead, I hold his gaze and let him intimidate me the way he wants to. I won’t fight him in any way, because he’ll consider it a challenge and try to break me.

I’ll let him win all the battles so that I can endure the war.

“Stay up here. I have to go meet with Pop. Don’t come down.”

Considering there is an entire warehouse below that is full of bikers that scare the hell out of me, I’m glad he’s leaving me up here. But what would be the consequences if I didn’t follow orders?

“Will I be staying up here?” I ask weakly. “I mean… full time. Is this my room?”

His dark smile shouldn’t be so sexy. In fact, it makes me hate him more, because I feel all the more twisted for liking that smile.

“This is my room, but yeah. You’ll stay up here for now. Until I decide what to do with you. You can sleep over there.” He points to a leather couch against the far wall of the vast room.

Two girls with their legs spread wide, heads thrown back mid-orgasm, and bodies bare for all to see, are on a poster that adorns the wall just above that couch.

I really hope he has disinfectant spray or something.


“Blankets are in the closet. Sheets, too. And you can take one of the pillows from my bed. Just one.”

I nod while tucking my head low. I brought my own pillow in my bag, along with my own blankets, just in case I got lucky enough to have my own bed. A couch is better than sharing a bed. And I guess it’s better Drex has me instead of his father. My skin isn’t crawling like I thought it would be. Which is another set of issues I’ll have to deal with. Later.

If I survive this, I’m going to need
a lot
of therapy.

“Thank you,” I say, not bothering to tell him I have all my own things.

“Your bags are downstairs. I’ll have Sledge bring them up. Have your clothes on before he comes up here.”

I start pulling on my panties immediately, even though I need to clean up. I’m still riddled with exhaustion after our brief encounter and in need of a post-sex shower.

He turns and walks away, and I suck in a sharp breath. His back has even more tattoos than his front. Massive, intricate patterns of ink barely leave much flesh to be seen.

The grim reaper is in a pit of fire, the flames rolling across his back like an ominous warning. That’s what was wrapping around his sides—flames.

I’m still staring as he walks away, pulling on his shirt as he goes. He leaves me behind as the door shuts, and my eyes immediately soak in my surroundings a little better once he’s not distracting me.

This room could serve as an apartment.

I scoop up my clothes and rush into the bathroom. After Sledge comes and goes, I’ll take a shower. In fact, I’ll just hide in the bathroom until he leaves.

The less his people get to see me, the safer I’ll feel.


Chapter 8




The twisted grin on my face might stay there for a while. I’m going to enjoy this more than I thought. Didn’t realize how much I liked the sweet ones until right now, and she’s sure as hell sweet. I guess time will tell how much like her father she is.

That sobering thought sours my good mood. So much for my fucking smile sticking around.

“Drex.” Sledge’s gruff voice reminds me I came this way for a reason.

“Sledge, grab the girl’s bags and put them in my room. And don’t hang around to talk to her.”

I don’t want anyone speaking to her when I’m not around. That way I can monitor every tidbit of information she has, and I can figure out if or when she tries to use it against us. I’ve already confiscated her phone, and she didn’t bring any other electronic devices—we searched her shit before we even loaded her up on the back of my bike.

Sledge frowns as he glances up toward my apartment. This garage holds several different rooms, but since Pop left, I took the biggest. The downstairs is the biggest area—full of cars and bikes. We only stay here when we have a heavy workload. It keeps our merchandise safe. No one fucks with us, especially when we’re all together.

“Herrin’s going to be pissed if you just did what I think you did. Damn, boy. Are you stupid?”

I smirk as I glance down at my watch.

“Pop agreed that she might be a risk. I’m keeping her until we figure out what’s going on.”

He rolls his eyes as he grabs her bags. “When Herrin sees her, he’s going to kick your ass. Girl’s not ugly. He’ll feel duped.”

I shrug carelessly. “I told him exactly what she looks like. It’s too much to risk. Benny’s not after me. If that’s his plan—to get close to Pop—then this will be perfect. I’ll play while they get no info and no shot at our President.”

“So you’re staking claim?” he asks, amused as he glances back up at the door.

I don’t like the way he words that question, so I refuse to answer him.

“Call Cecil. Tell him I want an appointment for two tomorrow.”

Sledge chuckles long and hard, and he throws the last bag over his shoulder.

“Damn. Must have been good. I’ll call him.”

It’s not about how good it was. It’s a matter of property.




“You’ll let me know if she gives you anything,” Pop says, taking another bite of his steak as I drink my beer.

“Yes, Sir.”

He chews slowly as he studies me. “But you think she might be telling the truth?”

I shrug with one shoulder as my eyes rake over the new shipment list we have to get out undetected.

“Too soon to tell, but the girl was scared to damn death in the bedroom. If she’s a spy, she’s a damn good actress. It’s doubtful she knows anything about Benny and his shitheads. I know Benny has something planned, but I don’t know what. He may be planning on using the girl in the future.”

“I never knew Marks had a kid,” Pop says around a mouthful. “Or a wife. Or a fucking family. No one can hide shit from me, but he somehow did. Remember she’s his daughter, so she could be just as skilled at concealing the truth as he was.”

My jaw tics at just the mention of her father’s name.

“I wonder if he lied to his family and kept secrets from them just as well as he kept them from us?” I ask, more to myself than to him.

“It’s a strong possibility. But she’s linked to Benny somehow.”

I nod, remembering where I was going with my earlier statement.

“She’s saying her mom was hurting for cash and about to lose her house. Benny knows her family, so—”

“So you think he might be planning to take advantage and use them as leverage against her later on. Smart. Sounds a little like a conspiracy theory, but still worth looking into. You got someone on her family to keep an eye out? I want to know what this bastard does before he does it. This girl may afford us the element of surprise as long as we keep playing dumb. I don’t know how else Benny would have known about Marks and what he did. It can’t be just a coincidence he knows her family.”

Benny and Aaron a team? “I don’t believe in coincidences. Benny never got paid if they were working together, since we got all the money back. This could be part of his plan—see if she can get the access her father had. But he’d have to know he was showing his hand, because he realizes we’re not idiots.”

He nods, his mind already working over something. “He surely wouldn’t think we’d be stupid enough to give her any access, given her father’s name. It’s a puzzle to solve.”

I stand and walk over to the very noticeable coolers. Pop shouldn’t have this shit in his apartment. One raid and he’s in the pin. Instead of voicing the fact this shit is pissing me off, I continue talking about the matter at hand.

“Juice and Evan are going to set up shop across the street from her mom. The house there was empty. It’s now Death Dealer property. If Benny makes a move, we’ll know it. If he goes for her family, then we’ll have all the ammo we need to start a war. I still think we should take him out now and be done with it.”

Pop laughs long and hard, acting as though I’m his entertainment for the evening. “Boy, you’d kill every rival club if you could. That’s why I let you keep the girl. You’ve earned it, and hell, you could use the distraction. We can’t go starting wars. Everyone you kill has someone who wants revenge. We kill when there isn’t another option.”

I cock an eyebrow.

“I thought I was keeping the girl because we agreed it was safer.”

I don’t like his condescending smirk. “No, that’s just what you’re telling yourself. You want her. That’s fine by me. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. Besides, Esmeralda is getting jealous these days. She’s under the delusion she can make me settle down. A girl as innocent as you’ve described would have her eyes clawed out within minutes around here. Best she stay and keep your bed full.”

I frown as I sit back down. “She’s on my couch until I find her a room. I sleep alone.”

“My apologies,” he says with that same thick condescension. “She can keep your couch warm. Just so you know, it’s easier to fuck them in the bed. Couches are for teenagers.”

Rolling my eyes, I stand and head to the window. Two unmarked cars are parked just below. Feds are watching us now, but this isn’t news.

Turning around, I nudge a cooler with my foot while asking, “What’re you going to do with the drugs if they come in?”

Pop waves me off like it’s no big deal.

“It’s just a cooler full. I’ll flush the shit if it comes to that. No worries. If they had a search warrant, they’d have already charged in like the cavalier asses they are.” The knife scratches the surface of the plate as he readies a new bite of steak. “I want you to keep me posted on the girl. If she’s innocent, try not to torture her too much, just in case we have to use her later on. We’ll want her compliant and not overly resentful.”

I smirk as I head toward the door. “No worries, Pop.”

Torture isn’t what I have in mind.


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