Promises (15 page)

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Authors: Ellen March

BOOK: Promises
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Chapter Twelve

olomon leaned against the closed door, watching her. The expression on Alex’s face flitted from utter disbelief to childlike amazement. She wandered through the apartment in awed silence, shaking her head, before returning to him. The honeyed, panelled walls gleamed with a rich warmth against the dark gold of the carpet. The ceiling’s high crystal chandelier winked and sparkled in the light. A dark green chesterfield couch sat in the centre of the room, overlooking a pair of huge windows. The silk curtains ruffled in the soft breeze.

“How?” she asked
with a sweep of her hand, not missing the champagne in a large silver bucket. It sat inviting atop a highly polished table.

“You deserve it
.” Dropping the bags, he pulled her close, threading his arms around her waist. “So you approve?” He nipped and suckled at her earlobe. He slipped his tongue inside her ear and twirled it, sucking and licking the tender flesh. His breath was hot and ticklish against her throat.

, yes. Did you know there’s a massive four poster bed in there?” Circling his neck, her fingers scampered across the nape, kneading. She gyrated against him. “We can have some fun with that. Hope it comes with handcuffs.”

, you wouldn’t mind?” His grin was decadent.

“I was thinking of you
!” she said. Checking the time, she realized it wasn’t even the lunch hour. “But I can’t do bondage on an empty stomach.”

“I’ll ring our order through
. Fancy a swim later?” He dropped his hand down, hitching it around her peach-shaped backside.

She licked at the dip in his throat, still not moving
, content to stay in his arms.

. I haven’t brought anything to swim in.”

brought your bikini for you.” He grinned down at her shocked look. “Found it in the pile on the floor.”

, you think of everything,” she said and pulled his head down.

* * *

Over an hour later Solomon managed to order a meal, amazed at her appetite, sexual and otherwise. He approved of both, looking on as she ate with gusto.

Seated at the small table in the living area
, she speared the last small round potato, munching in blissful contentment. “Sol, I still don’t get it. Who the hell do you know who can pull this off?”

“Friends in high places
. Even a beach bum deserves a break,” he laughed.

“Shut up!”
She threw a cushion at him and crossed to the window, looking out over the grounds. “It’s beautiful.”

“It certainly is,”
agreed Sol, his gaze on Alex. He came to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Contentment washed over him as he enjoying the feel of her head resting against his chest. “Want to go for a walk before that swim?”

Alex nodded
. “I’d like that.” She patted her stomach. “Think I need some exercise after that meal, to burn some calories.”

You’re perfect as you are.” His tongue slaked a hot trail across her throat.

“Compliments will get you everywhere
!” she laughed, turning into him. “But not that.” Her hand grazed his crotch. “Come on, let’s go, before we get sidetracked.”

Sol was still laughing wh
en they stepped out of the lift. Then he looked towards the reception desk and stared with horror into the dancing eyes of Callum, who was leaning against it. The blond man flashed him a naughty boy grin.

“Go on
, honey,” Sol said. “I’ll meet you out front. Just got to sort something out.” As he propelled her forward, he shot Callum a furious glare.

“Nothing wrong
, is there?” She noticed the frown creasing his forehead.

“No, just got to make sure my suits arrived
, that’s all,” he lied yet again, aware that his own suit was already hanging in the wardrobe. Another blast of guilt hit him, and he knew that at some point he’d have to stop and tell her the truth. But when? “I’m borrowing it from my friend.”

ay, I’ll wait outside.”

Solomon watched
her leave before turning towards Callum and groaning when he saw who had joined him. “What the hell are you two doing here?” he growled, not wanting anything to spoil his plans for this weekend.

“I heard the whisper that you were here
,” said Callum with unabashed guilt. “Thought I’d join you.” He nodded his head towards the door. “Nice, very nice.”

“Keep your eyes off her
,” snapped Solomon, the unfamiliar surge of possessiveness engulfing him once again. Then he turned to the dark-haired woman. “And what the hell are you doing?”

“I wanted to meet the girl
who’s managed to hook my brother.” Anna shrugged her shoulders, tossing her long locks behind her. “No harm in that, is there?”

She locked her
grey eyes on her brother, the pleasure evident on her tanned face. Anna was his only sibling, and despite not seeing much of each other, they remained close. Anna could always rely on him, not that she needed to, because she was both headstrong and confident. She was a wildlife photographer and travelled the world when she wasn’t at her base in London, which she hated. She loved the freedom her job gave her. She liked nothing better than to sleep beneath the darkened sky, breathing in the earthy scents. Listening to cries that echoed through the night. City girl she wasn’t, but she certainly looked the part.

Sol scrubbed a worried hand through his hair
. As pleased as he was to see Anna, now wasn’t the time. He wanted this weekend to go without a hitch, and it didn’t include his nosy, lovable sister and Callum.

“She doesn’t have a clue who I am, and I want it to stay that way
.” Sol was only too aware he needed to confess all to Alex, but now wasn’t the time. Their relationship so far had been built on a web of sex and lies.

, we’ll go along with that,” said Callum. “I’ve booked a table for the four of us this evening. We both thought it would be nice to meet her.”

, cancel it!” snarled Solomon.

, can’t do that,” Callum said, shaking his head. “And besides, you could use me as your contact for letting you stay here.” He smiled with a victorious salute. “A nice touch of authenticity, don’t you think?”

“Come on
, Sol, don’t be mean. It’s only dinner,” urged Anna.

“If either of you let on
 ….” he warned, glaring at the two of them, distinctly uneasy.

“We won’t,
so see you in the bar at seven,” said Callum, and flashed him a grin before turning to Anna. “At last we get to meet the enigmatic Alexandra.”

marched out of the foyer and spotted Alex, seated on a bench. A tall man stood close, gazing down at her, and he could guess where he was looking. He strode angrily up to her.

, honey.” He pulled her to her feet and kissed her cheek, staking his claim. Then he glared at the stranger. “And you are?”

Pete.” His dark eyes were fixed on Alex’s chest. “I saw this pretty woman sitting here all alone and thought—”

, you thought wrong!” snapped Sol, wrapping an arm around her slim waist and pulling her close. “So if you don’t mind?” Pete nodded and walked away.

She raised
an eyebrow, as was her mother’s habit. “That was a bit rude wasn’t it?”

“He was coming onto you
. What do you expect?” Solomon said in a spout of anger. His romantic weekend was not getting off to the best start. First, the unexpected arrival of Callum and his sister. And now, after being alone for only two minutes, some guy tries to pull her.

“I know that
. Do you think I’m stupid?” she snapped back, her temper flaring. “I’ve been handling idiots like that for years. And trust me; I know how to get rid of them.” She squirmed out of his grasp and strutted down the path.

“Alex, come on, you know I didn’t mean it that way
.” Catching up with her, he gripped her hand. “It’s just I don’t like to see guys eyeing you up.”

“Were you jealous?” she asked
, coming to an abrupt halt. Looking up at him, she pushed a strand of red hair back behind her ear.

Yes.” He threw her a lopsided grin. “Okay, yes, honey, I was. Very bloody jealous!”

Alex grinned
and stood up on tiptoes, her lips sliding, sweet and hot, over him. “Good, because so am I when I see some woman eating you up. It’s as if you’re a scrumptious bar of chocolate they want to lick.” She continued walking. Sol broke into a soppy smile before following.

They walked through the grounds
, hand in hand, enjoying the silence. The only sounds were borne on the breeze—the shuffling of leaves, a squawk of a bird that cut through the blue sky. Sol led her through the myriad of paths, emerging upon a vast lake. The water glistened in the sunshine and dappling rays danced on the surface.

, wow, this is beautiful.” She stopped and stared at the sights, then spotted a pair of graceful white creatures. “Oh look, Sol, swans.” Grasping his arm, she bounced up and down in excitement. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

He looked across
at the majestic birds gliding across the water, slicing through with barely a ripple. He slid his arm around her waist and she leaned back against him.

“Did you know
that a swan mates for life?” he said quietly. For the first time in his life, he was able to understand why. “If one dies, the survivor never finds another mate.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, tasting her hair, warm beneath the sun.

Oh God, that’s so sad.” Her gaze riveted on them. A tear formed and slid down her face, hovering at her chin before dropping to the ground

Sol felt the
droplet hit his arm and squeezed her. “Hey, there’s no need for tears.”

Swivelling in his arms
, she looked up into his face, entwining her arms around his neck. “I was just thinking how I’d feel, or what I’d do, if you died.” Tears pooled in her eyes and dribbled down her cheeks.

“I’m not going anywhere,
I promise,” he said, pulling her tight against him and kissing her tears away. Urgently seeking her mouth, he plundered it with his tongue. Her body responded and he wanted to lay her down on the grass and make urgent love to her. But he knew this area was popular with guests and so, with reluctance, tempered his desire.

“I’ll hold you to that
,” she said, tapping his chest. Feeling her mobile vibrate, she pulled it out of her pocket and groaned at the name that popped up. “Hi Mother.” She nodded her head. “Yeah I know. No, we won’t be late. Yeah, we’ve got rooms, rather nice ones actually.” She grinned at Sol. “Yes, of course he’s with me.” She tried not to squeal as he bent his head and sucked on her neck, sending sinful shivers down her spine. “Mother, stop going on, it’s not going to happen. I’m not having a baby with Sol.” Alex sighed as he nipped her throat.

“You sure about that?” he whispered
wickedly, giving her a sizzling wink.

.” Alex nodded her head. “Yeah, okay, I’ll ring you when we leave. See you tomorrow.”

Putting a hand over her eyes
, she whined, “I’m dreading it. Do you think they’ll mind if I do a runner?”

“You’ll get through it
, and I won’t be far from you. So stop your worrying,” he urged, rubbing her arm and trying to comfort her.

“Oh G
od, I can imagine my mother going on and on about babies. Honest, Sol, she’s like a dog with a bloody bone!” Worriedly, Alex chewed on a nail and tilted her head. A thought had just occurred to her. “So what about your family?”

ollapsing onto the grassy bank, she tapped the ground invitingly. “I know every inch of your body, but nothing about you. I’m curious about the man I’m making love to on a regular basis.”

, Sol joined her. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he wasn’t ready to tell her the truth yet. Especially with the wedding that loomed on the horizon the following day. She had enough to think of without him adding to it. “Not much to tell. What you see is what you get.”

Have you got any family?” She heaved a frustrated sigh. “I’ve got a strong feeling this is going to be like drawing blood out of a stone.”

He gave a sheepish grin.
“Yeah, but I don’t see much of them. I tend to drift a lot.” The hole he was digging himself into kept getting deeper.

Any brothers, sisters?” she persisted. It was obvious he was shutting down instead of opening up.

“One sister, that’s all.
” Relieved that bit was the truth, he leaned back against the grass and rested his head beneath his arm. His eyes remained closed. It was easier to lie to her then.

“So how come you got into carpentry
?” Sitting cross-legged, she looked down at him, her expression poignant. Her eyes scored over his chiselled features. “I wish I was an artist with the talent to hold you still in time, to capture your essence.”

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