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Authors: Ellen March

Promises (17 page)

BOOK: Promises
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Tell me, how did the two of you meet?” Anna probed, leaning on her elbows and looking from one to the other.

“We live next door to each other
,” explained Alex. “It’s handy having a carpenter so close.”

?” asked Callum, choking on his drink. “He’s a carpenter?” His voice moved up ten octaves in shock.

Alex felt her temper ri
se. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being a carpenter. At least Sol’s got a trade. What do you do?” she snapped, rising to his defence.

“No, no,
it’s not like that.” Attempting to calm her down, Callum took hold of her hand, letting go when Sol shot him a glare. “It’s just that Sol …. Well, he’s never told me what he does, that’s all.”

“Oh, right

Sol flashed
Alex a wicked smile, relieved that she’d cooled down.

It’s just I’m not used to all this richness, screaming money.” Alex glanced around with a shrug of her shoulders. “To be honest I’d have preferred a regular B&B and take-away.”

“Wouldn’t you like to have money?” asked Callum
. He arched one brow and waited for her reply.

“Yes and no
, I guess. I’d like some money, so I could learn to drive and be able to afford a car, even insure it. But nah, too much is a waste, I think.” She indicated with a sweeping gesture the well-dressed, dour-faced people in the room. “Look at them. Bet money hasn’t made any of these people happy.” She glanced up at Sol and tossed him a cheeky wink. “Give me my broke beach bum any day of the week.

Solomon smiled
, yet inside he was flinching. Just how the hell was he going to tell her he was a millionaire, and more worrying, how was she going to receive the news?

laughed, a soft tinkling sound, and raised a glass in salute. “I like you, Alex. I’m glad to see Solomon has found someone at last. It’s been a long time coming.”

Alex gave her a quizzical look but a loud rumble from her stomach distracted her

“Sorry, but I’m starving
. We’ve had a busy day.” A blush stained her face.

“I bet
,” agreed Callum with a chuckle. “Come along then, let’s see what delicacies await us.”

As they w
alked into the dining room, Alex couldn’t fail to notice the amount of attention they were generating. Turning, she whispered to Sol, “Why are they looking at us?”

, who was used to the attention and had momentarily forgotten Alex’s aversion, shrugged his shoulders. “Probably trying to work out who the sexy redhead is.”

“Shut up
,” she laughed, but his words put her at ease.

Alex glanced down at the
elaborate menu and closed her eyes briefly. She looked across the table, where both Anna and Callum appeared to be relaxed and happy as they made their choices. She gave it a final peep before snapping it shut and dropping it onto the table, her decision made.

“Think I’ll have the same as you
, Sol.” The selection read like a recipe book, and Alex couldn’t cook.

“What if you don’t like what I have
?” he asked, immediately guessing the reason behind her choice.

“I know
I will.” She gave him a not so subtle kick and smiled at his pained expression. “I’m sure you’ll pick wisely!”

From across the
table, Anna watched the exchange with interest.


Chapter Fourteen

h my goodness, I’m stuffed,” groaned Alex, holding her stomach as she leaned against Sol outside the door to their suite.

“Not too full
, I hope.” He was pleased the meal had gone well and that his sister liked her. Not that it made any difference to him, but it made life a lot easier. Although, he was still worried about her attitude towards money. It was not a problem he’d ever expected to have, but he should have realized things would be different with Alex. He smiled to himself when he thought of how she’d had a go at Callum, touched at the way she defended him.

Sol grinned as he
recalled the brief chat he’d had alone with his sister after the meal. Anna had said she was pleased that he didn’t walk over Alex as he did most people. Sol knew that she spoke the truth; he could be an arrogant bastard.

And Anna had smiled at him
. “Your lady can more than hold her own. You, Sol, are like a huge adorable puppy with her.”

gave her a sheepish grin. This was new ground for him; he’d never been in love before. Hell, he’d never even had a relationship that was more than casual sex.

rose up on her toes and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. “I’m so very pleased for you, Brother. It’s about time you settled down instead of bedding hordes of money-grubbing bitches.”

“What’s tickling you?”
Alex asked as they walked in and let the door slam behind them.

, back there when you told Cal off about me being a carpenter.” He looped his hands around her tiny waist, which he could span easily, and bent his head to nuzzle her throat. “But it shouldn’t have surprised me.”

think I did overreact a bit, but it was a nice evening. I enjoyed it. Yet somehow it seemed surreal,” she mused, “as if I was on the outside looking in. Do you know what I mean?”

Sol nodded
guiltily. He dropped his lips to hers and tasted the wine she’d drunk with dinner. “What time do we need to leave tomorrow?” His hands roamed intimately over her body, clutching and cupping her ass.

Not until late.” She pulled him close. “I need you so much, Sol,” she whispered against his ear, her hand dropping and caressing him.

, Alex, you are insatiable.” He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, eying the huge bed speculatively.

, you’ve got it. Does the word randy spring to mind?” Her hands roamed over his body, loving the ripple of his muscles and the play of movement beneath her fingers. He released her to stand in front of him.

“Do you mind if it I tie you up tonight
?” she asked. “I’ve never done it in a four poster.” Her tongue slid over his neck and he groaned. “Honestly, it won’t be tight, just something to add a bit of spice.”

, you can do whatever the hell you like to me,” he muttered as her fingers rifled seductively over him.

“Then stand there
and don’t move,” she ordered, circling him. She unzipped her dress, letting it pool at her feet. She smiled as his eyes feasted hungrily on her, standing in her matching red bra and panties and black heels. “You like?”

Sol nodded, unable to speak
as his gaze sparked over her.

bra joined her dress on the floor and his eyes burned on her breasts, which bounced enticingly as she walked towards him. Her green eyes, dark and blazing, scorched him.

shuddered as she undid his buttons, one by tantalising one. As each one opened, she placed a kiss on his chest, lower and lower till her lips were nestled against his stomach. She dropped to her knees before him.

closed his eyes and the muscles in his stomach tightened. He swallowed, his jaw tense as he gritted his teeth. A soft sheen of perspiration covered his body and his fists were clenched tight. His trousers opened with the faint scratch of the zipper hissing down.

Alex stared at his impressive
erection springing forward. Again he’d worn no pants. Clasping him, she ran her hand leisurely up and down. Peeking up, she saw the evident strain on Sol’s face as he struggled to keep control. Then, bending her head, she flicked her tongue across him and listened to his growl of pleasure. His hand clutched her hair as she moved against him, breathing in his scent, tasting, licking, loving him.

t, Alex.” He pulled her up to him and threw her on the bed, tearing out of his clothing before joining her. Ripping at her knickers in his haste, his actions sharp and urgent, he locked eyes with her with such intensity that she sucked in her breath.

“That’s another pair of knickers you owe me
,” she muttered, feverishly kissing and nibbling at his jaw as he covered her. Pulling her legs apart, he paused at her entrance, moving slowly, enticingly.

“Not yet
, honey. Now it’s my turn.” He slid down her body, trailing a path with the tip of his tongue across the inside of her thigh, nibbling at the spot just before her apex. Then he shifted his head and rubbed against her curly pubic hair, licking and nuzzling.

He f
urrowed between her lush folds, taking her to plateaus she’d only ever dreamed of. As she curled into his mouth, Alex couldn’t believe the sensations he was stoking. His tongue worked magic, laving and drawing on her. She was lost. Clutching his head, pushing him deeper, she was desperate for the release that was smashing through her body. But instead of giving in, she held back, determined to come with him.

, I need you inside me, please!” she begged him. She’d never experienced the feelings that were blasting through her body in her entire life. Bloody Roger had a lot to learn and so did she, she realized as her hips rose to his mouth.

And with those words
, Sol was undone. Moving up from her, he ploughed forward in a swift possessive lunge, deep and hot. His tongue sought hers as he twisted and thrust, seeking release only Alex could give him.

he shuddered at the taste of herself on his lips, welcoming him plundering harder and faster.

As h
e slammed into her, she was unable to stop racking and gyrating against him; every other thought was shifted aside.

nly Sol existed.

Only Sol could give her what she needed.
Smothering her scream, she climaxed at the same time as he shuddered into her.

His chest heaving
, he rolled to the side. His arm snaked around her body and pulled her close so that she could rest her head on his chest. Sol closed his eyes and stroked her hair, holding her tightly to him. His breathing was returning to normal as he sucked in a sigh.

What’s wrong?” asked Alex, turning to look up at him.

“Nothing, why?” U
nable to miss the opportunity, he planted a swift kiss on her open lips.

“You’re not usually so quiet

I need to tell you something, and I’m worried about how you’re going to, er, take it.” Sol stumbled over the words and rubbed a hand across his forehead.

Alex fr
owned, wondering if this was it. A coldness sat in her belly, and she felt sick. Yet what else could it be? Nice things didn’t happen to her; she’d known that all along. So why the shock?

“I guess I should have waited, told you after the wedding, but you have to know.” Sol wasn’t looking at her
; instead his gaze was fixed on the ceiling. “I can’t keep quiet about it any longer. Our relationship, it’s going to have to change, slightly.”

His words tore into her
. If he was worried about her reaction then it had to be bad, she reasoned. Change their relationship? How? She knew it was the ‘nice shag but time to move on’ speech. She gave a shaky sigh and wished he’d timed it better. “It’s okay, I understand.”

oday had been magical, a day to remember, and now he was going to spoil it, and how! Struggling to sit up, she turned her head, unwilling to show him the hurt and pain on her face. The hot salty tears scattered down her cheeks. “Guess all good things must come to an end. It’s just ….” Stumbling over her words, Alex was determined not to start wailing. “It’s just ….” A sob caught in her throat, silencing her.

Sol heard her words and froze
. “Alex, what the hell are you talking about?” All of a sudden he noticed the quivering of her shoulders. Gently he turned her, staring down at her tear-stained face. “Honey, I’m trying to tell you I love you,” he whispered, wiping at her tears. Her eyes resembled liquid pools. “That’s why our relationship is going to change. It has to, because you’ve got me for life.”

what?” Her voice hoarse, she raised a shaking hand up to cup his face. “You’re not lying to me?”

, I love you so Goddamn much you wouldn’t believe it, honest.” He grinned down at her shocked expression. “And I’m never leaving you, honey, promise!”

, Sol, I love you, baby!” More tears began to flow. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tight and breathing in the uniqueness that was him, his skin warm against her face.

God for that!” He released his own torn sigh. “Honey, you don’t realize how much those words mean to me. But why the tears now?”

“I’m just so happy
!” Smothering his face with a myriad of butterfly kisses, she couldn’t get enough of him.

Sol pulled her on top of him, his arms
holding her tight. It was going to be a long night.

* * *

The sun filtered in through curtains that fluttered against the morning breeze. He lay on his side, leaning on his elbow and gazing down at Alex, who was still asleep. One arm was beneath her head and the other was flung across his waist.

They’d made love till the early hours before falling into an exhaus
ted sleep. He felt a bit guilty knowing how busy the day ahead was going to be, but when it came to her, he was insatiable.

A deep sigh of worry
escaped. He knew he’d have to tell her the truth, and soon. He couldn’t tell her any more lies; their relationship was still so tenuous he was terrified something would go wrong.

Alex stirred, her eyes slowly
flicking open as she looked up into Sol’s face, suddenly doubting that his proclamation of love had really happened. She gave him a small smile. “Morning,” she muttered. Arching her back, she stretched, not noticing his pained expression as she thrust her chest out.

“Alex, I wish you’d stop doing that
,” he groaned.

, Sol, didn’t you get enough last night?”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you
.” Bending his head, he nipped her shoulder. “I love you too much for that. And don’t you ever forget it!” He hadn’t missed the fleeting glimpse of doubt on her face. He realized she still didn’t fully believe him, and could he blame her, knowing the skein of lies he’d spun?

“And I love you
, my Sol,” she whispered. “I think I’ll be like that swan if you ever leave me.”

“I told you I won’t.
Believe in me, Alex. Trust me. I’m not lying, I’m not going anywhere. I promise you.”

er gaze delved deep into his inner self, and she nodded slowly. “You’ll never break a promise to me, will you?”

,” he said, kissing her deeply.

Her mobile rang,
shattering the moment. It vibrated on the bedside cabinet and Alex reached out for it. “Hi, Mother. Yes I know what time to be there. Yeah, I know. Okay, we’ll be on our way soon.” She slapped Sol’s wandering hand away with a grin. “Yes he’s with me. No, I’m in bed. And yes to that as well, okay, see you soon.”

Sol grinned at her
. “The usual?”

“The usual,” she grinned
. “We’d better get moving. She’s on high alert and panicking. Wants us there like now, and oh God, I’m dreading it. I’ll be glad when it’s over.” She rubbed her forehead.

“You’ll be
okay. Now stop worrying,” he soothed, flinging the sheets back. “Fancy a shower before we leave?”

“Now you’re talking
,” giggled Alex, taking his hand.

* * *

Alex sat in the passenger seat, watching Sol stroll towards the car. The sun glinted off his dark hair, his blue eyes sparkling. If she could bottle her emotions at this moment she’d make a fortune, she thought happily.

flashed a grin and got in beside her. “I’ve wrangled another night for us. Don’t know what time we’ll be leaving the wedding, so I thought we’d make the most of it.” He gave her leg a gentle squeeze. “Okay with you?”

Alex nodded
, thinking of her pill at home, and again prayed she’d be okay. It was a bit late to ask him to wear a condom now. Surely, she reasoned, there had to be a pharmacy on route where they could stop off and get the morning after pill. She relaxed, happy with her plan B.

Unfortunately the
Beetle was having a temperamental glitch and by the time they got it started they were running seriously late. There was no time to stop anywhere. Fiona had been shrieking down the phone wondering where they were.

BOOK: Promises
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