Promises (16 page)

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Authors: Ellen March

BOOK: Promises
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“Take a picture
. It’s easier,” teased Sol, wincing at her sharp slap. He sighed, preparing to lie again. “Don’t know; I just got a flare for it.”

He wished
she’d stop the interrogation. He hated the lies, and with it the inevitable argument that would ensue when he told her the truth. “How did you get to be a librarian?”

“I’ve always loved reading, escap
ing into fantasy.” She shivered. “It seemed the natural transition.”

And how come you moved to the Bay?” He was curious himself now.

“The job
became available, and that’s where I ended up. Didn’t have anything to keep me at home. And trust me, it was a relief to get away from the nagging. I think that’s why my dad up and died. It was the only way to escape Mother.”

He took the easy option, then?” Sol tried to inject some lightness back into the conversation.

Alex grinned and nodded her head.

“There was no special man in your life?” He needed to know, his stomach twisted into a jealous spiral that curled and clenched.

“Just the one, but he came with me
.” She chuckled when his eyes flew open in horror. “Roger, my vibrator.”

, you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack!” He clasped his chest dramatically.

“And you, any special woman in yours

the one.” Aping her words, he looked up at her, noticing the way her jaw was thrust out, her eyes flashing. “Her name is Alex.” He flinched as she swiped at his shoulder.

“And there hasn’t been anyone serious in you
r life?” Uncertainty crossed her features and she chewed on her lip.

“I swear to you there hasn’t been anyone I’ve
ever felt strongly about,” he grinned, his eyes boring into hers. “Promise with all my heart.”

, that’s the answer I like to hear. But if I find out you’re not telling me the truth, you’ll be sorry. And that I promise with all my heart!” she threatened, her pupils darkening to a dark moss green.

Sol felt a
flutter of nerves. He knew damn well that Alex was going to kick his ass big time when she found out who he was, discovered the web of lies he’d concocted.

“I still can’t believe the coincidence of you moving next door to me
,” she said, cocking her head and staring at him. “I mean, what would be the chance of that?”

He closed his eyes
and wondered just how the hell he was going to explain himself and his reasoning to her. He wished he hadn’t come up with such a stupid idea. But, if he’d told the truth, turned up in a Porsche and told her he was moving in till he’d satisfied the itch ….

ell, call it speculation or intuition, but he didn’t think that would sit well with her either.


Chapter Thirteen

lowly, hand in hand, they meandered down the path back towards the hotel. “Fancy that swim? I hear they’ve got a spa as well.” Solomon decided to omit the fact that it was their own private pool.

“Why not?
Might as well make the most of what’s on offer here,” she agreed, looking around at the sheer, understated elegance that screamed expense. “Don’t think we’ll be doing this again.”

“Why not?”

“Well, neither of us is in the position to afford this place,” she pointed out logically, “and you can’t expect your friend to pull any more strings.”

Speaking of which, I bumped into him on the way out. He’s having dinner with us tonight, along with his friend.” At least that bit of news was out of the way, he thought, carefully checking her reaction.

Good, that will be nice. Maybe he’ll fill me in on the bit about your family that you’ve neglected to mention.” She flashed him a knowing grin.

Sol shook his head
, now flooded with worry. If Callum said one word out of order, best friend or no, he’d be looking for another job. And so would his sister.

* * *

A short while later Sol led Alex down a flight of stairs that dropped to the pool. Fitted beneath the building, the pool was bathed in a pale blue light that reflected off the walls. The water glistened and beckoned invitingly.

“Oh my word, this is fabulous
. A regular oasis,” breathed Alex, glancing around. “Where is everyone?” Dropping her towel to the floor, she stepped to the edge of the tiled area.

I would think, getting ready for dinner.” He turned to find he was talking to empty air as Alex dived in. Her body as straight as an arrow, she swam the length of the pool underwater, surfacing on the other side in a flurry of droplets.

“Come on
, slowcoach,” she shouted. “It’s lovely in here.” Her eyes widened in shock when he stepped out of his jeans and dived naked into the pool, seconds later coming up beside her.

!” she shrieked. “What if someone comes in here?” Alex was still convinced they’d end up being thrown out, remembering the episode outside the lift.

“Trust me
, they won’t.” Sidling up to her, he expertly flicked her bikini open, and before she could say anything, flung the scraps of material onto the tiles. His hands roved over her body, flicking her nipples and grasping her breasts, kneading them as he luxuriated in the softness of her skin.

“If someone comes in now and catches me skinny
-dipping, I’ll murder you,” she whispered in his ear, nipping on it and darting her tongue inside.

f anyone else sees you naked, trust me, I’ll murder them!” He ran his hand over her flat stomach. Dropping down towards the vee at the top of her legs, his fingers swam into her bikini bottoms. He smiled against her lips as she curled into him.

“I’m so glad it was my room you stumbled into that night
,” he muttered feverishly, dotting small kisses along her jaw line, paving a luscious trail down her throat.

God, so am I.” She thrust against his hand, desperate to feel him inside her. “I still can’t believe I stayed.”

hat if it had been someone else?” Suddenly he stopped his actions and looked down at her, his blue gaze intense.

clasped his face in her hands, her thumb drawing circles against his skin. “I asked myself that same question. And no, Sol, there was something so special about you. It wasn’t just your love making. I don’t know how to explain it.” She pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “It just seemed so right. So natural. Like coming home. Plus I didn’t think I was going to see you again,” she added wickedly.

Sol wrapped her tightly in his arms, choked at her words and the sincerity in which she
said them. He crushed his lips against hers, an open-mouthed urgent kiss, thrusting his tongue inside. The kiss devoured her, possessing her completely. Nudging her legs apart, he surged up, driving deep inside. Her arms were wrapped tight around his neck, her legs crushed around his waist. He ground his hips against her bucking body, not a hair’s breadth between them, and the sloshing water slapped against their skin.

Alex could feel h
er sex coiling in a delicious arc around him. She cradled him and called him on.

Christ, Alex, what are you doing to me?” he cried, shuddering against her as her not-so-subtle scream echoed around the pool area.

“Loving you
, Solomon,” she whispered. It was the closest she was able to come to telling him just how much she really did love him.

“Alex, you know I’m falling for you big
-style, don’t you?” He cupped her face, and gazed into her green depths. “I really do think—”

Just then
a voice sliced through the air. “Solomon, what the hell are you doing in there?” Callum came into view, running lightly down the last few steps.

Solomon blocked Alex with his big
body, effectively preventing Callum from getting a glimpse of her. “Get the hell out of here, Callum!” he shouted, his voice reverberating with icy anger.

, okay, calm down.” Callum held his hands up, placatingly, and tried to peer around Solomon.

, if you know what’s good for you!” Sol’s voice was low, but the threat was unmistakable.

ay, I get the message. See you both down at the bar, and by the way it’s six thirty, so that doesn’t give you much time.” And with one last regretful glance, he returned the way he’d come. Shaking his head, he muttered to himself, “Sol, you’re really getting to be a control freak with that girl.”

“Who was that?” asked Alex,
stunned at the venom in Sol’s voice.

“Callum, the guy we’re havin
g dinner with.” He smashed a hand into the water and took in a deep, calming breath. His blue eyes were almost navy.

“You mean he arranged all this and that’s the way you talk to him?”
Shaking her head, she swam to the edge of the pool. Sol stood alongside her, his skin chafing against hers, and she savoured the feeling of decadence. She wished they could have stayed longer to play.

himself out, unconcerned with his nudity, he leaned over to pull Alex up as well. Reluctantly he gave her the towel to cover herself and wrapped the other towel around his lower half before collecting her bikini.

“Come on, let
’s get changed. Better not be late.” He was dreading the next few hours.

Alex emptied her entire bag, root
ing through it for something suitable to wear, and realized belatedly she’d left her makeup bag at home. And with it, her pill. She chewed nervously on her lip and prayed that missing one night wouldn’t make much difference. Glancing up, she saw that Sol was already dressed. Instead of his usual jeans, he wore a pair of snug-fitting black trousers and an open shirt, a smattering of dark curling hair visible. To her eyes he looked drop dead gorgeous and very fuckable.

“Aren’t you ready yet?” he asked
, trying not to stare at her standing in her bra and panties. He hoped she’d dress soon or dinner would be cancelled.

“What am I going to wear?
I thought we’d be having a pub lunch, not fine-dining!” She nibbled on her nail as she reviewed her meagre wardrobe.

, wear what you like, but hurry up. I’m starving.” He dropped down into a chair and waited. His fingers strummed on the table besides him.

In the end
she decided on the only dress she’d thrown in. It was plain and simple and clung to her figure, emphasising the size of her breasts and her tiny waist. The dress stopped just above her knee. She slipped on a pair of low-heeled shoes, thankful she’d put them in for the wedding, and at last emerged from the bedroom. She gave the large four poster bed one last look of longing, determined to have some fun on it later.

,” said Sol with a grin as he glimpsed the top of her head reflected in the mirror. “About bloody time.”

hen he turned. His eyes widened and he scrubbed a hand over his rising crotch; he was hardening simply looking at her. “You look stunning,” he breathed, his attention drawn to the fact she wore no makeup. “I’m glad you don’t wear all that stuff women slap on their face because, honey, you don’t need it.”

h, whatever,” she said, dismissing his compliment. She knew what she looked like.

“Come on
, honey, let’s go.” He took her by the hand, so small in his palm, and squeezed it gently.

Solomon p
laced his hand on the small of her back and steered her through the busy dining room to the bar, where he could see Callum and his sister waiting. He wished the staff wouldn’t hover around them. Before they’d arrived, he’d given strict instructions that the staff should completely ignore him. However he hadn’t planned on the two of them putting a spanner in the works.

’s gaze wandered with avid interest over Alex. Until he glanced up into the furious face of Sol. He watched his friend warily. He’d seen Sol explode before, and if he lost it this time, it looked as it would be one hell of an eruption. He studied the way he held Alex close, and the territorial attitude that he was sending out. Callum sighed with a slight shake of his head.

“Callum, Anna
, meet Alexandra.” The introductions were short and to the point. He was not happy about being railroaded into this fiasco of a meal.

, nice to meet you both, but call me Alex. It’s easier,” she said, shaking the hand of the tall, fair-haired man. Her glance fell on the tall slim woman, her long dark hair tied back, her skin a deep bronze that glistened against the stark white dress hugging her body.

You look familiar,” Alex said. “We haven’t met before, have we?” A frown creased her forehead.

sudden coughing fit descended on Solomon, who realized his sister bore an uncanny resemblance to him. He hadn’t realized that Alex would pick up on it.

What do you want to drink, Alex?” he asked, smoothly interrupting her train of thought. He signalled to a hovering waiter who all but curtsied.

“I don’t mind
. White wine will be fine.” She followed Anna to a nearby table.

“And Cal, keep
your eyes to yourself. I saw you back there,” snapped Solomon as he turned to pin a glare on his friend.

“I was only looking
.” A worried frown skimmed over him and he touched Sol on the shoulder. “Hey mate, what’s wrong? You’re not acting like the man I know. You’re a simmering pot of testosterone.”

“There’s fuck all wrong with me
. Just keep your eyes off her.”

“You’re really seriou
s about this girl, aren’t you?” Callum stopped and stared at him in surprise. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

, and I don’t want anything to go wrong.” Then Sol gave him a sheepish grin. “That includes knocking you out for ogling her. So behave, because you know I’ll do it.”

, Sol, I’ll behave. But one last question. What the hell were you doing to her to make her scream like that?”

“Don’t ask
.” Solomon smiled before moving and sitting close to Alex, settling his arm possessively behind her shoulder.

How come you’re both down in this neck of the woods?” asked Callum as he scanned the room. He took erratic sips from his drink, looking anywhere but at the woman opposite him. Every so often he would connect with Sol’s gaze. He was watching him.

“We’ve got a wedding tomorrow
,” said Solomon, feeling Alex’s hand on his leg. It slid up and down on the inside of his thigh. He swallowed.

? You’re getting married?” shrieked Anna. She sat bolt upright and glanced between the two of them.

Alex waved one hand in the air in quick denial as the other continued its assault on his thigh.
“No, it’s my brother, and I’m maid of honour. Worse luck.” Alex laughed. She snuck wicked glances at his pained expression and gave him a cheeky grin as she continued playing her new game.

“But why?
I would think you’d love that. I know I would!” Anna leaned forward and her grey gaze splintered over her. “Tell you what, how about the two of us having a girly weekend sometime, maybe a pampering session? We could get to know each other then.”

Alex grinned and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”

“So, why don’t you want to be maid of honour?” Anna persisted, cricking her head curiously.

doesn’t like to be the centre of attention.” Sol dropped his hand to his lap and moved Alex’s away, placing his own on her inner thigh. Almost groaning when she opened her legs, he trailed his fingers upwards, feeling soft skin …. Then he pulled his hand back, knowing that if he continued he’d soon be fucking her over the table.

Alex grinned at him, mouthing
, ‘Like that?’ Then she turned to Anna and said, “No, I’m dreading it. I’ve got butterflies just thinking about it. I don’t like anyone looking at me.” She took a sip of her wine, the sharp freshness making her shudder pleasantly.

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