Promised (18 page)

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Authors: Michelle Turner

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I pull her into a hug. “That’s great news.”

Mom comes over and pulls Wyn away from me so she can hug her too. “Congratulations, Wyn. That’s wonderful news.”

“Congrats.” Nate throws out from the recliner. He’s commandeered the remote and is flipping through the channels.

“Thank you.” Wyn catches the time on the TV and grabs the letter. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to get home.”

I stand up and take her hand. “I’ll walk you out.”

“See you later, Mrs. Tat…I mean Kate.”

“Drive careful, Wyn.” Mom tells her in way of goodbye.

“See you at school, Nate.”

“Bye.” Nate responds back, not taking his eyes away from the reality show he’s found on TV.

I walk her out and once she’s situated in her car, she rolls down the window so I can lean in. “Remember, only I can touch you.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I believe we already went over this.”

“Just a little refresher for the road.” I explain and pull her closer so I can kiss her. “And don’t forget you can call me anytime. I don’t care if it’s three a.m. and I went to sleep at one a.m. If you have something going on or just need to talk, you call me.”

Her hand cups my jaw as she looks up at me with smiling eyes. “I love you too.” I guess my worrying makes my feelings pretty obvious. Thank goodness she finds it adorable, rather than annoying.

“Be careful.”

“I will.” She promises.

“Text me when you make it home.”

“Linc.” She sighs.

“Okay, okay. Bye, Wyn.” I straighten from the car.

“Bye.” She blows me a kiss and then rolls up the window and takes off.

Chapter 24 – Wyn

~Blame Disney~

My legs are crossed and my foot is bouncing. Mom is sitting across the little white bistro table from me, sending texts. We’re doing our best to ignore each other. So far
, we’ve accomplished this, but today we’re forced to be together for the cake testing. I hate that her and Dad are spending all this money on a wedding I don’t plan on going through with, but I can’t tell them I’m leaving. I tried to talk them into a smaller wedding, to cut some costs, but they weren’t hearing any of that. So my hands are tied.

Dani waddles in. Seriously, she’s a month and a half away from her due date and that’s the best way to describe the way she’s walking at this point. She takes the last seat at the table as she rubs her belly. “Bring on the cake. Lil Wyn is kicking me; she’s so excited about this.”

Mom arches one of her perfectly manicured eye brows at the baby’s nickname, but doesn’t respond. I reach over and touch Dani’s belly, trying to feel my niece kick. I catch her movements and smile up in awe. “She is excited.”

“I told you. She’s not even here yet and she’s already acting like you.” Dani teases.

“Let’s hope that changes when she arrives.” Mom mumbles under her breath, but still loud enough for Dani and me to hear.

I take a deep breath and release it before responding. “Just because I don’t want this wedding, Mom, doesn’t mean I’m a bad daughter.”

“I’ve dreamed of planning your wedding since the day you were born and you’re making it miserable. When you and Shay have a daughter, you’ll understand how I feel.” She whines, setting her phone down so she can turn her full attention to me.

“Didn’t you think I’d have my own ideas about my wedding? Maybe even have a say in the man I marry?” I snap back, ignoring the pain in my gut at hearing Shay’s and my name associated with kids.

“That’s not how our people do this and you know that. This is the way you were raised, Arwyn Elizabeth.” She rolls her eyes to the ceiling and asks herself. “Where did I go wrong with her?”

“Blame Disney. All those darn fairy tales made me believe in real love and happily ever after. What were they thinking? You may be able to sue them for messing up your daughter’s perception of love and marriage.” I say as I look at Dani and roll my eyes.

“Don’t be smart.” Mom warns as she rolls her eyes back down to glare at me.

“Or what? You’ll make me marry someone I don’t love? Too late, that’s already planned.”

Grabbing her phone and purse, Mom stands. “I’m fed up with your ungrateful attitude, little girl. You can handle the cake by yourself. And when it turns into a mess, don’t come crying to me.” She turns on her heels and storms out of the bakery.

Everyone in the room stares at her departing form, then back at me. I feel my face flush. The cake designer walks up with a forced smile. Great, now I have to deal with the fallout from Mom’s adult sized hissy fit. I let out a sigh and put on my own smile to reassure her. “Don’t worry about her. I know you do beautiful work.”

“Umm…thanks.” She says hesitantly as she takes the seat Mom just vacated. She sets plates with sample cakes and icings in front of Dani and me and pulls a pad of paper out of her frilly half apron. She points out the flavors of each cake and icing, then sits back and lets us sample each one.

“Oh my gosh. This chocolate fudge cake with the raspberry chocolate ganache is ah-mazing!” Dani sighs right before taking another big bite and humming her approval.

The cake designer, Kylie (somewhere between the chocolate cake and the vanilla, I asked her her name), smiles at Dani’s compliment of her work and then asks me. “What’s your preference, Wyn?”

“My vote’s for the vanilla cake with the vanilla icing and fresh strawberries, but maybe we can do a couple tiers in each. That way, the chocolate and vanilla fans are both covered.” Even if there won’t be a wedding, at least they’ll have two delicious cake options to drown their disappointment in.

“Perfect.” She writes down my choice and then asks. “What kind of design are you wanting?”

Okay, I hadn’t really thought that far. If Mom was here, I was going to let her take the reins at this point. I look at Dani, wide eyed, quietly pleading for help.

“Can you do a purple ombre going down the tiers and put some kind of sparkly embellishment on each?” Dani asks as she takes over.

“We can do that. It’ll be so pretty.” Kylie answers, not taking her eyes away from the notes she’s taking.

“Perfect.” I smile at Dani in thanks. She covered my taste and Mom’s in one swoop and didn’t even have to take time to think it over. Kylie finishes her notes and says her goodbyes. I go to the counter and order two hot chocolates for Dani and myself. Then join her back at our table where she’s finishing up the samples on her plate.

“Want mine too?” I ask, setting her cup down and sliding my plate towards her.

She looks up, searching my face, then asks. “What’s wrong? Well, other than the scene with your mom.”

“What makes you think anything is wrong?” I ask as I take a sip of my drink.

She sets her fork down, pushes both plates away, and steeples her hands together on her belly. “The fact that you’re turning down cake of any kind might as well be a huge flashing sign pointing at you with the words ‘not right’ printed on it.”

I set my drink down and avoid her gaze by tracing the scroll work on the table with my finger. “Umm…well…I got some news the other day.”

“What kind of news?”

“I got accepted into my top choice of school with a full scholarship.” I say quietly.

I hear her gasp in surprise. “I didn’t even know you applied anywhere.”

I gather the courage to look at her and explain. “I did it months ago, because the counselor pushed me too. I didn’t think I’d be able to go or that I’d even get in.”

“So I take it that you’re bringing it up now because it’s helped you make a decision?” She asks with tears forming in her eyes.

I nod my head because I don’t want to say the words. She takes in my nod and the tears start to fall from her eyes. Seeing her cry causes me to cry too.

I grab her hand. “I’m so sorry, Dani. I don’t want to leave you.”

She pulls her hand out of mine and wipes at her eyes. “But that’s exactly what you’re doing. Do you hate this life so much that you can turn your back on all of us? Your niece, your brother
, and me?”

“You know why I have to do this, Dani. I wish I could still be around you all, but they won’t let me.” I plead with her to understand.

“You’re doing this for him. He’s more important than your family. What are you going to do when he gets bored with you and throws you away? You won’t be allowed back in.”

My hand flies to my mouth to cover my shock at the hatred in her words. I grab my purse and stand, needing to get out of here and away from her.

She reaches for my hand and I pull away. “I’m sorry, Wyn. I didn’t mean that.”

“I thought out of everyone, you understood me enough to know why I need to do this, but apparently I was wrong.” She tries to call me back, but I ignore her pleas as I rush out of there.


Chapter 25 – Linc

~She Thinks You Are~

I take in all the cars lining the street around my house. It was no secret to me that Mom was planning a party for my eighteenth birthday, but I didn’t want to ruin all the work she’s done so I’ve been pretending to be clueless. Now if I can pull of
f a good surprise face for her. I walk up to the house hand in hand with Wyn; she’s been Mom’s distraction today, keeping me out of the house so everything could be set up.

I push open the door and everyone shouts. “Surprise!” Wyn and Mom are both grinning like fools, thinking they’ve pulled off their surprise. I grab both of them to me and hug them, kissing Mom’s cheek and then Wyn’s.

“Happy birthday, baby boy.” Mom says as she squeezes me around the middle and then releases me. As she moves away from me, I feel a strong hand grab my shoulder from behind. I spin around and my mouth falls open. The tears spill out of my eyes before I can even try to stop them. I grab him in a bear hug, fisting my hands in the back of his fatigues.

“Dad!” I sob into his neck.

His hand rubs the back of my head and the other is hugging me tight to his chest. “Happy birthday, kiddo.” He’s holding back his tears, but I can tell by the shake of his voice that he’s barely doing so. I pull myself together and release him from the hug. Mom takes my place, slipping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest. I admire the ease they have with each other even after being separated for so long. I smile at them and then remembering Wyn, I pull her to my side and introduce her.

“Dad, this is the girl I’ve been writing you about. Wyn, this is my dad, Andrew Tatman.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tatman.” Wyn says as she holds out her hand for Dad to shake.

Instead, Dad uses her hand to pull her into a hug. He whispers something in her ear that causes her to smile up at him and nod her head. I look at Dad in question and he winks at me, but doesn’t explain.

“You have good taste, son.” Dad says. He releases Wyn who moves back to my side. I slip my arm back around her shoulder.

“Something you passed down to me.” I reply grinning.

Dad looks down at Mom and smiles. “I do believe you’re right.” Then he leans down and kisses her.

“Well, I believe that’s our cue to join the rest of the guests.” I tell Wyn.

“Smart kid.” Dad chuckles and adds. “We’ll catch up more after the party, Kiddo. Enjoy yourself.”

The party goes by in a blur. I make my rounds with the guests, introducing Wyn to my family. I blow out the candles and make my wish. I open my presents: a car cleaning kit from Nate, money from my parents and most my relatives, and Luke Bryan tickets from Wyn. Then the last of the guests leave, including Wyn and Nate.

I’m settled on the back porch with Dad. A bottle of beer in his hand, a glass of sweet tea in mine. It’s a perfect spring evening; mid-seventies, sun slowly fading, and a George Strait song coming out the kitchen window where Mom is straightening up. Dad takes a swig from his bottle as he watches the sky.

“I like your girl.” He says, breaking through the comfortable quiet.

“Me too.” I reply as I take a drink of tea.

“I told your Mom I’d be okay with her staying with us. It takes an awful lot of courage to turn your back on the only life you’ve ever known. And I’m proud of you for supporting her through this. She’s going to need that when the time comes to leave them.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be enough.” I tell him the truth, what’s worrying me.

“And you might not be, but all that matters at this point is that she thinks you are.” He sets his beer down and scoots closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. “Whatever happens, I want you to remember that she does love you. I saw it in her eyes tonight and even if she can’t leave them, at least for a little while, you got to experience a real version of that. Some people never do.”

But will that be enough to keep me going if she leaves me? I take another drink of tea and watch the back yard instead of putting that thought into words. I’m afraid of the answer I’ll get and the worry that answer will cause my parents.

Chapter 26 – Wyn

~Born Fighter~

My phone goes off for the third time. I hit ignore and throw it back on my night stand. It’s Dani, again. She hasn’
t talked to me in three weeks and now she thinks she can call me like nothing happened. After the blow up, I needed the time to cool down. Her words hurt and scarred me, but I can’t help thinking what if she’s right. What if I leave my family and then Linc realizes he doesn’t love me? I’ll have no one. My family won’t take me back; they’ll be too ashamed by my betrayal. I have no friends outside of my gypsy life, other than Linc. If our relationship goes bad, I’ve got no one and nowhere to go.

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