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Authors: Michelle Turner

Promised (15 page)

BOOK: Promised
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She doesn’t deserve to put up with Aidan’s crap. She’s drop dead gorgeous with legs that go on for miles and a body sent straight from the heavens, but she doesn’t realize any of that. If you asked her, she’d describe herself as the plain girl from next door. When in reality, she’d only be the girl next door if you were living next door to a Hollywood starlet. She’s seriously that beautiful and to top it all off, she has a heart made of pure gold. How the heck Aidan got her, I don’t know, but he sure as heck doesn’t deserve her.

After scanning herself in the mirror, she turns to us and asks. “Does it look okay?” See, she seriously doesn’t get how beautiful she is.

“Beautiful.” Dani and I say at the same time that Mrs. Dallas says. “Perfection.”

Cara, Ali and Jenna come out at the same time. Their dresses are almost identical, short (hem at upper thigh), tight, and coated in crystals. Cara’s is a strapless pale violet number. Ali’s is a true purple, one shoulder design. And Jenna’s is a plum color with a halter top. When Dani’s is finished, it will be a dark eggplant with a design closer to Marley’s.

While Cara, Ali, and Jenna are admiring their designs in the mirrors, Mom comes out in her mother of the bride dress. A fitted silver dress covered in purple crystals that pushes up her breasts and shows about as much leg as Cara, Ali, and Jenna’s dresses. I knew she wouldn’t tone it down, but still, the dress shocks me.

I school my features when she turns to me with a big smile on her face, waiting to hear my opinion. “Gorgeous, Mom.”

Strutting to the mirrors, she does a little shimmy, turning this way and that to admire herself. “Your Dad is going to love it.”

Her and the gypsy triplets (seriously, those three look like they could be triplets in those get ups) stand there praising each other’s dresses for I don’t know how long. Finally, Mrs. Dallas speaks up. “Alright darlings, while you all get fitted by the seamstresses, I’m going to steal the bride to be.” Holding her hand out to me. “Time to see the show stopper.”

Looking at Dani and Marley, I roll my eyes where only they can see. They cover their mouths to cover their giggles as I take Mrs. Dallas’ hand and follow her out of the room. I requested a flowing Grecian style gown, but Mom nixed that idea. So realizing, once again, that my opinion didn’t matter, I let her take over the design. Not what a normal bride would do, but heck, I don’t even want to be the bride so what do I care what I walk down the aisle in.

My first look at the monstrosity displayed on the mannequin makes me regret that decision, big time. Mrs. Dallas is gushing about how the dress is her most fabulous piece to date, but I’m only hearing every other word as I stare in shock. Do they really expect me to wear

I come out of my daze and slowly move around the dress, so I can take it all in. And trust me, there’s a lot to take in. It reminds me of those Barbie cakes that little girls request for their birthday, except the skirt is at least twice as puffy. I won’t even be able to walk in the dang thing. Not to mention, it’s wider than the freaking aisle. I take in a deep breath and release it to control my growing anger. Taking in the rest of the dress isn’t the best way to wrangle it in, but it must be done, so I move my eyes away from the skirt to look at the bodice. A strapless, corseted, lingerie type bodice covered in the same swirly crystal design as the bridesmaid dresses meets my eyes. The mannequin is wearing a long crystal covered veil with a tiara so large that it would make a beauty queen envious.

“How… Why?” I mumble to myself.

“Don’t worry your pretty little self. We’ll help you get into it today and on your wedding day.” Mrs. Dallas tells me as she places her arm around my waist. She’s so excited about the dress and has always been so nice to my family. But right now, I wish she was a raging witch so that I could tell her how the dress has me throwing up in my mouth without feeling bad.

Instead, I paste my fake smile on, once again, and say. “That’s great!”

A good forty-five minutes later, I am strapped into the contraption and standing in front of my mom and sister-in-laws. Mom is crying her eyes out of course, the gypsy triplets are gushing about how much they love it, and Marley and Dani are covering their mouths, trying to stifle the laughs I can tell they’re dying to release. I’m half tempted to start ripping off crystals to throw at all of them. And of course, spending the better part of an hour being strapped into my
nightmare come to life dress
has not improved my already bad mood.

Mom finally takes a deep breath and starts wiping up her tears. Once she’s calmed herself, she maneuvers around my enormous skirt and grabs both of my hands into hers. “This must be like a dream come true for you, baby girl. You look so beautiful.”

“Thank you, Mom. But I thought you’d design something a little closer to what I told you I liked.” I whisper, trying not to make a scene and embarrass her in front of everyone.

She straightens her back, releases my hands, and cocks her hip. Oh heck, here comes the gypsy sass she’s famous for. “Arwyn Elizabeth, don’t start with me. That dress you showed me was just so…boring.”

“Just because it wasn’t covered in miles of tulle and pounds of crystals, doesn’t mean it was boring. Simple can be beautiful too, and that’s what I wanted.”

“You’re seventeen. You don’t know what you want.” She throws out as if I’m still a little girl who needs help picking out her clothes.

This is the point where the anger that’s been building in me since we arrived hits nuclear level. Looking at Dani, I ask. “Did she really just say that to me?”

“Umm…” Dani stutters, her eyes the size of saucers.

“Arwyn.” Mom warns.

“No!” I growl. “If I’m old enough to be married off, against my wishes I might add, then I’m definitely old enough to decide what kind of dress I want.”

The color drains from her face and she whispers. “You love Shay.”

“No, you love Shay. I tolerate Shay because you and Dad have given me no other choice.” I say as I throw my hands up in frustration, knocking the tiara off my head.

“We…we’re… Fine! It’s your dress; do what you want with it.” She throws her own hands in the air, turns on her heels, and storms out of the room. Of course she doesn’t address the fact that they’re forcing me into marriage.

The triplets shuffle after her, Dani and Marley stand there in shock, and Mrs. Dallas being used to her clients throwing fits, doesn’t miss a beat.

“Alright, gorgeous, tell me what you’re really wanting.” She picks the tiara up off the floor and sets it back on the mannequin.

“I’m sorry.” I say, embarrassed by my outburst. “It’s a pretty dress; it’s just not me.”

“I see that now.” She gives me a genuine smile. “Come on, let’s get you out of this one so you can tell me how you picture your dream dress.”

Chapter 21 – Linc

~Surprises Can Be Fun~

I want to wait for Wyn outside, but I can’t do that. So I thought I’d wait at her locker, but then I realized there’d be too many prying eyes. It’s hard keeping us a secret. I want to stake my claim, let everyone know she’s mine
. But the truth is, she’s not only mine. I’m sharing her with the jackass who’s put his ring on her finger. And if we’re going to continue to see each other, we have to keep it a secret.

I shove my books and bag in my locker, like I wish I could do with the thoughts running around my head. I hate the jealousy that’s consuming me today. Well, not only today. It’s always there in the back of my mind, waiting to get out and consume me with doubt. Usually, I’m able to hold it back. But today of all days, it’s driving me mad. Valentine’s Day! Who the hell thought up this holiday anyway?

Okay, so maybe I’m in a bad mood. I can’t help it though; I want to be able to take Wyn out tonight like a normal couple. A nice dinner, flowers, chocolates, a kiss on her door step, but I can’t. She has plans with

I can’t even give her flowers today because she’d have to explain to him and her parents where they came from. I hate him and I’m really starting to hate her parents too. I shouldn’t be like this; it’s awful of me to hate people I don’t really know, but still, I can’t stop myself. He’s trying to steal the girl that belongs with me and they’re his accomplices.

“I see steam.” Nate says as he walks up beside me.

“What?” I ask, closing the door of my locker and securing the lock.

“You’re thinking too hard. It’s causing steam to come out of your ears.” He’s watching me closely. He leans his back against the locker and crosses his arms over his chest, giving him a good view of the cheerleaders whose lockers are right across the hall from mine. Will he ever change? Probably not, but at least he doesn’t have to hide his relationships like I do.

When I don’t respond to his comment, he sighs and says. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this.”

“Tell me what?” I ask worried.

“It’s not in your best interest, after all.” He keeps mumbling, more to himself than to me.

“Nate.” I growl in frustration.

“Fine, but I’m not picking up the damn pieces of you afterwards.” He says, pushing off from the locker to get closer so no one but me will hear. “Arwyn Scott asked me to tell you that she’s waiting for you in the Challenger.”

I don’t even wait to see if there’s more to the message. As soon as I hear Wyn’s name and where she is, I turn and run down the hall and out the front door. Full force, until I’m at the front of the Challenger, staring at Wyn sitting in the driver’s seat. I take a moment to catch my breath and then I climb into the passenger seat.

“What’s going on?”

“Feel like skipping today?” She asks with a grin.

I want to shout “hell yes”, but that would come across way to eager. So, trying to play cool, I ask. “What do you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise.” Her eyes are twinkling, not with mischief though, with hope. It takes my breath away with how much that look warms my heart and fills me with my own hope. The jealousy of earlier is stomped down, once again, and all I can think of is how much I want to see that look in her eyes more. This whole mess has taken its toll on her, just as much as it has me, and I sometimes forget that.

“Surprises can be fun.” I tell her, pulling my keys out of my pocket and handing them over to her.

She gets on the highway, taking us away from our small town. I spend the time quiet, going between watching the world zoom by outside my window and watching how comfortable Wyn has become behind the wheel of a car in such a short time. No offense to Mother Nature, but watching Wyn is way more captivating.

For the first time since I’ve seen her, she’s wearing plain blue jeans. Okay, maybe not completely plain. They’re skinny jeans that have holes shredded in the knees. But for a girl who’s usually decked out to the nines, this is probably as dressed down as she gets. Her top is a plain white tank, but she’s topped it with a peach colored cardigan that has an intricate embroidered design across her back. Her feet are surprisingly missing her heeled boots that I’ve come to think of as her signature footwear; instead, she paired the outfit with dark brown ballet flats. Her four leaf clover charm is hanging from her neck, right where it’s been since I gave it to her for Christmas. Even when she was pushing me away last month, I noticed she never took it off. It was one of the few things through that time that put a smile on my face.

Reaching out, I wrap one of her curls around my finger. “Are you going to give me any clues?”

“Nope.” Her eyes stray from the road to catch my pouting lips which causes her to grin.

“Not even one little one.”

“We’ll be there soon. I think you can wait till then.”

I unfasten my seat belt so I can get closer. Pressing a kiss to her neck and trailing my lips up to her ear, I whisper. “I bet I know how to get you to spill your secrets.”

“I have no doubts about your skills at getting me to spill secrets.” She says on a breathy moan.

“So where are we going?” I ask, pressing another kiss right below her ear.

“Mmm…a place.” She moans.

“Tell me where.” I command, sucking her ear lobe into my mouth.

She sucks in a sharp breath. I’m so focused on my task of getting her to spill her secrets that I haven’t even noticed we’ve come to a stop.

She turns into me, replacing her ear with her lips. She takes her sweet time, kissing me slowly. Deeply. There’s a need there each time she does this, for her and for me. She’s burning these times into our memories, in case we can’t make anymore later.

She pulls away. “You do have some good skills.”

Licking her watermelon flavored lip gloss off my lips. “So do you.”

She blushes at my words. “Too bad you decided to use them too late.”

“How so?” I ask, my eye brows pinching together in confusion.

She shakes her head, grinning at my confusion. Placing her hand against my cheek, she forces me to look out the front window. “You’re too late because we’re already here.”

I stare in shock at the brick buildings connected by sidewalks and patches of grass. Shaded areas that would be ideal for sitting under in the spring are planted here and there. Most people are hurrying to get out of the cold. But when the weather warms up, I imagine the lawn will be packed with guys and girls. I face Wyn again and ask. “Are you serious?”

BOOK: Promised
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