Promised (21 page)

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Authors: Michelle Turner

BOOK: Promised
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“Winnie, what’s wrong?” Adam asks, his face scrunched in concern.

I look his face over, trying to memorize it because I know this could be the last time I ever see him. He’s been one of my best friends and protectors from the moment I came into this world, but I have to go. It’s the best decision for me. I kiss his cheek without saying a word. Then I move to Dani and the baby. I kiss the top of Lil Wyn’s head and then look up.

“I’m sorry, Dani. I can’t do this. I tried to go through with it, but I just…can’t.” I kiss her cheek and hug her and the baby gently to me. Releasing them I whisper. “You’ll always be my best friend. I love you.” I look at Adam. “I love you, both.”

A sob breaks through Dani’s lips, but I don’t let it stop me. Without another word, I turn and continue running away.

In the parking lot, I catch site of Marley by her car. I run up and grab both of her hands. “Please, get me out of here.”

She takes me in, stopping at my feet, scrapped up from running without shoes. Then comes back to my face that I know is flushed with anger from the fight with Aidan and eyes that I know are holding back tears from having to say goodbye to the people I love.

She rounds the hood of her car and climbs into the driver’s seat, motioning for me to climb in too.

Once we’re speeding out of the parking lot, she asks. “Want to talk about it?” And I do, so I spill. I tell her everything, from how I met Linc at school and how it all started, to his plan so I can go to college. I even tell her about our night together. She knows our whole story and I expect her to look at me with disgust, or at the very least, disappointment. But when I look at her face, all I see is understanding.

She takes one hand off the steering wheel to grab mine and squeezes it. “You can’t help who you love.” A smile lights up her face and she adds. “I think we have a graduation to get you to.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding and say. “I think you’re right.”

As she pulls us into the packed parking lot of the school’s football field where graduation’s taking place, I decide as her friend, I need to tell her what I know. She’s too sweet to be treated by Aidan this way.

I twist in my seat as she puts the car into park. “Marley, I need to tell you something.”

She twists too, so we’re facing each other. “You better make it quick or you’ll miss your graduation.”

Maybe saying it quick will help, liking removing a band aid. I take a deep breath, release it, and say in a rush. “Aidan’s cheating on you and the girl’s pregnant with his baby. Due anytime.”

Her mouth drops open for a moment, then she snaps it shut and growls. “I love him, even though he’s a complete jerk and he does this to me.”

I reach out and place my hand on hers. “You’re too good for him, Marley. Leave him and make him pay for doing this to you.”

“Do you know what my parents would say if I got a divorce?” She asks shocked.

“Probably the same thing mine are going to say about me walking out on my wedding to Shay. But you can do it. You deserve someone who truly cherishes you. Not someone like Aidan who’ll take your love and stomp on it.” I grip her hand tighter. “Promise me you’ll find that for yourself, Marley, or I’m not getting out of this car.”

Tears spill down her cheeks and she whispers. “I don’t know if I can.”

I pull the blue handkerchief out of the top of my dress (my something blue) and wipe at her tears. “You can and you will. And if you need support, I’ll be there for you. Now promise me.”

“I promise.” She whispers.

I hand her the handkerchief and pull her into a quick hug. Letting her go I say. “Now, I better get my butt out on that field before they finish graduation without me.”

“Knock their socks off!” She calls as I take off.

Chapter 29 – Linc

~After Everything~

The graduation speaker just finished his speech and I barely managed to keep my eyes open. The principal is back at the podium and I’m not even paying attention to what he’s saying. All I want to do is get that little piece of paper, take some pictures with Mom and Dad, and get my ass on the road. I need to get away from this town and the memories it holds.

When Wyn left me shattered in pieces again, I decided I needed to get away. So I planned a road trip. Well, not really planned so much as got a map, packed my bags and told my parents I’d be spending my summer wasting my savings on gas. They aren’t thrilled, but they understand my need to get away so they aren’t arguing with me.

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd, bringing me out of my thoughts. I swing my head around in the direction everyone is looking and my breath rushes out of me so fast, it feels like I’ve been punched in the gut.


Wyn strolling down the aisle, decked out in her white wedding dress, looking like an avenging goddess from Greek mythology. Her eyes are locked on the podium, mine are locked on her. She ascends the steps of the stage and walks right up to the principal who is staring at her in shock. He gathers himself and you can hear him clear his throat before he introduces her. “We didn’t think she’d make it here today to give her speech, but as you can see, she did. Here is our valedictorian, Arwyn Scott.” He’s clapping his hands with the rest of the crowd as he takes his seat.

Wyn steps up to the mic, takes a deep breath, and releases it. Then she looks out at the crowd. When her eyes find me, she smiles. I smile in return because I know she didn’t go through with the wedding. She’s here; she did choose me after all.

She looks away from me so she can address the crowd. “I’m sorry I don’t have on my cap and gown like the rest of my fellow students, but until about 30 minutes ago, I didn’t think I could be here. As most of you already know, I’m a gypsy. And today, I was supposed to get married to a man my parents chose for me.” She looks back and talks directly to me. “But I couldn’t go through with it because I’ve already given my heart to you, Linc.”

She takes a deep breath and wipes away a tear that spills out of her eye and then focuses on the crowd again. “So, I’m here and I’m supposed to give you all a speech that’ll inspire you to go out into the world and make your mark. But seeing as I only gathered the courage to be here a little bit ago, I don’t have that all inspiring speech prepared for you. But what I can tell you is what I’ve learned this year. Maybe you’ll be able to take it and it’ll help you, and maybe it won’t. But what Linc taught me this year was to follow my heart. I know it may sound cheesy and it’s better suited for a Harlequin novel than a graduation speech, but it’s the truth. At least for me because I followed mine and I fell in love. And because of that love, I found the courage to be here with you today. I’m facing one of my greatest fears, turning my back on everything I’ve ever known so I can finally be me and be happy. So good luck, Class of 2012. I hope you follow your hearts and find the same level of happiness that doing so has brought me.”

She walks away from the podium to a loud burst of applause. I leave my seat and run to meet her in the aisle, lifting her, and swinging her around. I sit her back on her feet and pull her into my arms. “You chose me.”

She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me. “Are you sure you still want me after everything I put you through?”

“Without a doubt.” I smile at her, then lean down and take her lips in a kiss. She’s smiling too when I pull back.

A cough echoes around the field and we both look up at the stage. The principal is watching us with a grin on his face. “If you two will take your seats, we can finish the ceremony.”

“Yes, sir.” I respond, taking Wyn’s hand and guiding her to our seats. I make Billy Sears, the boy who should be seated between Wyn and me during the line-up, switch me places so I don’t have to let Wyn’s hand go.

Thirty minutes later, we’ve both crossed the stage and have our diplomas in hand. Wyn’s holding my other hand in a death grip. We’re looking for my parents in the crowd and she’s worried they’ll hate her. “They still love you. Stop worrying.”

“I wouldn’t love the person who broke my son’s heart.” She grumbles as I guide us through the crowd. The thought of Wyn pregnant with my baby hits me and I stop in my tracks, causing her to run into me. I know we aren’t ready for that step now, but damn if I’m not looking forward to when we are. “What’s wrong?” She asks, pulling on my hand to get my attention.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts out. “Nothing at all. Let’s find Mom and Dad.”

“Too late, we found you.” I hear Dad’s voice call. He hugs me and whispers. “Proud of you, Kiddo.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He releases me and turns and hugs Wyn. I watch her visibly relax in his arms and it warms my heart knowing I was right. My parents still love her.

“Give your Mother a hug.” Mom calls, holding her arms out to me.

“Yes, ma’am.” I say, doing just that.

She releases me and looks at Wyn. “You look stunning, Wyn.”

Wyn’s face flushes and she looks down at her feet. “I-I-I’m sorr…”

Mom stops her. “No, you don’t have to say that.” She wraps Wyn in her arms and tells her. “Sometimes you have to take the wrong steps to get to the right path. And you’re on that path now.”

“Winnie?” The voice calling causes Wyn to pull away from Mom and look over her shoulder.

“Addie?” Wyn asks in surprise. I’ve seen her brother before, from a distance, but I’ve never met him. I move back to Wyn’s side and place my hand on the small of her back as a show of support.

Adam’s eyes watch me closely, but I can’t tell if he’s angry or not. He looks back at his sister. “Dani told me everything.”

“I’m sorry, Addie, but I’m not coming back.” I feel her straighten her back. She’s standing her ground. I couldn’t be prouder.

“I know. I just wanted to let you know I won’t turn my back on you and I won’t make Dani either.” He says, walking closer.

“But Dad and Mom?”

He cocks one eye brow and smirks. “When have I ever done what they wanted?”

She throws herself into Adam’s arms and he holds her tight. “Oh God, thank you.”

He eyes me over her shoulder and releases her asking. “Is this the guy?”

Wyn faces me and her smile has reached sun levels; it’s so bright. “Yes.” She makes the introductions and Adam shakes my hand.

“Make her happy.” He commands.

“That’s my goal.” I tell him, looking him square in the eye.

He accepts my answer with a nod and then focuses back on his sister. “I better get back. Dani’s dealing with the mess back at the church. She said to tell you she loves you and she understands why. And that she’ll get your things from Mom and Dad’s house for you.”

Wyn is so chocked up with emotion, she can’t respond verbally so she nods her head. I place her in my arms so she can let out everything and tell Adam. “Thank you and please tell Dani thanks for me too.”

“Can do.” He says, taking in Wyn and me with a grin.

I watch him disappear back in the crowd and I ask Wyn. “Are those happy tears?”

“The happiest.” She answers between sobs. I pull her tighter to me, her face in my neck, my hands rubbing her back.

I shake my head and chuckle. “Great. You’re even adorable when you cry. My heart didn’t even stand a chance against you, did it?”

“Not a snowball’s chance in hell.” Dad laughs as Mom snaps a picture of me holding Wyn.


“Do you see him?”
I ask, hopping up and down on the balls of my feet, trying to see over the sea of people in front of me.

“Not yet.” Mrs. Tatman says as she tries to look over the heads. Turning her attention to me, she laughs. “Calm down, Wyn. You’re going to hurt yourself. He’ll be here soon.”

“I know, I know. It’s been a long nine months though and I miss him.” I confess softly.

Mr. Tatman puts his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me close to his side, while we both attempt to wait patiently. “We all miss him.”

On a day in May, seven years ago, I ran away from the traditions of my family to follow my heart. My Mom followed through with the threat of not speaking to me. My Dad held up that threat for about three months before he gave in and forgave me. I attempted to mend my relationship with Mom. But after a year of trying, I realized that nothing short of coming back and marrying Shay would work and that wasn’t something I was willing to do. I’d found the freedom I’d been looking for with Linc and it was too beautiful of a life for me to give up.

Adam stayed true to his word and him, Dani, and Lil Wyn never turned their backs on me. We talk daily and we see each other as often as our schedules allow. Lil Wyn turned out just like I predicted she would, a spoiled gypsy princess. But honestly, I wouldn’t have her any other way. Like I did, she’s driving her parents mad by bucking her gypsy traditions and loving school. She’s determined she’s going to be a nurse just like me and I couldn’t be prouder of her. And even if Adam and Dani don’t come out and admit it, I know they are too.

Linc and I spent that summer after graduation driving across the country. We said we were taking tours of possible colleges, but honestly, we were doing nothing more but enjoying being young, in love, and free. We took a tent and slept in the national parks along the way and we’d stop at roadside stands to eat. At night, we’d lie on our sleeping bags that were zipped together and talk about what our future would be like. We could never pin point for sure where we’d live or what we’d do, but we knew without a doubt that we’d be together and we’d be happy. And for both of us, that was enough.

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