Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Chrystal felt Le Mort stiffen, his hold on her tightening, his eyes blazing with dark fury. “And you, stupid wolf, have not yet learned to leave Rebecca out of our encounters.”

Pretty hard to do this time seeing as you’ve got her in your arms, dumbass.
Chrystal didn’t worry he would hear her thoughts. Her shields were tightly in place around her mind. She’d felt collision after collision since the moment he’d materialized in room and knew he’d been trying to penetrate her shields, trying to use his vampiric powers on her.
Hate it for you, shithead. You’re not getting in my mind.

“Though this one possesses a rare beauty, I have no use for her.”

Great. Beautiful or not, she was apparently useless, which meant he’d likely decided he’d kill her before attempting to face off with Michael, Andrew, and Gideon. Of course, he wouldn’t know of the powers she was secretly keeping up her sleeve. He, like all other powerful beings, couldn’t sense her inner chameleon.

“Then let her go and we will end this once and for all.” Though still dripping with malice, the elegance was back in Michael’s tone.

“Yes. I do tire of the three of you constantly getting in my way.” Le Mort’s hold on her loosened, but he still didn’t release her. “You will not stop me from carrying out my plans this time.”

“So you’re the one behind this whole build-a-shifter-army thing?”

Chrystal sighed inwardly, biting her tongue on the urge to tell Calista to shut the fuck up.

Le Mort didn’t spare Calista a glance as he answered her question. “There are others who think they hold control. I have allowed them to embrace that belief until I rid myself of these three. Then, I will show them who is truly in charge.”

“You won’t if you’re not around to do it.”

Andrew’s declaration barely made it to Chrystal’s ears before she felt power simmering in the air, draining the oxygen, and making it difficult to breathe. Evil energies collided with good, turning to invisible whips that slashed over and around her.

“Two of you have tried twice to kill me and have failed,” Le Mort mocked. “What leads you to think bringing in a third like Andrew will make a difference?”

Chrystal reached inside herself, gathering her own powers, and waiting for the right moment to put them to use.

“You took the chicken way out last time,” Gideon reminded Le Mort. “And you already said that way is closed off to you now.”

“I do not need to run to live.” Le Mort’s words rang with conviction as the power in the room thickened to an almost unbearable level. His hold on her nearly fell away, giving her enough space to act.

Chrystal shifted, surprising Le Mort enough that he was momentarily stunned. That split second offered Michael enough time to act. Fangs bared, he lunged for Le Mort. Chrystal saw Andrew and Gideon shift almost simultaneously, both going for the vampire with sharp teeth and claws at the ready.

Though more powerful than Michael, Le Mort didn’t stand a chance against another vampire when he had a lycan and werewolf on his team. Chrystal scurried aside as the beasts rolled in a heap in the middle of the floor, their roars and hisses the only things that sliced through the power in the room.

She found safety at Kahil’s feet and looked up to find the man hadn’t moved from where he’d stopped with Gideon just before Le Mort had grabbed her. He stood with his hands balled into fists, intense concentration on his chiseled face, watching and ready to join the fight if he deemed he was needed.

Kahil was right to hold back. Despite the desire and fury in her very being to be in the middle of the men, to be the one who finally put an end to Le Mort, she knew her place right now was best at Kahil’s feet. This battle had been going on between the four men for nearly two centuries. Le Mort and his followers had made Michael, Andrew, and Gideon what they were and it was up to them to take Le Mort out for good.

Le Mort screamed, a howl of sheer agony, the kind a vampire made when he walked into the sunlight just before he was cooked to ashes. Sunlight didn’t have a thing to do with his pain tonight. Gideon straightened from his place at Le Mort’s gut, his snout drenched in blood and covered by bits of flesh. Michael pulled back from Le Mort’s neck, his face red with Le Mort’s blood.

Still, Le Mort fought until Gideon and Michael held the vampire down and Andrew leapt on top of him. His claws elongated, his lycan face contorted with anger, Andrew buried his hand in the vampire’s chest and pulled Le Mort’s heart from his body.

Chapter Eight


Chrystal stepped out of the bathroom in Michael’s master bedroom, towel-drying her hair as she walked, and shivered when a warm breeze drifted in through the opened balcony doors. Michael stood at the rail, his back to her and face tipped to the sky. She hesitated only a moment, then tossed the towel aside, walking onto the balcony sans clothing.

She flattened her hands on the back of Michael’s shoulders, enjoying the zing that traveled through her system at the skin-to-skin contact, and rose on her toes to brush her lips over his bare flesh.

“You’re worried about her.”

Michael’s shoulders rose and fell in a soft sigh. “No more, I am sure, than you are about Calista, my sweet.”

Chrystal dragged her hands down Michael’s biceps, tracing the sinews with her fingertips. “Calista made her choice. If Gideon and Kahil had taken her out of there against her will, she would’ve just found another way back in. She’s determined. Dad is fit to be tied about that, but what can we do? Besides, you’ve got to admit having her on the inside will help the agency in their mission to get to Nikolas and whoever he’s working for. That is if she doesn’t get herself killed first.”

“The were-lion will protect her. Nikolas has not fully turned on him, though the were-lion has done so to Nikolas.”

Chrystal hoped he was right about that. If the were-lion had told them the truth, he had been attempting to leave Nikolas’s pack when Nikolas had thrown him in the cage. The were-lion hadn’t wanted to be a part of Nikolas’s terrorist plans. Nikolas used his supposed capture to lure Andrew to the compound on Le Mort’s orders, with the intent to then use Andrew to get to Michael and Gideon. Still, the were-lion believed Nikolas trusted him to a point. Nikolas had been using him to keep watch on the other hostages, to see which of the beasts were falling victim to the injections of the chemical that had been concocted to keep them in their beast form for the purpose of their army.

“I hope you’re right.” Chrystal waited a beat, resting her cheek on Michael’s back, and wishing she could think of anything to ease his concern for Elena. “I take it you still haven’t been able to reach her?”

“It was a futile attempt to try. I knew that. I cannot reach her mind through the realms. Our only communication has been when she has traveled through the portal for a visit.”

“You and Gideon raised her. I’m sure if there is anything she learned from either of you it’s perseverance. She’ll find a way back to you.”

Michael turned from the rail and drew her into his arms, his lips unfolding in a slow smile. “Of that, I have no doubts.” His gaze dropped between their bodies before lifting to meet hers once more. “You are naked, my sweet.”

Chrystal giggled. “Yeah, it’s kind of pointless to shower with my clothes on.”

Michael chuckled. “Yes, I supposed it would be.”

Chrystal eased back, pointedly letting her gaze fall down his front. “You’re almost naked. How much persuading is it going to take me to get you out of those pants?”

“Very little, I am sure.”

“Hmm, I’ll work on that just as soon as I find Andrew. Where is he, anyway?”

“I believe he”—Michael’s gaze flicked over her head and his eyebrows lifted—“is about to be standing right behind you and it appears you will not need any persuading to get him naked.”

“Nope, I already took care of that.”

Chrystal felt Andrew behind her, the heat of his body flowing over her like a security blanket as he pressed his front to her back. A soft moan escaped her lips as she leaned her head back to rest on his chest. “I could stay like this forever.”

Andrew nuzzled his face in the side of her neck. “Your legs might get tired of standing after a while.”

“But I have the two of you to hold me up.”

“How about we lay you down instead?” Michael suggested and scooped her into his arms without warning.

Chrystal squeaked, laughing as she cuddled against his chest. She saw Michael and Andrew exchange a wordless look before Andrew’s hands left her and he turned to walk into the bedroom. Her attention instantly dropped to his ass. “He’s got one hell of an ass, doesn’t he?” She turned her head and looked up at Michael to find his gaze had gone exactly where hers had.

“That he does, my sweet.” Michael carried her into the bedroom and gingerly lowered her to lie in the center of the bed.

“I’m not the only one with an amazing ass, you know?” Andrew stopped at the foot of the bed and Chrystal pushed her upper body up to rest on her elbows so she could look at him.

Her gaze traveled down his solid chest and ripped abs, skipped over his flat gut, and lingered on his rigid cock. Hunger awakened in her belly. Her mouth watered and she licked her lips. Inspired and ravenous, she rolled, drawing herself on all fours, and crawled to the end of the bed, her gaze never leaving his cock.


She couldn’t tell by his tone if he said her name in warning or plea and she didn’t really care. What she wanted was now barely an inch from her lips, jutting out from between his legs like a great, big, thick exclamation point that said, “Come get me.”

She closed the distance between her mouth and his cock slowly, drawing out the moment, and delighting in the way his gut quivered visibly in anticipation. His cock jumped once and she giggled before touching the engorged head with her tongue. She used the tip of her tongue to lap away the bead of pre-cum glistening in the slit of his cockhead and moan as the salty-sweet flavor exploded in her mouth. Wanting more, needing to feel the length of his shaft gliding down her throat, she closed her lips around his cock and swallowed in one quick dive that had his hips bucking toward her face.

“Son of a bitch.” Andrew growled the words as his hands fisted in her hair.

He didn’t attempt to control her movements, allowing her to feast on his cock as she pleased. She drew back, dragging her tongue along the pulsing vein that traveled the underside of his shaft, then nipping his cockhead lightly with her teeth before swallowing his length once more.

She opened her eyes and gazed up at him from beneath her lashes, smiling around his cock when she saw his eyes had closed, his head lolled back on his shoulders. She rolled her eyes to the side, wishing she had the ability to call upon her chameleon sight in her human form so she could see Michael while she sucked Andrew’s cock.

She couldn’t find Michael with her vision, but she felt him nearby. Steadying her weight on one arm, she reached for him with the other, closing her hand around his lower thigh. The skin-to-skin contact told her he’d rid himself of his pants. Apparently watching her suck Andrew’s cock had been all the persuasion he’d needed to get naked. She used her hold on his thigh to pull him closer, let Andrew’s cock fall from her mouth, and turned her head to Michael, finding his cock now a breath from her lips.

She took his thicker girth in her mouth with the same fervor as she had Andrew’s. Though unable to swallow Michael’s full length, she took as much as she could, moaning her pleasure as each thrust of his hip pushed his cock against the back of her throat. She adjusted her weight again, this time reaching for Andrew’s cock with her free hand, and started stroking his length as she continued to suck Michael’s cock. She settled into a rhythm, feasting and stroking, enjoying and feeling the needs inside her climb. Her nipples pulsed. Her pussy burned. Her body ached to be touched, but her hunger demanded she taste more before she gave into her deeper desires.

She pulled back slowly, licking Michael’s cock until it fell away from her tongue, and intended to return to Andrew’s, to suck his cock some more, when hands flattened on her shoulders. She let out another undignified squeak as Andrew pushed her back on the bed, climbing on with her, and immediately capturing her mouth. He tasted of needs, man, and beast, a delicious concoction that awakened a new hunger in her belly. It was a mind-altering kiss, a soul-touching kiss, and she gave herself to it mind, body, heart.

She felt the bed shift, then Andrew changed his angle as Michael joined them, his tongue meeting theirs and ramping the heat factor to an all-new high. Hands, she couldn’t tell whose, covered her breast, slid carefully over her midsection, her stomach, and closed over her pussy. Fingers traced the outer edge of her sodden pussy lips before slipping between her folds to press at her aching opening.

Chrystal lifted her hips, attempting to draw those fingers inside her, but met only a resistance that threatened to drive her mad. The hand on her breast flexed, squeezing and weighing, the fingers catching her nipple in a pressured but delicious pinch. She gasped and moaned, all the while kissing both her men, tasting them, loving them. Somehow, they’d managed to position themselves in such a way that her hands became useless to her. Both arms circled around the men’s bodies, giving her only the ability to touch their backs but nothing else.

The fingers on her nipple rolled and tweaked. The fingers pressing at her opening drove inside. She cried out, the sound muffled by their tongues. Her nails dug into flesh and echoing moans of male satisfaction filled the room.

“I can’t wait to be inside you.” Andrew’s voice was strained with arousal and need as he pulled back and then lightly licked her chin and neck. “I want to feel how tight your sexy body gets when Michael is inside you with me.”

Chrystal’s mind tripped over his words as Michael’s mouth moved to her ear. He nipped her earlobe, licked the spot, then spoke softly.

“Will you allow us both to take you tonight, my sweet?”

The fingers in her pussy pumped, the rhythm changing from teasingly slow to drilling fast and she couldn’t think, couldn’t make sense of his question. “I always want you both to take me. I always want both of you.”

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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