Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Michael lifted his head and stared into his eyes for a meaningful moment before he dragged his gaze to Chrystal. “If I do as he requests, will it repulse you, my sweet?”

Chrystal’s laugh sounded breathless. Andrew turned his head toward her, his gaze immediately dropping between her legs to watch her fingers working in and out of her pussy. A thick layer of cream coated her fingers and her feminine folds and his gut twisted with hunger.

“It certainly won’t. Loving both of you means loving the beasts within you, too. Promise me, both of you, that you will never be afraid of showing that part of you in front of me when you must.”

“And you must promise us that you will not be afraid to do so as well,” Michael countered and, for a moment, Chrystal’s eyes cleared of their arousal.

Andrew understood. The rare shifter that she was had learned to keep that part of her carefully hidden. Those who hadn’t had been brought to death simply because other beings feared and resented the were-chameleon’s ability not to be sensed.

“I promise,” she said softly.

“As do I, my sweet.”

“I promise, too,” Andrew chimed in, knowing of the three of them he was the one who would always keep his beast the most in check. His was the one that could cause the most destruction, create the most horror, and get out of his control the quickest.

Michael pulled his fingers from Andrew’s ass without warning and he nearly wept as the emptiness threatened to consume him. Michael’s hands moved to his waist and the man held his gaze as he folded his body over Andrew’s and slowly bent them slightly forward. With a firm grip on his hips, Michael eased his cock between his ass cheeks, then straight into Andrew’s anus without manipulation or guidance.

Andrew’s breath left him on a hiss of pleasured pain as Michael’s thick cock stretched his ass more than his fingers before. The slow speed with which Michael entered him heightened his senses, sending pinpricks of sensations he couldn’t define shooting through him to fall back like a rain of sharp arrows. Michael’s cock rubbed the sensitive walls of his anus, the man’s fingers digging into flesh and bone on his hips as Michael took his ass inch by glorious inch.

“Ah, Gods.”

Behind him, he heard Michael’s echoing sigh, felt the vampire’s rigid control as he no doubt fought the urge to plunge and pound, rather than coax and finesse. He heard Chrystal sigh, too, and looked to find her gaze locked on him and Michael, on Michael’s cock as he continued to fill him deeper and deeper until Andrew was almost certain he couldn’t take any more.

He was about to say so, about to tell Michael to stop, but the pleasure was simply too much to form words. Then he realized he didn’t have to. Michael’s lips cruised over the back of his shoulder, the man’s cock stopping impossibly deep inside his ass.

“You feel…” Michael began but trailed off, pulled his hips back, and eased several rock-hard inches out before gradually pushing in again. “So amazing. Your ass, the muscles as they close and clamp around my cock, I have waited so very long to feel this again.”

Andrew fought the urge to let go. In that moment, with Michael’s erotic words bringing the past to join the present, Michael’s lips against his flesh, the man’s body inside his, he nearly lost himself to the ejaculation that tightened his balls and thudded in his dick. “Now, Michael. Please.”

“Yes, Michael. Please.” Chrystal echoed his plea and he realized Michael was controlling them both, not with any power other than the deep love they all felt for one another. She was masturbating while she watched them, holding off her own orgasm until they came with her.

“Please what, lovers?”

Michael was going to make them beg for it? He was going to make Andrew say it, ask for it? He might have been astonished, angered even if the needs inside him hadn’t built to near explosion. For any other man, in front of any other woman, he wouldn’t have done it. But this was Michael and Chrystal, the two loves of his life that had come back to him. “Fuck me, bleed me, and make me come.”

Andrew felt the slight brush of sharp point to tender flesh just before Michael’s fangs pierced the pulsing vein in the side of his neck. The combination was exquisite, Michael drinking from his neck, Michael fucking his ass, Michael reaching with his free hand to find his cock once more as Chrystal’s soft moans joined theirs to fill the air.

Michael stroked his cock in long and pressured squeezes until Andrew saw nothing but white-hot lights of bursting rapture as he drove his hips back, meeting Michael thrust for generous thrust. It was all so painstakingly tender in its way even as it marvelously pushed the edge of everything wicked and sweet. Every awareness, magnified by Michael’s power as the vampire fed from him, glided over his body, consuming his soul, and driving his own senses to a dynamic earth-shattering fulfillment.

They erupted together, Michael shooting his seed into his ass, Andrew coming in a burst of sticky sweet goo into Michael’s hand, and Chrystal crying out as she found her orgasm. Breath ragged, muscles liquidized, Andrew let Michael take much of his weight. Slowly, Michael let his cock slip from his now-tender hole and only then did Andrew find the strength to open his eyes. His gaze landed on Chrystal first, sprawled back in the chair, looking at him from beneath her long lashes. A shaky, satisfied smile unfolded on her sultry lips. He turned his head to Michael, found the man gazing down at him over his shoulder, Michael’s mouth covered in his blood. The man’s expression was a cross between wicked satisfaction and gentle love.

Michael released his dick and brought his hand up, the light of the room catching the cum that covered his flesh and making it glisten like sparkles of diamonds. He brought the hand to his lips and licked his palm, making an
sound before turning his hand and offering it to Andrew.

“Will you taste yourself, lover?”

“I will.” Chrystal slid from the chair and walked slowly toward them, catching Michael’s hand and bringing it to her mouth. She locked her gaze with Andrew’s as she licked Michael’s hand clean of his cum.

Andrew caught her hand, the one she’d used to pleasure herself, and turned in Michael’s arms as he lifted it to his mouth. He licked her juices from her fingers, then held her hand to Michael’s mouth so he could share in the delicacy.

“Our woman has a taste I could never get enough of,” Michael said as he let her fingers drop from his mouth.

“Tell me about it.” Andrew hooked an arm around Chrystal’s waist and drew her against him and Michael.

“As do you, lover.” Michael moved one hand from Andrew’s waist and put it on Chrystal’s hip just below Andrew’s arm.

Chrystal waggled her brows suggestively. “One of these times, I’m going to get to see how both of you taste.”

Michael laughed and leaned his face into both of theirs, brushing a kiss first to Andrew’s lips and then to Chrystal’s. “Soon, my sweet. Very soon.”

Chapter Six


“What happened to Le Mort?” Chrystal lay between Michael and Andrew in Michael’s large bed, both men sprawled on their sides next to her, their upper bodies propped on one elbow as they gazed down at her.

Andrew lifted his gaze to Michael. “He’s dead, isn’t he? I know you and Gideon went on a rampage after that night. You killed everyone who had been there, all the beasts who follow Le Mort and the vampire himself, right?”

Michael heaved a heavy sigh. “We were certain we had slain them all, yes.”

“But you didn’t?” Chrystal guessed, seeing the anger and regret simmering low in Michael’s eyes.

“No, my sweet.” Michael’s attention shifted to Andrew. “Le Mort still lives.”

Chrystal stared at Michael, her breath catching in her throat. She didn’t know what she’d expected when she’d asked the question, but hearing Le Mort was still alive sent a chilling fear racing through her soul.

Next to her, Andrew stiffened. “But you just said you and Gideon were certain you killed him.”

“We were. We put a stake through his heart.” Michael briefly closed his eyes, the memory clear in his expression. “We
the stake went through his heart. It missed. We buried him in a marked grave outside the Catholic church on Peachtree Road. It is known as the Church of the Catholic God now. We did not know until a few months ago that he still lives.”

“How did you find out?” Dear Gods, what if Le Mort found out about her? What if he realized, as Michael and Andrew did, that she was a reincarnation of Rebecca?

“There is another realm parallel to ours. It is known as Terra. I have known for some time that other realms exist, however I was not aware of this one until recently.”

Andrew sat up, resting his upper body on one hand, his other bringing one knee closer to his chest. “What does this other realm have to do with Le Mort?”

“It is where he has been since Gideon and I buried him. It is where he is now.” Michael rubbed his forehead. “There are gates, portals, that connect the Terra realm to this one. As I understand it, there are only a select few who possess the power to open these gates and pull people through them. We believe that is how Le Mort got through so long ago.”

“Someone in this other realm pulled him through?” Chrystal pushed herself up, resting her upper body on both her elbows. “Why?”

“That part is unclear, my sweet. We only know that it happened. Le Mort had one follower Gideon and I missed, a lycan by the name of Armand. He is dead now. However, Le Mort was able to contact him through the realms and made it back here for a time. Le Mort killed Armand himself.” Michael stared down at her, his gaze drifting to her neck. “Le Mort went in search of the pieces of the necklace. They were separated after your, after Rebecca’s, death and eventually placed in museums scattered over the globe. I held the final piece.”

Chrystal’s eyes widened and she reached for Michael, snaking a hand around his nape. “He came after you.”

“Gideon and I faced off with him, but he had someone working with him still in Terra. Before Gideon and I could take him out, he realm-jumped back to the Terra city of Atnalta.”

“How do we know he’s still there and hasn’t come through one of these portals again?” Andrew asked.

“Tavius and Elena bring me up to date when they can. I cannot mind-speak with either of them through the realms, but they visit often. Le Mort is being held captive in Atnalta.” Michael’s lips twitched. “He is being studied, which I am sure he is enjoying immensely.”

Andrew barked a laugh. “Studied?”

“There are vampires in the Terra realm, but they are succubi. They feed off of sex rather than blood,” Michael explained. “Terra is a more technologically advanced realm than ours. They are certain, with enough study, they will find a way to cure the bloodlust of our kind and enable us to live as succubi do.”

Chrystal waggled her brows. “Mmm, so if they figure this out, they’ll share the knowledge with you and then you could live off sex? Goody for me.”

Michael threw his head back and laughed. “Yes, my sweet. They would share the knowledge with me.”

“Who is Tavius and Elena?” Andrew asked.

“Tavius is a native of the Terra realm. Elena is the closest thing to a daughter I will likely ever know.”

Chrystal slapped the front of Michael’s shoulder. “Hey, wait a minute now. Given our past and the fact that I’m here with the two of you again, I’m meant to be with you guys forever, right? I can have children and I eventually want them. Don’t think either of you is getting off that easy. One of these days, we’re going to have at least one little were-chameleon lycan vampire running around.”

Michael grinned. “I do not believe you can mix all three, my sweet.”

Chrystal waved a hand dismissively. “I’m just covering all the bases. Now, back to Elena.”

Michael opened his mouth to begin again, but closed it when her hand shot up.

“Wait! If she’s like your daughter, that’ll make me her mother someday, huh?”

Michael’s eyes softened. “Do not worry. She will love you.”

Chrystal was worried. She could tell by the tone of Michael’s voice and the expression that came to his face when he talked about Elena that he loved the woman deeply. What if she didn’t approve of Chrystal? “I hope so,” she said softly, then dismissed her concern for the moment. “Okay, I won’t interrupt again. Finish telling us about her.”

Michael waited a few seconds, then began again. “Her father was a terrorist known as The Whisperer. Her mother, upon discovering this about the man she had married, attempted to leave him. He found her, of course, and killed her, but not before she had Elena. I have never figured out why he did not kill Elena himself, but he chose instead to leave her on my and Gideon’s doorstep.”

“He knew you were a vampire and Gideon was a werewolf,” Andrew guessed. “He figured one of you would kill her for him.”

“We did not. We took her in and raised her as our own.” He shifted his attention to Chrystal and smiled. “That marked the end of my traveling abroad. Gideon and I returned to Atlanta with Elena, acquired what had once been our family land, built this house, and raised her here.”

“Then she grew up, met this Tavius guy when he chased Le Mort through the portal, fell in love, and followed Tavius home,” Chrystal concluded the story.

Michael chuckled. “That is it in a nutshell, my sweet. They now live together in Atnalta where they run a Terra division of the LUST agency for Gideon and I.” His eyes sharpened. “You do not know of the agency. I suppose now is a good time to explain that, as well.”

Chrystal sat up completely, resting her back against the headboard. “Actually, I
know about the agency, though I still don’t know what the acronym stands for.”

“The Logistical Unit of Specialized Talents,” Michael supplied.

Chrystal thought about that, then nodded. “Cool. Anyway, that’s why I asked to speak with you privately at the club.” She shifted her gaze to Andrew and winced. “And why I really came to the Keys to see you. Not because of the agency in your case, but my father and I thought you could help us.”

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