Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Fuck me. Stop holding back. Let go of that stalwart control.” There was just enough sultry demand in her whisper to have the hunger taking paramount possession of his expression. “I want your cock ramming inside me. I want you to slam it into my pussy hard and fast, and

Mission accomplished, almost too well. Andrew pulled back, nearly withdrawing completely from her body, and shoved his dick into her in a single, deep, vicious thrust that had her clawing for purchase and screaming his name.

“Andrew! Oh, yes,
!” He rocked her, pounding inside her with a speed and gusto that exhibited his loss of control, and she reveled in it even as her body began to crash and convulse around him, beneath him, and in Michael’s arms.

She heard him roar, the sound more beast than man as his seed filled her, then felt the weight of his body as he collapsed unmoving on top of her.

“By the Gods, that nearly made me come,” Michael muttered softly.

Chrystal opened eyes she hadn’t realized she had closed and giggled, albeit breathlessly, as she rolled her head on Michael’s chest to look up at him. “Wise guy.”

Michael smiled down at her. “I do have my moments, my sweet.” He held her gaze for a second before she saw it flick to Andrew. “I do not believe our wolf is finished with you yet.”

Chrystal turned her head back to Andrew. His hazel eyes were rimmed with gold and gleaming with sated happiness. He brushed a kiss to her lips, the softest touch that made her almost wonder if she had imagined it. His heart was pounding wildly. She felt it beating against her chest in time with her own heart. He pushed himself up, his chest hair brushing her sensitive nipples and, to her amazement, the still-hardened points tingled in response. No way could they be ready to go again after that.

A dark cloud of concern moved through Andrew’s eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

Chrystal’s head seemed to be the only part of her she had the ability to move, so she cocked it to one side as she glared at him. She might have slapped him otherwise. “Tell me how, exactly, you could’ve possibly hurt me when you just gave me precisely what I asked for.”

Andrew chuckled and kissed her again. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“A great resounding no in capital letters. That was stupendous.” Some women might prefer it slow and sweet. She would even put herself in that category with past lovers. No wonder why none of them had ever fulfilled the emptiness inside her. Not only had they often been too gentle, but they hadn’t been Andrew or Michael.

Michael’s breath fanned the side of her neck when he sighed. “I am not sure I can compete with stupendous, but I would love to try if you are up for another round, my sweet.”

Chrystal tipped her head back. He was up for it. She felt that much resting long and thick at her back. His cobalt eyes were boiled hot and her nipples throbbed, stinging as if they’d been dipped in that scalding abyss. She felt flabbergasted by the realization, but she
up for it. Her core hummed with a confused mix of satisfaction from the pleasure Andrew had given her and anticipation to feel Michael inside her again.

Andrew pulled back and shifted from between her legs. His cock slid out of her, leaving her pussy with a decided emptiness she wanted desperately to fill.

Her arms and legs felt next to useless as she wiggled to her knees and turned between Michael’s wide-spread legs to face him. Her gaze dropped to his cock standing erect and thick from his body and she started to salivate. She licked her lips.

Michael narrowed his eyes in warning. “If that is what you crave, you should know that I will not last long enough to finish with my cock inside you, my sweet. Though that is where I hunger to be right now, I will leave that choice to you.”

Chrystal leaned in and nipped his bottom lip, eliciting a low moan from his throat. “You’ll leave it up to me even though it’s not what you want, huh?”

“A man, whether human or vampire, rarely turns down the chance for a blow job.”

Chrystal giggled. “And a woman, whether human or were-chameleon, rarely turns down the chance to ride such an amazing cock,” she countered as she tossed a leg over his, allowing him a moment to pull his closer together before she straddled his groin and impaled herself.

Yes, that was her moaning loudly enough to drown out any reciprocal groan Michael made as she took his cock inside her channel in one fluid, measured plunge. She guesstimated his cock to be a good inch longer than Andrew’s and far thicker. Still, her body remembered him, her inner muscles stretching with little coaxing to accommodate his wide girth. Despite the ease with which she took him, the sensations of his shaft gliding along the semi-wet walls of her core sent her pulse peaking in spasms and her mind on a whirlwind of pleasure riding tornados.

Michael’s hands gripped her hips as he threw his head back, his eyes closing and a sound of sheer bliss escaping his lips. His hips bucked to meet her body, to piston his dick fantastically deep in her channel, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips.

“You’re inside now.” Chrystal couldn’t stop herself from teasing him a little. “But, something tells me you’re not going to last long this way either.”

Michael’s eyes opened, apology shining in their depths. “That something would be the power you have over me. You feel too amazing, my sweet. Simply being with you keeps me on the edge of release, but being inside you…” He finished the sentence with a low growl and she caught a glimpse of the tip of his fangs.

Her breath caught in her throat as pinpricks of equal parts trepidation and desire penetrated her soul. Instinctively, she knew he wouldn’t feed from her the way he had done when he’d made love to Andrew. Yet, a part of her wanted to tell him to do so. She struggled with the urge and the apprehension too long. His hands slid from her hips, finding hers, and guided them behind her back, cuffing her wrists together in one of his large palms.

Chrystal expelled the breath she had been holding and gazed at him, half amused and wholly excited. “I thought Andrew was the one who enjoyed a little bondage play.”

“There are times when I do as well, my sweet.”

Chrystal arched her body as she dug her knees into the mattress on either side of his hips and rode his cock with a speed and fervor that astonished her given how completely worn out she’d felt only moments ago after her lovemaking with Andrew.

Michael used his free hand to cup her breast, pulling her toward him so he could take it in his mouth as she continued to ride his cock. He flicked the tip of his tongue over her pebbled nipple, nipped the beaded point, and flames erupted in a searing path that raced straight to her pussy.

Dimly, she registered the feel of his hand loosening, of Andrew’s closing tightly around her wrists behind her as Michael cupped her other breast. Michael feasted on one tit as he squeezed and caressed the other and her head fell back on her shoulders, finding Andrew’s chest behind her to catch the weight.

“Do you want to feel him really lose control?” Andrew held her from behind, but the way he had her hands in one of his, his other hand on her waist, aided her motion. “Ride him hard and fast, sweetheart, and he’ll give you exactly what you want.”

Her eyes were barely slits, but she could still see Michael. She watched as his eyes lifted and saw them fill with an emotion so close to fear that she knew he understood what Andrew was insinuating. Andrew would never allow himself to go so far that he let the beast out when he was with her. Michael, however, wielded more control over his demon, even in the throes of a seemingly out-of-control passion.

In that instant, the possibility of sharing more with this man, this vampire, she loved washed away the last dregs of her trepidation. “Please, Michael. You know what I want. Give it to me. Share it with me.”

His mouth hesitated, then he pulled back, tracing his tongue from the tip of her nipple to the side of her breast. He held it firmly in his hand and she felt the sharp graze of his fangs a nanosecond before they pierced her flesh.

White-hot electricity collided with deep, dark ecstasy as Michael drank from her breast, his cock ramming inside her pussy harder and harder until she screamed his name. The sensations overwhelmed her, ruling her every muscle, every thought, and every breath until she knew nothing but pleasure.

“Michael. I’m going to, yes!” She came loudly and violently, riding his cock for all it was worth as spasms racked her body and everything around her vanished in a deafening silence of exquisite, sexual elation.

Sated, boneless, her forehead fell to Michael’s shoulder and only then did she dimly register Andrew letting go of her hands, of Michael caressing her back with the flat of his hand as he trembled after his own apparent, explosive release.

Michael’s chin caressed the top of her head. “Know this, my sweet. I will never do that again without your permission.”

Chrystal lifted her head to look at him, momentarily stunned by the trickle of blood, her blood, on his bottom lip. She wiped it away with the pad of her thumb, then held the digit in front of his mouth as she gazed into his eyes. His tongue peeked from between his slightly parted lips and he licked the blood away, his gaze never wavering from hers. “You wouldn’t have done it this time if I hadn’t asked for it.
, my handsome vampire, I already knew.”


* * * *


Michael couldn’t sit. He paced his office inside Club Lust, making several trips back and forth from his desk to the door before finally forcing himself to stop between the guest chairs that sat in front of his desk. The walls into his mind were locked tight, his powers bottled and back within his full control, and, yet, he had felt something. It had lasted only a moment, barely a finger snap, but he had sensed something that had stirred his lifeless soul and brought about a sensation of unease he couldn’t explain.

He slowly scanned the office as he turned his back on the desk. He had sent agents on a tracking mission to determine where in Caracas the suspected terrorists were hiding, while he, Gideon, and the handful of agents now in his office gathered to formulate a plan of attack and rescue. Those agents watched him now, some with suspicion and others with concern in their gazes. It wasn’t often they saw him from him behind his desk at this sort of meeting and they never saw him pace the floor as he had been. They knew something was up, but only one had the balls to question.

“You’re acting weird, Commander. What’s going on?” Kahil Lowery, a former Navy SEAL and Panwere, never quite lost his sense of the military after being recruited by the LUST agency and continued to call Michael Commander despite Michael’s numerous attempts to stop the man.

Michael could have played it off. He could have ignored the Panwere’s question and gotten straight to business. He chose not to, deciding openness with his agents was expected of him as their leader.

“My unease tonight has nothing to do with our current mission.” At least, he didn’t think it did. Hell, he couldn’t even define it, let alone figure out the cause. “I have sensed…something. I do not know what and the impression lasted for only a moment. I am sure whatever it was will present itself in time.”

“In other words, we should all be on alert,” Kahil told the room at large, summing up Michael’s thoughts in a nutshell. At two hundred-plus pounds of pure ego, muscle, and power the likes of which Michael had rarely come across, many of the other agents had been leery of the Panwere when Michael and Gideon had recruited him. It had taken them less than a month in Kahil’s company to embrace him as a fellow agent and rank him with the highest regard below Michael and Gideon.

“It would be wise.” Michael forced himself to relax, leaning against the edge of the desk. Movement in his peripheral vision drew his attention down to Chrystal where she sat in one of the guest chairs. He held her gaze for a meaningful moment, biting back a smile as he watched memories of the last time they had been in his office play like an old-fashioned slide show in her eyes.

“And exactly what is our current mission?”

Meredith Duncan’s question pulled Michael’s attention back to the others in the room. He cleared his throat, tamping down the energies that had started stiffening his cock and heightening his desire, but not before he saw Chrystal’s lips twitch in a knowing grin.

“I received word from Cedric shortly before all of you arrived,” Michael began, talking to no one in particular. “He has tracked the terrorists to a compound in the jungles outside of Caracas. The compound is being guarded by no less than six shifters, stationed on all sides.” He met the gazes of each agent in the room until he settled on Andrew who had perched himself in Gideon’s usual spot on the corner of the desk closest to Chrystal. “Cedric has identified three of those shifters as ones belonging to Nikolas McLeod’s pack.”

Andrew’s dangling booted foot hit the floor as he straightened, his posture stiff, the anger in his eyes a nearly tangible thing. “So Nikolas is in on this?”

Michael nodded once. “It appears that way. We are now working on the assumption that Nikolas is the leader of this terrorist cell, not the leader of a pack in which a cherished member has been kidnapped as he has led you to believe.”

“Wait a minute,” Gideon said from his new place near the closed office door. He stood with his back resting against the frame, ankles and arms crossed, his expression one that clearly told Michael the information he was receiving didn’t compute. “Why make up the bullshit about the were-lion being taken if he’s the one who did it in the first place? Why go to the extent of having Andrew attacked to get him to join the pack in this if he wasn’t planning on going after the were-lion?”

“Those are questions I cannot answer, brother. It appears Nikolas has been doing as the Secretary of Defense believes, taking shifters and possibly others with power from American soil against their will and holding them captive in this Venezuelan compound with the intent of building a shifter army to use against the US. Why he has been so adamant about Andrew joining him, I do not know. It is also unclear if Nikolas is working alone or if he has a partner in his little game.”

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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