Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Powerful Awakening [L.U.S.T. 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Andrew’s teary eyes turned to her. “It would’ve kept her safe if it hadn’t been ripped from her throat.”

“True.” Chrystal slowly nodded. “But it wouldn’t have even been around her throat if she had finished what she had gone to Le Mort’s to do that night. Hell, if anyone is to blame for all this shit, it’s her. I’m not going to say me because I might be her, but I hope I’ve got more sense in this life than I apparently had in the last.”

“Perhaps we are all equally to blame for the course of that night,” Michael suggested. His expression softened as he stared into Andrew’s eyes. “I have never blamed you. I mourned for you as deeply as I did our Rebecca. I feel nothing for you now but the love that has always been in my heart and the deepest of gratitude for bringing her back to me, for
coming back to me.”

Chrystal didn’t know what she expected to feel when Michael pulled Andrew’s face to his and brushed his lips lightly over Andrew’s mouth. She couldn’t deny the dull dart of jealousy that shot through her belly at the sight any more than she could the butterflies of excitement that took flight and carried that dart away.

She heard Andrew sigh, his lips parting in invitation, and watched as Michael’s tongue delved inside Andrew’s mouth. She’d never watched two men kiss, at least not in this life, and it surprised her when she found it to be totally hot and massively arousing. It thrilled her, too, to realize neither man had forgotten her even as they shared in a moment of their own passion.

Andrew angled his head, allowing Michael to deepen the kiss, and slid his arm around her waist, drawing her close at his and Michael’s sides. Michael reached for her, too, catching her nape and pulling her face toward theirs.

Still kissing, the men angled their faces toward hers and managed to include her mouth in a three-way kiss that awakened more memories from the past, unfolding heated desires within her, and filling an emptiness she’d always known to be there, but had never understood the cause. The kiss left them all smiling and slightly breathless as they slowly pulled away.

Chrystal wound her arms around both men and made a frustrated face at them. “Don’t tell me you two are stopping there.”

Michael chuckled. “I believe our woman is looking for some satisfaction, lover,” he said to Andrew.

Chrystal drew her bottom lip between her teeth, thinking, identifying the alien desires awakening inside her, and determining exactly what kind of satisfaction she was indeed looking for at the moment. “Yes, but not in the way you’re probably thinking. I want to watch you, the two of you.” She eased herself from their embrace and stepped back. “I want to watch the men I love make love to one another.”


* * * *


Andrew stared at Chrystal, overwhelmed by the course the events of the night had taken. She remembered. Michael now knew exactly what had happened outside Le Mort’s house that night and he didn’t blame him. He had both of the people he had loved for more than a century back in his life and he didn’t doubt they still loved him.

“You are sure that is what you want, my sweet?” Michael asked Chrystal. She nodded, sultry lips spreading in a sensuous smile that hardened Andrew’s cock to the point of agonizing pain in an instant. “Shall we give our woman what she desires, lover?”

Andrew turned his gaze to Michael and felt himself fall into the deep cavern of emotion in the man’s cobalt eyes. “Tell me you understand why I didn’t come to you all these years. Not just because I blamed myself for her death, but because I knew, no matter how much I love you, it’s always been meant to be the three of us. Without her, neither of us has ever been whole.”

Michael brushed his nose lightly to Andrew’s, the simple affectionate touch sending a lightning bolt of evil desire straight to Andrew’s cock.

“I will admit I was angry when I found out you still lived and had been hiding from me all these years.” Michael slid a look at Chrystal, then locked his gaze with Andrew’s once more. “However, I do understand and I know you are correct.” He nipped Andrew’s bottom lip, then traced the outline of his mouth with the tip of his tongue.

Andrew closed his eyes, hardly able to believe he was in Michael’s arms again, that the woman they loved stood close enough he could still feel the heat of her body as she watched them. “I’ve missed you.”

“I know.” Michael covered Andrew’s mouth with his in a kiss so light and so quick Andrew wondered if he’d imagined it. “I assure you no more than I have missed you, lover.”

Andrew opened his eyes, saw the smile of what he could only define as happiness on Michael’s kissable lips, and let it steal his heart. “Yes, we should give our woman what she desires. If we don’t, she’s liable to deny both of us what we want in the future.”

Michael laughed as he slid a hand between their bodies, turning it to cup Andrew’s cock through his jeans, and eliciting a low moan from Andrew’s throat. “I do believe she is vixen enough to try.”

“Damn right I am,” Chrystal said.

Andrew started to laugh, but Michael kissed him again, this time coaxing his lips to part. Michael’s tongue dove inside for a slowly delicious kiss that left Andrew trembling. Michael’s other hand joined the first as both moved to the waistband of Andrew’s jeans and he worked the button and zipper free.

“Tell me, lycan,” Michael said as his hand slipped inside Andrew’s now-unfastened jeans. The sounds that rumbled from Andrew’s throat as Michael closed his fingers around his shaft were ones he hadn’t heard himself make in many decades.

Michael tugged Andrew’s cock free, then slowly and methodically started to stroke it from base to head. Andrew’s vision blurred as arousal sliced through his nut sack, tightening his balls and seizing control of his hips. He thrust into Michael’s hand, going mindless with the feel of the vampire jerking him off so skillfully.

“Damn, that’s so hot,” Chrystal whispered and Michael’s lips curved into a pleased grin.

“I do believe she is enjoying this already.”

“Probably about as much as you are,” Chrystal said, her voice breathless with her own arousal.

“I am not sure she is correct on that,” Michael told him. “Do you wish to be taken, lover, or to take?”

Andrew shoved his hands between his body and Michael’s, freeing Michael’s pants in a quicker haste than what Michael had done to his. He curled his fingers around Michael’s thick shaft and delighted at Michael’s sharp intake of breath. “Take me,” he decided and watched as surprise filled Michael’s eyes.

Michael quickly recovered from his shock, crushing his mouth to Andrew’s as his hands returned to the waistband of Andrew’s jeans and he tugged them and his briefs down his hips.

Andrew worked Michael’s pants down the same way, then snaked his arms around Michael’s back and pulled him closer. The sensation of finally being skin-to-skin with Michael again, of feeling Michael’s much cooler flesh molding to the warmth of his, sent darker needs racing through his system. Michael’s tongue caressed his mouth, gliding over his, then retreating to lick the outer rims of his lips. Michael’s hands moved, ripping off the last tattered threads of Andrew’s shirt with an urgency Andrew felt in his soul.

Michael tossed the material aside, his hands immediately returning to Andrew’s body. He flattened his palms on Andrew’s shoulder and spun him around, yanking him back against him in a move that had Andrew’s breath whooshing from his lungs.

Michael’s hands moved from his shoulders then, gliding down his biceps, skipping to his sides and falling further so slowly Andrew panted, writhing in Michael’s embrace even as he reached behind him in search of the man’s cock.

“Patience, lover.”

Andrew heard a hint of laughter in Michael’s tone and felt the man arch his hips back, keeping his dick out of Andrew’s reach. “Michael.” Andrew growled his name, the last syllable sticking in his throat as Michael’s fingers curled once again around his throbbing shaft.

“Michael, you’re being a tease.”

Andrew turned his head, finding Chrystal with his gaze. She’d taken a seat in an antique arm chair near the window. Her skirt was hiked up her thighs, one leg thrown over the arm of the chair, giving him a glimpse of her black thong. The thin strip of material hiding her pussy looked wet, letting him know she was creaming in her panties as she watched them.

“I am merely enjoying the moment, my sweet. Are you sure you do not wish to join us?”

Chrystal kept her gaze locked with Andrew’s as she danced her fingers down her thigh, dipped them beneath the crotch of her panties, and touched her pussy.

Andrew licked his lips, the memory of her taste springing to his tongue. “You’re teasing me as much as he is.”

“You mean by doing this?” She used the fingers of her free hand to pull the material aside, baring her pussy lips. Cream glistened on her slick folds. She parted them with her fingers, giving him a view of her swollen clit.

“Yes,” Andrew growled again, torment and needs stroking the beast inside him.

“Enjoy it,” Chrystal told him as she dipped one slender finger into her channel. Her eyes grew heavy-lidded as she began pleasuring herself. “I’m sure our Michael will satisfy you soon. And no,” her gaze slid from Andrew’s and he knew she was looking at Michael now. “I won’t join you this time. I’m having too much fun watching the show.”

“Is this not why you wished to be taken, lover?” Michael nuzzled his face in the side of Andrew’s neck, his tongue licking the pulse point he found there.

Andrew shivered. Lust pooled in his gut, needs roared and his beast reared, ready to pounce or to submit, he wasn’t quite sure which.

“You know I have always enjoyed taking my time with you.” Michael’s teeth grazed the side of Andrew’s neck. Andrew didn’t feel the man’s fangs, but the wolf in him wanted to.

“I could change my mind.” Andrew brought his arm up and curled it around Michael’s neck, needing both the contact and something to hold on to. Damn if his knees hadn’t become so weak he could hardly stand.

He rested his head on Michael’s chest, lolling it to look up at the man. Michael’s lips curved in a wicked and incredibly sexy grin and his fingers tightened on Andrew’s cock just enough to have his eyes rolling back in his head.

“It is too late for that, lover. Tonight, you are submitting to me.” Michael’s free hand roamed Andrew’s body, skimming over his muscles, tracing the ridges and lines, all the while stroking and caressing his shaft with his other hand. “I intend to take you slow, to draw out this moment for as long as I am able.”

“Don’t worry, Andrew,” Chrystal said, her tone heavy and slightly breathless with her own arousal. “He won’t be able to hold out long. He didn’t with me in the office.”

“Sadly, she is correct. Controlling myself with either of you is something that puts my willpower to the test.”

Andrew had trouble listening and even more difficulty thinking with the way Michael was manipulating his cock. “You’re killing me, Michael.” He dug his fingers into the flesh of Michael’s neck and managed to find purchase on Michael’s hip with his other hand. He attempted to push that hand between their bodies, to find Michael’s cock, but Michael once again arched out of his reach.

“Not yet.” There was a hint of fang in the smile Michael gave him this time and a ripple of eager alarm raced down his spine. Michael’s roaming hand reached between their bodies, palmed Andrew’s ass, and a long, slender finger slid between his ass cheeks.

Andrew stilled. His muscles tensed, his breath caught, and his heart beat wildly against his ribcage.

Michael nuzzled his neck as the pad of his finger grazed the outer rim of Andrew’s anus. “Is there a problem, lover?”

“No.” Andrew was in sheer ecstasy. The feel of Michael exploring his anus filled him with such anticipation and wondrous sensations he was afraid to move. Michael eased the finger inside, working it in slow circles deeper and deeper, spreading his ass even as the man’s other hand continued to stroke his cock.

Michael let out a low moan of utter appreciation. “You feel so good, lover. So tight and slick. Your muscles squeeze at my finger and my cock yearns for the same treatment.”

“That’s what I want.” It was all he wanted in that moment, all he could think about. To feel Michael take him again after all this time, to feel Michael’s thick cock shoving its way through the resistant muscles in his anus.

“Yes, I know.” Michael pulled his finger free, but before Andrew could expel the sound of protest rising in his throat, Michael was working two fingers into his stretching hole. Pain and pleasure mixed in a concoction that drove Andrew closer to insanity than he had ever been. “You were always one who preferred more immediate gratification, while I enjoy the thrill of anticipation.” Andrew saw Michael look to Chrystal as he added, “For as long as I am able to hold myself back.”

“Then I hope it isn’t much longer,” Andrew ground through gritted teeth. Pleasure spiked to an all-new high as Michael’s fingers buried deep inside his tight anus. He felt the fingers turn and wriggle, spread and caress, and his cock flexed as spasms built in his balls. “Don’t make me come this way, Michael. I want to feel you inside me when I come.”

Michael released his hold on Andrew’s cock, but his fingers remained lodged deep in his ass. “That is what I want as well. However, I am not too far gone yet to stop enjoying this moment.” He leaned down, licked a fiery chilled path along Andrew’s shoulder, nipped his collarbone, and danced his tongue up the side of Andrew’s neck.

Andrew felt Michael’s restraint, sensed the man’s beast moving in to take control, and knew Michael was battling it with every ounce of control he possessed. “How long has it been since you fed on warm blood, not the synthetic shit I’ve seen you drinking?” He’d recognized the difference in Michael’s glass, the coloring and texture that told him the blood hadn’t come from human or animal.

“A very long time, lover.” Michael’s nose grazed the flesh on the side of Andrew’s neck and he knew Michael could smell his blood pumping fiercely through his veins.

“Feed on me while you fuck me, Michael. Give me all the pleasures of loving you and the vampire you have become.”

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