Perfectly Normal (9 page)

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Authors: Jaden Wilkes

Tags: #Erotica, #Suspense, #Sex, #mob

BOOK: Perfectly Normal
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The concierge stopped near the two of them and hesitated. “Is this ok?” he asked, his breath thick with anticipation and fear. Columbia could see
him trembling; the reality of the moment seemed to hit him all at once. This was his fantasy, and it was becoming a reality.

“Yes,” Dimitri
said, “for Columbia, it’s ok. Just remember, you do not fuck her. You are my friend and I would hate to have to fucking kill you.”

The concierge gulped and said, “That’s fine.”

Columbia laughed and felt compelled to add, “We’re just sharing a little fun, ok? And let’s not get weird after this. It’s just for sport. No emotional shit afterwards. Agreed?”

Both men nodded and Columbia paused. She had no idea how to proceed at this point. This was her spontaneous plan, but what the hell did she know about threesomes?

Dimitri, obviously being the more practiced of the group, stepped in and grabbed Columbia. He started to kiss her, the kind of kiss that left her stomach flip-flopping and her pussy dripping with each pass of his tongue. She was acutely aware of the concierge standing to her left, his awkward nervousness radiating from him. She reached for his hand and was almost surprised when he let her take it. She pulled him slowly towards them, suddenly hyper conscious of his muscular body, dark hair, green eyes and full, soft lips. She had never really thought of him as attractive, she’d never really thought of him much at all. Now she couldn’t get the image of his beautiful lips wrapped around Dimi’s cock out of her head.

She pulled him even closer and broke the kiss with Dimitri. She knew she wasn’t to fuck the concierge, but she wanted to kiss him, to feel him.
She had only ever kissed two men in her life and she was curious about another. “May I kiss him?” she asked Dimitri.

“I thought you were calling the shots
,” he said and laughed at her.

he narrowed her eyes and admitted, “I apparently didn’t think this through, ok?”

“No,” he said, “you certainly didn’t.
And yes, you may kiss him…in fact, I insist.”

“You’re ordering me?” she asked in surprise. She thought this was her
idea, but she was slowly catching on that Dimi was taking control and was steering this one in a different direction than she had anticipated.

“Yes,” he replied, “I am telling you…kiss him. You wanted this, now do it.” She might have backed down if it weren’t for the amusement in his voice. He was smug and enjoying this a little too much. She looked at the concierge and was even more sparked by his look of enjoyment. He and Dimitri exchanged a glance and she realized she was losing this game of chicken, if that’s what it was.
Whatever it was, she didn’t like to be laughed at and she didn’t like to lose.

She leaned towards the concierge
and he surprised her by grabbing the back of her head and sweeping her in for a passionate kiss. His lips were fuller than Dimitri’s, softer and more sensual. She could taste the slightest hint of mint on his tongue as he snaked it around hers. He bit her lower lip softly and increased his speed as she closed her eyes.

She felt Dimitri’s hands on her waist, he pressed himself against her back and reached around to massage her breasts. She was sandwiched in between two incredibly hot, muscular men and she was enjoying every second of it.

In an instant, the mood of the group changed and she knew they were taking her very seriously. This might not be what she had in mind, but if this was what was going to happen, she was going to enjoy it as much as she possibly could.

The concierge cupped her face in his hands and slowed down, becoming almost tender, intimate in his touch. She could se
nse he would be a very skilled lover, not as rough as her Dimi, but excellent nonetheless. She resisted the urge to bite him as her urgent lust grew, warming her cunt and moving up her body in waves of heat. Her hands rested on his chest as he continued to kiss her, his heart was pounding so hard she was sure she could hear it.

“I’m going
to fuck you like this,” Dimitri whispered in her ear and pinched her nipple. She moaned and arched her back, thrusting her ass against him. He slipped his hand under her loose blouse and found her breasts, braless and waiting for him. He massaged them until her nipples tingled and were rock hard to the touch, two sensitive pebbles wanting more.

“Please, do it
,” Columbia answered. “Fuck me.” She was barely legible, her words muffled against the concierge’s lips. It was clear who she meant, but the concierge pressed his own hardness against the front of her body. She was in heaven, two hard cocks rubbing against her, the man she loved being one of them. It was all so surreal and happened so fast it was almost too much. “Wait,” she said and pulled away from the concierge. “If we’re going to do this, I need to know your name. I deserve to know your name. I can’t keep calling you Bernard.”

He pulled away and looked surprised, “Bernard? Did you tell her my name was Bernard?” he asked Dimitri.

Dimitri chuckled and said, “It wasn’t me. She’s got a head full of her own ideas and I wouldn’t dare tell her a lie like that. You do need to tell her, it’s about time. You’ve tortured her for weeks now.”

The concierge looked down at her, the smallest of smiles playing around the edge of his mouth. She saw a bemused glint in his eyes and thought for a moment he might not tell her. “Nico,” he said at last, “my name is Nico.”

She laughed and replied, “Is that it? Short and sweet…I’m pleased to meet you, Nico.” She extended her hand towards him and shook it in the small space between their bodies. “Ok, let’s get back to this delicious Dimitri-Nico sandwich,” she said and leaned back into Dimitri’s arms.

Both men responded immediately. Dimitri began to run his hand up and down the front of her body and final
ly pulled the blouse apart, exposing her breasts to Nico. As if planned, Nico immediately bent and began to suck on one of her nipples while playing with the other one between his thumb and forefinger.

“You are
beautiful,” Dimitri told her, “like a lust-mad queen in ancient times. My own little Boudicca.” He nibbled the back of her neck and reached around to find her slit. He slid his fingers down between her legs and started to circle her clit with the broad pad of his forefinger. Columbia was almost ready to explode right there, the pressure was building and the pleasure was so intense she was having trouble standing.

Nico sucked and gently bit her breasts, moving back and forth, and Dimitri parted her pussy lips and slid a couple fingers further, finding her entrance. He shoved up inside of her and grazed h
er clit with his thrusting hand; she finally lost her tenuous hold and let herself go.

“Oh my god,” she managed to exhale as she came. Nico released her nipple and stood up to hold her against him. She shuddered and both men held her close, keeping her from falling to the ground in her heightened state of desire. She felt for a moment like she was about to lose all sense of self, but Dimitri’s steady hands kept her here.

“I love you,” Dimitri whispered in her ear, “I love your face when you cum on my fingers, I can feel your cunt tighten around me. I need to fuck you, little dove. I need to fuck you like I need the air to breathe.”

really are beautiful, Columbia,” Nico said as he reached around her to find Dimitri’s cock, “I can see why he’d want to do this,” he continued as he guided the head towards her pussy. She tilted herself to allow Dimitri entrance from behind and held onto Nico’s strong arms for support. He was lightly haired, his arms and chest weren’t smooth like her Dimi’s. She didn’t mind though, he exuded a raw masculinity that enhanced this moment for her.

“I thought we were going to share Dimitri,” she said, feeling heady and almost drunk, “this wasn’t what I had in mind.”

Nico laughed and said, “I don’t think you’re in charge any more, I think the boss has taken over.” He looked over her shoulder at Dimitri.

, this isn’t what you planned, but this is what I want to see” Dimitri replied, “and why not? You, dear Columbia, have the talent at becoming the centre of everything when you’re on fire.”

With that he slid himself inside of her, long and thick and hard and completely enveloped by her velvety warmth. “Fuck,” she whispered and her eyes grew large
, she stared into Nico’s dark green ones as Dimitri slowly withdrew, setting her pussy on fire. “Oh fuck,” she breathed out as Dimitri slid his length back in, harder this time. He continued like this, and she continued to stare at Nico’s beautiful face as she felt her second orgasm build.

“Play with her clit,” Dimitri said in a
hoarse voice. His breathing was increasing as he pumped her cunt. Nico looked at him and Dimitri insisted, “It’s ok, play with it. She likes that, my little dove loves to be played with, don’t you?”

She had already
almost lost the power of speech though, and could only respond with a quick nod and a moan of pleasure. Nico looked down at her and let his hand trail along the curves of her body to fine the light patch of hair at the top of her slit. She could feel his hand tremble as he hovered there, his uncertainty almost palpable in his hesitation. “Please, Nico,” she managed to gasp in a raspy whisper.

“As you wish,” he replied and slid his finger down. It was as though he needed permission from them both before going through with it. Columbia had to remember he c
ame from a background of servitude, working for somebody. It didn’t surprise her that he needed more guidance than her Dimi, who was the kind of man who raged against you and took what he wanted. Nico pressed himself against her body and raised his other hand to hold the back of her neck as he found her centre.

“That’s right,” Dimitri said and increased his pace, “let’s make her fucking mad with this, our little queen.” He thrust into her like a madman himself, his han
ds tight around her biceps, his fingers digging into her flesh as he sought purchase on her body.

She couldn’t last much lon
ger, this she knew. The growing intensity driving her into a lustful madness, Dimitri’s plan had worked. He had taken her illusion of control and flipped it around on her. He told Nico not to fuck her, but he never mentioned anything about playing with her and driving her insane with the heat of the moment. Once again Dimitri knew her better than she knew herself and directed her where she needed to go.

She was making panting moaning noises that seemed foreign to her, as though coming from another throat.
The energy was building deep in her belly and rising, threatening to overflow if she didn’t seek something to hang onto. She saw Nico’s strong chest in front of her and before she could think it through, she had a mouthful of his skin in her teeth. He drew his breath in sharply and let up on the pressure he had on her clit.

“Are you ok?” he asked, mistaking her desire for defense.

“She’s absolutely perfect, my friend,” Dimitri told him as he slowed his pace, “she’s a wild cat, you have to watch her teeth and claws.” His pride was obvious and Columbia felt her chest swell with love for him.

“If you say so,” Nico replied and
stiffened his body, taking her bite without a modicum of discomfort.

“Touch him,” Dimitri said in her ear and nibbled her neck, “jerk his cock, make him feel the pleasure with the pain.” She hesitated, not certain she wanted this now that it was happening, but once again curiosity seemed to be winning over. “Do it,” he said again, “don’t back down now, my tigress…I want to watch you while I fuck you.”

She reached down with one hand and fumbled at the waistband of Nico’s loose workout pants. She had vaguely noticed his cock bulging against the fabric from time to time when she practiced with him, but had never given it much thought. She was pleased to find it rather large, not as long as Dimi’s, but thick and veiny. It had a nice texture to it, and felt good in her hand. She had a sudden flashback to Stuart’s, how small it was and how unschooled she’d been back then. Her fumbling in the cab of his truck, his desperation, her desperation. It all seemed a million miles away and so pathetic now.

She began to pump Nico’s cock slowly; her hand gripped it tighter as she reached the head, stimulating the sensitive ridge near the end. She was soon slick with his precum
and her strokes came faster. He made noises of pleasure and intense pain as she simultaneously stroked his cock and bit into his flesh. She thought she might leave a mark, this though excited her…both men marked permanently by the symbol of her desire.

“Bring her to the bench,” Dimitri ordered and Nico immediately obeyed. They lifted her up,
she released his skin from her teeth, slid off Dimitri’s cock and Nico had to remove his fingers. She felt cold and empty within seconds and started to protest. “Just relax, my little queen,” Dimitri said in her ear, “you will get what you want, and more.”

She relaxed and let them carry her to the low, wide bench at the corner of the rooftop garden. The sun was setting and the solar lights were kicking in, illuminating the area with a sparking glow.
Dimitri sat down and drew her down with him, on his lap. “What are you doing?” she asked.

She heard him lick his thumb and slide it between her cheeks, finding her tight
hole. He pushed his thumb inside of her, and she gasped. They’d had anal sex a couple more times since the night he broke her in, but it still felt uncomfortable at first. He worked his thumb around and she concentrated on relaxing to receive him.

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