About the Author
Jaden Wilkes lives on the prettiest farm in BC. She shares her space with her husband, children, an Irish
Wolfhound named Tiberius, and several horses. When not writing, she can be found lurking around the dark corners of the internet looking for artful porn gifs and trying to convince people to buy her books…so thank you for buying her book.
Public Service Announcement: Not much to say about this one. I suppose how you interpret this novel will tell you a lot about yourself. Also, always use condoms. Seriously.
Previous Work:
Reverse Cowgirl,
my first book. A sweet, steamy tale of love reunited.
Dirty Little Freaks,
my third book. Hot sex, dirty talk, drugs, rock n roll and a love like no other.
The Beast
, the first book in The Beast Series.
Dark erotic romance about finding love from the ruins of your past.
Volume One in a two part serial about the dirty lives of suburbia.
a dark and crazy mind fuck in the head of a sociopath. Nothing is what it seems.
Contact me:
Please feel free to contact
me. I can be found in many of the following places, sometimes all at once…:
Mailing list.
Don’t miss out on any teasers or free chapters of upcoming work! Plus crock pot recipes.