“You mean I,” he said with a little sleepy smile. “You mean if I could kill him, my savage little warrior queen.”
“No,” she said, “I mean me. I have to do this, for both of us. Please let me be the one to plunge the knife into his heart.”
He wrapped his arms tighter and laughed. “I must be half asleep, but I just might agree to let you do that for me.”
“I love you,” she said and knew she was winning this argument. She was going to talk to the concierge in the morning about it, convince him that she should be the one to deliver the deathblow to Sergei. She wanted him to start training with her, to show her exactly where to hit a man with the knife so she didn’t end up with the bloody disaster of her first kill, her stepfather. She wanted this time to be silent, swift and deadly.
“I love you too,” he said, “now can we go back to sleep?”
“Yes,” she agreed and closed her eyes. Something occurred to her though, as she was drifting off. “Dimi,” she said, “I just thought of something.”
“Yes?” he asked and opened his eyes. They were glittering in the light and she felt his cock stir against her hip. He was waking up.
“Today in McDonalds…” she started to say but her voice trailed off. She was suddenly nervous about the thing she remembered.
“Yes?” he asked and bent his head to nibble her ear. She was losing focus and needed to get this out before she forgot or lost her nerve.
“You called me your wife,” she said, her cheeks going hot at the thought of it. She hoped he had meant it.
“Yes,” he replied and moved his hand between her legs, to her slit.
“Did you mean it?” she asked, breathless as he found her clit and started to play.
“Of course I did,” he whispered against her cheek and moved his fingers lower. “You are my bride, my wife, my partner, my everything,” he continued as he found her hot entrance.
“Can we ever get married legally?” she asked and opened her legs up to him. His thick fingers found her cunt and slid in. She rolled to her back to accommodate him and he rose up over her.
“Anything you want,” he replied and kissed her. She was losing focus
again as his tongue and fingers entered her body and took command of her senses.
“I want that,” she said before she lost her senses to him completely.
“Tell the concierge anything you want,” he said and rolled on top of her. He moved her knees apart with his leg and positioned himself between them. “I will give you anything you want, my wife,” he added and moved his cock to her pussy.
“I love you,” was all she could say as he plunged into her and swept them both away.
Chapter Four
“Hold still,” Columbia said to the concierge. He wouldn’t stay still while she tried to find the exact spot to shove the knife in to stop a man’s heart.
“I didn’t know you were tickli
sh, my friend,” Dimitri said and laughed at the other man’s growing discomfort. He was going through a series of fighting poses a short distance away. Columbia still wasn’t convinced that the slow movements would translate to deadly precision in the event of an actual fight. He looked more like the old folks doing Tai Chi outside the rec centre near her home in Vancouver. Of course she’d never tell him this. Unless she wanted a spanking…she filed that thought away for later.
“I’m not exactly ticklish,
I just wish she’d figure it out already,” the concierge replied. His face was stern but his voice was light, betraying his amusement at the entire situation. He was slowly warming up to Columbia and she couldn’t help but smile at his acceptance. She was improving at an incredible rate. She had already mastered most of the killing moves she’d been taught, but struggled with this, the most effective.
She still didn’t know his fucking name though. She had been making names up in her head while she practiced. This week she was calling him Bernard, Bernie for short. She decided that he was Persian, an escaped prince who was indebted to Dimitri for saving his life. She knew it was wrong of course, but she felt like she had to call him something after almost
half a year of living with him.
“I’m just studying this carefully,” she said and narrowed her eyes. Dimitri had shown her several times and it looked so easy, but every time Columbia made a move with the tip of the wooden practice knife, she managed to hit a rib. She gave another sharp jab and felt bone under muscle and flesh.
“Ouch,” the concierge protested and jumped back. He rubbed his ribcage under his left nipple; it was already dotted with red blotches. “Ok, I believe I’m done for the day,” he said and moved to sit on a low bench near the practice area.
“Damn it
,” Columbia said, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” th
e concierge replied, “Your man has done worse to me over the years. I’m used to being a punching bag…and personal trainer apparently.”
Columbia went to sit next to him and set the wooden knife on the bench between them. “I really am sorry, I know I must be such a burden for you after all these year
s of serving just him,” she said and nudged her chin towards Dimitri. She paused and watched him for a moment or two. He really was magnificent; she felt warmth growing in the pit of her stomach and radiate out.
“It isn’t,” the concierge replied and stopped short. He turned to her, looked her up and down and said, “I’m sorry I’ve been so hard on you. I know you’re here to stay and I haven’t made it very easy for you to feel like this is your home.”
Columbia’s heart skipped a little beat; she was touched by his apology. “No, you haven’t,” she said and laughed when he looked guilty. “I’m not blaming you though, I mean coming from your perspective this is all so strange. You have your boss do a total one eighty in the middle of the only week that you’re gone. I’m sure from your point of view we both seemed half mad.”
“Not quite,” he replied and smiled
, “you seemed fully mad. Completely insane, to be honest.”
Columbia punched him lightly on the shoulder and laughed. “Come on now, we’re not that bad, are we?” she asked.
“Not at all,” he replied, “If I’m forced to confess. It is difficult at times, listening to the two of you…” His voice trailed off and his gaze turned to Dimitri.
“The two of us, what?” Columbia asked but had a feeling she knew what he was going to say. It was undeniable, she and Dimitri managed to fuck on every surface in every room in every corner of the apartment, and neither one of them were particularly quiet about it.
The concierge was still watching Dimitri who was in the middle of an elegant balanced pose. His taut body was glistening with sweat in the heat of the Hong Kong late summer and his muscles were sharply defined in the low light of the setting sun. He was a golden god, an Olympian come to earth and she wanted him at that moment with every horny cell in her horny body. “I think you know what I mean,” the concierge said at last. “I have to listen to the two of you…making love.”
“Don’t you mean fucking?” Columbia asked and laughed at his shocked expression. “Don’t worry, I’m not exactly a prude. I like calling things what they are, and let’s face it, Dimitri likes to fuck.”
“Oh, I know,” he replied and looked away. His cheeks looked flushed, with embarrassment or excitement, she didn’t know. She hadn’t ever considered him that often, but he was a very good-looking man. He was tall, almost as tall as her Dimi, but leaner. He was elegant, and possessed an old world aura, but gave the impression of being a wild cat about to strike. He would be deadly when provoked, Columbia was sure of it.
“Have you ever thought about
…” she asked and looked in Dimitri’s direction. She was suddenly intrigued by the idea of the two of them together, killing time when trapped in the Vancouver penthouse.
He turned, looke
d her in the eye and said, “I won’t lie, I have considered it.”
Columbia had a little seed of an idea growing inside of her.
She’d been feeling horribly anxious lately, pacing and needing something, an outlet of some kind. This idea felt scandalous and outrageous and dangerous, but she had to plant it and see what happened. “Would you now?” she asked him directly and knew by his reaction that he would. He just needed to vocalize it.
, that depends on his answer” the concierge said and stammered. He looked at Dimitri and back to Columbia. “I suppose I would have to say yes, given the chance, I would.”
Columbia tried to place his accent; it was light but gave a lovely cadence to his way of speaking. “Why don’t we give it a shot and see what happens?” she said with a wicked spark of excitement darting around her head. The thought of a man sucking Dimitri’s cock became consuming, overwhelming, and something she needed to see. She couldn’t imagine a hotter scene, two perfect specimens of manhood, one of them sharing her man’s cock with her.
He looked alarmed and began to protest. Columbia was determined though, cocked her eyebrow at him and gave him the, “Why not?” look. Stuck out his lower lip, contemplating her proposal and finally said, “Ok, why not?”
“You’re in?” she asked, her voice
low in anticipation. “Do you like him?”
“Yes,” the concierge replied, not l
ooking at her, “to both.”
“Are you gay?” she asked, not sure if she was being offensive or politically incorrect.
“No, I had a wife and a child,” he replied. Columbia was shocked; she never imagined he had a life before Dimitri. “I am more interested in those I love…be they man or woman. Sex is something entirely different.”
“How do you mean?” she asked.
“Sex is physical, a release of energy one might use elsewhere. Fighting, for example, but sex takes the place. Love is something on a higher plane, a spiritual connection to another being. It might be wrapped up in love, or it might be the love of your friend. I see the two as completely different.”
“Do you love him?”
she asked, processing his answer. He confused her.
“I do,” was his simple reply.
“That’s good. So do I…so much,” she said. She did, she had never felt this way about anyone else, and she knew he felt the same way. She could see the logic in the concierge’s answer though. She used to release her built up tension by dragging a razorblade across her skin, now it seemed as though sexual release had taken its place. These past few weeks, she’d began to crave that painful sharpness with the release though, and didn’t know what to do with it. It made her feel reckless and slightly out of control. Not completely, but almost.
The concierge looked at her, then him, and back to her. He said,
“I can see that. This allows me to find some…affection…for you.”
“Thank you,” Columbia replied and considered herself lucky for having such people in her life. He was an interesting man, and was obviously begi
nning to grow fond of her. “Should I ask him? Do you want me to start?”
“Of course,” he said to her and glanced in her direction. He looked back to Dimitri who was now cooling off, doing some simple stretches.
The words echoed in her ear, and made sense. This need for release made sense. She wanted this. Columbia felt like she would melt just thinking about her plan, she couldn’t wait to see how she felt putting it into motion.
She got up and walked to Dimitri, he was wearing loose pants and n
o shirt. His muscles were very well defined and veins were popping out from his previous exertions.
“Did you find his heart?” he asked as she approached.
“No, I’m not as adept at killing as you are,” she admitted and smiled at him. She stood and shifted her weight from one foot to the other trying to think of a way to approach this.
You’ll get there,” he said and wiped the sweat from his brow with a small towel. “Come shower with me,” he added and reached for her hand. He placed it on his bulge, indicating his growing hardness.
“You sure you can wait that long?” she asked and stroked him through the cloth. “I don’t think you want to.”
“Of course I don’t want to,” he said and pulled her against him, “I want to fuck you right here, right now.”
She pressed her face against his sweaty chest and inhaled the musky scent of him.
As always, she was intoxicated by his smell and breathed deeply. She listened to his heart pounding for a few moments, then pulled back and said, “How about something new?”
He looked down at her quizzically and asked, “What could you possibly have in mind?
Haven’t we done as much as we possibly can?”
She was suddenly struck dumb by his question. She hadn’t thought this through enough to think about how she would get him on board with this.
She felt as though she needed it now, and her body buzzed with a nervous energy. “Have you ever thought about sharing?” she finally asked.
“Sharing you?” he said and shook his head. “You’re mine, little dov
e. I won’t have another man fuck you.”
“I don’t mean
fucking me, I had something else in mind…maybe him sucking your cock?” she said, diving right in. She decided there was no point dancing around the subject now that she was convinced she needed to see this happen.
He looked bemused and said, “My friend agreed to this?”
“Yes,” she replied and frowned when he laughed.
“Have you ever been with a man?” she asked, deflecting his amusement.
He frowned and pulled back slightly. “I have been, is that what you’re asking me? I had to do things to survive…”
“Oh fuck
, I’m sorry,” she said and remembered his time on the streets as a young man. She hadn’t ever considered what his life had been like before finding Sergei’s
. “I was being selfish, I thought it would be hot to share you with somebody, but I think I was mistaken. I don’t want to bring up terrible memories for you.” She dropped her head at her inconsideration, sometimes she felt so uncouth and immature.
“Would it please you though?
” he asked and hooked his thumb under her chin. He lifted her face to him and stared into her eyes. “Would this thing bring you fulfillment and pleasure?”
She nodded her head slowly and admitted, “Yes, I don’t know why
, but I want this so badly.”
His face was unreadable, but h
is eyes were burning with lust and she could feel his cock pressing against her. “If it pleases you,” he said and wove his fingers in her hair, “I will allow it…but only if he doesn’t fuck you. I can’t stand the thought of another man’s scent on you.”
“He won’t,” she agreed and stood on her tippy toes to kiss him. He swept her up in it, his kiss was passionate and fierce
, but had an added excitement…the anticipation of her proposal coming to fruition.
She broke free and gestured to the concierge. Dimitri whispered in her ear, “I thought that was part of your plan. I know you want him to love you.”
She replied, “Nobody will ever love me as much as you, but you’re right, I want him to care for me.” She ran her hand down his hard body and found his cock, “But more than that, I want to try something new, get rid of some of this pent up energy,” she said and gave it a squeeze.