Perfectly Normal (5 page)

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Authors: Jaden Wilkes

Tags: #Erotica, #Suspense, #Sex, #mob

BOOK: Perfectly Normal
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“That was so much money, Dimi,” she gasped.

“I don’t fucking care, it was in my way,” he said and slid it off her body. “This is better,” he continued and cupped her breasts in his hands. She wasn’t wearing a bra today, which seemed a little anticipatory if she looked back on it. She knew he’d be getting her naked at some point during their time together.

“It’s ok,” she said but felt a twinge of guilt at being so indulgent.
She thought about all the people struggling to put food on their tables and here she was, tossing a two thousand dollar blouse like it was tissue paper. She would have to remember to ask Dimitri about setting up a charity or two. It only felt right.

“Stand there,” he told her and stood back, admiring her. She almost lifted her arms to c
over her breasts, suddenly self-conscious of her scarred body.

“Take off your pants,” he commanded and she didn’t even consider disobeying. Sometimes she would, just to get a good whipping every once in a while, but at the moment she wanted to fu
ck more than she wanted to build up to it.

“Like this?” she asked and wiggled her hips, losing her awkward insecurity. She unbuttoned them slowly and slid them over her hips
, bent down and dragged them off her legs. She reached for Dimitri’s waistband and said, “Your turn.”

“Happy to obey, my lady,” he replied with a crooked grin. She couldn’t help but stare as he slid them down, his cock popping out, happy to see her. Fully naked now, it didn’t take long before he had her backed up against the wall, kissing her furiously, full of hunger. He pulled her up into his arms again, but this time he held her still as he dragged the head of his cock back and forth through her hot slit. He teased her clit and kissed her until she was half mad again.

“Just fuck me,” she moaned as he hit her sensitive nerves, “take me here like a fucking animal Dimi, fuck me hard.”

“You want my cock?” he asked
in her ear as he teased her clit some more, “Tell me, beg me for it.”

She had no fight this time, her stubborn streak was gone as each nerve ending lit up with the same throbbing need to envelop him with her cunt. “Please,” she whispered and arched herself against him. His strong hands gripped her harder to accommodate her movement.

“Please what?” he asked, his voice harsh in her ear and his breath hot on her neck.

, fuck me,” she sighed and tried to spread herself wide enough that she drew him in. “Please fuck me until the only thing I can say is your name.”

“What do you want?” he replied, drawing it out until she felt she was about to tip into the depths of insanity.

“Fuck,” she protested, “Do I have to say it?”

He slid his cock head away from her entrance and prodded her clit. “Yes, you have to tell me what you want from me before I’ll give it to you. Begging isn’t enough, little dove, I want you to
sob for my cock.”

“I am,” she panted and tried to draw him back towards her entrance, “Please Dimi…please shove your cock inside of me, split me with it, impale me on it. Fuck my cunt with your cock, please, please plea-“

He cut her off with a sharp up thrust and plunged into her depths. She cried out and he grunted, their voices sounding perfectly harmonious as he fucked her against the wall.

She had pledged to herself to stop biting Dimi every time they fucked. He had been covered in painful welts that finally had begun to heal. She co
uldn’t help herself this time. The fear of the afternoon combined with her rage and subsequent apology to Dimitri built up a familiar pressure in her. Last year this would have been the telltale trigger that caused her to drag a razor across her flesh and watch the blood well up.

This time there was no razor blade, there was only Dimi’s cock pounding into her, his body thrusting against her and knocking her against the wall. She felt her eyes roll back in her head as he said, “You are so fucking beautiful. This is how I want to live for the rest of my
life; fucking you until the world ends and the mountains disintegrate into the oceans. I love you, little dove, my love.”

She couldn’t hold back, his words, her stress, the pressure and the sounds of their bodies joi
ning together in a sensual union sent her mind tumbling into the abyss. She found his shoulder with her teeth to claim purchase on him, her mountain of muscle and bone.

She bit hard, he hissed a single word, “Yes,” and she felt his hand travel up her body to her throat. He had been so gentle with her
lately; she’d fully healed but found herself always yearning for his choking grip. She moaned against his skin and rolled it in her teeth. He cupped her ass with his one hand, pushed her hard against the wall and leaned into her. He wrapped his huge hand around her throat and fucked her harder.

“Come for me,” he ordered, staring down at her on his shoulder. “Open you
r eyes, look at me and come on my cock.”

She knew he was about to finish so she allowed herself to relax, fall into her
orgasm and bear down as she came. He grunted at her bite, but she felt him spasm his release deep inside of her. They were frozen for a moment, two imperfect creatures tangled in a mess of sweaty limbs, thrusting and reaching for their own perfection.

Columbia released her teeth and felt his hand loosen. She looked up at
him; his face was serenely savage, a mix of determined desire and absolute love. “I love you,” she said and exhaled her own pulsing response. Her pussy clenched around his cock and she leaned against his chest to finish. “I love this, how did I ever survive without this? Without us?” she asked and closed her eyes.

He gave one sharp final thrust upwards and wrapped his arms around her. She was no longer propped against the wall, but completely enveloped in his strong hold.
He breathed against her neck and in a low voice replied, “We weren’t living, we were just surviving. Limping along with half our heart.”

She opened her eyes
and said, “I believe that to be so,” and sighed her final release. She was spent; she closed her eyes, leaned her head against his chest and felt his strong heart pounding fiercely against the cage of his bone and flesh. It fluttered for release, to join hers and sweep up on the winds like two hawks, diving and loving in the wildest of places. She had a sudden image of the two of them living like savages, naked and wild in the Savannahs of earliest humankind. She knew in that moment she would be content to live any way she could, as long as it was with Dimi.

“I love you, little dove,” he whispered in her ear. The breath caught in his throat and she understood how much she meant to him. She’d alwa
ys known, but at that exact moment, she knew he would give his life for her. The thought terrified her, living without him in the world seemed impossible. She knew that she would have to try even harder to learn the complex fighting moves the concierge was teaching her. She knew that she would have to take this seriously as life or death, for if Dimitri lost his life protecting hers, she might as well end up dead.

“I love you too,” she said and opened her
eyes again. She looked up at his strong jaw and calm face and felt her heart flutter in response. He was hers, she was his, and that’s all that meant anything to her anymore.

“Now let’s go for a swim.
I want to fuck you in the water again,” he said and set her down. He ran his hands up and down her arms, over the lines and scars. She knew this was a comfort to him now, a habit he did when he wanted to connect to her.

“I’m famished, can we at least
grab a bite to eat at some point in your planned orgy?” she giggled and reached for her clothes.

He grabbed her hips as she bent over, pulled her against his cock as it hardened again. “I’ll fuck you in the pool, on the table, in our bed, it doesn’t matter to me,” he said and held her tight, “as long as I get to fuck.”

She wiggled away, turned and held up her clothes. “Mercy,” she said and laughed, “you really are going to fuck me dead one of these days.”

He smiled,
and then grew serious. “I don’t like you speaking of death,” he said, “it doesn’t bode well to speak of things that will never happen.”

She frowned and replied, “That’s silly though, we’re all going to die some time,” and sl
owly pulled her clothes back on holding her torn blouse together with her hand. “It doesn’t matter if we speak of it or not, it’s a fact.”

“I don’t care about the fucking inevitability of death,” he said and drew his own clothes. “All I know is that there won’t be any room for me in a world that doesn’t have you in it.”

She felt tears spring to her eyes at the thought of her great beast of a man mourning for her, his heart breaking. “Don’t say that,” she whispered, “I can’t stand the thought of you giving up just because I’m gone.”

“See?” he replied and grabbed her hand. He gave her a smug little smile and continued, “This is why it does not bode well to speak of death. Look at how sad you are now, not ready to fuck me at all.” He cupped the obvious bulge in his pants and said, “And I am, so what are we going to do about it?”

She laughed and cried out in mock protest, “You set me up! I wanted to eat and now you’ve gotten me off track and wanting sex. I need fuel for my fire though, Dimi, I swear if I don’t at least have a cracker we won’t be getting very far tonight.”

He laughed with her and
put his arms out in a gesture of defeat. “You figured me out, my brilliant woman. I wanted to get you sad so I could pounce on you and take advantage of your weakness. But you win; you have a point. Let’s get some food in you so I can get my cock in you.”

“Ok, I can agree with that,” she replied a
nd reached down to grab his length. She lead him through the gym and down the hall to the dining room, all the while dodging his nibbles and kisses on the back of her neck.

She didn’t know how she had ended up in this place, in such a happy and
wondrous relationship with such a fierce and loyal man, but she thanked whatever god or goddess of old who had brought them together.

y ended up not lasting long before Dimitri was pinning her down to the thick wooden table, the food swept off and scattered on the floor, and he declaring his love for her.

It turned out she hadn’t been that hungry after all.

Chapter Three

“It will be fine,” Columbia told Dimitri as she adjusted his tie one more time. “Nobody will even notice your face while they’re busy looking at your smoking hot bod poured into this fine suit.”

“I don’t like this,” he said and looked sideways, like a nervous animal. They were going
shopping and for dinner at Causeway Bay. Columbia almost vibrated with excitement; this was the first time they’d left the apartment since they’d first moved in.

When Columbia had shown up at his apartment, covered in blood and panicking, he had instantly switched into protector mode. Th
ey’d left for Hong Kong within two days, using the forged identification he had ordered for her previously. She had wanted to dye her hair or chop it off, but he wouldn’t let her. Apparently the extremely wealthy were afforded different luxuries in respect to privacy than the rest of the planet. The customs official had barely glanced at her passport as they’d boarded their private jet.

On board had been the hardest. Columbia had finally broken down at the cold reality that she was a wanted murderer and she had killed her little sister’s biological father. She was terrified that she would never see Eden again, but Dimitri had reassured h
er they would still have her sister come visit.

He’d been amazing that day, stroking her hair and holding her as she adjusted to the dramatic change in her life. She didn’t know how she would have ever managed to kill her
stepfather or survive in the aftermath if it hadn’t been for her Dimi. She suspected that she would still be hobbling along in a fugue state, barely existing, if he hadn’t kicked down the walls surrounding her heart.

Both of them had needed a week or so to get used to having somebody around. Taking two loners and sticking them in a luxurious cage meant some fighting and growing pains. Once they realized that they could have time apart, things had gotten easier. It seemed to Columbia that their relationship was on fast forward, everything happened so quickly for them.

“I don’t know how I let you talk me into this,” he said and scowled at his face in the mirror. She suppressed a laugh, he was as nervous as a schoolboy on prom night.

“Ok, you know how many people are in this city, what’s one more face in the crowd, right?” she said, trying to reason with him. She felt lately as though his paranoid need for security was bordering on obsessive-compulsive disorder or agoraphobia. That is if Dr. Phil and Google were to be believed.

“It’s not just the casual passerby that worries me,” he said and smoothed his suit jacket, “it’s Sergei’s associates who would do anything to get to you, if they know about you. That’s the problem, nobody knows about you yet as far as I know.”

“I’m getting better at defending myself
,” she replied and curled her arm in his. She looked at their reflection in the full-length mirror in Dimitri’s closet. They were a very attractive couple; Dimitri’s scars were barely noticeable after several laser treatments from a local plastic surgeon. At least to Columbia they were barely noticeable, if she were being honest she might admit that people would still notice them if they caught a glimpse of him in bright sunlight. The sun was long set and it was a rainy autumn evening. She hoped even under the bright lights of Hong Kong’s best shopping district, they would pass by unnoticed.

“That you are,” he agreed and stood straighter. Her skill as a fighter was becoming a source of pride for him. His killing and defense had always been brutal and heavy handed. Colum
bia was developing into a light-footed fighter, like a deadly dancer. His eyes shone every time the concierge reported her faster and more efficient than the previous session.

“Shall we?” she asked in a crisp British accent. He laughed, nodded and
they were on their way.


“How is it that you’ve never been inside a McDonalds?” Columbia asked as they strolled down the sidewalk. The crowds were thick in spite of the light rain and Dimitri seemed like a different man to her. He was smiling and enjoying the evening in spite of his fears. She hoped this would teach him that they weren’t under constant attack and could let their guards down every once in a while.

“It’s…disgusting,” Dimitri replied. “When I was a street urchin, poor and homeless, McDonalds seemed like a wond
erland. It was a place for fat Westerners and spoilt rich kids to dine on what seemed like the finest food on the planet. It represented everything I didn’t have, so I grew to resent it.”

“So you are still resentful of being denied?” she said and laughed. She stumbled and he steadied her, holding her hand tight on his arm. She loved feeling so secure with him and swelled with pride at being with such a stunning man. Even with his fading facial scars, she caught women and some men glancing at him constantly.
He never noticed; his attention was completely on her. She couldn’t believe she’d ever pined for a boy like Stuart and felt such jealousy over his relationship with Debbie. It felt like a lifetime ago, or something she had read in a book. In reality it was a few short months ago that she was a different person.

“It’s no longer that,” he told her, “once I could afford it, it seemed disgusting to me. Greasy manufactured food thrown together by pimply high school kids. Not exactly fine dining, and not exactly the kind of thing I needed to eat in order to maintain my fitness. I had to be ready to fight at any

“Surely you could take a break some times,” she said and pointed across the street, “Look! Speak of the Devil!” A small McDonalds lit up in neon yellow against the luxury shops flanking it.

“You can’t be serious,” Dimitri replied and scowled at the plastic Ronald standing proudly beside the front door.

“I am definitely serious,” she said and laughed. She dragged him across the street with her and had to laugh harder at the look
of horrified disgust on his face.

“We have
a reservation at the Fortune House, it’s one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. Why would we go in here?” he said as he stopped short at the front door.

She turned and looked up at him and replied, “Honestly? I’m a little homesick. I thought I’d get fries and a milkshake to remind me of back home.”

His face softened and he reached out to trace her jawline with his finger. He said, “I’m sorry, little dove, I never imagined your intention. I never thought about what you must be going through, so far from home and trapped with a beast like me. I’ll buy you the fucking restaurant if that will make you happy.”

She smiled, unable to completely diminish her homesickness at that moment, but pleased that he tried so hard to make her life wonderful. She said, “No need to do that, I just want some fries, ok?”

“Anything for you,” he replied and grinned, “but I have to say that only you would want fries instead of diamonds, my love. And for that, I love you even more.”

“What can I say?” she said and laughed with him, “I’m easy to please.” She walked in front of him and casually reached back to stroke his cock through the fine fabric of his expensive suit. She heard his sharp intake of breath and felt immensely pleased with herself. She was growing
addicted to this power she had over him. It was intoxicating to have another human being so willing to lay down their life for you, or simply grow hard the moment you brush against them.

They stood in line, surp
risingly not overdressed among the younger people ordering. “What do you recommend off this fine menu?” Dimitri leaned down behind her and asked in her ear. She felt his cock pressing against her ass and loved the sensation of being in his arms.

“Might I recommend the small french fries and a vanilla milkshake?” she replied, trying to concentrate on the menu and not the thought of him fucking her, bent over the counter, in full view of everyone. She never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but then again, she’d never thought of herself as a wealthy woman with such an incredible man.

“Anything you wish,” he breathed into her ear. She shivered at the heat in his voice and knew he made her wet as quickly as she made him hard. Their insane chemistry was impossible to ignore. As if reading her thoughts, he squeezed her ass. She rubbed up against him and wanted to close her eyes but knew she couldn’t. Not in the middle of a packed McDonalds in the centre of Hong Kong’s most expensive shopping district.

“Excuse me,”
she heard to the left of them, a male voice in a perfect Canadian accent. “Do I know you?” he asked.

Columbia turned her head and saw a tall, thin older man in a sagging grey suit. He was balding and had lines and bags under his eyes. He looked almost shabby, which made him stand out in this crowd of elegantly dressed people.

“No, you don’t, mate,” Dimitri told him in a low, threatening voice. The other man ignored him and looked directly at Columbia.

“I was talking to her,” he said and reached for his pocket. “I swear I’ve seen your face,” he continued as he pulled out a phone. He tapped it a few times and seemed to be reading something.

“I’ve never met you, Sir,” Columbia replied and squeezed herself back against Dimitri.

“Ah-ha! Here you are
. You, Madame, are a wanted criminal!” he exclaimed and held up his phone. On the screen was an old photo of Columbia, from high school. Her hair was poofier and she had bad skin, she looked scared and sallow. Columbia’s heart stopped, then started again at double time. She felt her hands get clammy and she began to tremble.

“Listen here, mate,” Dimitri growled, his voice so deep and angry that it vibrated through Columbia’s back and startled her. He held her tighter when he felt her jump. “I don’t know what you’re going on about, but you can kindly fuck off and leave my wife alone.”

“No, I swear it’s you...” he said and his voice trailed off as he read the phone. “Yes, Columbia Grey, you killed your step dad. Brutal. Good thing my brain never goes on vacation, even when I’m far from home.”

“You have one more chance to back off,” Dimitri said and stepped towards the man. The other customers started to move around them, still in line as though nothing was going on.

“Are you threatening me?” the man said and reached into his jacket. Columbia was sure he was going for a badge and was terrified that he was going to arrest her on the spot, but Dimitri didn’t let that happen. He pulled back and slammed his fist into the guy’s face. Columbia couldn’t help it; she screamed and grabbed his other arm. The man’s nose was bleeding and looked shifted off to one side. He was holding his hands up, trying to stop the gush. Somebody handed him a wad of napkins, he held them up and seemed to regain his senses.

“Columbia Grey, you are under arrest for murder
,” he said with a muffled voice, “a citizen’s arrest as I have no jurisdiction here.”

can’t do that,” she spat at him. Dimitri’s violence had given her strength. She wouldn’t be going anywhere with this man, or anyone else.

“You stay the fuck away from her
,” Dimitri said and stepped towards the man. The man cowered as Dimitri continued, “If I see you anywhere near us, you can guarantee I will be doing more than threatening you.”

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Columbia said and tugged on his arm. She noticed people starting to stare. She wanted to go before anyone pulled out a phone and started recording the fight.

She dragged him towards the door. He walked backwards, eyeing the man with the bleeding nose the entire time. She was relieved when they made it back onto the sidewalk, she texted the driver and he met them with the car at the end of the street.

As they got into the vehicle, she looked back and saw the man from
McDonalds; he still had a bundle of napkins up to his nose and was watching them with an intense look. She felt like prey for a moment, as though he had been hunting her deliberately.

She shook off the
feeling as simply a case of nerves and got in the car. By the time she looked back towards the place he had been, he was gone. She sighed and leaned against Dimitri, letting him put his arms around her and calm her shaking body.


“I don’t see how I can expect to travel around and not change my appearance,” Columbia said for the tenth time since they returned from their horrible encounter.

“I will not have you
destroying your hair because of that monster you killed,” he replied. His voice let her know he wasn’t in the mood for argument. “It’s bad enough he drove you to destroy your body and almost destroyed your soul.”

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